5m11 News & Forms

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January 2019

Vol. 1 Issue 4

Founders Tribute Bake Sale Whips up Plaque Presentation LCIF Donation Fertile Lions Club President Dorothy Roof is shown accepting her club’s Founders Tribute Plaque from Leader Dogs for the Blind District Chairperson, Lion Ken Bauer. The inscription reads

Because of the support of the Fertile Lions and clubs all over the world, these highly trained Leader Dogs continue to change lives of the visually impaired. Helen Keller’s challenge to Lions Clubs is to become

“Fertile Minnesota Lions 2018 “Knights of the Blind,” We Support Leader Dogs for the Blind’s Mission for the is reflected by clubs such as Visually Impaired.” this very active lions club.

Riverside Lions Club in Winnipeg, MB held a Craft & Bake Sale this past December 8th, 2018 there efforts netted $160.00 that was donated to LCIF. The presentation of the cheque was made at Riverside Lions Christmas Party on Dec 13th. Pictured making the presenta-

tion is LCIF Club Coordinator Lion Jan Nazarko to LCIF represented by MD5M District Coordinator PDG Lion Gérald Fontaine. Stay tuned as the Riverside Lions Club is planing another fundraiser that is expected to raise a substantial amount in the Spring of 2019.

Peace Poster Winners

One Thousand Dollar Helipad Donation

Riverside Lions Club President Lion Bruce Alpers Presents donation of $1000. To PDG Lion Chris Barnard of Ste Anne Lions Club for the Helipad being installed at the Ste Anne Hospital. The presentation took place at Riverside Lions Annual Christmas Supper held on Dec 13th.

West St Paul Peace Poster winners are pictured here with their principal David Ingram. 1st place is Mikayla Foster and 2nd place is Amber Mazur.


01/10/1975 01/28/1974 01/24/1977 01/13/1981 01/17/1985 07/01/1984 01/20/1971 01/08/1961 01/28/1982

44 43 42 38 34 35 48 58 37

Moonlighters Lioness Ringing In The Holidays

Above: Renette Engen of Newfolden with Moonlighters Lioness Club Cindy Veness ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at the L & M Fleet store in Thief River Falls.

Moonlighters Lioness member Sherry Sorenson making a donation of coloring books and color pencils to residents Myrtle Lee and Marion D. at Valley Home in Thief River Falls.

Sherry Sorenson of the Moonlighters Lioness of Thief River Falls and her cousin Steve Hall ringing the bell for the Salvation Army at L & M Fleet in Thief River Falls. Steve’s friend bought us the Santa Caps.

Santa stopped to have his picture taken with Sherry Sorenson of the Moonlighters Lioness of Thief River Falls. She hasn’t had her picture taken with him sinse she was 6 years old with her Mom and sister.

Right: Moonlighters Lioness of Thief River Falls Sherry Sorenson ringing the bell for the Salvation Army with Jan and Ted Curfman of the St. Hilaire Lions Club on Dec. 14 at L & M Fleet in Thief River Falls. Don’t you love the hats?

Lela Paetznick and Sherry Sorenson of the Moonlighters Lioness giving a $50 donation to Allie Enge of the The Shed in Thief River Falls to buy Christmas gifts like lotion and beauty shop gift cards for residents of nursing homes.

Upcoming Events... January


January 13 Melvin Jones’ birthday January 15 Peace Poster Kits go on sale from Club Supplies Sales

Regional Lions Leadership Institute... Mar 28 – 31

Hunger Awareness Month

Eye Donor Awareness Month

Shooting Star Casino, 777 SE Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA



3 p.m. Winnipeg MB at Mid Winter Convention.

April 1

Awareness Childhood Cancer Aware- Environmental Month. ness Month Family & Friends Month Cabinet Meeting Leo Club Awareness Month February 1 Mid Winter Convention February 1,2,3

Leos of the Year Award nominations due

April 22

Holiday Inn Airport (Polo Park) Earth Day Winnipeg MB April 27 Come Join us Feb 1-3, for the Lions Worldwide Induction Day 5M11 Mid Winter Convention February 1 International Peace Poster con- May Membership test winners will be notified on Strengthen or before this date Month

February 15

International Childhood Cancer Day

Cabinet Meeting May 11

Hayes Lake Ice

11 a.m. $12.00 USD Red Lake Falls at Bethany Church

February 17


The Wannaska Lions Club and Friends of Hayes Lake State Park are proud to sponsor the Annual Hayes Lake Fishing Derby. This is an all-day family event from 10 am to 3 pm. There is a $5.00 Entry Fee. Door Prizes awarded throughout the day and prizes will be awarded for fish categories and youngest/oldest fisherman. Park Permits required for entrance into the Park. No Fishing Licenses are required in the State Park. Free Minnows available. Address:15 miles south of Roseau on State Highway 89. then 9 miles east on County Road 4.

D-Feet Hearing Loss June 1

9:30 AM 2019 Eighth Annual Walk $25.00 registration, free t-shirt, lunch, Teddy Bear band, lots of children’s activity’s, games, prizes fun for the whole family! Taking place at the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN. Visit www.5mhf.org for more info.

June 1

Helen Keller Day

June 5

World Environment Day

June 7

Lions Clubs International Birthday

Have an Event?

Email lions5m11news@hotmail.com or text 204-290-5336

MyLion is here, just in time for the Lions Clubs 100 year anniversary. Use your mobile device to organize and promote club activities. Find great service projects, anywhere. Connect with Lions just about everywhere. Explore what MyLion can do for you. Sign up today on the app store or google play.

We’re 100 Happy Birthday to us

Christmas Lights Contest

The Ste. Anne Lions Club along with a group of seniors from the Ste. Anne Villa toured the town on a school bus mid December to chose the 3 cash prize winner for this year’s Christmas Lights Contest. Then returned to Villa Youville for dessert and hot chocolate, photos with Santa and to voted on the winners.

Above: Lions Mrs & Mr Santa and Elf’s enjoying some laughs with resident . Left: Lion Pat Barrnard presenting 3rd place winners with Cheque.

Stay up to Date with these Websites

District 5M-11: *NEW* http://e-district.org/sites/5m11 5M11Newsletter *NEW* www.facebook.com/5M11-News Multiple District 5M: www.lionsmd5m.org Lions Club International: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Program Sites: Can Do Canines: www.can-do-canines.org Leader Dogs for the Blind: www.leaderdog.org Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF): www.lcif.org/EN/ Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and NW Ontario: w w w. e y e b a n k m a n i t o b a . c o Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides: www.dogguides.com Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation: www.mnlionsdiabetes.org Project New Hope: www.projectnewhope.net USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum: www.usacanadalionsforum.org Lions University: www.LionsUniversity.org

Cabinet Members DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bill Myskiw (Evelyn) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.1416 E. wjmyskiw@shaw.ca 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Deanne Williams (Dave) R. 218.790.3715 E.williams.deanne77@gmail. com CABINET SECRETARY Stacy Kleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. 5m11cabsec@gmail.com CABINET TREASURER Nadine Myers (Butch) R. 218.567.8305 E.lions5m11treasurer@gmail. com IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR John Wollenzien (Dee) R. 218.681.2117 C. 218.686.3361 E.deeandjohnwollenzien@mncable.net DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR

Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com ZONE 1 CHAIR Brian Norberg (Mary) R. 218.287.2484 W. 218.299.5151 E. binlou4@prodigy.net ZONE 2 CHAIR Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

ZONE 3 CHAIR Chris Eck R. 218.533.0856 E. christophereck91@gmail.com ZONE 4 CHAIR Allen Bertilrud (Sandy) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.684.1315 E. allenbertilrud@gmail.com

ZONE 5 CHAIR Terri Cuppett R. 218.683.3420 E. pastortlc@mncable.net ZONE 6 CHAIR Gladwin Lynne R. 218.201.0665 C. 218.745.4457 E. galynne@mncable.net ZONE 7 CO-CHAIRS Michael and Karen Hagen R. 218.463.3036 E: karenhagen@hotmail.com or mhagen@wiktel.com ZONE 8 CHAIR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com ZONE 9 CHAIR Darryl Popowich (Bonnie) R. 204.345.2840 E. thepops@mts.net ZONE 10 CHAIR Brian Nazarko (Jan) H. 204.233.2736 E. jnazarko@mts.net DIABETES, CA Andrea Kwasnicki (Kevin Gamble) R. 204.283.9865 B. 204.925.3800 ext 228 C. 204.250.4533 E. andrea.kwasnicki@diabetes.ca (GMT) DISTRICT COORDINATOR PDG Doug Wiens (Kathryn) R. 204.434.6042 B.204.326.9844 or 1.888.411.9311 E. Doug@prudentialriverbend.ca or Djwiens@mymts.net LCIF, CA PDG Gunter Zion (Veronica) R. 204.253.4499 E. gunter.zionn@hotmail.com PDG Gerald Fontaine (Eliane Carmel) (Multiple District 5M Chair) R. 204.433.7955 E.gerryfontaine@gmail.com LCIF, USA Tom Jorgens C. 218.281.7071 E.tjorgens@poly-cell.com

THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LION MEMBERS OF EACH SUB DISTRICT TO USE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATING AMONG ONE ANOTHER WITHIN THEIR SUB DISTRICT/MULTIPLE DISTRICT. LEADER DOGS, USA Ken Bauer (Jan) R. 218.354.7288 B.800.200.3642 C. 701.866.1700 E. kenbauer@mail.com 5M11 LIONS CANCER CARE INITIATIVE (Multiple District 5M Childhood Cancer Chair) PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca LIONS EYE BANK & MAP, MANITOBA / NW ONTARIO PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca Ray Downey (Myrna) R. 204.254.0107 C. 204.391.0721 E. rmdowney@mymts.net Evelyn Myskiw (Bill) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.4756 E. evmyskiw@shaw.ca LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES (Also Multiple District 5M Chair) PDG Dave Hollyoake (Barb) R. 204.642.4650 C. 204.797.5930 E. dave@hollyoake.ca

MN LIONS DIABETES FOUNDATION, USA Sandy Bertilrud (Allen) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.280.8146 E.sandybertilrud@yahoo.com Kim Peters (Kevin) R. 218.584.8364 B. 218.784.7121 C. 218.556.6972 E. kpeters@arvig.net MN LIONS VISION FOUNDATION Russ McDougall R. 218.962.3433 E. rgrjdoug@feltontel.net PDG Jeannine Windels (Harvey) R. 218.281.2953 C. 218.280.5703 E. jwindels@gra.midco.net MIDWINTER CONVENTION Kevin Gamble, (Andrea Kwasnicki) R. 204.391.0644 E. kbgamble@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com PIN TRADING PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com


PROJECT NEW HOPE, USA Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 F. 218.567.8381 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M HEARING FOUNDATION, USA Gerald “Jerry” Amiot R. 218.289.8889 E. jerry.amiot@hotmail.com

TECHNOLOGY / WEBMASTER StacyKleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. skleinwachter@yahoo.com or specialk.stacy@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M KIDSIGHT FOUNDATION, USA Kevin Reich (Sheila) R. 218.253.2522 C. 218.232.4556 E. kwrrlf@gmail.com Tamie Rue C. 218.779.1412 E. tamierue@gmail.com

USA / CANADA LEADERSHIP FORUM PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com

January 2019

Hotel & Event Ce enter 777 Casino Road, P.O O. Box 41 18 Ma ahnomen, MN USA A 56557 7 April A 26, 27 & 28 8, 2019 1-800 0-453-78 827

WHEN MAKING YOUR Y RESE ERVATION PLEASE U USE CONFIR RMATION N NUMBER 5381 ht + Tax $70.00/Nigght + Tax $65.00/Nigh oom featuress two full beds. This ro oom features two Queen b beds. This ro Ame enities: Refrig gerator, micro owave, coffee e maker, TV

Ame enities: Refrig gerator, micro owave, coffee maker, TV

Park Your Wheels W & En njoy Some Th hrills. Shootting Star’s on-p premise RV park. With a five--star rating from m Wood dall’s Campground Directory, our paved park offers 47

100th Annual MD5M Multiple Convention

Awards, Applications and Forms

Four R Restaurants tto choose from. 2 ONE 8 – Fine e Dining Traditions B Buffet

deluxxe sites comple ete with water, sewer s and elec ctric hookups,

MIN NO WIISINI – E Eat Well Cafe

plus sshower and lau undry facilities. Call (800) 453 3-7827(STAR).

SM MOKE Barbequ ue & Brew

2019 5M11 MidWinter Convention February 1, 2 & 3, 2019 - Winnipeg, MB. CO-HOSTED by: Winnipeg West Lions & Winnipeg South Lions Clubs Location: Holiday Inn Airport (Polo Park) Ð 1740 Ellice Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0B3 Early Bird Saving! Hotel rooms booked before December 1, 2018, room rate will be: $114.00 CDN Ð (plus taxes). Rooms booked after December 1, 2018 room rate will be: $125.00CDN Ð (plus taxes)

HOTEL BOOKING CALL: Direct 1.204.775.5055 or Email: guest.services@holidayinnpolopark.com

ÒRemember to ask for 2019 Mid-Winter Convention Block Code # LIONS Registration Form Ð One Per Attendee Club Name: __________________________________________ District : ___________ Lion




1st Timer

Registration form available on the website WWW.5m11 website

Name & Title: Address: City/Town: State/Prov:

Please advise the hotel if you need a handicap room or access within the hotel

Zip/Postal: Phone (w / area code): Email:

Special Dietary Needs: Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Allergies: _________________________________________ I am attending the convention but NO meals are required, $0.00 cost to attend EVENTS:

Before Dec. 1st 2018

Early Bird Saving! Full Hospitality Book

$125. CDN / $100. USD

After Dec 1st 2018


$135. CDN/$115.USD

(Full Hospitality Book (access to ALL events; Friday night Mingle, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Banquet & Sunday Breakfast & includes all taxes & gratuities) # of meals Total INDIVIDUAL EVENTS:

Friday Night Mingle

$20.00 CDN

Saturday Breakfast

$20.00 CDN

Saturday Lunch

$25.00 CDN

Saturday Banquet

$65.00 CDN

Sunday Breakfast

$20.00 CDN

Make cheques payable to: Ò2019 5M11 Midwinter ConventionÓ Mail registration form & payment to: Winnipeg

West Lions Club, Unit 101 - 3590 Portage Avenue. Winnipeg MB. Canada R3K 2J1. For Convention Information contact: Lion Kevin Gamble Ð email: kbgamble@ Hotmail.com Ð phone: 1.204.806.6339. PLEASE NOTE: Cancellations prior to December 1, 2018 will have a $25.00 fee applied, NO Cancellations after December 1, 2018, except for Medical emergencies which are accepted anytime with doctors letter ($25.00 fee still applies).

“Catch the Sweet Deal” and join us for the 100th Birthday Party of MD5M


100 Annual MD5M Multiple Convention April 26th, 27th & 28th 2019, Mahnomen, MN, USA

Your District & Club Name: _______________________________________________________________ Lion ___ Lioness ____ Leo ____ Guest ____ 1st TIMER ____ Title & Name________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________

Registration form also on http://www.lionsmd5m.org

City/Town ________________________________________________ State/Prov. ________________________________________________ Zip/Postal ________________________________________________

“Will you require Braille Documents at the convention? _______

Phone (w/area code) _________________________________________ Email _______________________________________________ Special Dietary Needs: Vegetarian, Gluten Free, Allergies ___________________________________________ I am attending the convention, but NO meals are required, $10.00 cost to attend ____ (Name Tag & Pin) Full Hospitality Book (Includes Friday night Social, Saturday Breakfast, Lunch, Banquet & Sunday Brunch) EVENT Before March 1, 2019 After March 1, 2019 # ATTENDING $ AMOUNT Full Hospitality Book $ 95. USD $ 120. CDN $ 105. USD $ 130. CDN __________ __________ Friday Night Social $ 15. USD $ 20. CDN $ 20. USD $ 25. CDN __________ __________ Saturday Breakfast $ 20. USD $ 25. CDN $ 25. USD $ 30. CDN __________ __________ Saturday Lunch $ 25. USD $ 30. CDN $ 30. USD $ 35. CDN __________ __________ Saturday Banquet $ 40. USD $ 45. CDN $ 45. USD $ 50. CDN __________ __________ Sunday Brunch $ 30. USD $ 35. CDN $ 35. USD $ 40. CDN __________ __________ ***NO Meals available after April 22, 2019*** Totals __________ __________ Make checks payable to: Vergas Lions Memo: 2019 MD5M Convention Mail form & payment to: Linda Norby, 1021 5th Avenue NW, Perham, Mn. 56573 For Convention Information contact: PDG Rodger Palmer, repotter@eot.com or phone 218Ͳ841Ͳ0302 or PDG Jay Norby, ljnorbs@eot.com or phone 218Ͳ298Ͳ1041. Check our website for information & updates on the 2019 MD5M Convention, lionsmd5m.org

Lions 5M11 District Governor Club Visitation Request Form 2018-2019

Today’s Date_____________________ Club:______________________________________ Preferred Date_________________________ Alternate Date:_________________________ Person Requesting___________________________ Phone #___________________________ If more than one club will be attending, please include the names of all clubs: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Time:______________ Social Time:_____________ Dinner Time:_______________ Is Spouse invited:____________ Other District Officers invited:________________________ Location:____________________________________________________________________ Lions Contact Person for visit:____________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________ Cell:_______________________________________ E-Mail:__________________________________ Special requests: (Ex. Special Speech, induction of new members, installation of officers, present awards, etc.)

Please submit as soon as possible. I will confirm date with contact person either by phone or e-mail as soon as possible after request is received. Please send this information to: DG Bill Myskiw R. 204-339-1242 C. 204-782-1416 Email: wjmyskiw@shaw.ca

Heart of a Lion Award Application This Award is for 5M11 lions that meet the criteria below. A lion member may apply or a club may apply on behalf of a member. Applications can be turned in throughout the year. Awards will be awarded at Mid-Winter Convention or at Governors meetings after Convention. This award can be earned over several years. A Lion Member must MEET 7 of the 10 CRITERIA listed below to RECEIVE the AWARD! Name:____________________________________ Club______________________________ (Name of Lion Member) ______ Sponsored a new Lion ___________________________Club_____________________ (Name of new member) ______Attended a Zone Meeting_________________________________________________ ( What Zone and date attended Zone meeting) ______Attended 5M11 Convention. ______Served as a Club officer or District Cabinet Chairperson.________________________ (last position held) ______Be a Chair or Co-Chair of a club or District Project. ____________________________ ( What was the project) ______Attended one training event: Officer Training, Leadership Training or other Lions Clubs International sponsored class. __________________________Date_______________ (Training Attended and date) ______USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum, International Convention or Multiple Convention. ______Promote a new idea, service project or fundraiser that is adopted by your club or District that meets the mission of Lions. ____________________________________ (Promotion idea and date) ______Attend 5 or more club events _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ( Events attended either your club or another club) _______Attend a club meeting of another club______________________________________ (what club) Original to be completed and turned into the District Governor or District Administrator. Signature of District Governor or District Administrator. _______________________Date__________

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