5m11 Feb News

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Vol. 1 Issue 5

February 2019

Grygla Lion’s Club Hold Membership Night

The Grygla Lion’s Club held their annual membership night last Saturday at Yo-Hawn’s in Grygla with around 40 members in attendance. This is the time of year for new members to sign up and serve/volunteer their efforts in the community. New members recognized this year included Danny Carlson, who was sponsored by Jack Nelson. Currently the club has approximately 75 members. Honored for their years of service last Saturday evening were Mildred Klamar (15 years) and Sherry Woods (10 years). Wayne Warne, Club Secretary, also received a Membership Satisfaction award. Yo-Hawn’s Bar & Grill catered a meal of steak or ribs/chicken, along with baked potatoes and the salad bar. Mike and Karen Hagen, from the Wannaska Lion’s Club, were at the banquet as Mike is the Zone 7 Chairmen.

Lions enjoying fellowship at the supper.

in numbers and dollars. Bingo workers will include various organizations around town. Other new business discussed included an approval to purchase the Iron Chargers Robotics Club long sleeve team jerseys. The Klub Supper has also been scheduled for February 20th with area Lion clubs invited to attend. Lion Bryan Grove also made an announcement that an $8,000 grant from the county will be presented to the City of Grygla to be used towards the Grygla Community Center. 2018 Smelt Fry: receipts totaled $9,013.00, disbursements totaled $6,379.44 with a net profit of $2,633.56. 2018 Fall Fest Breakfast: Proceeds were at $1,792.00, expenses were $634.05 with a net of $1,157.95. 2018 Christmas meal donations totaled $868.00. Grygla Lion’s Club donations for 2018 included $200 to each of the following: MN MDSM Hearing, MN Lions Vision, Leader Dogs for Blind, MN Lions Diabetes, LCIF and Grygla Post Prom. A $500 donation was made to each of the following: Top: New member Lion Danny DG Lion Bill with Lion Sherry Woods (10 Grygla/Gatzke Food Shelf, Grygla Carlson with his sponsor, Lion years of service) and Lion Mildred Klamar High Mileage Club, Grygla School (15 years of service). Jack Nelson. Varsity BB Camp and Grygla School Scholarship Fund. A $1000 donation was made to the Grygla Community Center. A $1000 donation was made to the City of Grygla. A $250 donation was given to the American Cancer Center. $175 was donated to American State Bank for the Fall Fest Kiddie Games. $150 donation was made to the Marshall County Social Services Sharing Tree and $50 was donated to the Grygla School for their Halloween Carnival. Also attending and presenting awards was Bill Myskiw, 5M11 District Governor, from Winnipeg. After the meal and awards banquet, the monthly meeting was held. Old business included discussion on the potential “Back Behind the Barn Boys” signs to be erected on each side of Gatzke; over 1100 letters went out to local residents and alumni. The goal is to raise $6500 for the project that is being headed by Wayne Warne. New electric fry pans/utensils have been ordered for the Grygla Community Center. New business included discussion on Bar Bingo starting in Grygla at Yo-Hawn’s every Saturday night. It will operate under the Lion’s with lease agreements all squared away. The potential start date is Saturday, January 26th. Lion Bob Thompson said the game plan will include 15 games with a $500 Progressive in 53 numbers or less – each week this will increase

DG Lion Bill with Lion Wayne Warne, club secretary who received the Membership Satisfaction award.

Second and Third Highist International Presidential Awards Presented at Mid Winter Past District Governor Lion Mike Janssen was awarded the 2nd Highest Award the International President’s Award is considered for Lions who distinguish themselves for exemplary service that significantly strengthens their community or our Association by being personally involved in club service projects, being supportive of the programs of Lions Clubs International, being supportive of LCIF and having sponsored at least one new member. Additionally, consideration should be given for any Lion who has contributed to the retention of members and the reduction of membership losses. Lion Jenifer Spielman was awarded the 3rd Highest Award the International President’s Leadership Medal- is considered for Lions and Leos

ID B.J. Blankenship pdg Mike Janssen, Lion Jenifer Spielman, DG Bill Myskiw who make significant contributions to leadership development and results within our association. Quality leadership

is essential to our association in that it affects membership growth, the service that we provide and the impact that

service has on our communities and on the overall quality of the Lions clubs membership experience.

Stay up to Date with these Websites

District 5M-11: *NEW* http://e-district.org/sites/5m11 5M11Newsletter *NEW* www.facebook.com/5M11-News Multiple District 5M: www.lionsmd5m.org Lions Club International: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Program Sites: Can Do Canines: www.can-do-canines.org Leader Dogs for the Blind: www.leaderdog.org Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF): www.lcif.org/EN/ Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and NW Ontario: w w w. e y e b a n k m a n i t o b a . c o Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides: www.dogguides.com Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation: www.mnlionsdiabetes.org Project New Hope: www.projectnewhope.net USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum: www.usacanadalionsforum.org Lions University: www.LionsUniversity.org


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Youth Living With Diabetes

A 12 years old in grade 6 named Miles Dyer pictured below has been living with diabetes for the past 11 years, diagnosed three weeks after his first birthday. Miles is the regional “put a squeeze on diabetes” campaign for Manitoba and was the top fundraiser in Canada in 2018. Over the past two summers Miles has risen over $6800 with his lemonade stands making a true impact for persons living with diabetes in Manitoba. Pictured below right is Thomas Johansen a 13-year-old seventh grader from Hawley Minnesota. Thomas enjoys bowling, Boy Scouts, trains, and travelling to the North Shore. Like many teens he also loves his screens. The screen on his insulin pump is probably his favourite as it has helped him manage his type 1 diabetes for 10 years. Thomas was 13 months old when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Thomas has lived at 91% of his life with type 1 diabetes, he has endured over 33,000 finger and toe pricks to test his blood sugar, 3000 insulin injections via syringe, 1200 pump set changes and 100 continuous glucose monitor sensor changes. All of this doesn’t slow Thomas down as he spreads the word on youth with diabetes.

(L) to (R)Lion Jim and Thomas Johansen, Miles and Liz Dyer, Lion Andrea Kwasnicki

Upcoming Events...


tions due

February 15

April 26-28 100th Multiple Convention

Childhood Cancer Awareness April 22 Earth Day Month International Childhood Cancer Day

Shooting Star Casino, 777 SE Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA

Hayes Lake Ice February 17

April 27

The Wannaska Lions Club and Friends of Hayes Lake State Park are proud to sponsor the Annual Hayes Lake Fishing Derby. This is an all-day family event from 10 am to 3 pm. There is a $5.00 Entry Fee. Door Prizes awarded throughout the day and prizes will be awarded for fish categories and youngest/ oldest fisherman. Park Permits required for entrance into the Park. No Fishing Licenses are required in the State Park. Free Minnows available. Address:15 miles south of Roseau on State Highway 89. then 9 miles east on County Road 4.


Eye Donor Awareness Month

Regional Lions Leadership Institute... Mar 28 – 31

Shooting Star Casino, 777 SE Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA


Environmental Awareness Month. Family & Friends Month Leo Club Awareness Month April 1

Leos of the Year Award nomina-

Lions Worldwide Induction Day


Strengthen Month


Cabinet Meeting May 11

11 a.m. $12.00 USD Red Lake Falls at Bethany Church

National Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides May 26th Kildonan Park in Winnipeg. Other walks will be announced as they are planned.


D-Feet Hearing Loss June 1

9:30 AM 2019 Eighth Annual Walk $25.00 registration, free t-shirt, lunch, Teddy Bear band, lots of children’s activity’s, games, prizes fun for the whole family! Taking place at the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN. Visit www.5mhf.org for more info.

June 1

Helen Keller Day

June 5

World Environment Day

June 7

Lions Clubs International Birthday

Have an Event?

Email lions5m11news@hotmail.com or text 204-290-5336

MyLion is here, just in time for the Lions Clubs 100 year anniversary. Use your mobile device to organize and promote club activities. Find great service projects, anywhere. Connect with Lions just about everywhere. Explore what MyLion can do for you. Sign up today on the app store or google play.

We’re 100

Happy Birthday

to Us

Some Fun From Mid Winter Convention

the Friday night social “celebrate your culture� costume winners

Cabinet Members DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bill Myskiw (Evelyn) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.1416 E. wjmyskiw@shaw.ca 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Deanne Williams (Dave) R. 218.790.3715 E.williams.deanne77@gmail. com CABINET SECRETARY Stacy Kleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. 5m11cabsec@gmail.com CABINET TREASURER Nadine Myers (Butch) R. 218.567.8305 E.lions5m11treasurer@gmail. com IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR John Wollenzien (Dee) R. 218.681.2117 C. 218.686.3361 E.deeandjohnwollenzien@mncable.net DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR

Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com ZONE 1 CHAIR Brian Norberg (Mary) R. 218.287.2484 W. 218.299.5151 E. binlou4@prodigy.net ZONE 2 CHAIR Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

ZONE 3 CHAIR Chris Eck R. 218.533.0856 E. christophereck91@gmail.com ZONE 4 CHAIR Allen Bertilrud (Sandy) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.684.1315 E. allenbertilrud@gmail.com

ZONE 5 CHAIR Terri Cuppett R. 218.683.3420 E. pastortlc@mncable.net ZONE 6 CHAIR Gladwin Lynne R. 218.201.0665 C. 218.745.4457 E. galynne@mncable.net ZONE 7 CO-CHAIRS Michael and Karen Hagen R. 218.463.3036 E: karenhagen@hotmail.com or mhagen@wiktel.com ZONE 8 CHAIR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com ZONE 9 CHAIR Darryl Popowich (Bonnie) R. 204.345.2840 E. thepops@mts.net ZONE 10 CHAIR Brian Nazarko (Jan) H. 204.233.2736 E. jnazarko@mts.net DIABETES, CA Andrea Kwasnicki (Kevin Gamble) R. 204.283.9865 B. 204.925.3800 ext 228 C. 204.250.4533 E. andrea.kwasnicki@diabetes.ca (GMT) DISTRICT COORDINATOR PDG Doug Wiens (Kathryn) R. 204.434.6042 B.204.326.9844 or 1.888.411.9311 E. Doug@prudentialriverbend.ca or Djwiens@mymts.net LCIF, CA PDG Gunter Zion (Veronica) R. 204.253.4499 E. gunter.zionn@hotmail.com PDG Gerald Fontaine (Eliane Carmel) (Multiple District 5M Chair) R. 204.433.7955 E.gerryfontaine@gmail.com LCIF, USA Tom Jorgens C. 218.281.7071 E.tjorgens@poly-cell.com

THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LION MEMBERS OF EACH SUB DISTRICT TO USE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATING AMONG ONE ANOTHER WITHIN THEIR SUB DISTRICT/MULTIPLE DISTRICT. LEADER DOGS, USA Ken Bauer (Jan) R. 218.354.7288 B.800.200.3642 C. 701.866.1700 E. kenbauer@mail.com 5M11 LIONS CANCER CARE INITIATIVE (Multiple District 5M Childhood Cancer Chair) PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca LIONS EYE BANK & MAP, MANITOBA / NW ONTARIO PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca Ray Downey (Myrna) R. 204.254.0107 C. 204.391.0721 E. rmdowney@mymts.net Evelyn Myskiw (Bill) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.4756 E. evmyskiw@shaw.ca LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES (Also Multiple District 5M Chair) PDG Dave Hollyoake (Barb) R. 204.642.4650 C. 204.797.5930 E. dave@hollyoake.ca

MN LIONS DIABETES FOUNDATION, USA Sandy Bertilrud (Allen) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.280.8146 E.sandybertilrud@yahoo.com Kim Peters (Kevin) R. 218.584.8364 B. 218.784.7121 C. 218.556.6972 E. kpeters@arvig.net MN LIONS VISION FOUNDATION Russ McDougall R. 218.962.3433 E. rgrjdoug@feltontel.net PDG Jeannine Windels (Harvey) R. 218.281.2953 C. 218.280.5703 E. jwindels@gra.midco.net MIDWINTER CONVENTION Kevin Gamble, (Andrea Kwasnicki) R. 204.391.0644 E. kbgamble@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com PIN TRADING PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com


PROJECT NEW HOPE, USA Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 F. 218.567.8381 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M HEARING FOUNDATION, USA Gerald “Jerry” Amiot R. 218.289.8889 E. jerry.amiot@hotmail.com

TECHNOLOGY / WEBMASTER StacyKleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. skleinwachter@yahoo.com or specialk.stacy@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M KIDSIGHT FOUNDATION, USA Kevin Reich (Sheila) R. 218.253.2522 C. 218.232.4556 E. kwrrlf@gmail.com Tamie Rue C. 218.779.1412 E. tamierue@gmail.com

USA / CANADA LEADERSHIP FORUM PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com

Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides Report – PDG Dave Hollyoake Since the October board meeting, I attended the 5M13 convention on November 9th & 10th where we heard from two of our Autism Assistance client’s, You will hear them Saturday Morning in Winnipeg. They did a very good presentation which brought laughter and tears to everyone, 5M13 supports LFC through the Parade of Green donations for just over $13,000, I can tell you I have attended the 5M10 district convention, 5M10 was on January 25th - 26th, 2019 & was held at the Fortune Bay Casino in Tower MN. I also will turn over just over $4,000. from a Walk for Dog Guides from the Winnipeg Beach Lions club, THANK YOU .. The 2019 National Pet Valu Walk for Dog Guides will be held on May 26th, 2019 in the same location as last year, Kildonan Park in Winnipeg. Other walks will be announced as they are planned. Another very nice announcement from our Oakville office is that Pet Valu Canada is taking over the contract from Purina to supply dog

food for ALL our puppies and dogs in training at the school. This is a very large program and we THANK Pet Valu for their continued support of our school. Our table at the convention had

information and goods for sale in support of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, please stop by and say hello. Also Lion June Love of the East Kildonan Club is our new Walk for Dog Guides co-chair and PDG

Doug Wiens is our new 5M11 District Chair, so contact either of them or myself for more information on Dog Guides Canada. THANK YOU for your continued support of Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides.

Lions Club of West St Paul Welcome 5 new Lions The District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw with help of Zone 9 chair Lion Darryl Popowich inducted 5 new Lions into the Lions Club of West St Paul at our January 7th, 2019 meeting. L to R Lion Ronald (RJ) Du Bourg, Lion Joshua (Josh) Sedo, Lion Patricia (Patty) Bernard , sponsor Lion Nadine Neufeld. Front row. Lion Linda Green (missing is Sponsor Lion Peter Wight, Lion Kris Morris, sponsor President Lion Patricia Wight and DG Lion Bill Myskiw. Missing from the picture is soon-to-be Lion Stan Parag ( sponsor Lion Debbie Jones and sponsor Lion Peter Wight.

International President’s Certificate of Appreciation Lions Kevin Reich, Mark Spielman, Past District Governor Dave Hollyoake, and Kevin Gamble. Were awarded the 4th Highest Award the International President’s Certificate of Appreciation- This certificate recognizes outstanding accomplishments, especially in providing full sup-

port to club presidents or District Governors in their efforts to operate and build up their respective clubs and District. They should be awarded to Lions who provide support in conducting meaningful humanitarian services or meaningful actions.

More Fun From Mid Winter Convention

Outstanding Leo Club Excellence Award

Immediate Past District Governor Lion John Wollenzien presented the Crookston Leo Club with the Outstanding Leo Club Excellence Awards. The highest distinction a Leo

Guiding Lions

District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw presented Lions Mark and Jenifer Spielman with a Guiding Lions Certificate in their efforts to restart a club in Mahnomen.

Club can receive and have received it for 28 years in a row. Accepting for the Crookston Leo Club is two Crookston Lions, Tom Jorgens (L) and Jerry Amiot (R).

KidSight Sight Saver Awards

Co-Chair Lion Kevin Reich with the help of Past District Governor Lion Mike Janssen presented 7 of the new KidSight Sight Saver Awards after the district gave a matching grant of $7500 to the KidSight Foundation for a new screener. Only three of the

Lions were present, and the other four will be presented at a later time. Pictured are Lion Kevin Reich, Past District Governor Lion Mike Janssen, Lion Jenifer Spielman, Lion Mark Spielman and Immediate Past District Governor Lion John Wollenzien.

District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw presented Lion Andrea Kwasnicki of the Winnipeg South Lions with a New Voices for Leadership award.

- District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw presented Lion Patricia Wight of West St. Paul Lions with a New Voices for Membership award.

- District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw presented Lion Patricia McPherson of Ste. Anne Lions with a New Voices for Marketing award.

- District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw presented Lion Tamie Rue of the Fosston-Lengby Lions with a New Voices for Service award, accepting on her behalf was Lion Kevin Reich.

Project New Hope Medal Awards Past District Governor Lion Dale Johansen and District Administrator Lion Jenifer Spielman presented all the veterans in the room with a stress ball. They also presented several medals out for their donations to Project New Hope. Donating over $300, receives a Gold Medal was the Twin Valley Lions. Donating over $600, receives a Blue Medal were Hitterdal Lions, Moorhead Midday Central Lions and Plummer Lions Too Lions. Donating over $1200 receives a Red Medal and for every $1200 after was Oslo Lions, who received their 2nd Red Medal.

PDG Lion Chris Barnard nominated for MD5M Hall of Fame

Archives / Historian PDG Ross Johnston has compleated a book of Lion history if you would like to see it give him a ring.

Heather Ballantine and Tracy Dexlar present what Lions Foundation of canada has done for their familys.

Heart of the Lion Awards District Governor Lion Bill Myskiw and District Administrator Lion Jenifer Spielman presented the Heart of the Lion Award at this past Mid Winter Convention. Not present at the convention at the time of the awards presenta-

tion were: Lion Kyle Thormodson, Dilworth Lions; Lioness Lela Paetznick, Thief River Falls Moonlighter Lioness; Lioness Sherry Sorenson, Thief River Falls Moonlighters Lioness; Lion Jim Sutton, Whitemouth and District Lions; Lion Kay

Johnson, Lion Don Hardy, Lion Dennis Doerksen, and Lion Dave Hollyoake, Winnipeg West. pictuered here from Left to Right Lion Barb Hollyoake and Lion Yvonne Doerksen, Winnipeg West Lions; Lion Akeri

Isara, Winnipeg Ma’di Lions; Lion Marcelle LaBlanc, Winnipeg Lions; Lion Stephen Logan, Lion Peter Wight, Lion Julia “JJ” Doe, Lion Patricia Wight, Lion Evelyn Myskiw, West St. Paul Lions, Lion Kevin Reich, Red Lake Falls Lions.

4 Focus Areas

LCI Forward aims to triple the global impact of Lions and improve the lives of 200 million people per year by 2020-21. This is how we’ll do it:

Enhance Service Impact & Focus The needs of the world are growing. That’s why we’re focusing our efforts on pressing global es like diabetes. We’re innovating how we serve so we can increase our impact, and the support of our foundation, LCIF, is helping us provide more service than ever before.

Reshape Public Opinion & Pursue Club, District Improve Member- I m p r o v e & Organizational ship Value & Reach Visibility Excellence

We are the largest service club organization in the world for a reason. We are committed to developing great leaders, innovating at every level of Lions, and harnessing technology that will expand and drive our humanitarian service. We’re not satisfied with being the biggest. We want to be the best.

New Markets

We put service and satisfaction at the center of the membership experience. That’s because we want to do more than just support the next great generation of volunteers. We want to inspire them. And we do that by providing a world-class membership experience that meets the diverse needs of our members.

Lions are doing more good in more places than any organization on earth. That’s why we’re sharing our life-changing stories to highlight the value of our clubs to communities around the world. When caring men and women see the work we do, we think they’ll want to join us.

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