April 5M11 News

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Vol. 1 Issue 7

April 2019

Barnesville Lions Help Local School Lion Chris Olson is shown handing a check in the amount of $400.00 to Sue Yeske, elementary special education instructor. The money was used to rent an inflatable bouncy game at the10th annual school carnival held on March 17. The money raised will be used to fund various projects, one of which is Maker’s Space Lab. Money will also be used to help fund transportation costs for different field trips. The Barnesville Lions are a part of the largest service organization in the world and exemplify the Lions motto of, “We Serve.”

March 2019 Attention 5M11 Lions: My year of serving as 5M11 District Governor has been a great experience! We have successfully increased our membership throughout the District and added one new club in Mahnomen, MN. – all the while maintaining a 50% male/female gender ratio. Our International President’s Call to Action to continue to increase membership as well as focussing on ensuring women were properly represented was heard and answered; I thank you all for your efforts. As an International District it is imperative that we continue to maintain an environment consisting of strong communication, continued growth, with a focus as a District Cabinet to continue to serve both our Canadian and American Clubs equally. As well, please remember to continue to respect our mature members, in each of our Clubs, who have years of Lion’s service behind them and a willingness to share their wisdom! Remember too, you are a member of the largest service organization in the world. Stay focussed on our Pillars: Diabetes, Pediatric Cancer, World Hunger, Vision and Our Environment and continue to apply your resources in your community and globally as required. Moreover, it is imperative that we continue to focus on funding our annual Parade of Green program as the global causes that form our humanitarian services campaign is incredibly worthy of our support, and dollars, as Lions! As I approach the final quarter of my term as DG of 5M11 – I want to ensure that the road is well established for years to come. I will need your help! In the following weeks, I will be providing all clubs with a list of positions that will need to be filled for our Cabinet, Global Causes Team, Leo Program, Zone chairs, LCIF and Club elections. I ask each of you individually to consider serving in some capacity outside your own club or perhaps to encourage one of your peers to step forward for a role at the District level. We need all clubs to do their part ensuring that the District is wellserved at all levels. In closing, I want to thank you all for your efforts and support throughout my year of service as your District Governor. As well, I would like to thank you in advance, for your assistance to ensure our District will have no vacant chairs. District Governor 5M11

Lion Bill Myskiw

March 2019 Attention 5M11 Lions: Canadian Clubs Only 5M11 should be proud that we pulled together as a team and were able to create a float for use in various parades and/or events to showcase our Lions community on a go forward basis! The reality is that in order to sustain this float’s storage, final efforts for display appearance and to purchase our own ‘Lion’ centerpiece we still need more financial help. The float is scheduled to be in 7 events this year! What a GREAT way to let people know we are serving our communities! 5m13 has challenged 5m11 to pass the hat and raise a donation equal to or greater than the $2,000 that they have provided. In saying that there have been a few clubs that have already donated $300 or more in support. Thank you—if you have room to provide more—it would be appreciated; The impetus here though, needs to be on the clubs that donated zero or $100 for 2018. We need each club’s two year donation to be at/about $300 in total.

If you donated $100 last year, and you have the capacity now—please forward an additional $200 for 2019. If you currently don’t have the capacity—please find a fundraising opportunity that will assist and make two payments to reach the total. If your club donated nothing to this worthy ‘Visibility’ initiative in 2018—please find the resources to have your club achieve the $300 level—one, two or three installments. Fellow Lions, I thank you all in advance for your support of this incredible project! District Governor 5M11 Lion Bill Myskiw

March 2019

Attention 5M11 Lions: In order to have an effective Lions Club—you need an effective support system. It is imperative that the members in our clubs that have served in leadership positions at the Club level—consider the possibility of assuming a role serving the broader range of clubs that exist in District 5m11; this opportunity includes PDG’s who are 2 years removed from their position. Without the support of people, stepping forward to assume a number of given roles—the workload has to be re-distributed to other people who were good enough to already have agreed to serve, although in a single role—not many! The following roles will be available for volunteers to step forward on/before April 26th, 2019. If you are unable to serve yourself but know someone who is worthy of assuming one of these roles—please contact myself and I will approach the individual directly.

1) Zone Chairs: Zone 8 / 10

2) Lions MD5M Hearing (Can) 3) Global Leadership Team 4) Leo’s Co-ordinator GLT District Co-ordinator

5) Archives: History

6) Global Service Team Global Service Team (Can)

7) Global Membership Team GMT District Co-ordinator

8) LCIF: USA(1)

9) Leader Dog: USA

10) Constitution & Bylaws

11) Public Rltns.

12) Mn. Lions Vision Co.

13) Club Quality Initiative (CEP)

14) Technology

15) Policy & Legal Advisor

16) Project New Hope

17) Youth Outreach 18) Lions Eye Bank/Lions Fdtn. of MB/NW Ont. Hearing Com. 19) Peace Poster

District Governor 5M11 Lion Bill Myskiw

Greetings to All in Service This is a first in series of reports from your 2VDG. This is my first opportunity to extend my thanks in writing, for the confidence bestowed upon me, being officially elected to the district governor (DG) team by those in attendance at the mid-winter in Winnipeg, MB. THANK YOU! For those of you who have not heard my story, this is it. For the past few years I have been encouraged by many fellow Lions to consider assuming additional responsibilities within our district. To be considered for the DG team one must meet some qualifications in terms of service within the district. This can include serving as club president and a zone chair. I served as president of the Red Lake Falls Lions, Red Lake Falls, MN, from 2010-2011 through 2012-2013. In 2013-2014 I assumed the role of Zone 3 Chair, serving in that capacity until 2017-2018. All of these years were a true learning and rewarding experience. At the 2018 mid-winter in Mahnomen, MN, no one expressed an interest in 2VDG. This went on into the new Lions year with still no candidate coming forward. In September 2018 my wife, Lion Sheila, and I began discussing the fact whether or not WE should consider the challenge. In addition to prayer seeking guidance, we had three things that had to happen for us to consider the step forward. I state we, because in order to try to be successful, one needs the support of one’s spouse or significant other. It is a team challenge and venture. By December the three things had fallen into place and I notified DG Bill and other cabinet members, I was putting my name in consideration for 2VDG. By a vote of the cabinet in December, I was awarded the position. In February the mid-winter attendees approved of the cabinet’s endorsement by electing me. And the rest is history. As 2VDG I have not carried out any official duties of the position but in the past three months have made several club visits and zone meeting visits on behalf of MD5M Lions KidSight Foundation. Speaking of KidSight, thank you to all the clubs who donated to KidSight through the Parade of Green. Thank you to all the Lions who take an interest in KidSight seeking additional information, and more importantly, conducting children’s vision screening events. March 28-31 I attended the Regional Lions Leadership Institute (RLLI) training in Mahnomen, MN. This training is a great opportunity for one to learn more about oneself, helping relate to others, and providing you with suggestions and skills to better serve fellow man and your Lions clubs. This training is something one must make application for with your DG. If you are looking to better yourself and assist your fellow Lions, I strongly suggest you make application in the future. As you should know, the MD5M Multiple Convention will be held April 29-28 in Mahnomen. It is not too late to register if you have not done so. I hope to see some of you there. As we all look forward to spring, in reality, not just by the calendar, I also look forward to being of service to you as your 2VDG. And may you continue to be of service to those in your communities and those who are less fortunate than us.

HAPPY EASTER! Yours in Lionism, Lion Kevin Reich

Upcoming Events...


Environmental Awareness Month. Family & Friends Month Leo Club Awareness Month April 22

Earth Day

District training

for officers and members will be April 28 in Twin Valley and May 1st in TRF. All members are welcome. to attend. We will also have a LCIF chair training this year. Please RSVP to DG or VDGs ASAP .

April 26-28 100th Multiple Convention

Shooting Star Casino, 777 SE Casino Rd, Mahnomen, MN 56557, USA

April 27

Lions Worldwide Induction Day April 27th

Craft/Flea Market

10:00 AM to 4:00PM The Selkirk and District Lions Club is proud to announce we are hosting our Flea Market. This bi-annual event will be held at the Selkirk Rec Center at 180 Easton Drive. To ensure your table, please fill out the application form and return it with $30.00 per table to the following address by April 1st, 2019. Lion Contact: Gord Zeglinski (selkirklionsclub@gmail.com) 204 799-3118

Winston McLeod 204 482-6293 (turtlemcleod@yahoo.com)


Strengthen Month


Cabinet Meeting May 18

11 a.m. $12.00 USD Red Lake Falls at Bethany Church

National Pet Value Walk for Dog Guides May 26th Kildonan Park in Winnipeg. Other walks will be announced as they are planned.


D-Feet Hearing Loss June 1

9:30 AM 2019 Eighth Annual Walk $25.00 registration, free T-shirt, lunch, Teddy Bear band, lots of children’s activity’s, games, prizes fun for the whole family! Taking place at the Landscape Arboretum in Chaska, MN. Visit www.5mhf.org for more info.

June 1

Helen Keller Day

June 5

World Environment Day

June 7

Lions Clubs International Birthday

Have an Event?

Email lions5m11news@hotmail.com or text 204-290-5336

Lions Attend Regional Lions Leadership Institute The Regional Lions Leadership Institute training was held March 28-31 in Mahnomen, MN. The training is conducted by Lions trainers of MD5M. It is a great opportunity to learn more about oneself, and to help develop ones skills to become a better manager, mentor, leader, Lion.

Attendees from 5M11 included from left; 1VDGE Kevin Reich, Red Lake Falls, MN, Lion Katrina and Janet McPherson from Ste. Anne Lions Club, 2VDGE Allen Bertilrud, Red Lake Falls. V

Welcome to 5M11’s Newest Club Welcome and congratulations to the 23 and counting Lions who have just joined our Lion family. On March 30 The new club held their organization meeting, where they decided Mahnomen Waubun Area Lions will be their club name. They are in the very capable hands of guiding lions Jenifer and Mark Spielman from the Hitterdal Lions Club. Best of luck to the new club. Stay tuned for details on their charter night June 8th 2019.

4 Focus Areas LCI Forward aims to triple the global impact of Lions and improve the lives of 200 million people per year by 2020-21. This is how we’ll do it:

Improve Membership Value & Reach New Markets We put service and satisfaction at the center of the membership experience. That’s because we want to do more than just support the next great generation of volunteers. We want to inspire them. And we do that by providing a worldclass membership experience that meets the diverse needs of our members.

Reshape Public Pursue Club, Enhance District & Opinion & Service OrganizaImprove Impact & tional Visibility Focus Excellence

The needs of the world are growing. That’s why we’re focusing our efforts on pressing global issues like diabetes. We’re innovating how we serve so we can increase our impact, and the support of our foundation, LCIF, is helping us provide more service than ever before.

We are the largest service club organization in the world for a reason. We are committed to developing great leaders, innovating at every level of Lions, and harnessing technology that will expand and drive our humanitarian service. We’re not satisfied with being the biggest. We want to be the best.

Lions are doing more good in more places than any organization on earth. That’s why we’re sharing our life-changing stories to highlight the value of our clubs to communities around the world. When caring men and women see the work we do, we think they’ll want to join us.

Stay up to Date with these Websites

District 5M-11: *NEW* http://e-district.org/sites/5m11 5M11Newsletter *NEW* www.facebook.com/5M11-News Multiple District 5M: www.lionsmd5m.org Lions Club International: www.lionsclubs.org Lions Program Sites: Can Do Canines: www.can-do-canines.org Leader Dogs for the Blind: www.leaderdog.org Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF): www.lcif.org/EN/ Lions Eye Bank of Manitoba and NW Ontario: w w w. e y e b a n k m a n i t o b a . c o Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides: www.dogguides.com Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation: www.mnlionsdiabetes.org Project New Hope: www.projectnewhope.net USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum: www.usacanadalionsforum.org Lions University: www.LionsUniversity.org

Warning!!! Lions are having their names used in emails (Email Spoofing) in an attempt to have you open a PDF Document, which in turn will ask you to log in using your email address and password. DO NOT DO THIS! MD5M is not asking anyone to log in to read an announcement!

Cabinet Members DISTRICT GOVERNOR Bill Myskiw (Evelyn) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.1416 E. wjmyskiw@shaw.ca 1st VICE DISTRICT GOVERNOR Deanne Williams (Dave) R. 218.790.3715 E.williams.deanne77@gmail. com CABINET SECRETARY Stacy Kleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. 5m11cabsec@gmail.com CABINET TREASURER Nadine Myers (Butch) R. 218.567.8305 E.lions5m11treasurer@gmail. com IMMEDIATE PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR John Wollenzien (Dee) R. 218.681.2117 C. 218.686.3361 E.deeandjohnwollenzien@mncable.net DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR

Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com ZONE 1 CHAIR Brian Norberg (Mary) R. 218.287.2484 W. 218.299.5151 E. binlou4@prodigy.net ZONE 2 CHAIR Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 C. 218.556.5660 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

ZONE 3 CHAIR Chris Eck R. 218.533.0856 E. christophereck91@gmail.com ZONE 4 CHAIR Allen Bertilrud (Sandy) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.684.1315 E. allenbertilrud@gmail.com

ZONE 5 CHAIR Terri Cuppett R. 218.683.3420 E. pastortlc@mncable.net ZONE 6 CHAIR Gladwin Lynne R. 218.201.0665 C. 218.745.4457 E. galynne@mncable.net ZONE 7 CO-CHAIRS Michael and Karen Hagen R. 218.463.3036 E: karenhagen@hotmail.com or mhagen@wiktel.com ZONE 8 CHAIR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com ZONE 9 CHAIR Darryl Popowich (Bonnie) R. 204.345.2840 E. thepops@mts.net ZONE 10 CHAIR Brian Nazarko (Jan) H. 204.233.2736 E. jnazarko@mts.net DIABETES, CA Andrea Kwasnicki (Kevin Gamble) R. 204.283.9865 B. 204.925.3800 ext 228 C. 204.250.4533 E. andrea.kwasnicki@diabetes.ca (GMT) DISTRICT COORDINATOR PDG Doug Wiens (Kathryn) R. 204.434.6042 B.204.326.9844 or 1.888.411.9311 E. Doug@prudentialriverbend.ca or Djwiens@mymts.net LCIF, CA PDG Gunter Zion (Veronica) R. 204.253.4499 E. gunter.zionn@hotmail.com PDG Gerald Fontaine (Eliane Carmel) (Multiple District 5M Chair) R. 204.433.7955 E.gerryfontaine@gmail.com LCIF, USA Tom Jorgens C. 218.281.7071 E.tjorgens@poly-cell.com

THIS DIRECTORY IS FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE LION MEMBERS OF EACH SUB DISTRICT TO USE SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF COMMUNICATING AMONG ONE ANOTHER WITHIN THEIR SUB DISTRICT/MULTIPLE DISTRICT. LEADER DOGS, USA Ken Bauer (Jan) R. 218.354.7288 B.800.200.3642 C. 701.866.1700 E. kenbauer@mail.com 5M11 LIONS CANCER CARE INITIATIVE (Multiple District 5M Childhood Cancer Chair) PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca LIONS EYE BANK & MAP, MANITOBA / NW ONTARIO PDG Mike Janssen (Tammy) R. 204.669.0473 C .204.479.1843 E.mjanssen@shaw.ca Ray Downey (Myrna) R. 204.254.0107 C. 204.391.0721 E. rmdowney@mymts.net Evelyn Myskiw (Bill) R. 204.339.1242 C. 204.782.4756 E. evmyskiw@shaw.ca LIONS FOUNDATION OF CANADA DOG GUIDES (Also Multiple District 5M Chair) PDG Dave Hollyoake (Barb) R. 204.642.4650 C. 204.797.5930 E. dave@hollyoake.ca

MN LIONS DIABETES FOUNDATION, USA Sandy Bertilrud (Allen) R. 218.253.4236 C. 218.280.8146 E.sandybertilrud@yahoo.com Kim Peters (Kevin) R. 218.584.8364 B. 218.784.7121 C. 218.556.6972 E. kpeters@arvig.net MN LIONS VISION FOUNDATION Russ McDougall R. 218.962.3433 E. rgrjdoug@feltontel.net PDG Jeannine Windels (Harvey) R. 218.281.2953 C. 218.280.5703 E. jwindels@gra.midco.net MIDWINTER CONVENTION Kevin Gamble, (Andrea Kwasnicki) R. 204.391.0644 E. kbgamble@hotmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR Patricia McPherson C. 204.290.5336 E. lions5m11news@hotmail.com PIN TRADING PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com


PROJECT NEW HOPE, USA Jenifer Spielman (Mark) R. 218.567.8281 F. 218.567.8381 E. 5m11Jenifer@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M HEARING FOUNDATION, USA Gerald “Jerry” Amiot R. 218.289.8889 E. jerry.amiot@hotmail.com

TECHNOLOGY / WEBMASTER StacyKleinwachter C. 612.269.1582 E. skleinwachter@yahoo.com or specialk.stacy@gmail.com

LIONS MD5M KIDSIGHT FOUNDATION, USA Kevin Reich (Sheila) R. 218.253.2522 C. 218.232.4556 E. kwrrlf@gmail.com Tamie Rue C. 218.779.1412 E. tamierue@gmail.com

USA / CANADA LEADERSHIP FORUM PDG Jim Aasness R. 218.233.7341 C. 218.790.7747 E. jimaasness@aol.com

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