Vol. 8 Issue 12
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May 2018
Library Seeking Next President The Ste. Anne Town Council is currently looking to fill the position of President on the Library board. As president you sit on a board of 4 members, President, Vice president, treasurer, and secretary. These members are all voting members. All board members must reside in the Town of Ste Anne. If you are passionate about seeing the Library succeed and maintain its high level of service, this may be the position for you. If you have any questions please contact the Town of Sainte-Anne office at 204-422-5293 or email Those can- submit in writing to the Town office MB R5H 1B5 or you can email the didates who are interested need to at, 30B Dawson Road, Ste. Anne, town at
SAVE THE DATE! Ste Anne Hospital Health Walk Saturday, June 2 at 10:30, Ste Anne Hospital. Fun for the entire family! Prizes, Games, Music, Face Painting, 4 km walk, Teddy Health Clinic bring your favorite stuffed animal and more. Cost Free. Get your registration and pledge forms on our web Participants enjoy a free BBQ.
Upcoming Events... Meat Draw - Every Saturday by the Ste. Anne Lions Club drawn at 2 pm at the Ste. Anne Hotel. Come down for a chance to win a steak dinner, all packed up and ready for the BBQ. Runner up prize is a pizza. 1 ticket for $2, 3 tickets for $5. Creation Ministries - On Saturday, May 5 starting at 2 pm, Club Jovial 157 Centrale Ave with Richard Fangrad. Doors open at 1 pm. Genesis and the origins issue at 3:30 pm, Noah’s Flood including questions about the Ark, the flood, fossils, rock layers, the origin of nations and language and more, Supper at 4:30 pm, Biology and the Bible: Question and Answer Forum at 6 pm. Resources available for purchase. Free will offering. Junior High Students to adults will find this easy to understand. Contact 204371-6657 or creation If you have suffered from any kind of abuse and are looking for insight you are invited to come join the Ste. Anne Agape Ministries on May 9 located at 47 Centrale Ave from 10 am till evening to hear Joanne Langford from Bolivia. This is her gift‌ she will share her insights on this subject. Please reserve as space is limited 204371-6657. May 12 Ste. Anne Lions Club Community Clean up everyone welcome. Clean up starts in redemtrist park behind the church at 10am pick an area of town to go clean then meet back in the park for a bbq. Ste. Anne Skate Jam will take place May 12 at the Ste. Anne Skate park starting at noon until 2 pm for registration and practice. 23:30 pm 33 Team Demo. 3-5 pm Skate competition. Seine River Services for Seniors is pleased to invite everyone to its Annual General Meeting which will be held at Le Club Jovial, 157 Centrale Ave., Ste. Anne, MB. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Everyone is welcome. To register, you are asked to call: Juliette Rowan at 424-5285 before May 7th.
Have an Event?
Email or text 204-290-5336
Craft & Artisan Sale! Join The Dawson Trail Museum in Richer on May 5, 10 am – 3 pm for their 1st Annual Artisan Sale. Find the perfect gift for Mom or a special treat for yourself. Browse tables filled with beautiful yarn crafts, wood working and kid’s crafts. Up-cycled treasures, bath and beauty products, and hand crafted jewellery. And don’t forget all kinds of sweet treat including cookies, cakes and jams and other savory treats.
All proceeds from the Sale benefit the Dawson Trail Museum. This will be an all hand crafted sale, no direct sales vendors.