InSeine September

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Vol. 13 Issue 4

Celebrating 13 years!!!

September 2022

Dawson Trail Days A Family Fun Weekend This year’s Dawson Trail Days had a very large addition to the annual Labour day weekend, Wondershows with their 3 acres of rides and midway fun took over the parking lot accross from arena grounds. Friday night kicked off the festivities with a family sock hop, leading into a weekend full of activities, baseball tournament, a trade show, a hobbie train display, Fraser Reptiles, Silly Faces and More with facepainting and balloon twisting, Phoenix Cheer Athletics demos, a dunk tank raising funds for the local Accueil Kateri Centre - Ste. Anne Food Bank, 10 Acre Woods Petting Farm, Skateboarding competition, a parade, and the fire hall had an open house during their pancake breakfast plus so much more.

Upcoming Events... Tuesdays – Chase the Ace Presented by Phoenix Cheer Athletics at the Ste. Anne Hotel tickets on sale from 5:30-7:30 pm, Draw held at 7:45 pm, tickets $1 each. Wednesdays Nights - Karaoke 8 pm-12 am at the Ste. Anne Hotel Come out and sing your heart out! Enjoy some cold beverages and delicious food with great company. for more info visit or call 422-9275. Richer Young at Heart Club Dinner and dance Saturday September 17 with music by Mosaics. Cost is $25 per person and dinner is at 6 pm. Music and dancing till 11 pm. Call Ron @ 431 275 0874 for tickets. Yoga at Phoenix Cheer Athletics September 19th at 8 pm Accueil Kateri Centre Inc, Ste-Anne Food Bank’s AGM which will be held Thursday September 22 at 7 pm at the Sainte-Anne RC Church. For more info call Suzanne Ritchot 204422-8043 Yoga in the Park Ste. Anne classes September 9, 23, 30 $5 Beginner, Senior try me class 2 pm Richer classes $15 regular class September 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 in the Dawson Trail Park at 6:30 pm. Class depend on attendance, if you would like to attend please contact us. For more information and to book your spot, see the Facebook page @yoginature or contact Patricia by email phone or text 204-290-5336. General Municipal and School Trustee Election takes place October 26, 2022.

InSeine News Deadline September 30 to submitt events, info and advertisments contact InSeine News at

PATIENCE IS A SUPERPOWER Author: Stephanie den Hollander (Semotok) Phenomenally You Life Coaching As we embark on a new school year, it is helpful for parents to consider effective strategies and ways of being intentional about supporting children. A recent study done by Washington University School of Medicine found that kids with more supportive, nurturing, and patient parents literally had more brain growth. They were also less likely to be depressed, better able to cope with stress, were better learners, and had fewer problems in school. Alright, so we know that being a more patient parent is important. That doesn’t mean it is easy, but it is possible. If patience is a Superpower you want to recharge as a parent, here are a few life-changing strategies that can help in challenging situations. 1. Ask yourself “why?” Most kids are acting up for a reason. Behaviour isn’t always just a problem that needs to be corrected, but is a need that isn’t being met. 2. Perspective They are kids. Their brains are still developing. Usually, many factors are contributing to the situation. 3. Nourish yourself Reflect on how you have been balancing your time to nurture your well-being lately. It might be time for a reset to help you to better align your needs. This will help you to approach discipline in a more calm, constructive, and creative way. 4. Timing Probably not the best time to deal with your child’s behaviour if you’re having a bad day already. Give yourself time to refocus, breathe, and to be present in the moment with your child. Ensure they are ready too. Communicate your needs and make a solid plan to follow up together appropriate to the situation. 5. Getting help You are not alone. Whether you just need to vent to a trusted friend or family member, or start working with a professional Coach or Counsellor. You and your children can get the support and guidance you deserve to be empowered to make meaningful changes in your life. A professional can also help you tailor your approach and deepen your understanding in order to meet the unique needs of your child, and to support you to prioritize your well-being and live your best life.

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Zucchini Fritters Ingredients 4 cups shredded zucchini 2/3 cup all-purpose flour 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 1/3 cup sliced scallions 2 Tablespoons olive oil Sour cream, for serving (optional) Instructions Place the shredded zucchini in a colander set over a bowl and sprinkle the zucchini lightly with salt. Allow the zucchini to stand for 10 minutes. Using your hands, squeeze out as much liquid from the zucchini as possible. Transfer the zucchini to a large bowl. Add the flour, eggs, sliced scallions, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper to the bowl, stirring until the mixture is combined. Line a plate with paper towels. Add the olive oil to large sauté pan set over medium heat. Once the oil is hot, scoop 3-tablespoon mounds of the zucchini mixture into

the pan, pressing them lightly into rounds and spacing them at least 2 inches apart. Cook the zucchini fritters for 2 to 3 minutes, then flip them once and cook an additional 2 minutes until golden brown and cooked throughout. Transfer the zucchini fritters to the paper towellined plate and immediately sprinkle them with salt. Repeat the scooping and cooking process with the remaining zucchini mixture. Serve the zucchini fritters topped with sour cream (optional) and sliced scallions.

Little Funk Library Does your Back-to-school prep consist of rebuilding routines, lots of emotions and concerns of your children’s academic readiness? For many of us we fall somewhere in the blurred lines of the latter. Summer was fun, unstructured perhaps and gone way too fast! So here we find ourselves trying to get back in the groove of back to school - however that may look for your family. Here are some tips on how reading can help with some of the more common concerns our kids/youth may face. -Take a book or magazine on the bus (great distraction) -Bedtime readings are great especially if you ‘family group read’ with multiple children, but for some this doesn’t work so I suggest trying to set aside 15 mins to read in a special location like a nest (pillow fort) or nook. Take the time, you won’t regret it. -Encourage your child’s reading interests (yes.. this may include listening to story plots you just don’t understand at the greatest times of distraction haha) -Stories about changing seasons, school days and new friends are great for helping kids ease back into the school year -Books about diversity are great for all ages and all people! -Lunch box notes are a quick and easy way to get kids reading and help reduce anxiety. -Silent Reading partners - many individuals no matter the age face anxiety when reading out loud so why not practice reading to your favorite stuffy, in the mirror, to a pet or video/voice record yourself (be silly and change your appearance or voice). -Visit a local public Library or Take a drive and visit different Little Free Libraries and swap out books. This is a great way to get kids talking about how they are feeling or what they are interested in... car talks are the best! You can get the Little Free Library App to access the map. Wishing everyone a great first day of school! The Little Funk Library #100068 Rhonda Funk- Steward


Town of Ste. Anne Prospective municipal election candidates must register with the Senior Election Official (SEO) during the registration period before they may begin to accept contributions, incur expenses, fundraise or borrow money for their campaign. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that candidate registrations will be received: For the office of head of council: Between May 1 and September 20, 2022. For the office of councillor: Between June 30 and September 20, 2022 at the Town of Ste. Anne office, 14 Centrale Avenue, Ste. Anne, Manitoba R5H 1B8 during the regular hours of business. To obtain a registration form contact the municipal office at 204-422-5293.

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