JUNE 1 - 25, 2024
“Nostalgia unfurls like an old map tracing the contours of my childhood. Do you remember that rusty playground slide? The rumble of Grandma’s baking mixer, the smell of a smoking pipe or cigarettes as you wandered through the crowd after an event or Sunday service? That subtle pop from the TV tube when it was turned off, or the distinct creak of the hinges on my metal lunchbox? I clearly recall the coldness I felt when I crawled into an empty cast iron tub as a kid. The relics of my innocence find refuge in the new surreal narratives that I depict in this body of work. I hope that the stories I tell in my paintings overlap with your own memories of these nostalgic objects.” - Tyson Grumm
1111 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101
www.rovzargallery.com | 206-223-0273 | mail@rovzargallery.com