Danny Perkins & Richard Royal "Parallel"

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Lef t : R ic h ard Roy al , Ri ght : Danny Pe rki ns

DANNY PERKINS has been working with the dic hotom ies of color and form for more than 35 year s now, fir st as an internationally renowned glass ar tist working in three-dimensions and now as a painter. Perkins’ paintings with resin have a conver sation with the tr adition of A bstr act Expressionist color field work .

C l i ck to j u mp to a r t wo rks by Perk ins

RICHARD ROYAL is recognized internationally as one of the most skilled and talented glassblower s in the studio glass movement. Having spent his early year s as a cer amicist, he began working as a glass sculptor in 1978 at the Pilc huc k Glass Sc hool.

C l i ck h e re to j u mp to a r t wo rks by Roya l


PA R A L L EL FE BRUARY 1 - 2 8 , 2 0 2 4

“Parallel” is curated around the transformative effects of light on color. Perkins and Royal, longtime friends who met in the early days of Pilchuck Glass School, each explore and stretch the inherent qualities of their respective mediums. Perkins exploits the transparency and reflection achieved with the use of resin to increase the impact of his beautiful abstract color field paintings. Over the course of Royal’s glass career, he has mastered an ability to manipulate the formal characteristics of glass in order to emphasize the movement of light through shape and color.

“I pull from my memories. Growing up in a missionary orphanage on the Cherokee nation set the path for me. Being raised in an institution fostered individuality. I never felt a part of anything. I am a man without a country. The way that I looked at nature around me, gave me a silent, romantic feeling and a sense of wonder which somehow gave me my place. In quiet moments alone looking at fields or the ocean gave me silent comfort. That narrative provided me with a sense of belonging to this world. That is what I paint. Other people feel this isolation as well, paints are an entrance to share our lives together.” - Danny Perkins

PATRICI A ROV Z AR GAL L E RY 1111 1st Aven ue, S ea t t le, WA 9 8 1 0 1 www.rovza rga llery.com | 2 0 6 - 2 2 3 - 0 2 7 3 | ma il@ rov za rga llery. com


#2374, oil with resin on panel, 47 x 73 inches, $6,500.00

Work in progress in Perkins’ studio

#612, oil with resin on panel, 71 x 46 inches, $6,500.00

#608, oil with resin on panel, 47 x 72 inches, $6,500.00

Photograph taken by Perkins

#618, oil with resin on panel, 37 x 49 inches, $3,800.00

#142, oil with resin on panel, 72.5 x 46.5 inc hes, $6,500.00

Works in progress in Perkins’ studio

#2390, oil with resin on panel, 37 x 49 inches, $3,800.00

# 3 9 1 , o il w ith resin on panel, 61.5 x 49.5 inc h e s, $ 5 , 80 0 . 0 0

In progress paintings out to dry in Perkins’ home

#617, oil with resin on panel, 37 x 49 inches, $3,800.00

#2380, oil with resin on panel, 47 x 73 inches, $6,500.00

G allery installation

#3 8 8 , o il with resin on panel, 71.5 x 4 5 . 5 inc h e s, $ 6 , 5 0 0 . 0 0

Work in progress in Perkins’ studio

#2383, oil with resin on panel, 72 x 47 inches, $6,500.00

#2376, oil with resin on panel, 47 x 73 inches, $6,500.00

#609, oil with resin on panel, 73.5 x 46.5 inches, $6,500.00

#2388, oil with resin on panel, 26 x 37 inches, $3,000.00

Work in progress in Perkins’ studio

#2371, oil with resin on panel, 47 x 73 inches, $6,500.00

#2394, oil with resin on panel, 37 x 49 inches, $3,800.00

#3 8 9 , o il with resin on panel, 73.5 x 4 6 . 5 inc h e s, $ 6 , 5 0 0 . 0 0

Detail image of #2392

#2392, oil with resin on panel, 37 x 49 inches, $3,800.00

#2384, oil with resin on panel, 26 x 37 inches, $3,000.00

#2399, oil with resin on panel, 25 x 49 inches, $3,400.00


Emergence, ca. 2024, blown glass, 21 x 14 x 18 inches, $13,000.00

L oveb ird 9 ( Di a mond Cut S eri es) , ca. 20 23 , b l own gl a s s , 23 x 1 7 x 1 2 inc h e s, $ 22, 0 0 0. 00

Lovebird 11 (Diamond Cut Series), ca. 2023, blown glass, 17 x 9 x 17 inches, $22,000.00

Lovebird 10 (Diamond Cut Series), ca. 2023, blown glass, 18.5 x 13 x 20 inches, $22,000.00

L oveb ird 7 ( Di a mond Cut S eri es) , c a. 20 23 , b l own gl a s s , 20 x 1 2 x 1 9 inc h e s, $ 22, 0 0 0. 00

Lovebird 12 (Diamond Cut Series), ca. 2024, blown glass, 18 x 12 x 18 inches, $22,000.00

Optic Lens Series 6, ca. 2023, blown glass, 17 x 17 x 17 inches, $16,000.00

Transfer (Apropos Series 4), ca. 2019 B l own glass 1 8 . 5 x 1 0 x 5 inc hes $ 14 ,0 0 0 .0 0

Mold-blown process used in the making of a “Geo Series” piece

Detail images of Amethyst Blue in various lighting

Amethyst Blue, (Geometric Series 3), ca. 2015, blown glass, 20.5 x 2 x 25 inches, $28,000.00

Diamond Cut Series 78, ca. 2004 Blow n glass 4 7 x 13 x 8 inc hes $ 1 5 ,0 00.00

Shelter Series 46, ca. 2003 Blow n glass 3 7 x 8 x 8 inc hes $ 1 5 ,000.00

Shelter Series 45, ca. 2003 Blown glass 43 x 8 x 9 inc hes $15,000.00

Royal working in the hot shop on a “Relationship Series” in the 90s

Relationship Series 27, ca. 2003 B low n glass 3 4 x 7 x 7 inc hes $ 8,4 0 0 .00

Relationship Series 66, ca. 1992 Blown glass 23 x 9 x 8 inches $7,300.00

Relationship Series 70, ca. 1992 B low n gl a ss 2 0 x 8 x 8 inc hes $6,2 0 0. 0 0

Diamond Cut Series 86, ca. 1986, blown glass, 9 x 20 x 9 inches, $8,500.00

Diamond Cut Series 87, ca. 1987, blown glass, 9 x 19 x 10 inches, $7,500.00

PATRICIA ROVZAR GALLERY 1111 1st Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101 206-223-0273 | mail@rovzargallery.com www.rovzargallery.com

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