Alicia Tormey "New Territory" at Patricia Rovzar Gallery

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In the Studio


PRG i s honored to pres en t Alicia Tormey’s “N ew Territory”. Kn own for her enca ust i c pa in t in gs , Tormey’s recen t b od y of work is a hi ghly persona l collect ion t h a t repres en t s h er j ourn ey over t h e p ast yea r a s she ma d e si g n ifica n t life ch a n ges a mid st a pa n d emic. Worki ng wi t h i nvent i ve tech n iques t h a t b len d b ees wa x, res in , s hella c a nd raw pi gment s, t h es e works a re ch a rged w it h v ib ra n t c olor a nd Tormey’s compos it ion s ea s ily s egue f rom d rea mlike l and sca pes to unrest ra i ne d b ota n ica ls . T h e la n d s ca pes d rif t in to abst ra ct i on a nd ta ke t he v iewer on a m ea n d erin g j ourn ey pullin g the eye to a di sta nt hori zon . I n con t ra st , t h e b ota n ica ls b urst for t h wi t h energy a nd seem d efia n t w it h t h eir power f ul pres en ce.

1111 1st Ave n u e , S e a t t l e , WA 98101 www.rov 206- 223- 0273 m a i l @r o v za r g a l l e r y. c o m

New Territory 28 x 80 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $12,500.00

Firefly 30 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $3,900.00

Camas Sky 40 x 30 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,450.00

Earthbound 24 x 48 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,200.00

Promise 36 x 36 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,900.00

Strange Magic 28 x 80 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $12,500.00

Majesty 40 x 30 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,450.00

Voyager 12 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,700.00

Lucid Dream 12 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,700.00

Faith 10 x 10 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $900.00

Bubble Gum 10 x 10 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $900.00

Day Dreamer 10 x 10 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $900.00

Sassafras 10 x 10 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $900.00

Hard Candy 10 x 10 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $900.00

Citrine 8 x 8 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $750.00

Azure 8 x 8 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $750.00

Kaleidoscope 8 x 8 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $750.00

Dear Prudence 24 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $3,100.00

Ultramarine 24 x 80 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $11,000.00

Grace I: Mirth 16 x 16 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,600.00

Grace II: Elegance 16 x 16 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,600.00

Grace III: Dream 16 x 16 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,600.00

Gypsy Belle 16 x 16 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,600.00

Below the Surface 10 x 20 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,500.00

Silver Creek 10 x 20 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,500.00

Saffron 30 x 30 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $4,800.00

Phoenix Rising 40 x 30 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,450.00

Arctic Passage 24 x 48 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,200.00

Mystic 36 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $4,600.00

Emergence 48 x 24 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $6,200.00

Mandarin Bloom 18 x 18 in. Encaustic, ink and shellac on wood $1,800.00

New Territory : Artist Statement My recent body of work represents the physical, emotional and psychological fortitude that’s required of us when faced with significant life changes… much like what we have been collectively experiencing at this moment in history. I chose a vibrant color palette to convey defiant optimism and create an emotional rebellion against the fear, panic and anxiety that often accompanies change of this magnitude. In my unconstrained botanical works… they are intentionally wild, unpredictable… and a bit strange to show that we can simultaneously hold space for chaos and beauty. My abstracted landscapes embody a longing for place and come from a desire to feel grounded and connected. I create hazy, distant horizons that trigger the eye to search, scanning for landmarks that signal to us that we are either getting closer to home or about to embark into new territory. My work is primarily comprised of encaustic, which is a dynamic wax-based medium that requires heat in order to use it as a paint. In the absence of heat, encaustic quickly cools and morphs from a liquid state into a solid material. This transformation occurs in seconds, making it exciting yet challenging to create with. The intriguing and unique physical aspects of this media provide endless inspiration to me as an artist.

1111 1s t Aven u e S e a t t l e , WA 9 8 1 0 1 www. r o vz a r g a l l e r y. c o m 206- 223-0 2 7 3 ma il @r o vz a r g a l l e r y. c o m

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