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NATIONAL SHOW & SALE 2010 at Shrewsbury Livestock Market Bowmen Way, Battlefield Shrewsbury, SY4 3DR

Friday 23rd July Judging – 2 pm Saturday 24th July Sale – 10.30 am

SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY Unit B, Ballymena Livestock Mart, 1 Woodside Park, Ballymena, Co. Antrim, N Ireland BT42 4HG. Tel and Fax: 02825632342 www.suffolksheep.org

IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please follow the requirements as signed in the market regarding bio-security. Please ensure your sheep are accompanied by an AML1 (sheep movement licence) or Seerad Sheep and Goat movement document plus green SGHS form. The holding number for the market is 35 280 8001 Please ensure trailers are washed and disinfected after unloading sheep.

Directions The market is situated at the junction of the A49 and A53 at the north east corner of Shrewsbury. From the north take N6 southbound to J15. Take the the A5182 and then the A53 fro Market Drayton and then Shrewsbury. At the first roundabout as you come into Shrewsbury take the 5th exit. The market is located here. From the south take the M6 northbound to J10a. Take the M54 to J7. Take the A5 for Shrewsbury. At first roundabout take the 2nd exit for the A49. At the second roundabout take the 2nd exit for the A49 at the third roundabout, take the 4th exit. The market is located here.

Accommodation The Shrewsbury Tourist Board office can be contacted on 01743 462 462 www.shropshiretourism.info

BUYER’S SLIP --------------------------On making first purchase, please complete this form and hand it to the Auctioneers


Lot No…………………………………………………………………………………… Name……………………………………………………………………………………… Address………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Phone No. ……………………………………………………………………………..

HOLDING NUMBER…………………………………………………

Please bring this catalogue to the sale with you CATALOGUE of the TWENTY SEVENTH NATIONAL SHOW & SALE to be held at SHREWSBURY LIVESTOCK MARKET Comprising: 1 shearling ewe 6 ewe lambs 2 shearling rams 227 ram lambs


Sheep penned for inspection by 10.30 am Judging at 2 pm SATURDAY 24TH JULY Sale at 10.30 am

Joint Auctioneers: J STRAKER, CHADWICK & SONS, Market Street Chambers, Abergavenny, Mon, NP7 5SD Tel: 01873 852 624 www.strakerchadwick.co.uk and HALLS, Bowmen Way, Battlefield, Shrewsbury, SY4 3DR Tel: 01743 462 620 www.hallsestateagents.co.uk



This Sale is held under Bye-law 16 of the Suffolk Sheep Society's Sale (as printed in volume 121 of the Society's Flock Book). The Bye-law is hereby incorporated as a Condition of Sale.


Vendors and purchasers are deemed to agree to these Conditions of Sale, and these Conditions of Sale are terms of any contract of sale and purchase at the Sale.


These conditions shall be governed, construed and enforced in accordance with the law of England and the law of England shall apply to all contracts made at the Sale.


The Sheep will be exposed in lots according to the numbers in the following Catalogue. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without assigning any reason. The highest offer on each lot will be preferred to the purchase (subject to Article 3)


No liability whatever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the statements appearing in the Catalogue or made at the Sale. The exposer who supplies such statements is alone responsible for any error or mis-statement. Animals affected with any disease of an infectious nature or animals out of an infected flock are strictly prohibited from being brought to the premises occupied or used by the Auctioneers at the time and should any such be brought, The Owner or Consignor will be held responsible for all damage or loss occasioned thereby.


The Exposers reserve the right to fix a reserve price and to announce same before the bidding begins or during the time of the bidding or at the conclusion thereof. The right to bid by or on behalf of the seller in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, is expressly reserved.


Immediately after each purchase is declared, the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Buyer, and it is declared that until a settlement shall be made in terms of these Conditions the delivery of the animal shall be suspended. The right of the property shall not pass until the price is paid.


Immediately after the Sale all lots must be paid for in cash to the Auctioneers. The price being paid, each lot shall be taken away at the Buyer’s expense within one day after the sale thereof. Lots shall only be removable from the Auctioneers’ possession on a written order from their clerk, and any lot removed in contravention of this condition may be recovered brevi manu by the Auctioneers.


If any Buyer fails to pay for and remove his purchase in compliance with the above conditions, the Auctioneers in their opinion may either (a) sue the Buyer for the price and interest thereon at the current Bank Rate and for the keep of, and any other expense incurred by them in connection with such purchase, or (b) re-sell the Lot either publicly or privately and recover from the defaulting Buyer the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale and interest thereon as

aforesaid together with the keep and other expenses. In either case the Auctioneers shall have the right to sue at their own instance without the consent of the Owner or Consignor, and no defence whatever in such action shall be competent to the Buyer who shall have recourse against the owner or Consignor alone. 7.

No undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions.


The Auctioneer is appointed Judge of the Sale, to whom are hereby submitted all disputes and differences of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between Exposers and Offerers or among Offerers themselves; his decision shall be final and binding on all parties.

NB – MINIMUM SELLING PRICES:RAMS 250 gns, SHEARLING EWES 150 gns EWE LAMBS 100 gns Any sheep failing to reach the minimum price in its category will be passed out unsold. These figures have been adopted as Minimum Sale Prices in the Ring.


All disputes or differences of any kind which arise at or in relation to the auction, whether between a seller and a buyer or amongst bidders or otherwise shall be referred to the auctioneer and his decision shall be final and binding on all parties.


All other disputes shall be referred to an arbitrator who shall be appointed, failing agreement between the parties, by the Society and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute. Any arbitration under this clause shall be subject to the Arbitration Acts for the time being in force.


RAM FERTILITY GUARANTEE (as stated in the Suffolk Sheep Society Flock Book). All rams and ram lambs sold at a Society sale are warranted by the seller to be capable of natural and effective service by 70 days from date of sale ("the Male Guarantee Period") provided always that: 17.1.1any animal which is not so capable and where the incapacity is caused or contributed to by injury or illness howsoever caused, suffered or contracted after the sale is not covered by the warranty; and 17.1.2any animal which has not been conclusively determined as incapable of natural and effective service in accordance with the procedure set out hereinafter and which dies of natural causes during the Male Guarantee Period is not covered by the warranty.



An animal shall be deemed incapable of natural and effective service if:

17.2.1 it fails to make at least one ewe pregnant during the Male Guarantee Period under natural breeding conditions; and 17.2.2 it is certified as being so incapable by a veterinary surgeon in accordance with clauses 17.4 and 17.5 below.

"Natural breeding conditions" means when a ram is run with ewes in normal breeding condition, cycling without artificial interference. Ewes which have been sponged and/or treated with hormones to induce or synchronise ovulation are deemed not to be in normal breeding condition. 17.3

The buyer shall throughout the Male Guarantee Period give the animal full and sufficient opportunity to prove that he is capable of natural and effective service and maintain him in a fit condition.


If the buyer highlights that the ram or ram lamb has failed to prove capable of natural and effective service by 56 days from sale date of the year of sale, the buyer shall then: 17.4.1Notify the seller in writing that the animal is to be tested; and 17.4.2Have the animal subjected to a semen test by the artificial vagina method by a veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the society; and 17.4.3Obtain from the veterinary surgeon a duly completed Soundness for Breeding report; and 17.4.4(If the veterinary surgeon certifies that the animal is incapable of natural and effective service) lodge a copy of the Report with the seller.


The seller shall be entitled to have a second test carried out by the same or a different veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the Society who shall issue a Soundness for Breeding report by 14 days after notification by the purchaser and such Report shall conclusively determine whether or not the animal is capable of natural and effective service. The seller shall deliver to the buyer a copy of this second Report. The buyer shall at the expense of the seller do all acts, deeds and things necessary to enable the second test to be carried out. If the animal shall be deemed fertile the buyer shall on demand repay the seller the veterinary surgeon fees of the second test and Report.


If the ram is deemed incapable of natural and effective service during the Male Guarantee Period, the buyer may by 31st October of the year of the Sale return the animal to the seller and thereupon the seller shall repay to the buyer the whole of the purchase price and the cost of transport of the animal from the buyer's premises to the seller's premises and the veterinary surgeon testing fees incurred by the buyer.


The seller shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss howsoever sustained by a buyer.


As to clauses 17.4 and 17.5 and 17.6 time is of the essence.


The seller and the buyer may vary the provisions of clauses 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7 and/or 17.8 if but only if and insofar as the variation is set out in writing and signed by each of the parties.


The terms of any statutory enactment or custom or trade which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Bye-law 17 are hereby excluded.


Failure to comply with any of Bye Law 17 will allow the Society, at its discretion, to cancel Society membership.


Society Bye Laws do not exempt a breeder from the Sale and Supply of Goods Act.


GENERAL DISPUTES In the event of a dispute arising between two or more Members of the Society any one of such Members may refer the dispute to the Society with a request that the matter be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed, failing agreement between or amongst the


parties, by the Society. The decision of the arbitrator so appointed shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and Council has the power to ensure that the arbitrator’s decision is implemented. Any arbitration under this Bye-law clause shall be subject to the Arbitration Acts for the time being in force. SPECIAL NOTICE Council reserves the right to take samples of tissue, hair or blood from any consignment for future use of any sort.

INSURANCE Cover in respect of the Seller's liability can be arranged through the offices of: FRASER TENNANT LIMITED Perth Agricultural Centre, East Huntingtower, Perth, PH1 3JJ Tel: 01738 627 111 or Abbey Row, Kelso, TD5 7JF Tel: 01573 224 834


3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

The Sale is held subject to DEFRA regulations in operation at the time. All licences must be available. Overseas buyers and their agents are strongly advised to enquire from their respective official Veterinary Departments as to the requirements necessary for exportation before making a bid for sheep offered at this sale, and to make sure the vendor is prepared to sell his sheep subject to veterinary tests required for export. All sheep to be sold must be kept on the premises overnight and the sale yard will be cleared in the evening at 11 pm. Owners must remain in charge of their respective lots and assist in marketing and delivery of such stock. The stock at the fall of the hammer is at the buyers risk and must be removed immediately with all faults and errors of description. The terms of the sale are cash and all cheques granted must be vouched for by banker's letter if required. Catalogue details - All pedigree and genotyping details are believed to be correct.





1. Single Shearling Ewe





2. Single Ewe Lamb





3. Single Shearling Ram





4. Signet Recorded Single Ram Lamb









5. Single Ram Lamb

& Venning Cup Perpetual Trophy

6. Pen of 3 Ram Lambs





& Gippeswyk Plate Perpetual Trophy

7. Ram Lamb with Best Gigot





Female Champion

£30 & Quinton Clarke Cup

Male Champion

£30 & the Society's Perpetual

Breed Champion

£50 & the Walton Perpetual

Reserve Breed Champion


Trophy Trophy

(All Classes generously sponsored by Natural Stockcare Ltd. Prizes will be in the form of vouchers) Class 4 –Recorded Single Ram Lamb: Entries must be from within the top 50% of Flock index.

Animals may only be shown in one class, except that animals shown in class 4 may also be included in class 6. A maximum of 1 entry per exhibitor can be shown in classes 3 to 6 and 2 entries in classes 1 and 2. Animals eligible for the Championship Awards are as follows: FEMALES: 1st Prize Winners in Classes 1 and 2 MALES: 1st Prize Winners in Classes 3, 4 and 5, together with one sheep in any other lot in Class 6. Following the general classes and before the championships the following classes will be judged: Young Breeders – lamb bred and shown by the breeder. Young Handlers – handler 26 years or under on 1st January 2010.



CLASS 1 – Single Shearling Ewe

CLASS 2 – Single Ewe Lamb

CLASS 3 – Single Shearling Ram

CLASS 4 – Signet Recorded Ram Lamb CLASS 5 – Pen of 3 Ram Lambs

CLASS 6 – Single Ram Lamb CLASS 7 –Ram Lamb with Best Gigot

Female Champion

Res. Female Champion

Male Champion

Res. Male Champion

Breed Champion

Res. Breed Champion



JUDGE Mr Pat Greaney

INSPECTORS Mr Grahame Hardman, The Clamp Farm, Shrawardine, Montford, Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Mr V E Samuel, Upper Monkton Farm, St Weonards, Herefordshire. Mr M Weaver, Perrinpit Farm, Frampton Cotterell, Bristol.

VETERINARY INSPECTORS Blakemere Veterinary Centre, 12 Talbot Street, Ellesmere, Shropshire, SY12 0HQ Tel: 01939 622 201

STEWARDS Mr Ralph Mucklow (Chief Steward), Llys-yr-Odyn, Tresaith, Aberporth, Ceredigion, SA43 2JL Mrs Helen Davies, The Meadows, Arddleen, Llanymynech, Powys, SY22 6BX Mr Billy Hislop, 14 Holly Gardens, Consett, Co Durham, DH8 8AZ

Invite you to the

Eve of Sale Dinner on Friday July 23rd at Shrewsbury Livestock Market Please book ASAP to assist with catering LEWIS/CATHERINE SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY Tel and Fax: 02825632342

INDEX Consigner


Lot Numbers

Iain R Barbour Miss Judith J Barbour G Biddulph Thomas Blunt Messrs A H Bradshaw & Son James W Brown & Others S J Buckley Ben Collings County Turf Ltd (Farm) T S Cox John Creeper Thomas Darling Mike Davies & Sons Rodger K Denby J G Douglas P M & S R Eckett A W Evans Myfyr A Evans Miss S A Evans Richard H Francis Messrs Garner & Son Mr JW Hallam & Mrs SM Eggleston Messrs T C & C A Harding C J Holmes R F Holmes D & J Inman Messrs T A Irwin & Son Messrs D F & A G Jeffries Darren Jones David T Jones John Key Ross Lawrence John Lundy Mrs P Lupton Mr A Morris C B & G G Morris D W Morris Gary M Owen Mr & Mrs L Peel Messrs M J R & J A Pinny C A Proctor & Co Paula & David Reid Messrs V E & B M Samuel & Son Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons G & J Soulsby George L Stuart Keith R Thomas Mrs J J Tooze Messrs A E Weaver & Son W Elfed Williams Angus O Wilson Robert H Wilson

Solwaybank 151-156 Ewebank 197-202 Pexhill 49-53 Milton 117 Narborough 111-113 Arran 44-47 Sitlow 18-24 Benbreed 231-232 Hazeltree 118-121 Tomcroft 203-210 Jaycee 109-110 Howeburn 211-214 Safaddan 25-28 Carnforth 122-124 Cairness 79-88 Lydden 157-158 Dol-llys 13-17 Rhaeadr 1, 32-39 Erddreiniog 217 Ward 105-106 Ortum 215-216 Seagrave 107-108 Bentley 6-7, 61-67 Rookery 54-60 Willmar 190-195 Lindum 148-150 Kings 72-76 Dargale 2-3, 29-31 Thurston 228-230 Drwsnant 4-5, 10 Midhope 178-183 Roundacre 40-43 Lundazi 70-71 Kexbeck 196 Osbaston 48 Cargriff 222-227 Fronfraith 11-12 Morris 168-172 Silton 8-9, 89-90 Alloaks 137-142 Conveth 97-104 Conchar 77-78 Monkton 114-116 Stockton 125-136 Williamsgill 233-236 Birness 184-189 Manordale 143-147 Spittal 218-221 Perrinpit 91-96 Gweirglodd 68-69 Glenhead 173-177 Strathisla 159-167

Shearling Ewes Myfyr A Evans Tan-yr-accar, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 4PH Reg. Flock Code A12 Rhaeadr


A12:L67 Single Born:28/12/2008 Sire: CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Dam: A12:D72 by CONVETH GOLD BAR (89049) G.Dam: A12:X111 by STOCKTON CAESARS SON (83820) Notes: This gimmer is from one of the best families.

Ewe Lambs Messrs D F & A G Jeffries The Yews, Mollington, Nr Banbury, Oxon, OX17 1AZ Reg. Flock Code P91 Dargale


P91:N26 Single Born:03/01/2010 Sire: DARGALE ASSAULT (94354) Dam: P91:K48 by THURSTON MILLIONAIRE (92117) G.Dam: P91:A12 by KINGS HEAVEN AND HELL (85702) Notes: BTV 06.05.10.


P91:N6 Single Born:18/12/2009 Sire: WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE WILLIAM (93273) Dam: P91:J81 by DALHOUSIE HOPE & GLORY (90881) G.Dam: P91:F7 by DARGALE MACDONALD (89242) Notes: BTV 06.05.10.

REFERENCE TO SIRES: WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE WILLIAM was kindly loaned to us from Chris Holmes - Rookery Flock (Gold Cup Winners). DARGALE ASSAULT, breeding well in his first year, son of Stockton Somersault.

David T Jones 10 Cae-Seren, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1PF Reg. Flock Code R55 Drwsnant


R55:N8 Triplet Born:31/12/2009 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: FFH:C44 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: FWF:X29 by MUIRESK EUROSTAR (83750)


R55:N12 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: R55:F23 by PERRINPIT BABY BOY (89877) G.Dam: R55:C32 by WYNFAULD WELSH PRINCE (86100)

Messrs T C & C A Harding Lodge Farm, Atterton, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 6JZ Reg. Flock Code 239 Bentley


239:N29 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) Dam: 239:F12 by STRATHISLA MIS-THE-JUDGE (88490) G.Dam: 239:C72 by FORDAFOURIE SNEAK PREVIEW (85065) 20wk wt EBV's: 10.71 Actual: 58.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.69 -0.21 Index 2.97 30.70 mm 4.07 mm Age 145 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. N29 is full sister to lamb sold for 1,100gns at the National Sale'08. Dam F12 was Interbreed Champion at Leicester Show'09.


239:N50 Twin Born:14/01/2010 Sire: DRINKSTONE ELITE SUPERSIRE 06 (91834) Dam: 239:H96 by BENTLEY FIGURINE (90798) G.Dam: 239:D52 by STRATHISLA MIS-THE-JUDGE (88490) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.96 Actual: 58.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 3.78 -0.32 Index 3.52 32.50 mm 4.53 mm Age 139 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10.

Shearling Rams Mr & Mrs L Peel Greystone Farm, Over Silton, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2LH Reg. Flock Code JWC Silton


JWC:L5 Single Born:30/12/2008 Sire: BURNVIEW BEANO (93632) Dam: JWC:H19 by SITLOW SWEEP (89684) G.Dam: 239:A101 by BENTLEY GOLD STORM (85056) Notes: BTV 01.06.10.


JWC:L24 Triplet Born:07/01/2009 Sire: BURNVIEW BEANO (93632) Dam: JWC:J16 by ROSEDEN FIDGET (92375) G.Dam: 239:A101 by BENTLEY GOLD STORM (85056) Notes: BTV 01.06.10.

Ram Lambs David T Jones 10 Cae-Seren, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1PF Reg. Flock Code R55 Drwsnant

10 R55:N10 Single Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: R55:K11 by LANDALE LEADER LAD (92188) G.Dam: FWF:Z20 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136)

D W Morris Plas y Fronfraith, Commins Coch, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BE Reg. Flock Code HOF Fronfraith

11 HOF:N16 Single Born:31/12/2009 Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: HOF:K30 by DOL-LLYS GRAND SLAM (90561) G.Dam: FNV:C70 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) 20wk wt EBV's: 6.88 Actual: 67.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.63 0.54 Index 1.83 35.10 mm 6.93 mm Age 138 days

12 HOF:N6 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: HOF:F7 by MUIRESK FBS (88578) G.Dam: HOF:A1 by DOL-LLYS DYNAMIC (84280) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.65 Actual: 68.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.23 0.05 Index 2.21 35.50 mm 5.07 mm Age 140 days

Notes: BTV 31.05.10.

A W Evans Dol-llys Farm, Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6JA Reg. Flock Code 82N Dol-llys

13 82N:N2 Single Born:05/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Dam: 82N:K30 by STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW (90762) G.Dam: 82N:F3 by KINMUNDY COLUMBUS (88934) Notes: BTV 15.06.10. 14 82N:N9 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW (90762) Dam: 82N:D25 by MUIRESK ZANZO (88725) G.Dam: 82N:A22 by CAIRNESS CABARET (84469) Notes: BTV 15.06.10. 15 82N:N45 Single Born:28/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR REMBRANDT (94500) Dam: 82N:K31 by STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW (90762) G.Dam: 82N:F28 by MUIRESK ZANZO (88725) Notes: BTV 15.06.10. G G Dam purchased from Cairness. 16 82N:N47 Twin Born:26/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR REMBRANDT (94500) Dam: 82N:K61 by STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW (90762) G.Dam: 82N:H16 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: BTV 15.06.10. G G Dam purchased for 1,200gns from Strathisla, Fonzarella family. 17 82N:N30 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Dam: 82N:K43 by STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW (90762) G.Dam: 82N:D21 by KINMUNDY COLUMBUS (88934) Notes: BTV 15.06.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: RHAEADR REMBRANDT, purchased for 4,000gns at Edinburgh’09. STRATHISLA BLACK SHADOW, son selling to 1,000gns, G sons to 2,200gns. CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT, stock ram at Rhaeadr.

S J Buckley Sittinglow Farm, Dove Holes, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DA Reg. Flock Code 45Z Sitlow

18 45Z:N26 Single Born:07/01/2010 Sire: ROUNDACRE RACEWAY (94137) Dam: 45Z:J33 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:C25 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Full Brothers to Dam J33 have sold for 1,500gns & 1,300gns atEdinburgh and 800gns at the National. 19 45Z:N62 Twin Born:09/01/2010 Sire: ROUNDACRE RACEWAY (94137) Dam: 45Z:F95 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:X14 by WELLS BLACKSTAR (83932) Notes: Dam is full sister to Sitlow Danny Boy sold at Edinburgh for 4,000gns. 20 45Z:N78 Twin Born:10/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:H81 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576) G.Dam: 45Z:C10 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Brother sold for 1,100gns at the National'09.

21 45Z:N52 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:H85 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576) G.Dam: 45Z:C53 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Dam H85 is maternal sister to Sitlow Sensation, brother in Edinburgh pen. 22 45Z:N35 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:J48 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:X48 by SITLOW STARBUCK (83835) 23 45Z:N9 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:J37 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:C4 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Full brothers to dam have sold for 1,300, 1,200 & 1,050gns at the National Sales. 24 45Z:N51 Triplet Born:08/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:K65 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:H59 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576) SERVICE SIRE: CAIRNESS CARBON, purchased at Edinburgh ’09, a ram with length, tight skin and good colour. We are very pleased with his first crop of lambs. ROUNDACRE RACEWAY – purchased at Edinburgh’09, a smart powerful ram with a very good back end. From an excellent female line, full sister was Interbreed Champion at Devon County Show’09.

Mike Davies & Sons Ty-cerrig, Llangorse, Brecon, Powys, LD3 7UG Reg. Flock Code NLH Safaddan

25 NLH:N4 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Dam: A12:J44 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:F101 by PLASLLEWELYN PRINCE OF WALES (89932) Notes: Breed Champion at the Three Counties Show'10. 26 NLH:N15 Single Born:04/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: NLH:K25 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:H143 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) 27 NLH:N8 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Dam: A12:J44 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:F101 by PLASLLEWELYN PRINCE OF WALES (89932) Notes: Dam of N4 & N8 was Champion at Beeston as a ewe lamb, purchased for 1,600gns, very good breeder. 28 NLH:N11 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Dam: FNV:H168 by DEVERONSIDE THE MESSIAH (89650) G.Dam: FNV:A73 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: Parents of all lambs ARR/ARR.

Messrs D F & A G Jeffries The Yews, Mollington, Nr Banbury, Oxon, OX17 1AZ Reg. Flock Code P91 Dargale

29 P91:N5 Twin Born:18/12/2009 Sire: WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE WILLIAM (93273) Dam: P91:K14 by SAFADDAN MY WAY (92597) G.Dam: P91:D18 by LINDUM DINMAN (89070) Notes: BTV 06.05.10. 30 P91:N50 Single Born:13/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON GOD ALMIGHTY (94351) Dam: P91:F18 by DARGALE MACDONALD (89242) G.Dam: P91:P17 by DARGALE SUPER TROOPER (76536) Notes: BTV 06.05.10. 31 P91:N36 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: ROOKERY ROYALTY (94353) Dam: P91:J55 by DALHOUSIE HOPE & GLORY (90881) G.Dam: P91:F12 by PLASLLEWELYN GOOD FELLA (89874) Notes: BTV 06.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE WILLIAM was kindly loaned to us from Chris Holmes - Rookery Flock (Gold Cup Winners). ROOKERY ROCKSTAR, a son of Williamsgill Prince William. THURSTON GOD ALMIGHTY, grown into an impressive Shearling, his grand dam S46:C70, a great breeding Muiresk ewe on both Dam & Sires’ side. DARGALE ASSAULT, breeding well in his first year, son of Stockton Somersault.

Myfyr A Evans Tan-yr-accar, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 4PH Reg. Flock Code A12 Rhaeadr

32 A12:N41 Twin Born:31/12/2009 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:F19 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:A54 by MUIRESK SCOTSMAN (86025) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. N41 maternal brother to gimmer which was Breed Champion at RWAS'09. 33 A12:N95 Single Born:03/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:K62 by BAILEYS TAILOR MADE (93057) G.Dam: DDY:F74 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. Dam J121 by the Edinburgh Champion'06, sold for 70,000gns. G Dam purchased from Baileys Sale for 5,000gns, her sire sold for 45,000gns. 34 A12:N56 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:C59 by RHAEADR ROLLS ROYCE (86958) G.Dam: A12:X127 by CAIRNESS STORMER (83213) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. N56 maternal brother to Rhaeadr Rossi sold for 70,000gns. N56 has a very good twin sister.

35 A12:N85 Triplet Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:J76 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:F114 by CAIRNESS ENCHANTMENT (88231) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. Triplet born and reared. G Dam produced lambs selling at Edinburgh & Kelso. 36 A12:N20 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:H119 by CASTLEWELLAN CRUZ (91096) G.Dam: 33H:C125 by RHAEADR SUPREME (89406) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. Dam always breeds lambs with plenty of power. 37 A12:N94 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:J125 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:F72 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Dam a very good powerful ewe by Rossi. G Dam purchased from Baileys Production Sale for 6,500gns. 38 A12:N61 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Dam: A12:K106 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: A12:D69 by SOLWAYBANK SPECIAL (89050) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. N61 sire by the 75,000gns Stockton Almighty. Dam a very powerful ewe by Thurston Calzaghe. 39 A12:N122 Twin Born:07/02/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: DDY:F72 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) G.Dam: DDY:Z87 by GLENHO GLAYVA (85807) Notes: BTV 17.05.10. This young lamb was born on 7th Feb, his dam cost 6,500gns. REFERENCE TO SIRES: BAILEY’S BRIGADIER II was purchased at Edinburgh’09 for 7,500gns. He has bred very well in his season. Two of his lambs were placed 2nd & 5th at the Royal Highland Show. We have seven of his sons entered for Edinburgh, his daughters are also of very good quality.

Ross Lawrence Netherleigh, Iddesleigh, Winkleigh, Devon, EX19 8BD Reg. Flock Code NHL Roundacre

40 NHL:N8 Twin Born:05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SCRUMPY (93253) Dam: NHL:J11 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: CAL:D48 by STRATHISLA ROCK OF MCCOY (88144) Notes: BTV 09.05.10. Strong powerful lamb, Dam NHL:J11 big fleshy Grimaldi daughter. G Dam D48 by Rock of McCoy, Sire of Kings High and Mighty 24,000gns. 41 NHL:N5 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SCRUMPY (93253) Dam: FNV:J11 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:D115 by GLENHO GADAFFI (ET) (88503) Notes: BTV 09.05.10. Smart powerful lamb, twin brother going to Edinburgh. Dam FNV:J11 tremendous Schumacher daughter, purchased privately from Strathisla as a gimmer.

42 NHL:N9 Twin Born:05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SCRUMPY (93253) Dam: NHL:J11 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: CAL:D48 by STRATHISLA ROCK OF MCCOY (88144) Notes: BTV 09.05.10. Strong fleshy lamb, twin to N8 (Lot 40). 43 NHL:N11 Single Born:13/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA XTASY (92595) Dam: NHL:J13 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: 72H:F24 by STOCKTON GOLD NUGGET (90436) Notes: BTV 09.05.10. Young mid Feb born lamb with massive potential. Dam NHL:J13 biggest ewe in flock, Breed Champion Devon County Show'10. G Dam 72H:F24 purchased form Stockton Reduction'05 for 1,000gns. Breed Champion Devon County Show'06. REFERENCE TO SIRES: STRATHISLA SCRUMPY, sire Strathisla Stoner, purchased at the National Sale’08 for 2,400gns, grown into a massive tup with loads of power, good carcase, super colours and skin. STRATHISLA XTASY, sire Muiresk Powerpacker, purchased at Edinburgh ’07 for 3,500gns, a massive tup with great bone and huge carcase, Breed Champion Devon County Show’08, Breed Champion Royal Bath & West’10, Breed & Interbreed Champion Royal Cornwall’10.

James W Brown & Others Eildon Cottage, Mindrum Mill, Mindrum, Northumberland, TD12 4QL Reg. Flock Code BHW Arran

44 BHW:N42 Twin Born:24/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PERRINPIT PORTHMADOG (93479) Dam: BHW:C10 by DRINKSTONE MAAKRI (87761) G.Dam: BHW:X6 by SHANNAGH SELECT (82874) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.89 Actual: 78.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.47 0.79 Index 2.84 35.30 mm 7.27 mm Age 135 days

Notes: BTV by Vet 21.06.10. Dam C10 is a good breeding ewe, predominantly of females.

45 BHW:N28 Single Born:19/01/2010 Sire: PERRINPIT PORTHMADOG (93479) Dam: BHW:F7 by DRINKSTONE MAAKRI (87761) G.Dam: BHW:C19 by HILLEND HUNTSMAN (86750) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.23 Actual: 78.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.57 0.37 Index 2.94 36.10 mm 6.17 mm Age 140 days

Notes: BTV by Vet 21.06.10. Dam F7 also dam of 900gns lamb at Carlisle'08.

46 BHW:N40 Twin Born:23/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CONVETH CARNOUSTIE (92635) Dam: BHW:H14 by DRINKSTONE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89992) G.Dam:

BHW:D18 by DRINKSTONE MAAKRI (87761) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV's: 8.94 1.60 0.81 Index 2.53 Actual: 72.00 kgs 30.10 mm 7.30 mm Age 136 days

Notes: BTV by Vet 21.06.10. Full brother to No 3, last year selling to1,850gns.

47 BHW:N10 Twin Born:13/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PERRINPIT PORTHMADOG (93479) Dam: BHW:K34 by CONVETH CARNOUSTIE (92635) G.Dam: BHW:C5 by DRINKSTONE MAAKRI (87761) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.06 Actual: 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.92 0.64 Index 2.82 33.30 mm 6.50 mm Age 146 days

NOTES: Lots 44 & 46 born the end of January. Stock rams are always selected primarily on their commercial qualities.

Mr A Morris Erddreiniog, Tregaian, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7UH Reg. Flock Code PHT Osbaston

48 PHT:N4 Twin Born:27/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Dam: 157A:K22 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: 157A:F23 by CAIRNESS SCHOLES (89552) Notes: BTV 05.05.10. A very smart twin lamb with the best of bloodlines.

G Biddulph Dalehouse Farm, Gawsworth, Nr Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 9QJ Reg. Flock Code 92J Pexhill

49 92J:N34 Single Born:07/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA APACHE (94182) Dam: 92J:F20 by CARNFORTH KINGPIN (89257) G.Dam: 92J:W88 by DALEFORD HANKY PANKY (76803) Notes: Dam F20 - one of our best Kingpin ewes. G Dam, full sister to 3,800gns Pexhill Punch, 1st & Res Male Champion Royal Show. 50 92J:N2 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 92J:F84 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) G.Dam: 92J:A91 by PEXHILL PROUD (84674) Notes: Dam 92J:N84 sold at Pexhill Sale'05 for 2,000gns to Cairness. Her first lamb was 1st & Res Champion National Sale and sold for 6,500gns. She was re-purchased last year. Cairness Achievement, Champion lamb National Sale’09, sold for 20,000gns. 51 92J:N28 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA APACHE (94182) Dam: 92J:J45 by CARNFORTH KINGPIN (89257) G.Dam: 92J:F93 by DIDCOT ORKNEY (87812) Notes: G Dam's twin brother sold for 2,000gns. 52 92J:N30 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA APACHE (94182) Dam: 92J:F90 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) G.Dam: 92J:C59 by LAURELBANK DEXTER (86124) Notes: Dam F90 bred 2nd prize ewe lamb at the Royal Show. 53 92J:N31 Single Born:07/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA APACHE (94182) Dam: 92J:J13 by CARNFORTH KINGPIN (89257) G.Dam: 92J:F9 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) Notes: G Dam F9 is full sister to J8 Female & Res Supreme Champion Royal Show'07.

REFERENCE TO SIRES: STRATHISLA APACHE: Robbie Wilsons No.1 ram in Edinburgh last year sold for 6,000gns to J Gould’s Rychmae Flock, he is a son of Strathisla Speed and his dam is ET sister to the 4,800gns st Strathisla Dylan Thomas. He is a big stylish ram with a fantastic carcase, and was in the 1 prize pen of three ram lambs.

C J Holmes Rookery Farm, Broadway, Worcestershire, WR12 7LA Reg. Flock Code DND Rookery

54 DND:N40 Single Born:09/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:H1 by MUIRESK CHAMPION (80755) G.Dam: DND:Z1 by LOWERFFRYDD MONTGOMERY (81549) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. N40 was in Champion Interbreed Group of three at the Three Counties Show. 55 DND:N4 Twin Born:19/12/2009 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:H37 by MARWOOD MILLENNIUM MAN (85061) G.Dam: DND:A13 by BIRNESS BON JOVI (83301) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. 56 DND:N35 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:H17 by RHAEADR OF THE LOST ARK (90626) G.Dam: DND:D19 by MUIRESK FAREWELL (89139) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. 57 DND:N21 Single Born:04/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:F36 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) G.Dam: DND:U103 by WELLS WICKERMAN (78371) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. Dam is the biggest ewe in the flock, our show ewe, never been beaten. 58 DND:N36 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:H17 by RHAEADR OF THE LOST ARK (90626) G.Dam: DND:D19 by MUIRESK FAREWELL (89139) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. 59 DND:N62 Twin Born:15/01/2010 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:J58 by RHAEADR OF THE LOST ARK (90626) G.Dam: DND:A15 by MARWOOD MILLENNIUM MAN (85061) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. 60 DND:N6 Triplet Born:30/12/2009 Sire: RHAEADR OBSESSION (93272) Dam: DND:F58 by HADDO DOUBLE DIAMOND (90465) G.Dam: DND:X15 by MUIRESK MCKELVEY (79268) Notes: BTV 07.06.10. Maternal brother sold at this sale last year to Flodden for 3,400gns.

Messrs T C & C A Harding Lodge Farm, Atterton, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV13 6JZ Reg. Flock Code 239 Bentley

61 239:N17 Single Born:04/01/2010 Sire: FLODDEN SENATOR (94261) Dam: 239:J54 by BENTLEY FIGURINE (90798) G.Dam: 239:D24 by FORDAFOURIE RIO (88197) 20wk wt EBV's: 12.65 Actual: 89.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.69 0.23 Index 3.66 32.10 mm 6.17 mm Age 149 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. N17 Res Champion at Midlands & Eastern Branch Show at Rutland’10. 62 239:N11 Single Born:03/01/2010 Sire: FLODDEN SENATOR (94261) Dam: 239:J60 by BENTLEY FIGURINE (90798) G.Dam: 239:Z86 by BENTLEY GOLD STORM (85056) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.89 Actual: 76.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.16 0.53 Index 2.41 30.50 mm 6.97 mm Age 150 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. Dam J60 is maternal sister to C25 RASE Champion'04. 63 239:N45 Single Born:10/01/2010 Sire: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) Dam: DNZ:H17 by COCKLEBY FIRST MATE (91433) G.Dam: DNZ:D16 by COCKLEBY ATLANTIS (88840) 20wk wt EBV's: 10.22 Actual: 74.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 4.21 1.51 Index 3.50 34.20 mm 10.77 mm Age 143 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. 64 239:N42 Twin Born:09/01/2010 Sire: DRINKSTONE ELITE SUPERSIRE 06 (91834) Dam: 239:F17 by DRINKSTONE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89992) G.Dam: 239:A81 by FORDAFOURIE SNEAK PREVIEW (85065) 20wk wt EBV's: 13.90 Actual: 88.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 6.10 -0.28 Index 5.16 42.20 mm 5.40 mm Age 144 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. 65 239:N72 Twin Born:21/01/2010 Sire: FLODDEN SENATOR (94261) Dam: 239:F51 by DRINKSTONE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89992) G.Dam: 239:S17 by GROVEWOOD SUPERSIRE 93 (75504) 20wk wt EBV's: 13.20 Actual: 78.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 4.80 1.19 Index 4.05 37.80 mm 7.67 mm Age 132 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10. 66 239:N44 Single Born:09/01/2010 Sire: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) Dam: 239:K3 by DRINKSTONE ELITE SUPERSIRE 06 (91834) G.Dam: 239:F52 by DRINKSTONE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89992) 20wk wt EBV's: 12.25 Actual: 77.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 3.98 -0.09 Index 4.66 32.30 mm 5.50 mm Age 144 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10.

67 239:N61 Twin Born:15/01/2010 Sire: FLODDEN SENATOR (94261) Dam: 239:J80 by PERRINPIT PINNACLE (90801) G.Dam: 239:F88 by LANGSIDE LANDSLIDE (89305) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.65 Actual: 69.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 3.40 1.00 Index 2.46 34.60 mm 5.10 mm Age 138 days

Notes: BTV 27.05.10.

W Elfed Williams Gweirglodd Bach, Penmynydd, Llanfairpwll, Ynys Mon, LL61 6PG Reg. Flock Code FWL Gweirglodd

68 FWL:N2 Embryo Born:21/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Dam: 33H:A11 by CAIRNESS CELLNET (85093) G.Dam: 33H:W88 by STOCKTON STORM (80746) Notes: ET. Dam A11, dam of many registered rams. 69 FWL:N9 Embryo Born:22/12/2009 Sire: LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) Dam: 33H:A8 by CAIRNESS CELLNET (85093) G.Dam: 33H:W159 by CAIRNESS GOLDDUST (81369) Notes: ET. Dam A8 has bred very well for Cairness.

John Lundy Mid Upper Priestside, Cummertrees, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, DG12 5PX Reg. Flock Code NFH Lundazi

70 NFH:N1 Single Born:28/12/2009 Sire: BANKEND BORTHWICK (93551) Dam: NFH:K17 by LUNDAZI WARRIOR (91760) G.Dam: NFH:F8 by CONVETH TALENT (89862) Notes: Both parents ARR/ARR. 71 NFH:N8 Single Born:23/01/2010 Sire: BANKEND BORTHWICK (93551) Dam: 84:C62 by HALLHILL DANCER (87827) G.Dam: 84:U67 by STOCKTON SMOOTH OPERATOR (81661) Notes: Both parents ARR/ARR.

Messrs T A Irwin & Son Lower Kingstree, Kingsnympton, Umberleigh, Devon, EX37 9TT Reg. Flock Code CAL Kings

72 CAL:N70 Single Born:20/02/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: CAL:J30 by DAVISHILL THE CROWN (91894) G.Dam: CAL:W62 by CROSEMANOR STOMPER (83113) Notes: BTV 22.06.10. Late Feb born lamb from High and Mighty's sister. 73 CAL:N62 Triplet Born:26/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: LND:D20 by KINGS COMMOTION (88483) G.Dam: CAL:Z16 by MUIRESK MARS BAR (83799) Notes: BTV 22.06.10. young lamb. Dam D20 had a great show career and breeds lambs with style and carcase.

74 CAL:N58 Embryo Born:25/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: CAL:J30 by DAVISHILL THE CROWN (91894) G.Dam: CAL:W62 by CROSEMANOR STOMPER (83113) Notes: BTV 22.06.10. ET brother to N70 (Lot 72). 75 CAL:N14 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: CAL:J41 by DAVISHILL THE CROWN (91894) G.Dam: CAL:A127 by KINGS THE STAR (86541) Notes: BTV 22.06.10. 76 CAL:N11 Single Born:27/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: CAL:J97 by DAVISHILL THE CROWN (91894) G.Dam: CAL:A9 by KINGS THE STAR (86541) Notes: BTV 22.06.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: CAIRNESS CARBON, 6,000gns Edinburgh’09, very pleased with his first crop of smart tight skinned lambs.

Paula & David Reid Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 4QB Reg. Flock Code JDX Conchar

77 JDX:N23 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Sire: MUIRESK EUROSTAR (83750) Dam: JDX:H31 by STOCKTON GOLD NUGGET (90436) G.Dam: JDX:D24 by STOCKTON STANLEY (83694) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. 78 JDX:N26 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Sire: MUIRESK EUROSTAR (83750) Dam: JDX:F25 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) G.Dam: JDX:C9 by CROSEMANOR COSTA (85837) Notes: BTV 26.05.10.

J G Douglas Woodhead of Cairness, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 5XD Reg. Flock Code 33H Cairness

79 33H:N29 Single Born:13/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K57 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) G.Dam: S46:C70 by MUIRESK MANAT (86467) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. One of our top lambs. G Dam S46:C70 the 11,000gns Muiresk ewe lamb. 80 33H:N17 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:J77 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: J53:Z52 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. G Dam J53:Z52 one of the biggest Glenisla ewes ever. 81 33H:N59 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:J58 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FAG:C29 by SOLWAYBANK SALUTE (88054) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam sister of the 10,000gns Cairness Battleship.

82 33H:N18 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:J77 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: J53:Z52 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam 33H:J77, one of our top Thurston Chieftain ewes. 83 33H:N21 Twin Born:10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K74 by BAILEYS GOLDEN STAR (92619) G.Dam: 33H:H23 by CAIRNESS KICKING KING (90794) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam a right good ewe by Baileys Golden Star. 84 33H:N39 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:F101 by MULLANBOY MOHAMMED (89551) G.Dam: J53:Z29 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam a right good ewe. G Dam the 11,000gns Glenisla ewe lamb. 85 33H:N6 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:J105 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) G.Dam: S46:C70 by MUIRESK MANAT (86467) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. A good able bodied lamb. 86 33H:N22 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K32 by BAILEYS GOLDEN STAR (92619) G.Dam: 33H:H242 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam goes back to the 11,000gns Glenisla ewe lamb. 87 33H:N25 Twin Born:14/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: 33H:K88 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:H4 by CAIRNESS KICKING KING (90794) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Twin brother in Edinburgh pen. 88 33H:N8 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:J71 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: J53:Z52 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam same family as N17 (Lot 80). REFERENCE TO SIRES: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT, Champion National Show & Sale, sold for 20,000gns to Charlie & Kevin Proctor, half share retained. CAIRNESS SEA THE STARS, sold to Harry Stewart at Edinburgh’09.

Mr & Mrs L Peel Greystone Farm, Over Silton, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, YO7 2LH Reg. Flock Code JWC Silton

89 JWC:N70 Single Born:04/01/2010 Sire: BURNVIEW BEANO (93632) Dam: JWC:H2 by SITLOW SWEEP (89684) G.Dam: JWC:C2 by HAMBLETON RESOLVE (87469) Notes: BTV 01.06.10. 90 JWC:N14 Single Sire: BURNVIEW BEANO (93632) Dam: JWC:J5 by ROSEDEN FIDGET (92375) G.Dam: JWC:D6 by BENTLEY TIP TOE (87470) Notes: BTV 01.06.10.


Messrs A E Weaver & Son Perrinpit Farm, Frampton Cotterell, Gloucestershire, BS36 2AT Reg. Flock Code P50 Perrinpit

91 P50:N48 Single Born:13/01/2010 Sire: PERRINPIT KERNEL (93907) Dam: P50:K36 by STOKEDOYLE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89725) G.Dam: P50:F37 by SOLWAYBANK RANGER (87828) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.08 Actual: 64.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 4.24 0.28 Index 3.48 37.30 mm 3.80 mm Age 135 days

Notes: Our top index lamb this year. 92 P50:N6 Twin Born:21/12/2009 Sire: PERRINPIT KERNEL (93907) Dam: P50:F33 by SOLWAYBANK RANGER (87828) G.Dam: P50:X58 by BORELAND BLACK LABEL (83305) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.45 Actual: 75.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.98 0.54 Index 2.39 37.50 mm 6.80 mm Age 158 days

Notes: Dam is full sister to ram lamb sold for 1200gns, Edinburgh 2003. 93 P50:N7 Triplet Born:24/12/2009 Sire: PERRINPIT KERNEL (93907) Dam: P50:H19 by GLENHEAD GLACIER (89547) G.Dam: P50:D115 by SOLWAYBANK RANGER (87828) 20wk wt EBV's: 6.90 Actual: 68.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.53 0.51 Index 2.03 37.10 mm 6.00 mm Age 155 days

94 P50:N32 Single Born:08/01/2010 Sire: PERRINPIT KERNEL (93907) Dam: P50:F44 by SOLWAYBANK RANGER (87828) G.Dam: P50:W12 by GLENHO GALAXY (ET) (83122) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.75 Actual: 72.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.71 0.88 Index 2.40 33.30 mm 6.30 mm Age 140 days

Notes: From a very good family.

95 P50:N44 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: SITLOW LIMELIGHT (94144) Dam: P50:J25 by DAVISHILL DAMBUSTER (91762) G Dam: P50:F99 by GLENHEAD GLACIER (89547) 20wk wt 20wk musc. 20wk fat EBV's: 8.35 2.10 0.75 Index 2.27 Actual: 69.00 kgs 34.30 mm 6.87 mm Age 147 days

Notes: Our 2nd highest index lamb. 96 P50:N35 Twin Born:09/01/2010 Sire: ROOKERY X FACTOR (91776) Dam: P50:H104 by PERRINPIT TRUE STYLE (88487) G.Dam: P50:C93 by FORDAFOURIE FINAL (87329) 20wk wt EBV's: 11.67 Actual: 73.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.13 0.74 Index 3.19 33.30 mm 4.70 mm Age 139 days

REFERENCE TO SIRES: PERRINPIT KERNEL -Sire of our first five lambs here. Has a very good index, especially as a complete outcross. Dam P50:D62 our best Ranger ewe, G.G. Daughter of W35:H59 ROOKERY X FACTOR - Used by kind permission of Chris Holmes. Has left some really nice ewe lambs. SITLOW LIMELIGHT – purchased National Sale ’09 - Dam full sister to 7,000gns Sitlow Sensation.

C A Proctor & Co Mains of Tollo, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 7HH Reg. Flock Code DYH Conveth

97 DYH:N51 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:K166 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: DYH:X63 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.15 Actual: 74.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.15 -0.66 Index 1.34 37.60 mm 3.00 mm Age 159 days

Notes: Twin to our No.1 lamb for Edinburgh. G Dam bred sons to 2,200gns at Edinburgh and 1,100gns at Kelso. She was maternal sister to Conveth Cruger. 98 DYH:N77 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:D57 by MEIKLESON MONARCH (87363) G.Dam: DYH:W29 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.68 Actual: 78.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.96 0.05 Index 2.59 42.70 mm 5.67 mm Age 158 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. Dam is maternal sister to C41 which bred well in the Castlewellan Flock.

99 DYH:N27 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:J22 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) G.Dam: DYH:X3 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.65 Actual: 81.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.12 0.35 Index 2.80 38.70 mm 5.83 mm Age 160 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. G Dam bred sons sold to 950gns at National Sale.

100 DYH:N134 Twin Born:05/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:K127 by DEVERONSIDE WHISTLEBLOWER (92758) G.Dam: DYH:C42 by GLENHEAD GOLD (85059) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.72 Actual: 77.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.78 0.00 Index 2.12 38.80 mm 5.17 mm Age 156 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. G Dam was twin sister to C41 at Castlewellan.

101 DYH:N106 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:J91 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) G.Dam: DYH:X45 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652) 20wk wt EBV's: 10.88 Actual: 84.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 0.81 0.05 Index 2.77 37.80 mm 4.43 mm Age 157 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. Dam is maternal sister to Conveth High Flyer. 102 DYH:N80 Triplet Born:03/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:H37 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) G.Dam: DYH:D57 by MEIKLESON MONARCH (87363) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.54 Actual: 79.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.66 0.22 Index 2.59 37.00 mm 6.13 mm Age 158 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. G Dam is maternal sister to C41 in the Castlewellan Flock. 103 DYH:N59 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:F44 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) G.Dam: DYH:W27 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.93 Actual: 78.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.36 0.41 Index 2.41 41.30 mm 5.87 mm Age 159 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. 104 DYH:N58 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:F44 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) G.Dam: DYH:W27 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.35 Actual: 75.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.21 0.31 Index 2.25 41.10 mm 5.60 mm Age 159 days

Notes: BTV 17.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: CAIRNESS ACHEVEMENT, Sire: Cairness Just the Best, National Sale Champion’09 purchased for 20,000gns.

Richard H Francis Plas-y-ward, Ruthin, Denbighshire, LL15 1TE Reg. Flock Code 556 Ward

105 556:N8 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: 556:H2 by BURNDALE BENGAL (89171) G.Dam: 33H:C43 by CAIRNESS CAPELLO (86471) Notes: BTV 22.04.10.

106 556:N69 Single Born:25/01/2010 Sire: MORRIS MACHEDA (94587) Dam: 556:F64 by SOLWAYBANK SENATOR (89170) G.Dam: 556:A34 by WARD CARLSBERG (87034) Notes: BTV 22.04.10. Dam F64 consistent breeder. REFERENCE TO SIRES: MORRIS MACHEDA, purchased at Edinburgh’09, excellent carcase. STOCKTON SENTINAL II, purchased Edinburgh’03 for 28,000gns.

Mr JW Hallam & Mrs SM Eggleston Top Farm, Walton-on-the-Wolds, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE12 8JF Reg. Flock Code G86 Seagrave

107 G86:N15 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SCOUT (93087) Dam: G86:H23 by LUNE A.C. (76537) G.Dam: G86:D55 by STOCKTON KUDOS (89028) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. 108 G86:N85 Single Born:31/01/2010 Sire: ROUNDACRE RUSTY (93560) Dam: G86:H34 by MEIKLESON MALARKIE (89899) G.Dam: G86:D93 by BIRNESS BEST BUDDY (89030) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: ROUNDACRE RUSTY (RR), purchased at the National Sale’08, his sire Strathisla Xtacy is in winning form taking Breed & Interbreed honours around the shows.

John Creeper Higher Tregunnon, Altarnum, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 7SX Reg. Flock Code KAX Jaycee

109 KAX:N15 Twin Born:20/12/2009 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: KAX:J11 by KINGS DEVONIAN (89658) G.Dam: KAX:C25 by ORWELL PRINCIPAL (87778) Notes: Dam was Royal Cornwall Show Sup Champion'08. She is a correct ewe with very strong maternal strengths. G BTV 29.06.10. Dam has 4 daughters within the flock who all breed consistently correct lambs. 110 KAX:N10 Triplet Born:19/12/2009 Sire: THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Dam: KAX:H69 by KINGS DEVONIAN (89658) G.Dam: KAX:C25 by ORWELL PRINCIPAL (87778) Notes: BTV 29.06.10. A triplet lamb who has been orphan reared. Dam is a full sister to dam above and has all the same attributes, she is also twin sister to Jaycee Juggernaut. REFERENCE TO SIRES: st THURSTON CALZAGHE, sired 1 prize pen of three at Edinburgh’08 selling up to 11,000gns. His first 10 sons averaged 3,200gns. THURSTON CHEIFTAIN, breeding very well within top flocks and has bred me a correct crop of lambs.

Messrs A H Bradshaw & Son Fosgrove House, St Ives Road, Somersham, Cambs, PE28 3ER Reg. Flock Code 76J Narborough

111 76J:N1 Triplet Born:28/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: 76J:F6 by FORDAFOURIE PRESIDENT (ET) (85104) G.Dam: P11:Z42 by GLENISLA TWEED (83928) Notes: BTV 06.05.10. 112 76J:N11 Single Born:04/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: 76J:H8 by CONVETH KRAKKA (90744) G.Dam: 76J:A6 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 06.05.10. 113 76J:N12 Single Born:12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:K149 by STRATHISLA STONER (92716) G.Dam: FNV:H84 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) Notes: Dam purchased from Glenisla for 1,300gns. REFERENCE TO SIRES: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD, Edinburgh Champion’09,10,000gns.

Messrs V E & B M Samuel & Son Upper Monkton Farm, St Weonards, Herefordshire, HR2 8PF Reg. Flock Code Y18 Monkton

114 Y18:N15 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Sire: ROOKERY HIGH TOWER (94461) Dam: Y18:F40 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) G.Dam: S46:W99 by PERRINPIT PELE (82304) Notes: Dam ET daughter of S46:W99, dam of Zidane. G Dam very good Stockton ewe. 115 Y18:N5 Single Born:31/12/2009 Sire: STRATHISLA SPEEDWAY (93217) Dam: Y18:J55 by MIDDLEMUIR CHURCHILL (91513) G.Dam: 72H:W71 by STOCKTON STANLEY (83694) Notes: G Dam very good Stockton ewe. 116 Y18:N21 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: ROOKERY HIGH TOWER (94461) Dam: Y18:H17 by STOCKTON BEST MATE (90287) G.Dam: Y18:C7 by DIDCOT ORKNEY (87812) Notes: Dam's G Dam Interbreed Champion at Shropshire & West Mid Show. REFERENCE TO SIRES: ROOKERY HIGH TOWER, purchased here last year for 3,500gns.

Thomas Blunt 36 Shelsmore, Giffard Park, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 5HU Reg. Flock Code NLB Milton

117 NLB:N10 Single Born:23/01/2010 Sire: HAZELTREE HARIBO (94220) Dam: J65:H85 by COLLESSIE IVAN (89838) G.Dam: J65:Z80 by FORDAFOURIE SENATOR (ET) (81527) Notes: BTV 23.06.10. Res Champion Herts Show. Dam bred Interbreed Champion Herts Show & Res. Breed Champion Newark Show'10.

County Turf Ltd (Farm) Low Santon Farm, Appleby, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN15 0DF Reg. Flock Code LOZ Hazeltree

118 LOZ:N2 Single Born:24/12/2009 Sire: HAZELTREE KRACKER (93442) Dam: LOZ:J6 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) G.Dam: 33H:F40 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) Notes: BTV by vet 26.05.10. Dam J6, 6th prize ewe lamb at RHASS. 119 LOZ:N13 Embryo Born:26/12/2009 Sire: SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982) G.Dam: 80:C78 by SANTON XTASY (85144) Notes: BTV by vet 26.05.10. Embryo brother to lamb sold in Edinburgh'09 for 5,000gns. 120 LOZ:N20 Single Born:27/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982) Dam: LRB:J27 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) G.Dam: S46:A30 by MUIRESK MILLREEF (86466) Notes: BTV by vet 26.05.10. 121 LOZ:N19 Twin Born:26/12/2009 Sire: SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) Dam: LOZ:K16 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: 33H:F40 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) Notes: BTV by vet 26.05.10.

Rodger K Denby Riddings Hill, Moat, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5PJ Reg. Flock Code A58 Carnforth

122 A58:N21 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: SITLOW SENATOR (94444) Dam: A58:H17 by SITLOW SUMMIT (90366) G.Dam: A58:C2 by STRATHISLA SUPREME CHAMPION (86627) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.07 Actual: 70.30 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.45 0.21 Index 2.23 33.70 mm 4.30 mm Age 153 days

Notes: BTV 29.06.10. Dam C2 was Interbreed Champion at Northumberland Show.

123 A58:N4 Twin Born:25/12/2009 Sire: CARNFORTH MAGNET (91145) Dam: A58:J34 by MONKTON STRONGBOW (92123) G.Dam: A58:D4 by GLENHO MORNING GLORY (85094) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.84 Actual: 79.40 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.65 -0.15 Index 2.36 36.10 mm 2.50 mm Age 160 days

Notes: BTV 29.06.10.

124 A58:N20 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: SITLOW SENATOR (94444) Dam: A58:H21 by CARNFORTH MAGNET (91145) G.Dam: 80:U34 by CAIRNESS TORNADO (81378) 20wk wt EBV's: 11.66 Actual: 72.60 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 0.44 -0.19 Index 2.52 30.30 mm 1.80 mm Age 153 days

Notes: BTV 29.06.10. H21 dam of NWSBC Club Champion last year.

Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons Stockton Court, Stockton-on-Teme, Worcester, Worcs, WR6 6UT Reg. Flock Code 72H Stockton

125 72H:N87 Twin Born:19/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STOCKTON LAD THE SECOND (94294) Dam: 72H:K77 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) G.Dam: 72H:H35 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) Notes: 2nd & Res Male Champion at the Three Counties Show. 126 72H:N110 Single Born:10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STOCKTON STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) Dam: 72H:K15 by GAVAL GEORGE (92281) G.Dam: 72H:D40 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) 127 72H:N44 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SCOOBY (91595) Dam: 72H:H45 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) G.Dam: 72H:D24 by BAWNOGUE HERCULES (87387) 128 72H:N70 Twin Born:15/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MORRIS LES (93905) Dam: 72H:K76 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) G.Dam: 72H:H35 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) 129 72H:N162 Twin Born:20/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STOCKTON STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) Dam: 72H:J64 by STOCKTON WHISTLER (92283) G.Dam: 72H:D60 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) 130 72H:N100 Twin Born:19/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STOCKTON STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) Dam: 72H:H10 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) G.Dam: 72H:D2 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) 131 72H:N116 Twin Born:20/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MORRIS LES (93905) Dam: 72H:H49 by STOCKTON GOLD BULLION (90434) G.Dam: 72H:A13 by STOCKTON SAKHEE (87144) 132 72H:N52 Twin Born:10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: RHAEADR RADAR (93904) Dam: 72H:J10 by STOCKTON GRANT (92279) G.Dam: 72H:F5 by STOCKTON GOLD BULLION (90434) 133 72H:N63 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: RHAEADR RADAR (93904) Dam: 72H:H63 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) G.Dam: 72H:D60 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327)

134 72H:N164 Twin Born:27/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STOCKTON LAD THE SECOND (94294) Dam: 72H:K69 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) G.Dam: 72H:H66 by STOCKTON GOLD INGOT (91501) 135 72H:N31 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MORRIS LES (93905) Dam: 72H:K12 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) G.Dam: HRZ:D25 by MUIRESK K.M. (85658) 136 72H:N56 Twin Born:15/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: RHAEADR RADAR (93904) Dam: 72H:J46 by STOCKTON GRANT (92279) G.Dam: HRZ:D8 by STOCKTON SAKHEE (87144)

Messrs M J R & J A Pinny New College Farm, Holcot, Northants, NN6 9SQ Reg. Flock Code J65 Alloaks

137 J65:N50 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS CAMELOT (93587) Dam: J65:J1 by COLLESSIE KING CARLOS (91996) G.Dam: J65:C9 by MUIRESK MARIENBARD (88181) Notes: His dam is a good breeder by Collessie King Carlos purchased from Kelso for 3,000gns. 138 J65:N83 Twin Born:17/01/2010 Sire: BURNVIEW PERFORMER (94563) Dam: J65:H9 by ALLOAKS GAME FAIR (90850) G.Dam: J65:Z3 by GLENISLA SUBMISSION (83454) Notes: First son to be offered for sale by Burnview Performer. 139 J65:N100 Triplet Born:20/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS CORKA (92898) Dam: J65:H43 by SOLWAYBANK WALLACE (89188) G.Dam: J65:W101 by HOLME ROMEO (81526) Notes: 1st prize & Male Champion Suffolk Show. 140 J65:N41 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: MELFORD LIEUTENANT () Dam: J65:J26 by SOLWAYBANK WALLACE (89188) G.Dam: J65:F29 by STOCKTON MINI COOPER (89184) 141 J65:N120 Single Born:30/12/2009 Sire: STRATHISLA JOHNNIE (93909) Dam: J65:K73 by NORTHCROFT CONQUEST (92900) G.Dam: J65:F93 by SITLOW SPARKY (89837) 142 J65:N33 Twin Born:30/12/2009 Sire: BAILEYS KAUTO (93758) Dam: J65:F57 by STOCKTON MINI COOPER (89184) G.Dam: J65:U154 by GLENISLA CENTURION (79580) Notes: His dam was Female Champion at RASE as a ewe lamb. REFERENCE TO SIRES: BAILEY’S CAMELOT, sire Mullenboy Muhamed, much admired on the show circuit last year st winning 1 prize & Championships at several shows. st BURNVIEW PERFORMER, purchased at Edinburgh for 3,000gns last year, he was 1 prize Signet Recorded Lamb. MELFORD LIEUTENANT, purchased privately last year, he’s all Baileys breeding.

Keith R Thomas Green Farm, Hilderstone, Stone, Staffs, ST15 8SQ Reg. Flock Code FNP Manordale

143 FNP:N9 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: 33H:F106 by MIDDLEMUIR WINSTON (89441) G.Dam: 33H:Z14 by FORDAFOURIE PRESIDENT (ET) (85104) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. 1st prize & Res Champion at Stafford Show, out of the top family in the flock. 144 FNP:N24 Triplet Born:01/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: FNP:J7 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FNP:D1 by CROSEMANOR CHARITY (89474) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. 1st prize trimmed lamb at Stafford Show. 145 FNP:N21 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: FNP:J18 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FAG:D40 by SOLWAYBANK SALUTE (88054) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. Dam is a good breeding ewe by Strathisla Kingsway. 146 FNP:N51 Single Born:21/01/2010 Sire: MANORDALE MONTY (94404) Dam: 33H:J113 by LANGSIDE LIGHTENING (91812) G.Dam: J53:Z26 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. Dam J113, good breeding ewe from Cairness. 147 FNP:N10 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: FNP:H39 by BURNDALE BLACK MAGIC (88704) G.Dam: FOJ:D43 by STRATHISLA SUPREME CHAMPION (86627) Notes: BTV 26.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: THRUSTON CALZAGHE, sired lambs to 11,000gns, breeding very powerful lambs with very good back ends. CAIRNESS CREATOR, purchased at Edinburgh’09 for 2,000gns with Tomcroft, breeding good skinned and very correct lambs. MANORDALE MONTY, by Thurston Chieftain and out of our best family. He was Breed Champion at Stafford Show’10.

D & J Inman Salters Hill Farm, Thorpe Satchville, Melton Mowbray, Leics, LE14 2TB Reg. Flock Code W23 Lindum

148 W23:N25 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: CASTLEWELLAN KUYT (93727) Dam: W23:H124 by CARNFORTH CARRAGHER (90981) G.Dam: W23:D17 by BOHERARD ELVIS THE KING (88802) Notes: 1st prize untrimmed lamb at Suffolk Show. 149 W23:N82 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: KINGS ROMEO (87786) Dam: NBW:J95 by SANTON SWANSONG (90177) G.Dam: W23:C3 by LINDUM HEADMASTER (86973) Notes: A Kings Romeo son out of our show ewe J95, show gimmer of her year.

150 W23:N34 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BENITEZ (94515) Dam: 84:F34 by CONVETH TALENT (89862) G.Dam: 84:Z18 by STOCKTON LEADER (84604)

Iain R Barbour Beechgrove Farm, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, DG12 6SN Reg. Flock Code FHT Solwaybank

151 FHT:N29 Single Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:H21 by GLENHEAD MORANGIE (90747) G.Dam: FHT:C56 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Our Show ram lamb from the best family in the Flock. 152 FHT:N69 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:H23 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) G.Dam: FHT:A22 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Dam was our Show gimmer. 153 FHT:N87 Embryo Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:H80 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) G.Dam: FHT:D83 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Maternal brother to the 32,000gns Solwaybank Special One. 154 FHT:N77 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: HJW:J17 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:A58 by GLENISLA SYDNEY (86123) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Dam purchased from the Baileys Flock for 7,000gns. 155 FHT:N57 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:J94 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: FHT:F81 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. From the same family as N29 (Lot 151). 156 FHT:N74 Single Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:K122 by BAILEYS BUGATTI (92600) G.Dam: FHT:A54 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. G Dam bred lambs to 2,500gns. SERVICE SIRE: CAIRNESS CASTELLO, last years top priced ram, has turned into a massive shearling. He still retains his colour, carcase, bone and style.

P M & S R Eckett Minster House, Lydlinch, Sturminster Newton, Dorset, DT10 2HU Reg. Flock Code NZJ Lydden

157 NZJ:N2 Triplet Born:31/12/2009 Sire: ROOKERY FIRST GOLD (93259) Dam: Z43:D37 by KINGS OBLIVIAN (86422) G.Dam: Z43:X53 by CAIRNESS THE BOSS (84612) Notes: BTV 03.05.10. Part of 3rd prize Group of three at the Royal Bath &West Show. 158 NZJ:N10 Twin Born:01/01/2010 Sire: LAKEVIEW LEEROY (93400) Dam: NHL:J18 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) G.Dam: 239:D75 by LANGSIDE LANDSLIDE (89305) Notes: BTV 03.05.10. 3rd placed ram lamb at Royal Bath & West Show.

Robert H Wilson North Dorlaithers, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 8AL Reg. Flock Code FNV Strathisla

159 FNV:N126 Embryo Born:09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:H48 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. His brother sold at Edinburgh last year for 7,000gns to Stuart Davies. His Dam H48 is sister to Dylan Thomas, top price Edinburgh'07 of 48,000gns, his top 30 daughters sold to average ÂŁ1,974 at the Castlewellan Dispersal. 160 FNV:N4 Embryo Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:J83 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:D120 by GLENHO GADAFFI (ET) (88503) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. His Dam is an outstanding grandaughter of Fonzarella, Champion RHAS'03 & '04. 161 FNV:N1 Embryo Born:01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Dam: FNV:F91 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. Son of F91 sold last year for 12,000gns, she has bred sons sold to 20,000gns (Shadrach), Seabird 10,000gns, Savoy 9,000gns & Beijing 7,000gns. 162 FNV:N62 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:J131 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:D78 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. His G Dam is an outstanding Kingsway ewe sold to N Robinson.

163 FNV:N154 Embryo Born:10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:F86 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. His dam was sold last year for 8,500gns, she is ET Sister to F91 and the great breeding Dead Lucky. F86 is the dam of Strathisla Soldier of Fortune sold for 4,500gns Kelso'08 to Mark Evans. 164 FNV:N22 Embryo Born:06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEEDSON (93599) Dam: FNV:H153 by BAWNOGUE BLAZING STAR (90697) G.Dam: J53:X69 by MUIRESK EUROSTAR (83750) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. He is brother to Obama, 10,000gns, his G Dam X69 is dam of Schumacher and twin sister to the great Glenisla Grimaldi. 165 FNV:N171 Embryo Born:12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:J104 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. His Dam is ET sister to Speed, Sire of the Year'08. His sons sold to 25,000gns, 15,000gns, 10,000gns and many more high prices. 166 FNV:N9 Embryo Born:06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Dam: FNV:F91 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. ET brother to N1 (Lot 161). 167 FNV:N186 Embryo Born:20/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA THUNDER STRUCK (94511) Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) G.Dam: FNV:T26 by MUIRESK MCKELVEY (79268) Notes: BTV 11.05.10. Born 20th Feb, out of X48 who has bred in excess of £250,000 of stock. REFERENCE TO SIRES: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX, purchased for 12,000gns last year, his offspring look the part. STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN, cost 10,000gns in ’08, he sire the Edinburgh Champion SeaBird (10,000gns), and Thunderstruck, top price Kelso (8,000gns), and a lot of other high priced lambs. STRATHISLA SEA BIRD, Edinburgh Champion’09, sold to B Mair & N Benzie for 10,000gns. STRATHISLA THUNDERSTRUCK, top price at Kelso’09, sold for 8,000gns to N Walsh, we had a few late lambs by him before he was exported.

Gary M Owen Neuadd Wen, Newborough, Anglesey, LL61 6SL Reg. Flock Code T31 Morris

168 T31:N18 Twin Born:13/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PLASLLEWELYN PIRATE (93239) Dam: R88:F101 by MUIRESK ZIDANE (86281) G.Dam: R88:Z44 by LAURELBANK DEXTER (86124) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam an outstanding Muiresk Zidane daughter, she was Interbreed Champion at Anglesey Show as a ewe lamb. 169 T31:N9 Twin Born:31/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MEIKLESON IMPRESSIVE (93303) Dam: 72H:H75 by STRATHISLA SCORPION (90624) G.Dam: 72H:D15 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Maternal brother to Morris Les, Sire of the 6,000gns Stockton lamb sold at this sale last year. 170 T31:N7 Twin Born:30/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PLASLLEWELYN PIRATE (93239) Dam: T31:K19 by STRATHISLA SCOOBY (91595) G.Dam: T31:H31 by PENHESGYN JOSE (90678) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam comes from a very good Muiresk breeding line. K19 a very good ewe. 171 T31:N2 Triplet Born:29/11/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PLASLLEWELYN PIRATE (93239) Dam: T31:H22 by STRATHISLA SULTAN (89864) G.Dam: S46:Z92 by CAIRNESS THE KING (ET) (80739) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Dam maternal sister to dam of 4,000gns Morris. Nemesis, G Dam still fit and active ant the age of 9 years. 172 T31:N16 Single Born:13/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: PLASLLEWELYN PIRATE (93239) Dam: T31:K30 by LINDUM LOHAN (92887) G.Dam: T31:H6 by STRATHISLA SULTAN (89864) Notes: BTV 19.05.10. Same family as Meikleson Sheer Power, sold at Kelso for 1,450gns. REFERENCE TO SIRES: PLASLLEWELYN PIRATE, purchased at the National Sale’08 for 2,500gns as a Feb born lamb. MEIKLESON IMPRESSIVE, dam triplet sister to Meikleson Impression.

Angus O Wilson Bowden Moor Farm, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9HT Reg. Flock Code DHD Glenhead

173 DHD:N2 Twin Born:05/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:F39 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) G.Dam: DHD:A86 by MUIRESK MASTER CRAFTSMAN (86284) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. Dam is from a very strong line responsible for many Good sheep including Gladiator so successful at Glenisla.

174 DHD:N12 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: MUIRESK MASTER CRAFTSMAN (86284) Dam: DHD:F15 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) G.Dam: DHD:S92 by CAIRNESS CALIBRE (76522) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. Dam by the noted Garamara is maternal sister to 26,000gns Glenhead Gold. 175 DHD:N24 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:D73 by CAIRNESS ENCHANTMENT (88231) G.Dam: DHD:Z54 by FORDAFOURIE THE REAL MCCOY (60551) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. A very good breeding line consistently producing the goods. 176 DHD:N31 Triplet Born:08/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:F26 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) G.Dam: DHD:Z80 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. Twin to No.1 lamb at Edinburgh, their dam is an outstanding ewe. 177 DHD:N60 Twin Born:09/01/2010 Sire: MUIRESK MASTER CRAFTSMAN (86284) Dam: DHD:K55 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) G.Dam: DHD:F11 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) Notes: BTV 28.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND, his first crop last year sold to 12,000gns at Edinburgh for Golden Phoenix to the Strathisla Flock. Diamond is a huge correct ram of outstanding quality which he continues to pass on to his progeny of both sexes. MUIRESK MASTER CRAFTSMAN, purchased for 9,000gns in 2001, he produced many high priced rams in the next few years including the Edinburgh Champion’02.

John Key Garfield House Farm, Midhopestones, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 4GW Reg. Flock Code L20 Midhope

178 L20:N37 Single Born:07/01/2010 Sire: MIDHOPE SUPERSIRE 05 (91002) Dam: L20:K92 by TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) G.Dam: L20:H38 by MIDHOPE MASTERSCAN (90582) 20wk wt EBV's: 11.61 Actual: 77.10 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 3.22 1.21 Index 3.48 37.10 mm 7.97 mm Age 138 days

Notes: BTV 18.06.10. 1st prize ram lamb Howley Show'10. 179 L20:N12 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) Dam: L20:F61 by STOCKTON SCORPION (89832) G.Dam: L20:C12 by STOCKTON SUPERSIRE 95 (79274) 20wk wt EBV's: 10.07 Actual: 73.50 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.62 0.08 Index 3.54 34.90 mm 4.03 mm Age 138 days

Notes: BTV 18.06.10.

180 L20:N33 Single Born:07/01/2010 Sire: ORTUM SUPERSIRE 06 (92160) Dam: DNZ:K15 by COCKLEBY JUST MUSCLE (93226) G.Dam: DNZ:F9 by ROBINSON'S SUPERSIRE 02 (87284) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.03 Actual: 61.70 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 4.83 0.30 Index 4.14 39.30 mm 5.50 mm Age 138 days

Notes: BTV 18.06.10. 181 L20:N1 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL (92683) Dam: L20:J65 by STOCKTON STORM (80746) G.Dam: L20:C86 by FORDAFOURIE KHAN (84391) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.47 Actual: 71.70 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 3.33 0.49 Index 3.29 37.70 mm 5.33 mm Age 138 days

182 L20:N10 Triplet Born:07/01/2010 Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: L20:H46 by DRINKSTONE SUPERSIRE 2004 (89992) G.Dam: L20:D70 by CAIRNESS GOLDDUST (81369) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.04 Actual: 67.10 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.67 0.85 Index 2.72 35.90 mm 7.17 mm Age 138 days

Notes: BTV 18.06.10. 183 L20:N70 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: L20:K51 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: L20:F60 by STOCKTON SCORPION (89832) 20wk wt EBV's: 12.05 Actual: 71.20 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.10 0.59 Index 3.27 33.10 mm 5.10 mm Age 137 days

Notes: BTV 18.06.10. Dam stylish Cragroe Craftsman daughter, 2nd prize ewe lamb Great Yorkshire Show'08. REFERENCE TO SIRES: TOMCROFT ORIGINAL, shared with Bentley, good high index ram, daughters now breeding well. SITLOW CENTURION, stock ram at Flodden, breeder of outstanding ewe lambs.

George L Stuart Milltown of Birness, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8EJ Reg. Flock Code 1W Birness

184 1W:N17 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) Dam: 1W:H54 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) G.Dam: 1W:D2 by GLENHO SOLID GOLD (ET) (88871) Notes: BTV 20.05.10. 185 1W:N16 Single Born:03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:K14 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: 1W:C52 by BIRNESS BRETT (86979) Notes: BTV 20.05.10.

186 1W:N54 Twin Born:19/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:K21 by CASTLEWELLAN EYECATCHER (92975) G.Dam: 1W:F64 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) Notes: BTV 20.05.10. 187 1W:N31 Single Born:06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:F4 by AUCHINRAITH A-ONE (88103) G.Dam: 1W:X1 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609) Notes: BTV 20.05.10. 188 1W:N18 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) Dam: 1W:H54 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) G.Dam: 1W:D2 by GLENHO SOLID GOLD (ET) (88871) Notes: BTV 20.05.10. 189 1W:N19 Single Born:03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) Dam: 1W:F14 by GLENHO SOLID GOLD (ET) (88871) G.Dam: 1W:C5 by GLENHO BRISBANE (87917) Notes: BTV 20.05.10. REFERENCE TO SIRES: STRATHISLA OBAMA (ARR/ARR), Sire: Strathisla Speed, purchased at Edinburgh’08 jointly with Collessie Flock for 10,000gns, bred tremendous flesh and scale in his lambs. MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (ARR/ARR), Sire: Lakeview Leroy, purchased Edinburgh’09 for 5,000gns, much admired sheep by all and has bred great power and colours in his lambs.

R F Holmes Home Farm, Dunchideock, Exeter, Devon, EX6 7YD Reg. Flock Code Z43 Willmar

190 Z43:N25 Single Born:06/01/2010 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DELL-BOY (93557) Dam: Z43:J31 by MONKTON VIPER (92107) G.Dam: CAL:X128 by CROSEMANOR STOMPER (83113) Notes: 1st prize untrimmed lamb, Res Male Champion & 4th prize Interbreed at Devon County Show. 1st prize untrimmed lamb Royal Cornwall Show. Both parents ARR/ARR. 191 Z43:N35 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DYNAMITE (92523) Dam: Z43:H61 by CONVETH THE GAFFER (88795) G.Dam: Z43:Z39 by STRATHISLA LEGEND (78961) Notes: 1st prize trimmed lamb, Res Male Champion & 4th prize Interbreed Champion Royal Cornwall Show. Both parents ARR/ARR. 192 Z43:N12 Single Born:05/01/2010 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DELL-BOY (93557) Dam: Z43:K56 by DEVERONSIDE DYNAMITE (92523) G.Dam: CAL:X128 by CROSEMANOR STOMPER (83113) Notes: Big wide lamb with good skin. Both parents ARR/ARR.

193 Z43:N49 Single Born:10/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:K76 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: 2nd prize untrimmed lamb at Royal Cornwall Show. Dam purchased from Robbie Wilson for 1,000gns. Both parents ARR/ARR. 194 Z43:N26 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: Z43:D75 by CONVETH THE GAFFER (88795) G.Dam: Z43:X65 by CAIRNESS THE BOSS (84612) Notes: 3rd prize trimmed lamb at Royal Cornwall Show, out of a good ewe. Both parents ARR/ARR. 195 Z43:N55 Single Born:13/01/2010 Sire: DEVERONSIDE DELL-BOY (93557) Dam: Z43:H2 by STRATHISLA KINGDOM (88796) G.Dam: Z43:D54 by KINGS COUGAR (86423) Notes: 3rd prize untrimmed lamb at Royal Cornwall Show. Both parents ARR/ARR. REFERENCE TO SIRES: DEVERONSIDE DELL BOY, purchased at the National Sale’08, when he was res Champion. Also Champion ram in WCSSA Flock Competition’08. He is a very scopey ram. nd DEVERONSIDE DYNAMITE, purchased at the National Sale’07, when he stood 2 to the eventual Champion in the recorded class. STRATHISLA SPEED, no introduction needed, just an all time great. GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHOENIX, sold at Edinburgh’09 for 12,000gns.

Mrs P Lupton Greenholme Farm, Galphay, Ripon, N Yorks, HG4 3NJ Reg. Flock Code KXL Kexbeck

196 KXL:N5 Twin Born:16/01/2010 Sire: ROOKERY CK ONE (94531) Dam: KXL:K10 by SAFADDAN SMARTIE (93170) G.Dam: KXL:F10 by MANORHOUSE HOT SPOT (90007) Notes: BTV 30.05.10.

Miss Judith J Barbour Rosefield Farm, Annan, Dumfriesshire, DG12 6QX Reg. Flock Code JOD Ewebank

197 JOD:N14 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:F11 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) G.Dam: JOD:C11 by CAIRNESS CARISMA (87313) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. G Dam has bred rams to 3,000gns and won many shows as a gimmer in 2004. 198 JOD:N118 Single Born:06/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:K27 by SOLWAYBANK SETANTA (92598) G.Dam: JOD:D117 by STRATHISLA STEMSTER (88869) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. G Dam is maternal sister to JOD:C11, from a great breeding family.

199 JOD:N40 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:D117 by STRATHISLA STEMSTER (88869) G.Dam: JOD:Z5 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. From the same family as Ewebank Enigma. 200 JOD:N17 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: HJW:J6 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: 157A:D74 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Dam HJW:J6 is an outstanding ewe, she was Res.Champion at RHS & Sup. Champion at Ayr'09. 201 JOD:N79 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:K44 by BAILEYS BUGATTI (92600) G.Dam: JOD:F17 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. G Dam is full sister to JOD:F16, Sup.Champion at Great Yorkshire Show & Res. Interbreed Champion Royal Show'06. 202 JOD:N12 Twin Born:04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: JOD:F11 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) G.Dam: JOD:C11 by CAIRNESS CARISMA (87313) Notes: BTV 24.05.10. Full brother to JOD:N14 (Lot 197). SERVICE SIRE: CAIRNESS CASTELLO: purchased at Edinburgh last year for 62,000gns with Solwaybank.

T S Cox Manor Farm, Marston, Church Eaton, Staffordshire, ST20 0AS Reg. Flock Code LAS Tomcroft

203 LAS:N15 Single Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K91 by TOMCROFT PERSUADER (91734) G.Dam: LAS:D12 by MUIRESK ADONIS (88449) 20wk wt EBV's: 10.22 Actual: 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 2.07 -0.15 Index 2.84 35.90 mm 5.70 mm Age 159 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. Tremendous lamb, dam is maternal sister to Tomcroft Evanzo who sold at the National Sale'07. Both parents ARR/ARR. 204 LAS:N2 Single Born:23/12/2009 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: A12:H82 by CASTLEWELLAN CRUZ (91096) G.Dam: A12:C54 by CLYDA CRUSADER (87741) 20wk wt EBV's: 6.46 Actual: 75.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.79 -0.05 Index 1.81 35.00 mm 5.70 mm Age 169 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. Dam purchased from Myfyr Evans last year. Both parents ARR/ARR.

205 LAS:N11 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K77 by TOMCROFT PERSUADER (91734) G.Dam: S46:X29 by BAILEYS RIVER DANCE (83772) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.64 Actual: 76.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.60 0.91 Index 2.15 32.50 mm 8.00 mm Age 159 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. G Dam X29 was one of our best ever breeding ewes, sons sold to 2,500gns, she was full sister to 20,000gns Muiresk Aston Martin. 206 LAS:N40 Twin Born:03/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K96 by PERRINPIT STRONG PROMISE (91680) G.Dam: LAS:F3 by MUIRESK ADRENALINE (88448) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.65 Actual: 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.30 0.48 Index 2.55 34.20 mm 7.50 mm Age 158 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. G Dam was our best Strong Promise daughter. Both parents ARR/ARR. 207 LAS:N58 Single Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:D20 by MUIRESK ADONIS (88449) G.Dam: 20H:A61 by GLENHEAD GOLD (85059) 20wk wt EBV's: 9.84 Actual: 79.00 kgs


20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.91 0.50 Index 2.66 33.80 mm 6.90 mm Age 155 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. Both parents ARR/ARR. 208 LAS:N3 Twin Born:31/12/2009 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K81 by BENTLEY CLASSIC (93039) G.Dam: LAS:H17 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) 20wk wt EBV's: 7.91 Actual: 67.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.30 1.15 Index 1.68 32.90 mm 7.20 mm Age 161 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. G Dam H17 was breed Champion at Newport Show as a ewe lamb and as a ewe. Same great family as 10,000gns Strathisla. Stemstar. Both parents ARR/ARR. 209 LAS:N60 Single Born:01/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K106 by BENTLEY CLASSIC (93039) G.Dam: LAS:H43 by BURNVIEW BAMBOOZLE (90775) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.50 Actual: 74.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 1.17 0.72 Index 2.10 33.60 mm 7.30 mm Age 160 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. Both parents ARR/ARR. 210 LAS:N48 Single Born:04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: LAS:K97 by PERRINPIT STRONG PROMISE (91680) G.Dam: LAS:F3 by MUIRESK ADRENALINE (88448) 20wk wt EBV's: 8.09 Actual: 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 0.80 0.58 Index 1.96 34.00 mm 8.30 mm Age 157 days

Notes: BTV 10.06.10. Both parents ARR/ARR.

REFERENCE TO SIRES: CAIRNESS CREATOR, purchased at Edinburgh ’09 for 2,000gns jointly with Manordale, absolute bargain! Sire: Cairness Just the Best (current sire of the year). THURSTON CALZAGHE, son of Whitestone Warrior, stock ram at Rhaeadr.

Thomas Darling Ladyflat Farm, Duns, Scottish Borders, TD11 3QX Reg. Flock Code LBC Howeburn

211 LBC:N15 Twin Born:29/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (NSP) Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LBC:H46 by BAWNOGUE BOLLINGER (88506) G.Dam: 72H:W91 by CAIRNESS THE BEST (ET) (80581) Notes: Dam W91 bred sons to 6,000gns, G G Dam P32 won all the 'Royals', our best family. 212 LBC:N9 Twin Born:28/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LBC:J40 by BAWNOGUE BOLLINGER (88506) G.Dam: LBC:C21 by MUIRESK RAINBOW QUEST (85141) 213 LBC:N32 Twin Born:30/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: GLENHEAD SEA THE STARS (94142) Dam: LBC:F41 by GLENHEAD GLACIER (89547) G.Dam: P50:C30 by FORDAFOURIE FINAL (87329) Notes: Dam F41 excellent Glenhead Glacier ewe. 214 LBC:N23 Twin Born:30/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LBC:K33 by MEIKLESON MAN O WAR (91799) G.Dam: LBC:F34 by STOCKTON GAEL FORCE (89778) Notes: Same family as N15 (Lot 211). REFERENCE TO SIRES: SITLOW CENTURION, 8,000gns National Champion’08, breeding well. GLENHEAD SEA THE STARS, purchased at Edinburgh’09, from ‘Queenie’ line, sired by Glenhead Black Diamond.

Messrs Garner & Son Glebe Farm, Haltham, Horncastle, Lincolnshire, LN9 6JE Reg. Flock Code 78X Ortum

215 78X:N8 Twin Born:19/01/2010 Sire: ORTUM LEO (94497) Dam: 78X:F20 by DRINKSTONE DISTINCTION (88287) G.Dam: 78X:X119 by ORTUM HOME BOY (82641) 20wk wt EBV's: 14.08 Actual: 69.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 5.48 -0.20 Index 5.40 35.10 mm 2.93 mm Age 133 days

Notes: BTV 20.03.10. In top 1% recorded rams.

216 78X:N39 Twin Born:23/01/2010 Sire: ORTUM LEO (94497) Dam: 78X:J57 by ORTUM SUPERSIRE 06 (92160) G.Dam: 78X:C10 by ROWLEY THE DREAMER (87384) 20wk wt EBV's: 13.10 Actual: 55.00 kgs

20wk musc. 20wk fat 5.36 0.17 Index 5.78 29.20 mm 2.57 mm Age 129 days

Notes: BTV 20.03.10. In top 1% recorded rams.

Miss S A Evans Erddreiniog, Tregaian, Llangefni, Anglesey, LL77 7UH Reg. Flock Code LWX Erddreiniog

217 LWX:N5 Single Born:27/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: BEAUFORT BULLION (93369) Dam: 157A:J4 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: 157A:Z45 by CAIRNESS KICKBACK (83871) Notes: BTV 05.05.10. A strong lamb, combining the power of Strathisla & Castlewellan on Sire's side. Dam a Laurelbank bred, Rhaeadr Rossi ewe bought on the strength of her quality bloodlines, eligible for export.

Mrs J J Tooze Old Medwyn Mill, Spittal, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, ML11 8LY Reg. Flock Code DYX Spittal

218 DYX:N17 Twin Born:10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:H18 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: BTV by vet 19.05.10. A lamb with great power and fantastic skin. GG Dam, Glenisla ewe purchased at Dispersal. 219 DYX:N22 Twin Born:16/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (NSP) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:K12 by PLASLLEWELYN PANACHE (91599) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: BTV by vet 19.05.10. A Gimmer's lamb with great style and shape. Dam 5th prizewinner at RHAS as a ewe lamb. 220 DYX:N15 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:J1 by PLASLLEWELYN PANACHE (91599) G.Dam: DYX:A7 by CAIRNESS TARN (79567) Notes: A big strong lamb. 221 DYX:N19 Single Born:11/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:J35 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) G.Dam: DYX:X15 by STRATHISLA ROBBIE RASCAL (84418) Notes: A lamb with great carcase, conformation and skin. REFERENCE TO SIRES: DAVISHILL DECISION, purchased at Edinburgh’09, sired by the 9,000gns Strathisla Showstopper, Champion at the National Sale’07, breeding exceptionally well, leaving lambs with great skin and carcase.

C B & G G Morris Mwche Farm, Llanstephan, Carmarthen, Carms, SA33 5HH Reg. Flock Code NBJ Cargriff

222 NBJ:N15 Single Born:02/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: NBJ:J2 by SOLWAYBANK ILLUSTRIOUS (89981) G.Dam: NBJ:D44 by BENTLEY BURYAN (87380)

223 NBJ:N20 Single Born:02/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: 17X:D44 by WARD BLACK GOLD (88905) G.Dam: 17X:A44 by LLANGEVIEW ROGER (83245) 224 NBJ:N12 Single Born:02/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: NBJ:D43 by BENTLEY BURYAN (87380) G.Dam: JKL:X34 by LOWERHOPE LEGACY (82573) 225 NBJ:N33 Twin Born:02/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: P50:D21 by SOLWAYBANK RANGER (87828) G.Dam: P50:X28 by BRIDGESTONE CANNON (83760) 226 NBJ:N47 Twin Born:14/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: CFJ:H82 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) G.Dam: CFJ:A33 by MUIRESK RAINBOW QUEST (85141) 227 NBJ:N17 Embryo Born:02/01/2010 Sire: STOCKTON SENTINAL II (88838) Dam: 72H:Z73 by GLENHO GLAYVA (85807) G.Dam: 33H:S15 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713)

Darren Jones Ashcroft, Thurston Field, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6HD Reg. Flock Code LHH Thurston

228 LHH:N35 Single Born:03/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) Dam: LHH:H23 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) G.Dam: CDT:Z43 by GLENHO 2000 (83754) Notes: By Thurston Chieftain from a very good Cairness Destiny daughter. 229 LHH:N16 Single Born:02/01/2010 Sire: WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Dam: LHH:F37 by CAIRNESS SPELLBOUND II (89417) G.Dam: 33H:W46 by STOCKTON STORM (80746) Notes: A very good Whitestone Warrior son from a very good ewe. 230 LHH:N14 Triplet Born:01/01/2010 Sire: WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) Dam: LHH:K15 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: LHH:F49 by CAIRNESS SPELLBOUND II (89417) Notes: Out of a very good Chieftain daughter by Whitestone Warrior.

Ben Collings Wenfork Farm, Treburley, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 9NU Reg. Flock Code NDH Benbreed

231 NDH:N5 Twin Born:10/01/2010 Sire: WILLMAR NITROUS (93337) Dam: NDH:J1 by CROSEMANOR CAMPAIGNER (90551) G.Dam: LND:D2 by KINGS MUFFIN (87415) Notes: BTV 30.04.10. A very correct lamb with an excellent carcase. Winner of the trimmed ram lamb class Devon County Show'10. Dam J1 from Kings bloodlines.

232 NDH:N9 Single Born:13/01/2010 Sire: WILLMAR NITROUS (93337) Dam: 69K:D15 by BENTLEY FREE (82486) G.Dam: 69K:A30 by BENTLEY BATTLEFIELD (84102) Notes: BTV 30.04.10. Dam is a great breeding ewe. REFERENCE TO SIRES: WILLMAR NITROUS, has bred very well leaving correct lambs with good bodies. His dam is a successful show ewe purchased from the Boreland Dispersal. Sire: Deveronside Dynamite.

G & J Soulsby Williamsgill, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1SW Reg. Flock Code FAJ Williamsgill

233 FAJ:N19 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA BLACK GOLD (93536) Dam: FAJ:H19 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: FAJ:C4 by FORDAFOURIE RIO (88197) 234 FAJ:N17 Twin Born:07/01/2010 Sire: WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE HARRY (93783) Dam: FAJ:K25 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:D151 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) 235 FAJ:N14 Twin Born:06/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Dam: FAJ:H29 by STRATHISLA REDBULL (90702) G.Dam: FNV:Z8 by STOCKTON STORM (80746) 236 FAJ:N18 Twin Born:08/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA BLACK GOLD (93536) Dam: FAJ:H19 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: FAJ:C4 by FORDAFOURIE RIO (88197) REFERENCE TO SIRES: STRATHISLA BLACK GOLD, purchased at Kelso ’08, breeding well. WILLIAMSGILL PRINCE HARRY, twin to Prince William (Rookery Flock).



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