Catalogue Suffolk Society Sale Stirling 2011

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Lanark Agriculture Centre, Hyndford Road, Lanark ML11 9AX Tel – 01555 662281 Fax – 01555 665100

Email – 1


This sale is held under the Society’s Sale Regulations as printed in volume 120 of the Flock Book Purchases shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of Scotland and prorogate the non-exclusive jurisdiction of Glasgow Sheriff Court.


1. T he Sheep will be exposed in lots according to the numbers in the following Catalogue. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse any bid without assigning any reason. The highest offer on each lot will be preferred to the purchase (subject to Article 3)

2. N o liability whatever is undertaken by the Auctioneers for the statements appearing in the Catalogue or made at the Sale. The exposer who supplies such statements is alone responsible for any error or misstatement. Animals affected with any disease of an infectious nature or animals out of an infected flock are strictly prohibited from being brought to the premises occupied or used by the Auctioneers at the time and should any such be brought, The Owner or Consignor will be held responsible for all damage or loss occasioned thereby. 3. T he Exposers reserve the right to fix a reserve price and to announce same before the bidding begins or during the time of the bidding or at the conclusion thereof. The right to bid by or on behalf of the seller in terms of the Sale of Goods Act 1893, is expressly reserved.

4. I mmediately after each purchase is declared, the risk of the animal shall be exclusively with the Buyer, and it is declared that until a settlement shall be made in terms of these Conditions the delivery of the animal shall be suspended. The right of the property shall not pass until the price is paid. 5. I mmediately after the Sale all lots must be paid for in cash to the Auctioneers. The price being paid, each lot shall be taken away at the Buyer’s expense within one day after the sale thereof. Lots shall only be removable from the Auctioneers’ possession on a written order from their clerk, and any lot removed in contravention of this condition may be recovered brevi manu by the Auctioneers. 6. I f any Buyers fail to pay for and remove his purchase in compliance with the above conditions, the Auctioneers in their opinion may either (a) sue the Buyer for the price and interest thereon at the current Bank Rate and for the keep of, and any other expense incurred by them in connection with such purchase, or (b) re-sell the Lot either publicly or privately and recover from the defaulting Buyer the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale and interest thereon as aforesaid together with the keep and other expenses. In either case the Auctioneers shall have the right to sue at their own instance without the consent of the Owner or Consignor, and no defence whatever in such action shall be competent to the Buyer who shall have recourse against the owner or Consignor alone. 7. N o undertaking of the Auctioneers or their servants to take charge of any animal after the sale or to forward it to its destination shall be held to impose upon the Auctioneers any legal obligation or vitiate any of the foregoing conditions. 8. T he Auctioneer is appointed Judge of the Sale, to whom are hereby submitted all disputes and differences of any kind which may arise at and in relation to the Auction, either between Exposers and Offerers or among Offerers themselves; his decision shall be final and binding on all parties. NB – MINIMUM SELLING PRICES: RAMS

300 gns

Any sheep failing to reach the minimum price in its category will be passed out unsold. These figures have been adopted as Minimum Sale Prices in the Ring.

Lawrie & Symington Ltd Lanark Agriculture Centre, Lanark ML11 9AX 2


All rams and ram lambs sold at the Sale are warranted by the vendor to be capable of natural and effective service by 70 days from date of sale (“the Male Guarantee Period”) provided always that: (a) any animal which is not so capable and where the incapacity is caused or contributed to by injury or illness howsoever caused, suffered or contracted after the Sale is not covered by the warranty; and


(b) any animal which has not been conclusively determined as incapable of natural and effective service in accordance with the procedure set our hereinafter and which dies of natural causes during the Male Guarantee Period if not covered by the warranty.

An animal shall be deemed incapable of natural and effective service if:

(a) it fails to make at least one ewe pregnant during the Male Guarantee Period under natural breeding conditions; and (b) it is certified as being so incapable by a veterinary surgeon in accordance with clauses 4 and 5 below.

3. 4.

“Natural breeding conditions” means when a ram is run with ewes in normal breeding condition, cycling without artificial interference. Ewes which have been sponged and/or treated with hormones to induce or synchronise ovulation are deemed not be in normal breeding condition. The purchaser shall throughout the Male Guarantee Period give the animal full and sufficient opportunity to prove that he is capable of natural and effective service and maintain him in a fit condition.

If the purchaser highlights that the ram or ram lamb has failed to prove himself capable of natural and effective service by 56 days from sale date of the year of the Sale, the purchaser shall then : (a) Notify the seller in writing that the animal is to be tested; and

(b) Have the animal subjected to a semen test by the artificial vagina method by a veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the Society; and

(c) Obtain from the veterinary surgeon a duly completed Soundness for Breeding report and



(d) (If the veterinary surgeon certifies that the animal is incapable of natural and effective service) lodge a copy of the Report with the vendor.

The vendor shall be entitled to have a second test carried out by the same or a different veterinary surgeon attached to a breeding company authorised by the Society who shall issue a Soundness for Breeding report by 14 days after notification by the purchaser and such Report shall conclusively determine whether or not the animal is capable of natural and effective service. The vendor shall deliver to the purchaser a copy of this second Report The purchaser shall at the expense of the vendor do all acts, deeds and things necessary to enable the second test to be carried out. If the animal shall be deemed fertile the purchaser shall on demand repay the vendor the veterinary surgeon fees of the second test and Report.

If the ram is deemed incapable of natural and effective service during the Male Guarantee Period, the purchaser may by 31st October of the year of the Sale return the animal to the vendor and thereupon the vendor shall repay to the purchaser the whole of the purchase price and the cost of transport of the animal from the purchaser’s premises to the vendor’s premises and the veterinary surgeon testing fees incurred by the purchaser.


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.



The vendor shall not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss howsoever sustained by a purchaser. As to clause 4 and 5 and 6 time is of the essence.

The seller and the buyer may vary the provisions of clauses 4,5,6,7 and/or 8 if but only if and insofar as the variation is set out in writing and signed by each of the parties.

The terms of any statutory enactment or custom or trade which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Bye Law 17 are hereby excluded. Failure to comply with any of Bye Law 17 will allow the Society, at its discretion, to cancel Society membership Society Bye Laws do not exempt a breeder from the Sale and Supply of Goods Act


In the event of a dispute arising between two or more Members of the Society any one of such Members may refer the dispute to the Society with a request that the matter be referred to an arbitrator to be appointed, failing agreement between or amongst the parties, by the Society. The decision of the arbiter as appointed shall be final and binding on all parties to the dispute and Council has the power to ensure that the arbitrator’s decision is implemented.

Any arbitration under this byelaw 18 clause shall be subject to the Arbitration Acts for the time being in force.


THE ULTIMATE INSURANCE FOR YOUR NEW RAM! We offer you a full range of breeding services to help you make the most from your flock. Edinburgh Belfast Malvern Aberystwyth

Ram fertility testing available at our Edinburgh Centre from noon on Friday 3 0July.

01875 614500 07817 726714 0844 800 9050 01970 828236

Please telephone before arrival.











1. Ram Lamb (MLC Recorded)






2. Ram Lamb







3. Pen of 3 Ram Lambs







4. Young Handlers Class









1. Ram Lamb Championship (open) The Bosomworth Trophy presented by Wm Bosomworth & Sons Ltd for annual competition, for the Best Ram Lamb in the Show, open to exhibitors from any area. 2. Silver Cup, presented by the Suffolk Sheep Society, for the Best Ram Lamb bred in the Northern area. 3. The Oliver Rose Bowl, presented by Oliver & Son Ltd, for annual competition for the Best Pen of 3 Ram Lambs. 4. Breed Championship. The Swan Challenge Cup, presented by John Swan Limited, for annual competition, for the Best Animal in the Show. 5. Shepherd’s Prize. Silver Cup, presented for annual competition by Mrs Crudace, in memory of her late husband, to the Shepherd of the Champion Animal in the Show. 6. McGregor Trophy. Awarded to the Pen of 3 Ram Lambs and Single Ram Lamb recording highest average price. 7. Duncan Gill Memorial Trophy,. presented to the Champion Young Handler.


Mr Robert H Wilson –North Dorlaithers, Turriff, Aberdeenshire AB53 8AL

Irene Fowlie, Adziel, Strichen, Fraserburgh (Young Handlers)





































CHAMPIONSHIPS 1. RAM LAMB (Open) The Bosomworth Trophy Reserve

Lot No ……… Lot No….……

2. BEST RAM LAMB (bred in Northern Area) Society Silver Cup Reserve

Lot No………. Lot No……….

3. BEST PEN OF 3 RAM LAMBS. The Oliver Rose Bowl Reserve

Lot No………. Lot No……….

4. YOUNG HANDLERS CLASS. Duncan Gill Memorial Trophy Reserve

Lot No………. Lot No……….

5. BREED CHAMPION. The Swan Challenge Cup Reserve

Lot No………. Lot No……….

6. SHEPHERD’S PRIZE. The Crudace Cup

Lot No……….


Lot No……….

IMPORTANT NOTICE Customers trading in Euro currency – unless prior arrangement is made with the auctioneers we request that all Euro payments are made by bankers draft on day of sale. Credit balances will be refunded. However for your convenience we do accept all major debit/credit cards 6

INSPECTORS Paula Reid, Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries Ian Gilmour, Humeston Farm, Maybole

VETERINARY INSPECTORS MACKIE & BRECHIN, Veterinary Surgeon, Kirkliston, Midlothian Tel – 0131 333 3203


KEVIN PROCTOR (Chief Steward) Mains of Tollo, Turriff, Aberdeenshire John Gibb, Cairnton, East Cowbog, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh Melvin Stuart, Milltown of Birness, Ellon.


1. The Sale is subject to SEERAD regulations in operation at the time. All licences must be available. 2. Overseas buyers and their agents are strongly advised to enquire from their respective official Veterinary Departments as to the requirements necessary for exportation before making a bid for sheep offered at this sale, and to make sure the vendor is prepared to sell his sheep subject to veterinary tests required for export. 3. All sheep to be sold must be kept on premises overnight, and the Sale Yard will be cleared each evening at 10.00 p.m. 4. SPECIAL – To ensure the correct despatch of all Stock, it is necessary that Buyers give their instructions as to forwarding to the Cashier when getting their Delivery orders, and unless such is done in writing, the Company cannot be responsible should any mistakes occur. 5. Shepherds must remain in charge of their respective Lots, assist in marketing the Stock, and also give delivery. 6. The Company in all cases reserves the power of altering arrangements where mutual interests seem likely to be benefited by such. 7. The Stock after Sale is at Buyers’ exclusive risk and must be removed immediately with all faults and error of description. 8. No stock may be removed without a pass. 9. The Terms of Sale are Cash, and all Cheques granted must be vouched for by Banker’s letter, if required.



Edinburgh Show & Sale BUFFET PARTY Thursday Evening

29th July 2010 – 7 p.m in The Strathmore Restaurant, Royal Highland Showground, Ingliston – Tickets £18 – Available from Mrs Annie Hutchon – All Welcome – 8

Identifying Rams with Superior Breeding using Estimated Breeding Values (EBV) and Indexes The way in which an animal grows and develops is determined by both its breeding and a host of non-genetic factors such as management and feeding. The aim of Suffolk Recording is to work out how much of each animal’s performance is due to its breeding and this information is expressed using Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) for specific traits. Estimated Breeding Value


8-Week weight EBV (kg)

Selection on high EBVs for 8-week weight will result in faster growing lambs to weaning.

Mature size EBV (kg)

This trait gives breeders the opportunity to influence the mature size of their flock.

Litter size EBV (lambs/ ewe)

Selection on high positive figures will increase the number of lambs born in the flock.

Maternal ability EBV (kg)

This is the maternal component of the 8-week weight measurement. High figures indicate breeding lines where females perform well as mothers – maternal care and milking ability.

Scan weight EBV (kg)

Selection on this trait will increase growth rate to scanning (21 weeks of age).

Muscle depth EBV (mm)

Choosing animals with high muscle depth EBVs will increase lamb muscularity and hence the lean meat content of the carcase.

Fat depth EBV (mm)

Selection for negative fat depth EBVs will reduce fat levels in the carcase or enable lambs to be taken to greater carcase weights without becoming over fat.

Gigot EBV (mm)

Selection for high figures will enhance gigot muscularity.


Animals with negative figures are more resistant to worms and excrete less worm eggs onto pasture.

An overall Breeding Index incorporates the commercially economic important EBVs for Terminal Sires (growth, muscle and fat) whilst including gigot muscularity and an additional penalty for animals with very low fat depth EBVs.

The Suffolk Breeding Index is presented as an economic value. This value, in pounds and pence, ranks animals according to the relative financial merit of their progeny. 9

When buying a ram, buyers should use the Breed Benchmark to identify where an animal’s EBVs rank within the Breed.

Suffolk Breed Benchmark June 2010 Estimated Breeding Values

Top 50%

Top 25%

Top 10%

Eight Week Weight (kg)




Litter Size




Maternal Ability (kg)




Scan Weight (kg)




Muscle Depth (mm)




Fat Depth (mm)


Gigot (mm)




Breeding Index




-0.14 leaner 0.25 fatter

Accuracy Values

Accuracy values indicate how similar an animal’s EBVs are to its true breeding value. Breeders can use accuracy values to predict the likelihood that an animals EBVs will change over time.

Signet Recording Services

For more information on performance recording contact Signet for an information pack Tel: 0247 647 8829 Email: Or speak to the Signet Specialist working with the breed, Carol Davis Tel: 0116 2432 161 Email: 10

INDEX Consigner


Lot Numbers

Iain R Barbour G C Beacom A J & A R Benzie William Borthwick S J Buckley Mr GJ Christie Messrs J H Christie & Son County Turf Ltd (Farm) Thomas Darling Rodger K Denby J G Douglas S J Duncan Myfyr A Evans James Fleming D R Fotheringham John A Gibb David W M Gilmour Antony Glaves Ronald M Greig W & M Haining Darren Jones Andrew Knox Stewart Lathangie Ross Lawrence P Machray Gordon A Mackie A & L Mackinnon K & L Mair A J & W M Norrie Messrs M J R & J A Pinny Mark J W Priestley C A Proctor & Co Paula & David Reid G L Riby Alfred J & Norman A J Robinson A & S Simpson Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons G & J Soulsby George L Stuart Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons Messrs S & W Tait

Solwaybank Lakeview Meikleson Ballochmyle Sitlow Balquhain Westcarse Hazeltree Howeburn Carnforth Cairness Pennan Rhaeadr Hallhill Oldmill Cairnton Broomknowes Brompton Tillydesk Highdrum Thurston Haddo Pyeston Roundacre Middlemuir Drimmie Thistledoo Deveronside Slackadale Alloaks Limestone Conveth Conchar Stonehills Benrafton

163-168 63-65 159-162 98-99 43-46 22-25 67-72 49-52 87-88 178-179 144-153 180-183 131-139 107-112 40-41 3-7 36-39 154-156 113-116 121 157-158 122 53 32-33 103-106 140-143 129-130 117-120 100-102 1-2 8-9 169-174 34-35 29-31 66

Speyside Stockton Williamsgill Birness Davishill Burnview

123-124 125-128 54-55 89-97 77-86 56-60


INDEX Consigner Mr Gordon Taylor Iain R Barbour Keith R Thomas G C Beacom Mrs J A J &JATooze R Benzie W G Troup Ltd William Borthwick JSDavid Walker J Buckley Bruce Mr GJWatson Christie Alun Williams Messrs J H Christie & Son Angus Wilson CountyOTurf Ltd (Farm) Robert H Thomas Wilson Darling James RodgerYoung K Denby

Prefix Strathmor Solwaybank Manordale Lakeview Spittal Meikleson Whitestone Ballochmyle Galcantray Sitlow Gaval Balquhain Cefndu Westcarse Glenhead Hazeltree Strathisla Howeburn Muirton Carnforth

Lot Numbers 42 163-168 10-11 63-65 47-48 159-162 61-62 98-99 175-176 43-46 26-28 22-25 177 67-72 184-189 49-52 12-21 87-88 73-76 178-179

J G Douglas Cairness 144-153 S J Duncan Pennan 180-183 Myfyr A Evans Rhaeadr 131-139 James Fleming Hallhill 107-112 D R Fotheringham Oldmill 40-41 John A Gibb Cairnton 3-7 NOTICE 36-39 David W M Gilmour IMPORTANT Broomknowes Antony Glaves Brompton 154-156 Bio-Security Ronald M Greig Tillydesk 113-116 All visitors must comply with the relevant bio-security requirements. W & M Haining Highdrum 121 Darren Jones Thurston 157-158 Catalogue Details Andrew Knoxand genotyping detailsHaddo 122 All pedigree are believed to be correct. Stewart Lathangie Pyeston 53 Ross Lawrence Roundacre 32-33 P Machray Middlemuir 103-106 Gordon A Mackie Drimmie 140-143 A & L Mackinnon Thistledoo 129-130 K & L Mair Deveronside 117-120 A J & W M Norrie Slackadale 100-102 Messrs M J R & J A Pinny Alloaks 1-2 Mark J W Priestley Limestone 8-9 C A Proctor & Co Conveth 169-174 Paula & David Reid Conchar 34-35 G L Riby Stonehills 29-31 Alfred J & Norman A J Benrafton 66 Robinson A & S Simpson Speyside 123-124 Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons Stockton 125-128 G & J Soulsby Williamsgill 54-55 George L Stuart Birness 89-97 Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons Davishill 77-86 Messrs S & W Tait Burnview 56-60 12

Ram Lambs Messrs M J R & J A Pinny

New College Farm, Holcot, Northants, NN6 9SQ Reg. Flock Code J65 Alloaks 1

J65:N58 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA JOHNNIE (93909) Dam: J65:F24 by STOCKTON STERLING (89185) G.Dam: J65:W109 by GLENISLA SUBMISSION (83454) Notes: Champion Interbreed Pairs at Suffolk Show, both parents are ARR/ARR


J65:N86 Single Born: 21/01/2010 Sire: BURNVIEW PERFORMER (94563) Dam: J65:D148 by BORELAND CADET (89187) G.Dam: J65:X79 by FORDAFOURIE SENATOR (ET) (81527) Notes: Male Champion at East of England Show 2010. Both Parents are ARR/ARR Ref to Sires ; Burnview Performer by Castleisle Impact was purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 3,000gns. He stood 1st in the Signet Recorded Class.

John A Gibb

Cairnton, East Cowbog, New Pitsligo, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 6QN Reg. Flock Code KLR Cairnton 3

KLR:N54 Single Born: 27/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: PENNAN LOCAL HERO (94345) Dam: KLR:K16 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) G.Dam: KLR:H43 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546)


KLR:N3 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: PENNAN LOCAL HERO (94345) Dam: KLR:H20 by CAIRNESS DESTINY (89546) G.Dam: KLR:D14 by MUIRESK MOMENTO (88510)


KLR:N52 Twin Born: 21/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94616) Dam: KLR:K21 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) G.Dam: KLR:H11 by CAIRNESS CREATION II (90699)


KLR:N10 Single Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: KLR:F60 by GLENHO THE GENIUS (90269) G.Dam: KLR:C8 by CAIRNESS COUNTRY (88276)



KLR:N4 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER (93458) Dam: KLR:J57 by CAIRNESS GOLD GLINT (92406) G.Dam: KLR:F28 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374) Notes: Ref to Sires ; Cairness Stockbroker - Jointly purchased 2008 with Middlemuir and Pennan Flock, breeding very well. Deveronside Speedway - Sire Strathisla Speed, dam by Cairness Kingdom, Champion at RHAS 2007, kindly loaned by SJ Duncan, Pennan Flock. Pennan Local Hero - Sire Cairness Stockbroker, G Dam by Kings Romeo. From one of the best breeding families in the Pennan Flock. Purchased privately and breeding well in his first season. Roundacre Rockstar - Sire Strathisla Speed, sold Edinburgh 2009 for 6,000gns to D Walker Galcantray. Kindly loaned by D Walker, Galcantray.

Mark J W Priestley

Limestone Farm, 22 Drumgooland Rd, Seaforde, Downpatrick, Co Down, BT30 8QP Reg. Flock Code KPC Limestone 8

KPC:N22 Embryo Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Dam: KPC:F25 by CASTLEWELLAN TONTO (90529) G.Dam: KPC:C14 by CASTLEWELLAN VOYAGER (87467) Notes: 2nd prize Ram Lamb RUAS 2010, Male and Supreme Breed Champion Ballymena 20010. Dam F25 is Flock Show ewe, recording 8 breed and 4 Interbreed Championships including Supreme Breed and Single Interbreed at N.I. Championships 2009. She was N.I. female of the year 2008, her sons include Limestone Nugget sold for 7,500gns, Limelight sold for 1,800gns Long Distance sold for 1,700gns, with Ronaldo and McGregor sold privately. This lamb has 4 Registered ET brothers


KPC:N10 Single Born: 30/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Dam: KPC:K10 by BIRNESS FIRST CHOICE (92328) G.Dam: KPC:C6 by LIMESTONE THE LAD (86337) Notes: Sired by the breed record holder Stockton Almighty. His dam was a member of N.I 2009 Show team of the year including 5 first places to her credit


Keith R Thomas

Green Farm, Hilderstone, Stone, Staffs, ST15 8SQ Reg. Flock Code FNP Manordale 10

FNP:N22 Single Born: 01/01/2010 Sire: THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) Dam: FNP:H44 by GLENHO GOLAN (88177) G.Dam: FAG:D40 by SOLWAYBANK SALUTE (88054) Notes: Dam H44 bred Manordale Most Wanted sold at Shrewsbury 2008. G.Dam D40 is a consistant top breeding ewe.


FNP:N52 Single Born: 30/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CREATOR (94147) Dam: FNP:J37 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) G.Dam: 33H:F96 by MIDDLEMUIR WINSTON (89441) Notes: A young lamb who's dam is J37, the best ewe in the flock. She was Champion at Stafford Show as a lamb and as a shearling ewe. She is also full sister to our Stock Ram Manordale Monty. Ref to Sires ; Thurston Calzaghe - Bred lambs to 11,000gns leaving stylish and very powerful lambs. Cairness Creator - Purchased for 2,000gns at Edinburgh 2009. His sire Cairness Just the Best bred 1st Prize Ram Lamb at Stafford Show 2010

Robert H Wilson

North Dorlaithers, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 8AL Reg. Flock Code FNV Strathisla 12

FNV:N135 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:H71 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: His dam H71 is sister to Strathisla Dylan Thomas, top price Edinburgh 2007 sold for 48,000gns. His top 30 daughters sold at the Castlewellan Dispersal to average £1974. H71's ET sister was Interbreed Champion at Balmoral Show 2009 and another sister was Interbreed Champion at Turriff Show 2009


FNV:N73 Embryo Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:J126 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FNV:D100 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: His dam is ET sister to Strathisla Stoner sold for £10,000 to M Davies. Stoner bred the £20,000 Strathisla Shadrach and other sold to 7,000gns and £4,500 at Kelso



FNV:N20 Embryo Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:H71 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: ET brother to Lot 12


FNV:N146 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:H68 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: Dam H68 bred Strathisla Speedson, Supreme Champion RHAS and Edinburgh Champion 2008 sold for 25,000gns. She also bred lamb sold at Kelso for £3,800 to Gary Owen Wales


FNV:N83 Embryo Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:J104 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: His dam is ET sister to the great Strathisla Speed, sire of the year 2008. His sons sold to 25,000gns, £15,000, 10,000gns and many more high prices.


FNV:N176 Embryo Born: 12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:F91 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: His dam is F91 sold last year for 12,000gns. She is dam of Shadrach sold for 20,000gns, Seabird sold for 10,000gns, Savoy sold for 9,000gns and Beijing sold for 7,000gns. She is the best ewe I have ever sold.


FNV:N76 Embryo Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEEDSON (93599) Dam: FNV:H71 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C92 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) Notes: His dam is H71, see notes for Lots 12 and 14


FNV:N145 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: FNV:J104 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FNV:X48 by GLENISLA GODFATHER (83773) Notes: ET brother to Lot 16



FNV:N63 Embryo Born: 07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:J126 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: FNV:D100 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: ET brother to Lot 13


FNV:N179 Single Born: 15/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA THUNDER STRUCK (94511) Dam: FNV:K65 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: FNV:F91 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: Born 15th February, his dam K65 is an outstanding daughter of the 12,000gns F91. Ref to Sires : Strathisla Seabird - Supreme Champion Edinburgh 2009 sold to N Benzie and B Mair. Seabirds dam was sold for 12,000gns last year, his brother include Shadrach sold for £20,000, Savoy sold for 9,000gns and Beijing sold for 7,000gns. Glenhead Golden Pheonix - purchased for the 2nd top price Edinburgh 2009 of 12,000gns, his lambs look the part with great skins and hair. Strathisla Speedson - Supreme Champion RHAS and Edinburgh 2008 sold for 25,000gns to the Benrafton Flock. Strathisla Thunderstruck - Top price Kelso 2009 sold to N Walsh for £8000. His brother sold for £15,000 in 2008 to J Hanley. we had a few late lambs by Thunderstruck before he was exported.

Mr GJ Christie

Newton of Balquhain, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 5HD Reg. Flock Code PDN Balquhain 22

PDN:N76 Single Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Dam: PDN:K26 by BALQUHAIN THE FIRST (93881) G.Dam: SAE:F12 by CAIRNESS TIME BOMB (94731)


PDN:N1 Twin Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: SAE:F103 by CAIRNESS TIME BOMB (94731) G.Dam:


PDN:N61 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHBEG STAN THE MAN (93401) Dam: SAE:J53 by CAIRNESS TIME BOMB (94731) G.Dam:



PDN:N82 Twin Born: 10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: SAE:F28 by CAIRNESS TIME BOMB (94731) G.Dam:

Bruce Watson

Gaval, Mintlaw, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB4 8LT Reg. Flock Code 370 Gaval 26

370:N22 Single Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: KINGS ROMEO (87786) Dam: 370:D2 by BRIDGESTONE ZAK (87166) G.Dam: 370:U25 by CROSEMANOR COULTARD (81588)


370:N20 Single Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: HALLHILL HULK (94322) Dam: 370:H10 by LAURELBANK LEGION (87504) G.Dam: 370:X10 by CAIRNESS CLIO (84986)


370:N19 Triplet Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: HALLHILL HULK (94322) Dam: 370:K5 by WESTCARSE WONDERBOY (92818) G.Dam: 370:D8 by BRIDGESTONE ZAK (87166)

G L Riby

Low Stonehills Farm, Fraisthorpe, Bridlington, East Yorkshire, YO15 3QR Reg. Flock Code FZL Stonehills 29

FZL:N70 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 18/01/2010 CAIRNESS LEADING LIGHT (94443) FZL:K38 by RHAEADR FLYING HIGH (93065) FZL:H70 by PERRINPIT BANKER (88546)


FZL:N44 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 14/01/2010 CAIRNESS LEADING LIGHT (94443) FZL:H18 by CONVETH NO GOING BACK (91325) CDT:U16 by SANTON SAMMIE (80132)


FZL:N69 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 18/01/2010 CONVETH NO GOING BACK (91325) FZL:J57 by CROSEMANOR VAUGHAN (91324) FZL:D44 by PERRINPIT BANKER (88546)


Ross Lawrence

Netherleigh, Iddesleigh, Winkleigh, Devon, EX19 8BD Reg. Flock Code NHL Roundacre 32

NHL:N4 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: NAB:K31 by GLENHO GURKHA (90696) G.Dam: FNV:C109 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: Champion Ram Lamb at Royal Bath & West Show, a much admired lamb. Dam NAB/K31 is an outstanding ewe and maternal sister to Roundacre Rockstar- sold Edinburgh 2009 for 6,000gns. G.Dam FNV/C109 is an oustanding daughter of Kingsway, a fantastic breeding family.


NHL:N6 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SCRUMPY (93253) Dam: FNV:J11 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:D115 by GLENHO GADAFFI (ET) (88503) Notes: A smart powerful lamb, twin brother going to National Sale. Dam FNV/J11 is a tremendous ewe purchased privately from Strathisla as a gimmer, she was one of the 15 ewe lambs that helped the Strathisla flock win the Gold Cup in the 2007 National Flock Competition. She is also the Dam of my show ewe lamb last year and show gimmer this year Ref to Sires: Strathisla Speed - Reserve Supreme Champion RHAS 2007, Sire of the year in 2008. An oustanding ram in every respect and best son yet of the great FNV/X48. Son was Breed Champion RHAS and Champion Edinburgh 2008 where he was sold for 25,000gns. Strathisla Scrumpy - Sire Strathisla Stoner, purchased National Sale 2008 for 2,400gns. He has grown into a massive ram with powerful correct legs and a great carcase. I'm delighted with his first crop of lambs leaving loads of style, power, great skins and carcase

Paula & David Reid

Calfpark, Mouswald, Dumfries and Galloway, DG1 4QB Reg. Flock Code JDX Conchar 34

JDX:N40 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 30/12/2009 CROSEMANOR COSTA (85837) JDX:J1 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) 72H:C53 by LAURELBANK THE MASTER (87326)


JDX:N54 Single Born: 17/01/2010 Sire: LANDALE CROCKET (92875) Dam: JDX:F17 by BALMAUD MCCOY (87836) G.Dam: P98:X63 by STOCKTON STARDUST (79419) Notes: Both Lambs are Blue Tongue Vaccinated and are eligible for export


David W M Gilmour

Broomknowes, Maybole, Ayrshire, KA19 8HF Reg. Flock Code V18 Broomknowes 36

V18:N11 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 01/01/2010 CAIRNESS LAWYER (94590) V18:F148 by BIRNESS DEMOCRAT (90199) V18:C119 by BROOMKNOWES HOTSHOT (87653)


V18:N61 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 16/01/2010 CAIRNESS LAWYER (94590) V18:J154 by BROOMKNOWES FASTRAC (91504) V18:C176 by MUIRESK RIVER DANCE (87136)


V18:N116 Single Born: 22/01/2010 Sire: BROOMKNOWES JACKO (93563) Dam: V18:K96 by BIRNESS JASPER (93002) G.Dam: V18:H44 by BIRNESS DEMOCRAT (90199)


V18:N21 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Triplet Born: 04/01/2010 WESTCARSE LANCIA (94439) V18:J9 by CAIRNESS FANTASTIC (91143) V18:D50 by MUIRESK ZORRO (87524)

D R Fotheringham

Oldmill, Strichen, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 6RY Reg. Flock Code FOS Oldmill 40

FOS:N29 Single Born: 10/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K28 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) G.Dam: P98:F54 by STOCKTON GOLD NUGGET (90436)


FOS:N20 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS LEGEND (94627) Dam: FOS:D9 by MUIRESK MOMENTO (88510) G.Dam: FOS:W13 by CAIRNESS STREETS AHEAD (82307)

Mr Gordon Taylor

13 Taylor Drive, Aberchirder, By Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 7SQ Reg. Flock Code PFZ Strathmor 42

PFZ:N1 Twin Born: 11/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FZJ:H111 by GLENHEAD GLACIER (89547) G.Dam: P50:D37 by GLENHO GIBRALTAR (87429)


S J Buckley

Sittinglow Farm, Dove Holes, Nr Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DA Reg. Flock Code 45Z Sitlow 43

45Z:N90 Single Born: 24/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:F51 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) G.Dam: 45Z:Z40 by CONVETH MOTIVATOR (82299) Notes: Dam F51 bred the 8,000gns Sitlow Centurion, National Sale Champion 2008. She is full sister to 45Z C53 who bred the 7,000gns Sitlow Sensation.


45Z:N30 Single Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:J88 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:C53 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Dam J88 is full sister to the 7,000gns Sitlow Sensation


45Z:N53 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:H85 by PENNAN FORMULA ONE (90576) G.Dam: 45Z:C53 by STRATHISLA SINATRA (87633) Notes: Dam H85 is maternal sister to Sitlow Sensation and to the dam of Lot 44


45Z:N65 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CARBON (94121) Dam: 45Z:F94 by PERRINPIT HIGH PEAK (88525) G.Dam: 45Z:X14 by WELLS BLACKSTAR (83932) Notes: Dam F94 bred Sitlow Scolari, who was sold at the National Sale 2009 for 1,600gns and is full sister to ram sold at Edinburgh for 4,000gns. Ref to Sire : Cairness Carbon was purchased at Edinburgh 2009, a ram with length, tight skin and good colour. We are very pleased with his first crop of lambs.

Mrs J J Tooze

Old Medwyn Mill, Spittal, Carnwath, Lanarkshire, ML11 8LY Reg. Flock Code DYX Spittal 47

DYX:N17 Twin Born: 10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:H18 by PLASLLEWELYN POLARIS (89880) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: A lamb with great power and fantastic skin, G.G.Dam a Glenisla Ewe purchased at there dispersal



DYX:N22 Twin Born: 16/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL DECISION (94100) Dam: DYX:K12 by PLASLLEWELYN PANACHE (91599) G.Dam: DYX:C11 by BRIJON BRAVADO (85504) Notes: A Gimmers lamb with great style and shape. Dam was 5th prize at RHAS as a ewe lamb. Ref to Sire : Davishill Decision - purchased at Edinburgh 2009, he is sired by the 9,000gns Strathisla Showstopper who was Champio at Shrewsbury 2007. He is breeding exceptionally well.

County Turf Ltd (Farm)

Low Santon Farm, Appleby, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire, DN15 0DF Reg. Flock Code LOZ Hazeltree 49

LOZ:N10 Twin Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BRACKENHILL FIRST CHOICE (87647) Dam: LOZ:J12 by LANDALE LOGIC (92161) G.Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982)

Born: 26/12/2009


LOZ:N6 Embryo Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982) G.Dam: 80:C78 by SANTON XTASY (85144)

Born: 25/12/2009


LOZ:N28 Embryo Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982) G.Dam: 80:C78 by SANTON XTASY (85144)

Born: 01/01/2010


LOZ:N12 Embryo Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SOLWAYBANK SOVEREIGN (93074) Dam: LOZ:F2 by CAIRNESS U'LL DO (82982) G.Dam: 80:C78 by SANTON XTASY (85144)

Born: 26/12/2009

Notes: N6, 28 and 12 all embryo brothers to ram lamb sold at Edinburgh for 5,000gns to D Barr and Mrs Rootes 2009


Stewart Lathangie

Pyeston Farm, Star, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 6LN Reg. Flock Code LVL Pyeston 53

LVL:N12 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:


Born: 03/01/2010

G & J Soulsby

Williamsgill, Temple Sowerby, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1SW Reg. Flock Code FAJ Williamsgil

l 54

FAJ:N21 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:


Born: 09/01/2010


FAJ:N3 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:


Born: 03/01/2010

Messrs S & W Tait

37 Lisnaharney Road, Eskradooey, Lislap, Co Tyrone, BT79 7UF Reg. Flock Code T86 Burnview 56

T86:N33 Embryo Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS HEADSTART (94562) Dam: T86:H46 by BURNVIEW BEAMER (91294) G.Dam: T86:U99 by MUIRESK MACCARAVELLE (77113) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 12.55 95.50 kgs

20wk musc. 1.10 39.00 mm

20wk fat 0.34 7.80 mm

Index Age

3.28 149 days

Notes: 1st prize Ram Lamb at Royal Ulster. ET brother sold privately to Belgium, Maternal brother to last years 1st prize MLC lamb sold to Alloaks for 3,000gns



T86:N60 Twin Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA STONER (92716) Dam: T86:K27 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) G.Dam: T86:F35 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 6.47 77.30 kgs

20wk musc. 1.16 37.90 mm

20wk fat -0.18 6.70 mm

Index Age

1.42 149 days

Notes: Dam is ET sister to ram lambs sold at 4,000gns, 2,500gns (twice) and 2,000gns and to our top show Gimmer who was Reserve Champion at Ballymena Show. ET sisters have sold at £3,000 and £2,000. 58

T86:N30 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) Dam: T86:K132 by BURNVIEW BRUCE (92610) G.Dam: T86:A89 by CAIRNESS ROYAL COURT (83268) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 7.85 87.30 kgs

20wk musc. 0.52 37.20 mm

20wk fat 0.45 8.00 mm

Index Age

1.82 150 days

Notes: Dam is maternal sister to 32,000gns Edinburgh Champion 2005 and to 4,000gns and 3,500gns ram lambs. G Dam is sister to 9,000gns Edinburgh Champion 2000 59

T86:N47 Embryo Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS HEADSTART (94562) Dam: T86:H46 by BURNVIEW BEAMER (91294) G.Dam: T86:U99 by MUIRESK MACCARAVELLE (77113) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 9.07 77.30 kgs

20wk musc. 1.05 36.90 mm

20wk fat -0.11 5.30 mm

Index Age

2.23 149 days

Notes: ET brother to Lot 56 60

T86:N79 Single Born: 03/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CASTLEISLE IMPACT (93504) Dam: T86:K18 by BAILEYS INVINCIBLE (92607) G.Dam: T86:F35 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 11.03 69.10 kgs

20wk musc. 2.24 35.70 mm

20wk fat 0.17 4.70 mm


Index Age

3.23 120 days

Notes: Born February. His dam was our top show gimmer last year winning many prizes, same family as N60 Ref to Sires : Baileys Headstart - by Cairness New Approach, he was purchased at Roscrea last year for 2,500gns, he was one of the top lambs at Baileys last year. Baileys Invincible - by the 70,000gns Rhaeadr Rossi, bred Reserve Champion at Edinburgh 2008 with sons selling to 10,000gns, 3,000gns, 2,500gns and daughters to £3,000, £2,500 and £2,000 Castleisle Impact - by Strathisla Dylan Thomas, Supreme Champion at Roscrea 2008. He was male Champion at NI Championships and Male and Reserve Champion at Irish Championships 09. Bred 3,000gns MLC winner at Edinburgh last year and Reserve Champion at NI Premier Sale

W G Troup Ltd

Shaggart Farm, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire, AB51 7LL Reg. Flock Code L25 Whitestone 61

L25:N88 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 26/01/2010 WHITESTONE BUCKAROO (92810) 93A:K12 by WHITESTONE TOP NOTCH (93797) 93A:F19 by SITLOW ROONEY (89905)


L25:N70 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single CAIRNESS TORRES (93286) L25:J32 by CAIRNESS HAWK (91751) L25:A17 by MUIRESK ZIDANE (86281)

Born: 09/01/2010

G C Beacom

Lakeview Farm, 97 Ballagh Road, Fivemiletown, Co Fermanagh, N Ireland, BT75 0LD Reg. Flock Code JFF Lakeview 63

JFF:N70 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Embryo Born: 14/01/2010 GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) JFF:J112 by CAIRNESS CREATION II (90699) DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996)

Notes: 3rd prize Ram Lamb at RUAS, his two ET sisters were our show ewe lambs this year. Dam DDY F54 was purchased from Baileys flock for 4,000 euros. She is dam of many registered rams and has left a tremendous line of females. Same family lines as Lot 65



JFF:N80 Embryo Born: 15/01/2010 Sire: GARRYHINCH EMPIRE (94148) Dam: JFF:C12 by CAIRNESS ROYAL COURT (83268) G.Dam: JCZ:X12 by CAIRNESS DISCOVERER (80580) Notes: Reserve Male Champion at Lurgan Show, his half sister was Reserve Champion at RUAS this year. He is also a half brother to Lakeview Kunnyfunt sold privately to Ballynacannon Flock 2007. His G Dam is also G Dam of 6,000gns Lakeview Lancelot who sold to Thrunton.


JFF:N40 Embryo Born: 10/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA LIFT T'THE STARS (92223) Dam: DDY:F54 by FORDAFOURIE ELITE (83996) G.Dam: DDY:X29 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Notes: Full brother to Lakeview Loyalist sold to Bardnaclavan at Edinburgh 2008 for 1,100gns. Half brother to Lakeview Beacon sold last year for 2,400gns to Bannview, Glyde and Montfarrell and two ET sisters sold last year to Gerry Kililea, Garragh flock. Dam is also G Dam of Lot 63 Ref to Sires; Garryhinch Empire - Top lamb at Roscrea last year purchased for 10,500gns, he is sired by the £20,000 Strathisla Shadrach, he has bred exceptionly well in his first season. Strathisla Lift T'The Stars - Top lamb at Kelso 2006 where he was purchased for £11,000. Champion Stock Ram N.I. Flock Competition 2007, he is sired by the 30,000gns Glenho Gurka

Alfred J & Norman A J Robinson

Summerhill House, Ballyrolly, Downpatrick, Co Down, N Ireland, BT30 8HQ Reg. Flock Code 73A Benrafton 66

73A:N44 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:K85 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: FNV:F141 by CALLOW CANNON (89649) Notes: Dam top price Gimmer at Stirling 2009 where she was purchased for 5,500gns, his sire was purchased at Edinburgh 2009 for 12,000gns

Messrs J H Christie & Son

West Carse Farm, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK8 3AE Reg. Flock Code 47D Westcarse 67

47D:N45 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD WONDER (94455) Dam: 47D:J89 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) G.Dam: 47D:C29 by HALLHILL DIRECT HIT (88017)



47D:N35 Twin Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ROSEDEN IMPRESSION (94457) Dam: 47D:F17 by CAIRNESS CONSERVATOR (89052) G.Dam: 47D:A105 by ALLOAKS ECLIPSE (84438)


47D:N41 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD WONDER (94455) Dam: 47D:H2 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) G.Dam: 47D:A42 by MUIRESK MILLREEF (86466)


47D:N36 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD WONDER (94455) Dam: 47D:K112 by WESTCARSE AWESOME (92144) G.Dam: 47D:F9 by MIDDLEMUIR MANAGER (89574)


47D:N55 Twin Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD WONDER (94455) Dam: 47D:J66 by HALLHILL HAYMAKER (91000) G.Dam: 47D:Z24 by WESTCARSE STAR ATTRACTION (76493)


47D:N69 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 10/01/2010 CAIRNESS BIG BROTHER (93391) 47D:D101 by GLENHO LEGEND (88878) 47D:U130 by BARTLEHILL BANKER (81326)

Notes: All lambs are eligible for Export

James Young

Muirton, Alford, Aberdeenshire, AB33 8JN Reg. Flock Code K14 Muirton 73

K14:N35 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: FORKINS FOURSQUARE (94181) Dam: K14:J3 by STRATHISLA STARBUCK (90958) G.Dam: K14:X55 by STRATHISLA SUPERSONIC (81098)


K14:N5 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) Dam: K14:J19 by STRATHISLA STARBUCK (90958) G.Dam: K14:D1 by MUIRTON MACHO-MAN (87958)



K14:N31 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) Dam: K14:H17 by DAVISHILL DARREN (88710) G.Dam: K14:C51 by BIRNESS MURRAY BOY (86657)


K14:N24 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE MOUNTROYAL (93600) Dam: K14:F17 by COLLESSIE EUROSTAR (88711) G.Dam: K14:C25 by MUIRTON MACHO-MAN (87958)

Messrs Henry Stuart & Sons

Davishill, Udny, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6QQ Reg. Flock Code 244 Davishill 77

244:N16 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) Dam: 244:D97 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) G.Dam: 244:W20 by HALLHILL HALLMARK (80138)


244:N42 Single Born: 12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) Dam: 244:C61 by GLENHO MILES APART (84200) G.Dam: 244:U24 by CAIRNESS ALL GOLD (81055)


244:N41 Single Born: 15/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BURNVIEW HITMAN (94211) Dam: 244:K12 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:D104 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191)


244:N20 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DAVISHILL ACE OF DIAMONDS (93457) Dam: 244:J46 by STRATHISLA SHOWMASTER (92003) G.Dam: 244:F51 by KINGS ROMEO (87786)


244:N35 Twin Born: 12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BURNVIEW HITMAN (94211) Dam: 244:K11 by CONVETH HIGH FLIER (90729) G.Dam: 244:Z28 by MULLANBOY DE LUXE (84199)



244:N61 Single Born: 23/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA 118 118 (94210) Dam: 244:F24 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) G.Dam: 244:X68 by CONCHAR DISCOVERY (83147)


244:N36 Single Born: 12/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA 118 118 (94210) Dam: 244:D103 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) G.Dam: 244:Z51 by MULLANBOY DE LUXE (84199)


244:N28 Single Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA 118 118 (94210) Dam: 244:F34 by PERRINPIT JUST THE JOB (88191) G.Dam: 244:W114 by CAIRNESS CRACK SHOT (81056)


244:N9 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BURNVIEW MATCHMAKER (93456) Dam: 244:J31 by ALLOAKS DEAD LUCKY (90731) G.Dam: 244:A17 by CONCHAR DISCOVERY (83147)


244:N32 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA 118 118 (94210) Dam: 244:C53 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) G.Dam: 244:Z21 by CONCHAR DISCOVERY (83147)


Notes: Ref to Sires ; Conveth High Flair, sire Castlewellan Nutcracker Burnview Hitman, sire Baileys Invincible Burnview Matchmaker, sire Baileys Invincible Strathisla 118-118, sire Lakeview Leeroy Davishill Ace of Diamonds, sire Strathisla Shaunmaster

Thomas Darling

Ladyflat Farm, Duns, Scottish Borders, TD11 3QX Reg. Flock Code LBC Howeburn 87

LBC:N29 Single Born: 30/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LBC:J31 by MEIKLESON MAN O WAR (91799) G.Dam: LBC:F41 by GLENHEAD GLACIER (89547) Notes: Dam J31 our best Man O'War daughter in the flock, her full brother was 1st prize Ram Lamb Great Yorkshire. G.G.Dam a great breeding ewe purchased from Perrinpit



LBC:N10 Single Born: 28/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: SITLOW CENTURION (93278) Dam: LBC:F34 by STOCKTON GAEL FORCE (89778) G.Dam: 72H:W91 by CAIRNESS THE BEST (ET) (80581) Notes: G Dam W91 purchased from Stockton with sons selling to 6,000gns, G.G.Dam P32 won all the Royals.


Ref to Sire : Sitlow Centurion, National Champion 2008 purchased by Flodden for 8,000gns, semen purchased and has done a tremendous job

George L Stuart

Milltown of Birness, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8EJ Reg. Flock Code 1W Birness 89

1W:N22 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) Dam: 1W:H67 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) G.Dam: 1W:A91 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609)


1W:N43 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:F72 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) G.Dam: 1W:A53 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609)


1W:N46 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:J1 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309) G.Dam: 1W:F24 by AUCHINRAITH A-ONE (88103)


1W:N12 Single Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:K42 by STRATHISLA SEGA (92974) G.Dam: 1W:H67 by CAIRNESS BONDI (91309)


1W:N14 Single Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA OBAMA (93455) Dam: 1W:J74 by STRATHISLA THE KING (ET) (88929) G.Dam: 1W:A91 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609)


Born: 02/01/2010


1W:N48 Single Born: 11/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) Dam: 1W:J13 by STRATHISLA THE KING (ET) (88929) G.Dam: 1W:A33 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609)


1W:N21 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) Dam: 1W:J20 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) G.Dam: 1W:F30 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646)


1W:N20 Triplet Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON SQUARE UP (94311) Dam: 1W:J9 by PLASLLEWELYN PURE GENIUS (89646) G.Dam: 1W:Z12 by CROSEMANOR DEL BOY (82609)


1W:N29 Twin Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: RHAEADR FLASH HARRY (94310) Dam: 1W:J72 by CASTLEWELLAN CRACKSHOT (91308) G.Dam: 1W:A47 by GURTEEN REGGIE (85356) Notes: All lambs were vaccinated for Blue Tongue by the vet on 20th May. Ref to Sires : Strathisla Obama (ARR/ARR) - Sire Strathisla Speed purchased jointly at Edinburgh 2008 with Collessie for 10.000gns, has bred tremendous flesh and scale in his lambs. Rhaeadr Flash Harry (ARR/ARR) - Sire Thurston Calzaghe who was purchased Edinburgh 2009, he is breeding lambs with great style and good carcase. Meiklson Square Up (ARR/ARR) - sire Lakeview Leeroy purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 5,000gns, a much admired Ram by all and has bred great power and colours in his lambs.

William Borthwick

Auchinraith, Mauchline, Ayrshire, KA5 5TN Reg. Flock Code PCA Ballochmyle 98

PCA:N3 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 06/01/2010 STOCKTON TEMPTATION (93270) 92J:K85 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) 92J:X124 by PEXHILL PROUD (84674)


PCA:N4 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 13/01/2010 STRATHISLA SUPERNOVA (94231) 92J:J49 by CARNFORTH KINGPIN (89257) 92J:W76 by PARKGATE PLUTONIUM (83187)


A J & W M Norrie

Wrae Farm, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 7RB Reg. Flock Code 16U Slackadale 100 16U:N15 Single Born: 11/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS CORNICHE (92776) Dam: 16U:F57 by DAVISHILL DIABOLO (89731) G.Dam: 16U:A75 by MUIRESK MOVIE STAR (86812) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 9.60 88.90 kgs

20wk musc. 2.54 41.50 mm

20wk fat 0.52 7.30 mm

Index Age

2.67 150 days

101 16U:N4 Twin Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNORRIE CAPTAIN (93605) Dam: 16U:K13 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) G.Dam: 16U:H27 by DAVISHILL DIABOLO (89731) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 8.04 80.70 kgs

20wk musc. 0.73 37.10 mm

20wk fat 0.88 7.23 mm

Index Age

1.68 155 days

102 16U:N13 Twin Born: 10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNORRIE CAPTAIN (93605) Dam: 16U:H46 by DAVISHILL DREAM MACHINE (90964) G.Dam: 16U:A9 by MEIKLESON MILLENNIUM MAN (84504) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 5.40 74.40 kgs

20wk musc. 2.71 41.10 mm

20wk fat 0.33 6.40 mm

Index Age

1.75 151 days

P Machray

Bilboa, Daviot, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 0HA Reg. Flock Code AAZ Middlemuir 103 AAZ:N6 Single Born: 31/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER(93458) Dam: AAZ:J21 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE(88374) G.Dam: AAZ:C14 by CAIRNESS MUSKATEER (87573) Notes: This is our first lamb out of Stockbroker, he has a tremendous head and

great colours. Brother sold to Newmill flock last year and breeding well.


104 AAZ:N7 Twin Born: 31/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: KINGS ROMEO(87786) Dam: AAZ:J20 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY(90698) G.Dam: AAZ:F33 by CAIRNESS MUSKATEER (87573) Notes: Dam J20 goes back to Glenisla breeding and Cairness Muskateer who

Bred Middlemuir Gann(4,800gns). Kings Romeo a well proven sire.

105 AAZ:N26 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: FNV:C73 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: FNV:W8 by MUIRESK THE MENACE (82332) Notes: Lamb with a great pedigree from one Strathisla’s good breeding lines. Our heaviest lambs this year with a good skin and carcase 106 AAZ:N15 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 03/01/2010 ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94616) AAZ:J14 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) AAZ:F6 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374)

James Fleming

Hallhill, Crossford, Carluke, Lanarkshire, ML8 5QH Reg. Flock Code 35N Hallhill 107 35N:N65 Single Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: ROSEDEN IMPRESSION (94457) Dam: 35N:H72 by ROOKERY FLASH (91360) G.Dam: 35N:Z94 by PERRINPIT XTRA SPECIAL (85829) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 11.03 87.00 kgs

20wk musc. 2.70 43.00 mm

20wk fat 1.02 7.73 mm

Index Age

2.74 150 days

108 35N:N47 Twin Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNTON COMRADE (94048) Dam: 35N:H84 by CAIRNESS CONSERVATOR (89052) G.Dam: 35N:Z22 by BARRONS' AMBASSADOR (62805) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 9.07 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 0.35 37.00 mm

20wk fat 0.73 7.23 mm


Index Age

1.91 151 days

109 35N:N83 Single Born: 07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: HALLHILL SATISFACTION (94573) Dam: 35N:K96 by CARNFORTH CAPSTAN (93134) G.Dam: 35N:H31 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 10.44 82.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.02 39.50 mm

20wk fat 0.34 6.63 mm

Index Age

2.65 149 days

110 35N:N61 Single Born: 06/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: ROSEDEN IMPRESSION (94457) Dam: 35N:K55 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) G.Dam: 35N:A28 by CAIRNESS DIRECT LINE (87153)

EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 6.59 73.00 kgs

20wk musc. 2.38 41.30 mm

20wk fat 0.48 7.20 mm

Index Age

1.92 150 days

111 35N:N72 Single Born: 07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: HALLHILL SATISFACTION (94573) Dam: 35N:K83 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) G.Dam: 35N:W128 by MUIRESK ALMIGHTY (81325) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 7.28 75.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.28 37.00 mm

20wk fat 1.24 8.20 mm

Index Age

1.39 149 days

112 35N:N9 Twin Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: GLENHEAD WONDER (94455) Dam: 35N:J6 by CAIRNESS FIRST GLANCE (92387) G.Dam: 35N:C52 by CAIRNESS DIRECT LINE (87153) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 6.54 70.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.50 39.70 mm

20wk fat -0.08 4.73 mm

Index Age

1.63 153 days

Notes: Ref to Sires ; Roseden Impression - Purchased Edinburgh 2009, sire Roseden Houdini (92752) Cairnton Comrade - Purchased privately, sire Cairness Stockbroker (93458) Hallhill Satisfaction - our best Cairness Almighty 2nd and maternal brother to N47 Glenhead Wonder - purchased Edinburgh 2009, sire Glenhead Black Diamond (93856)


Ronald M Greig

South Tillydesk, Ellon, Aberdeenshire, AB41 8SY Reg. Flock Code 71Z Tillydesk 113 71Z:N50 Single Born: 05/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON INFUSION (94188) Dam: 71Z:J45 by STRATHISLA SHOWMASTER (92003) G.Dam: 71Z:F54 by LAURELBANK LORD OF RINGS (88735) 114 71Z:N8 Single Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DRUMPARK DOUBLE CHOICE (93405) Dam: 71Z:J47 by STRATHISLA SHOWMASTER (92003) G.Dam: 71Z:F34 by LAURELBANK LORD OF RINGS (88735) 115 71Z:N54 Single Born: 07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MEIKLESON INFUSION (94188) Dam: 71Z:J61 by SOLWAYBANK GOLDEN WONDER (89850) G.Dam: 244:D2 by PEXHILL GOLDEN CHANCE (88192) 116 71Z:N10 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CASTLEWELLAN CLANCY (93316) Dam: 71Z:J24 by CAIRNESS TRUEMAN (91840) G.Dam: 71Z:D9 by DAVISHILL DIRECT HIT (86784) All lambs vaccinated for Blue Tongue by Vet on 26/5/10 Reference to Sires: Meikleson Infusion, purchased Edinburgh 2009, Sire Meikleson Impression (91694) Drumpark Double Choice (93405), sire of Strathisla Schumacher (91832) Castlewellan Clancy (93316) sire of Strathisla Dylan Thomas (92528)

K & L Mair

Kinnermit, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 4HB Reg. Flock Code NAJ Deveronside 117 NAJ:N20 Single Born: 09/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: NAJ:K23 by STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) G.Dam: S46:C89 by MUIRESK RAINBOW QUEST (85141) Notes: Outstanding female line and sire stock, being from 5 successive generations of 'Sire of the Year'. G.G.D being Muiresk Show Ewe S11 who was a full sister to King of Diamonds.


118 NAJ:N27 Embryo Born: 11/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: NAJ:J5 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: S46:Z91 by GLENHO GODOLPHIN (ET) (85142) Notes: 5th generation of RHAS prize winners, Dam 1st Gimmer RHAS. G Dam Z91 full sister to 6,500gns ram Zodiac, GG Dam full sister to 20,000gns Power Packer. 119 NAJ:N31 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD GOLDEN PHEONIX (94180) Dam: JTO:H28 by CAIRNESS KINGDOM (87916) G.Dam: JTO:A4 by STOCKTON STORM (80746) Notes: Dam H28 was 1st prize RHAS four successive years, twice being Champion. Full sister 3rd RHAS 2010. 120 NAJ:N17 Embryo Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: NAJ:J5 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: S46:Z91 by GLENHO GODOLPHIN (ET) (85142) Notes: Full brother to Lot 118. Ref to Sires ; Glenhead Pheonix, purchased 2009 for 12,000gns, daughter was 1st prize RHAS 2010. Strathisla Seabird - Edinburgh Champion 2009. He has tremendous scale and body, sons 1st and 3rd RHAS 2010

W & M Haining

High Drum, Dunscore, Dumfries, DG2 0UF Reg. Flock Code LPH Highdrum 121 LPH:N5 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:


Born: 28/12/2009

Notes: Both parents are ARR/ARR. Dam was purchased from the Lundazi Flock

Andrew Knox

Mid Haddo, Fyvie, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 8LB Reg. Flock Code LZW Haddo 122 LZW:N7 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) Dam: LZW:K1505 by BAILEYS IRISH CREAM (84182) G.Dam: LZW:F612 by MULLANBOY MOHAMMED (89551)


A & S Simpson

Wester Coxton Farm, Elgin, Morayshire, IV30 8QS Reg. Flock Code NWZ Speyside

123 NWZ:N9 Twin Born: 07/01/2010 Sire: BURNVIEW WACKO JACKO (94193) Dam: H6:J99 by ESSIE HECTOR (92152) G.Dam: H6:C24 by ESSIE ANTON (88039) Notes: Dam is a naturally fleshy ewe bought privately from the Essie flock 124 NWZ:N12 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: BURNVIEW WACKO JACKO (94193) Dam: HZC:H4 by GLENHEAD THE MCCOY (87135) G.Dam: HZC:D2 by STRATHISLA KINGSWAY (87830) Notes: Dam purchased Carlisle 2007 at W Borthwick & Son, Auchinraith Dispersal Sale. She has won 7 Championships as a ewe lamb. Ref to Sire : Burnview Wacko Jacko - Purchased at Edinburgh 2009, a strong ram with great presence which he has passed to many of his offspring. he also won Certificate of Merit at National Flock Competition 2009

Messrs W H Sinnett & Sons

Stockton Court, Stockton-on-Teme, Worcester, Worcs, WR6 6UT Reg. Flock Code 72H Stockton

125 72H:N190 Single Born: 26/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STOCKTON STOCKTON THRILLER THE SECOND (94669) Dam: 72H:H3 by STOCKTON GOLD BULLION (90434) G.Dam: 72H:C88 by CROSEMANOR JUBILEE KING (ET) (87327) 126 72H:N111 Triplet Born: 20/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STOCKTON LAD THE SECOND (94294) Dam: 72H:K174 by STOCKTON JACKPOT (93169) G.Dam: 72H:H83 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433) 127 72H:N187 Twin Born: 26/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MORRIS LES (93905) Dam: 72H:K201 by GAVAL GEORGE (92281) G.Dam: 72H:X77 by CAIRNESS DOUBLE TOP (80582)


128 72H:N134 Twin Born: 23/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: MORRIS LES (93905) Dam: 72H:K105 by STOCKTON JERICHO (93168) G.Dam: 72H:F133 by CAIRNESS IMPACT (90433)

A & L Mackinnon

1 Little Swinton Cottages, Coldstream, Berwickshire, TD12 4HH Reg. Flock Code NYH Thistledoo 129 NYH:N1 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:


Born: 01/01/2010

130 NYH:N3 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 01/01/2010 FLODDEN MAXI JAZZ (94617) Z40:J20 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Z40:F53 by FLODDEN BRAVEHEART (89828)

Myfyr A Evans

Tan-yr-accar, Llanrhaeadr, Denbigh, Denbighshire, LL16 4PH Reg. Flock Code A12 Rhaeadr 131 A12:N66 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:J86 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:C59 by RHAEADR ROLLS ROYCE (86958) Notes: Dam is full sister to Rhaeadr Rossi Edinburgh Champion 2006 sold to Baileys flock for 70,000gns which went on to be sire of the year 2007. 132 A12:N96 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:J121 by RHAEADR ROSSI (91772) G.Dam: DDY:F74 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Dam J121 is daughter of Rhaeadr Rossi. G Dam purchased from Baileys Production Sale 2006 for 5,000gns, her sire was sold at Edinburgh for 45,000gns 133 A12:N64 Single Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:H98 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:Z135 by CAIRNESS STORMER (83213) Notes: Dam H98 is full sister to H97 which was 2nd prize Gimmer at RHAS 2006, she also bred J59 breed Champion RWAS 2008, G Dam is sister to Ram Lamb sold Edinburgh 1996 for 10,000gns


134 A12:N90 Single Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Dam: A12:K60 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: DDY:F72 by BORELAND BUDDAH (89548) Notes: Dam is full sister to Ram Lamb sold Edinburgh 2008 for 2,000gns who was in the 1sr prize pen of three. G Dam purchased from Baileys production Sale 2006 for 6,500gns 135 A12:N92 Twin Born: 23/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:F30 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:C54 by CLYDA CRUSADER (87741) Notes: Dam bred ram lambs to 2,400gns, also one of our show gimmers this year. G Dam maternal sister to Rhaeadr Rolls Royce who was sire of Rossi's mother. 136 A12:N53 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:F26 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:Z154 by MUIRESK SCOTSMAN (86025) Notes: Dam a very good First Flight daughter. She is from same family as Rhaeadr Rossi. N53 twin sister one of the best ewe lambs this year 137 A12:N72 Single Born: 02/01/2010 Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:K131 by THURSTON CALZAGHE (93056) G.Dam: A12:H119 by CASTLEWELLAN CRUZ (91096) Notes: Dam very big powerful ewe by Thurston Calzagie 138 A12:N114 Single Born: 20/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS B.M.W (94597) Dam: A12:F85 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) G.Dam: A12:C3 by RHAEADR ROLLS ROYCE (86958) th Notes: Powerful lamb born 20 January. Dam andDdams sister, two very good breeding ewes, all their ram lambs being sold at Edinburgh or National Sale. 139 A12:N116 Twin Born: 28/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BRIGADIER THE SECOND (94596) Dam: A12:K123 by BAILEYS TAILOR MADE (93057) G.Dam: A12:F96 by CAIRNESS FIRST FLIGHT (90363) Notes: This very smart young lamb was born 28th January, dam very big stylish ewe by Baileys Tailor Made who was a son of Rossi. G Dam produced lambs selling at Edinburgh for 5,000gns and Shrewsbury for 3,500gns


Ref to Sires : Baileys Brigadier 2nd - was purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 7,500gns, he has bred very well in his first season. All his lambs are very good on their legs with good colours and very stylish. Baileys BMW - purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 8,000gns, he has grown into a very good powerfull shearling. His lambs are very good quality with plenty of power. Stockton Almighty - Edinburgh Champion 1998 sold for record price of 75,000gns

Gordon A Mackie

Drimmie Farm, Rescobie, By Forfar, Angus, DD8 2TD Reg. Flock Code 583 Drimmie

140 583:N20 Single Born: 03/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Dam: 583:D52 by PERRINPIT JOINT VENTURE (89469) G.Dam: 583:X8 by MUIRESK BOBORTOO (82308) 141 583:N26 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BURNVIEW OLYMPIC GOLD (93385) Dam: 583:J19 by CAIRNESS THE BAIRN (91569) G.Dam: 583:C21 by MUIRESK IVANHOE (ET) (87167) 142 583:N10 Single Born: 02/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) Dam: 583:J45 by CAIRNESS IMAGINATION (92407) G.Dam: 583:F17 by CAIRNESS COMMANDEUR (90268) 143 583:N4 Twin Born: 31/12/2009 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS MAJOR (94720) Dam: 583:D2 by STOCKTON SIMPLY THE BEST (80725) G.Dam: 583:X55 by HALLHILL HERBERT (79300)


J G Douglas

Woodhead of Cairness, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, AB43 5XD Reg. Flock Code 33H Cairness 144 33H:N69 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: FYVIE CLASSIC (58648) Dam: 33H:H40 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: 33H:C123 by CAIRNESS GOLDEN STAR (ET) (87735) Notes: This is the only ram lamb by Fyvie Classic. Dam 33H:H40, dam of Cairness Carbon sold last year to Kings and Sitlow flocks for 6,000gns. 145 33H:N64 Twin Born: 10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) Dam: 33H:K58 by CAIRNESS RENOVATOR (92627) G.Dam: J53:Z52 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: Dam a very good Gimmer, G.Dam the top Glenisla Ewe J53/Z52 146 33H:N10 Single Born: 13/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K79 by BAILEYS GOLDEN STAR (92619) G.Dam: 33H:H69 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698) Notes: A lamb with tremendous bone 147 33H:N43 Embryo Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: C52:F33 by BALMAUD MCCOY (87836) G.Dam: C52:C2 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) Notes: Dam a top Evandale Ewe, dam of the top priced Ewe Lamb at Annie and Wullie' sale 148 33H:N44 Triplet Born: 09/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:H242 by CRAGROE CRAFTSMAN (90701) G.Dam: J53:Z29 by CROSEMANOR COMMANDEUR (82136) Notes: G.Dam was 11,500 gns ewe lamb at Glenisla Dispersal, also dam of Cairness Kanine in Baileys flock. Breeding well in Baileys flock.


149 33H:N26 Twin Born: 14/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: 33H:K88 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:H4 by CAIRNESS KICKING KING (90794) Notes: A very correct powerful Lamb 150 33H:N38 Twin Born: 10/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: BAILEYS BACCHUS (94124) Dam: 33H:K22 by MUIRESK ZIDANE (86281) G.Dam: 33H:H39 by GLENHEAD MORANGIE (90747) Notes: Dam a Gimmer with great head and bone 151 33H:N35 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARQ (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:K50 by MUIRESK KING OF DIAMONDS (77713) G.Dam: 33H:A11 by CAIRNESS CELLNET (85093) Notes: Dam 33H:K50 a top Gimmer by the 68,000gns Muiresk King of Diamonds. 152 33H:N14 Twin Born: 02/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:H53 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) G.Dam: 33H:W78 by STOCKTON ALMIGHTY (83500) Notes: G.G.Dam the 20,000gns Glenho Ewe lamb 153 33H:N5 Twin Born: 01/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: 33H:H11 by STOCKTON STARDUST (79419) G.Dam: 33H:C106 by CAIRNESS GOLDEN STAR (ET) (87735) Notes: Dam a ewe with a lot of character. Ref to Sires; Fyvie Classic(58648), a joint purchase with Sandy Lee Fordafourie In 1984 for ÂŁ9000, one of the top breeding rams of his time, he sired Fordafourie Lochnagar and many more top rams. Baileys Bacchus - Sire Cairness Kanine, one of the better lambs in Ireland, purchased last year by Claude, Belguim. I was delighted to get some doses of semen. Cairness Achievement - Sire Cairness Just the Best, Champion National Show and Sale, sold for 20,000gns to Charlie and Kevin Proctor. ET brother to the 62,000gns Cairness Castello sold to Judith and Iain Barbour. Cairness Sea the Stars - Sold to Harry Stewart, Castlewellan for 20,000gns Edinburgh 2009. Cairness Just the Best - Sire of the year 2009 and 2010.


Antony Glaves

33 Cayley Lane, Brompton by Sawdon, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO13 9DL Reg. Flock Code M17 Brompton 154 M17:N24 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Twin Born: 26/12/2009 STRATHISLA SPEED (92717) M17:J37 by KINGS HIGH AND MIGHTY (89280) M17:A31 by MUIRESK GODFATHER (85686)

20wk wt 8.77 83.00 kgs

20wk musc. 0.83 32.50 mm

20wk fat -0.45 7.23 mm

Index Age

1.59 163 days

Notes: Sire Strathisla Speed, sire of the year 2008 and RHAS Champion. Lambs have sold to 25,000gns, 15,000gns and 10,000gns 155 M17:N50 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Single Born: 14/01/2010 STRATHISLA GOLDBAR (94196) M17:F21 by MUIRESK GODFATHER (85686) M17:Z13 by BROMPTON SON OF MAVRICK (85684)

20wk wt 7.11 81.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.58 38.10 mm

20wk fat -0.91 5.97 mm

Index Age

0.51 144 days

Notes: One of the last sons of the great breeding ewe X48. Sire Strathisla Gold Barr purchased Edinburgh 2009 for 3,000gns 156 M17:N31 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:


20wk wt 8.40 84.00 kgs

20wk musc. 0.97 36.30 mm

20wk fat 1.08 11.83 mm

Index Age

1.70 164 days

Notes: Sire Strathbeg Stan the Man purchased privately for £10,000, he is breeding scale, tight coats and great hair

Darren Jones

Ashcroft, Thurston Field, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6HD Reg. Flock Code LHH Thurston 157 LHH:N18 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 02/01/2010 WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) LHH:K28 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) LHH:F18 by THURSTON WARRIOR (88901)

158 LHH:N1 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 01/01/2010 WHITESTONE WARRIOR (92628) LHH:J29 by THURSTON CHIEFTAIN (91775) LHH:D10 by COLLESSIE CUT ABOVE (88374)


A J & A R Benzie

Meikle, Whiterashes, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 5RA Reg. Flock Code DZA Meikleson 159 DZA:N40 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: DZA:H17 by GLENHEAD GLINT O GOLD (90447) G.Dam: DZA:D90 by STOCKTON SKY'S THE LIMIT (88512) Notes: Out of a very good ewe by Glint O'Gold, his G.Dam was purchased at Muiresk Dispersal 160 DZA:N8 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 01/01/2010 STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) DZA:J003 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) DZA:C32 by CONVETH KING KEV (86938)

161 DZA:N20 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Triplet Born: 02/01/2010 STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) DZA:J005 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) DZA:D86 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321)

162 DZA:N21


Born: 03/01/2010

Sire: STRATHISLA SEA BIRD (94519) Dam: DZA:H3 by GLENHEAD GLINT O GOLD (90447) G.Dam: DZA:X32 by MUIRESK KING KENNY (83736) Notes: Out of the sister of Man O'War who cost 9,000gns at Edinburgh 2006 Ref to Sire : Strathisla Sea Bird - Has grown into a big massive ram as a shearling. He stood Champion at Edinburgh in 2009 where he was sold for 10,000gns and is shared with the Deveronside and Strathisla Flocks. he has bred very well in his first season.

Iain R Barbour

Beechgrove Farm, Annan, Dumfries and Galloway, DG12 6SN Reg. Flock Code FHT Solwaybank 163 FHT:N97 Embryo Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:H80 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) G.Dam: FHT:D83 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: Maternal brother to the 32,000gns Solwaybank Special One 164 FHT:N44 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:J14 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: FHT:W17 by SOLWAYBANK SHERIFF (80818) Notes: From same family as FHT A58 who was sold to the Carragh flock and produced the 7,500 euro Carragh Unique


165 FHT:N80 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:K79 by PERRINPIT PHYSIQUE (92601) G.Dam: FHT:H99 by STOCKTON SAVANNAH (90168) Notes: The most powerful ram we have had since Solwaybank Ranger. He traces back to the best breeder in the flock FHT U104 166 FHT:N19 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:D83 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) G.Dam: FHT:U56 by MUIRESK POWERPACKER (77434) Notes: Dam FHT D83 is the old show ewe who has won many prizes, she is also the G.Dam of Solwaybank Special One 167 FHT:N67 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FNC:J29 by GLENHEAD COMMANDER (87165) G.Dam: FNC:D57 by SOLWAYBANK INSIGNIA (87398) Notes: Dam was purchased from the Als'now flock and is dam of this years show Gimmer, a consistent breeding ewe 168 FHT:N106 Single Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS CASTELLO (94401) Dam: FHT:H80 by GLENHEAD GRANDMASTER (90700) G.Dam: FHT:D83 by GLENISLA GRIMALDI (85213) Notes: Full ET brother of N97 Ref to Sire : Cairness Castello - is the best ever bred at Cairness. He still has his style, power, shape and colour. He has turned out to be a massive shearling of which we are very proud

C A Proctor & Co

Mains of Tollo, Turriff, Aberdeenshire, AB53 7HH Reg. Flock Code DYH Conveth 169 DYH:N52 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Twin Born: 02/01/2010 CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) DYH:K166 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) DYH:X63 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652)

20wk wt 10.69 82.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.15 38.10 mm

20wk fat -0.37 4.37 mm

Index Age

2.18 159 days

Notes: One of the best breeding lines in the flock, dam bred sons to 2,200gns at Edinburgh and ÂŁ1100 at Kelso. G Dam was dam of Conveth Gruger, he is a twin brother to our No 1 lamb for National Sale


170 DYH:N30 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Triplet Born: 01/01/2010 CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) DYH:F62 by CASTLEWELLAN NUTCRACKER (89739) DYH:X7 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652)

20wk wt 7.92 79.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.63 38.60 mm

20wk fat 0.11 5.10 mm

Index Age

2.23 160 days

171 DYH:N122 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:J138 by GLYDE MALDINI (90961) G.Dam: DYH:D55 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 8.25 74.00 kgs

20wk musc. 0.48 34.10 mm

20wk fat 0.12 5.67 mm

Index Age

Notes: G.Dam is maternal sister to Conveth High Flyer

1.99 157 days

172 DYH:N118 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:D55 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) G.Dam: DYH:X45 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 8.61 77.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.53 39.00 mm

20wk fat 0.61 6.47 mm

Index Age

Notes: Dam is maternal sister to Conveth High Flyer

2.16 157 days

173 DYH:N100 Twin Born: 04/01/2010 Sire: CAIRNESS ACHIEVEMENT (94170) Dam: DYH:J195 by STRATHISLA SCHUMACHER (91832) G.Dam: DYH:X63 by GLENHEAD GINOLA (84652) EBV's: Actual:

20wk wt 8.58 75.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.67 39.50 mm

Notes: Same family as Lot 169 174 DYH:N33 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

20wk fat 0.05 5.53 mm

Index Age

2.30 157 days


20wk wt 10.35 80.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.38 38.60 mm

20wk fat -0.07 4.47 mm

Notes: From same family as lots 3 and 4.

Index Age

2.64 160 days

Ref to Sires : Cairness Achievement - Sire Cairness the Best, Champion at National Sale 2009 where he was purchased for 20,000gns


J David Walker

Galcantray Farm, Cawdor, Nairn, Highland, IV12 5XS Reg. Flock Code HJS Galcantray 175 HJS:N61 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Single Born: 25/01/2010 ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94616) HJS:J74 by DRIMMIE DEL (92344) HJS:C73 by GLENISLA SASQUATCH (86760) ROUNDACRE ROCKSTAR (94122) HJS:J74 by DRIMMIE DEL (92344) HJS:C73 by GLENISLA SASQUATCH (86760)

176 HJS:N18 Sire: Dam: G.Dam:

Twin Born: 15/01/2010 COLLESSIE CARISMA (92343) HJS:K23 by CONVETH KOLOSSOS (93125) HJS:D42 by -

Alun Williams

Llidiart-y-Rhos, Bryn Coch, Llanrug, Gwynedd, LL55 4AN Reg. Flock Code DCL Cefndu 177 DCL:N2 Twin Born: 01/02/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS SEE THE STARS (94046) Dam: 33H:K29 by CAIRNESS JUST THE BEST (92622) G.Dam: 33H:H80 by CAIRNESS SAVE THE DAY (90698)

Rodger K Denby

Riddings Hill, Moat, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA6 5PJ Reg. Flock Code A58 Carnforth 178 A58:N5 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Single Born: 25/12/2009 BIRNESS BACK IN BLACK (93712) A58:J37 by MONKTON STRONGBOW (92123) A58:D4 by GLENHO MORNING GLORY (85094)

20wk wt 8.32 77.10 kgs

20wk musc. 2.06 35.10 mm

20wk fat 0.55 5.87 mm

Index Age

2.25 160 days

Notes: Best Male at NWSBC Show. Dam J 37 has bred best lamb for the last 2 years 179 A58:N16 Sire: Dam: G.Dam: EBV's: Actual:

Single Born: 08/01/2010 SITLOW SENATOR (94444) A58:K2 by WESTCARSE PREMIER (93034) A58:H21 by CARNFORTH MAGNET (91145)

20wk wt 10.72 68.00 kgs

20wk musc. 1.89 33.10 mm

20wk fat 0.24 2.97 mm

Index Age

3.00 146 days

Notes: Ref to Sire : Sitlow Senator - son of Sitlow Centurian purchased at Edinburgh 2009


S J Duncan

The Cottage, Jacobshall, Gamrie Banff, Scotland, AB45 3JL Reg. Flock Code JYB Pennan 180 JYB:N20 Single Born: 25/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JYB:J16 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) G.Dam: JYB:F7 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Late born lamb, his dam is a top ewe her last years lamb sold to J Gibb privately which has bred two Edinburgh lambs for the Cairnton Flock. 181 JYB:N5 Twin Born: 07/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JYB:J12 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) G.Dam: JYB:D11 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Full brother sold for 1,600gns last year 182 JYB:N10 Twin Born: 08/01/2010 Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: DEVERONSIDE SPEEDWAY (93466) Dam: JYB:J3 by MONKLEIGH HIGH NOON (92083) G.Dam: JYB:D3 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Dam by Monkleigh High Noon, same way bred as previous lots. 183 JYB:N1 Triplet Scrapie genotype: ARR/ARR (Private) Sire: CAIRNESS STOCKBROKER (93458) Dam: JYB:F13 by FORDAFOURIE RIO (88197) G.Dam: JYB:C1 by KINGS ROMEO (87786) Notes: Full brother sold to Cairness Flock 2009.

Born: 04/01/2010

Ref to Sire : Deveronside Speedway - bu Strathisla Speed, dam been Female Champion at RHAS for three years All lambs have been BlueTongue Vaccinated and are Eligible foe Export


Angus O Wilson

Bowden Moor Farm, Melrose, Roxburghshire, TD6 9HT Reg. Flock Code DHD Glenhead 184 DHD:N32 Triplet Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:F26 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) G.Dam: DHD:Z80 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) Notes: Dam is an outstanding ewe. Twin brother entered for National Sale 185 DHD:N84 Single Born: 12/02/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:J45 by MEIKLESON IMPRESSION (91694) G.Dam: DHD:D16 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) Notes: G.Dam D16 is maternal sister to the 26,000gns Glenhead Gold 186 DHD:N17 Twin Born: 07/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND(93856) Dam: DHD:J81 by GREYHILL GRUNDY (68769) G.Dam: J53:Z2 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) Notes: Dam is a maternal sister to Glaramara, Glacier etc 187 DHD:N44 Triplet Born: 08/01/2010 Sire: GREYHILL GRUNDY (68769) Dam: DHD:K79 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) G.Dam: DHD:Z54 by FORDAFOURIE THE REAL MCCOY (60551) Notes: His illustrious sire has passed on many of his exceptional qualities to the superb son, including great skin and muscling. His dam K79 is twin to my homebred stock ram Black Diamond, their dam being twin to Glenhead McCoy 188 DHD:N9 Triplet Born: 06/01/2010 Sire: GLENHEAD BLACK DIAMOND (93856) Dam: DHD:D17 by ROSEDEN ROCK STAR (89321) G.Dam: DHD:W11 by CAIRNESS EXPRESSION (82341) Notes: Dam D17 comes from a very consistent line going back to Barrons ewe. 189 DHD:N60 Twin Born: 09/01/2010 Sire: MUIRESK MASTER CRAFTSMAN (86284) Dam: DHD:K55 by CAIRNESS NINTY NINE (93032) G.Dam: DHD:F11 by GLENHEAD GLARAMARA (89886) Notes: Dam a big strong gimmer. Ref to Sires ; Glenhead Black Diamond - Made a great start last year being the sire of 12,000gns Golden Phoenix sold to Strathisla. He continues to breed the quality his pedigree would suggest and his appearance demands. Greyhill Grundy - This very successful past sire has produced sons to ÂŁ20,000 and still leaves many highly desirable characteristics today



73 Circular Road, Kates Bridge, Banbridge, Co Down. 190 78 Volumes af the Annual Flock books of the Suffolk Sheep Society from the years 1920 to 2003, missing the war years 41,42,43,44 and 1929 and 1930. This forms part of the Hedley Hillis of the Tanvally Flock collection. The vendor will undertake to deliver the books at his expense.






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