Find your most creative times Everybody has a different biological body clock which is why if you have a piece of writing to do you can really struggle UP HFU PO XJUI JU POF EBZ CVU NBHJDBMMZ ÙOE UIF XPSET ÚPXJOH PO BOPUIFS BU B EJGGFSFOU UJNF #Z LFFQJOH USBDL BOE pinpointing the hours of the day when you are most motivated and inspired you will maximise your creative output. Apparently, Hemingway’s best time for writing was late morning after 2 bottles of Valpolicella whilst standing up - but we can’t all be Hemingway!
Go for a walk Another way to get the grey matter working is to go for a walk. A change of pace and backdrop can be a perfect remedy for a foggy head as according to a study conducted by Stanford University in 2014, walking can increases a person's DSFBUJWJUZ TJHOJÙDBOUMZ " CSJTL XBML JT BMXBZT CFTU CVU FWFO B TMPX XBML DBO IFMQ ZPV UP QPOEFS PO XIBUFWFS ZPVmSF USZJOH to achieve. Even if you don’t get an instant answer at least you’ll come back to work refreshed.
Take a tip from Aaron Sorkin Another literary genius; Oscar-winning screenwriter Aaron Sorkin has revealed that taking a shower is a good way for him to cure his writer’s block. He has in fact been known to take as many as eight showers a day to revive his creativity and even had a shower unit JOTUBMMFE JO IJT PGÙDF UP LFFQ IJT DSFBUJWF KVJDFT ÚPXJOH
Create a mood board. Or a plan out months ahead with a whiteboard Whether you have an upcoming project due or you're simply seeking some inspiration, mood boards can be incredibly helpful tools. Often used by the fashion industry if your company is looking to perhaps change its look and freshen up the colour of its branding, putting inspiration and colours on a board will help
Issue 235/20 | MARCH 2022