Watani Steel Profile

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In the name of of Allah the Merciful.

Watani Steel seeks to work distinctive steady pace in the orbit of the global economy to support our national economy in the Kingdom of saudi Arabia as well as the economy of countries that we mean to work in or aspire to in the future, God willing, through the manufacture of iron which God Almighty said: “And we sent down iron in it quite severe and the benefits to the people”, in-depth benefits to be the will of God cornerstone industrially contribute to the development of our communities and create jobs and meet the needs of our customers through a group of experts, engineers and employees and who have been selected carefully and accurately. Watani Steel is constantly working according to system is based on the development of performance levels and the development of local expertise through specialized programs or international so that we can provide the best services supported with high quality products conforming to the highest levels of international standards.

We, at Watani Steel look forward to play an active role in the iron industry technology activating operations to be enduring monument fixed foundation and his technique and high credibility of its objectives in order to develop the communities in which we operate and to preserve the environment. God willing, our goal at the satisfaction of Almighty God and then, our customers and our community .

ميحرلا نمحرلا للها مسب انداصتقا م���عدي امب يملاعلا دا���صتقلاا كلف ي��ف ةزيمم ة�تبا�ث ى��طخب لمعلل ينطو ديد�ح ةكر��ش ىع��ست لابقتسم اهيلإ حمطن وأ اهيف لمعلاب ىنعن يتلا لودلا داصتقا كلذكو ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلمملا يف ينطولا ديد��ش سأب هيف ديدحلا انلزنأو[ : هنع ى��لاعت للها لاق يذلا ديدحلا عينصت للاخ ن��م كلذو ، ىلاعت للها ةئي��شمب قلخو انتاعمتجم ة��يمنت يف مها ��سي اًيعا نص اً نكر للها ةئي��شمب نوكنل هعفانم يف اً قمعت ،)سانلل ع��فانمو مت نيذلاو نيفظوملاو ني��سدنهملاو ءارب خلا نم ةعو م جم للا خ نم ا نئلامع تا جا يتحا ةيبلتو لمعلا صرف تايوت��سم ريوطت ىلع ينبنت ةموظنم قفو رارمت��سابو لم��عت ينطو ديد��ح ةكر���شو .ةقدو ةيا�نعب مهرايتخا تامدخلا لضفأ م��يدقت انل ىن��ستيل ةيلود وأ تناك ةيلحم ةصصختم ج��مارب للا خ نم تار��ب خلا ة��يمنتو ءادلأا .ةيملاعلا ريياعملاو تايوتسملا ىلعلأ ةقباطمو ةدوجلا ةيلاع تاجتنمب ةمعدملا ديدحلا ةعانص ةينقت ليعفت تايلمع يف لعاف رودب ةمها��سملا ىلإ علطتن ينطو د يد ح ةكر��ش يف اننإف اذل لمعن يتلا تاعمتجملا ريوطتل اًيع��س هفادهأ ةيقادصمو ةيلاعلا هتينقتو ةتباثلا ه��سسأب اًخما��ش اًحرص نوكنل .انتاعمتجمو انئلامع ىضر مث ىلاعتو كرابت للها ىضر كلذ يف انتياغ ،ىلاعت للها ةئيشمب ةئيبلا ىلع اًظافحو اهب يحجارلا دمحم ميركلادبع ةرادلإا سلجم سيئر ةرادلإا سلجم سيئر ةلاسر 1

About WAtANI stEEl

Watani Steel’s vision is to become a leading steel producer in KsA and Arabian Gulf. phase I of the commercial production started at a full capacity of 400.000 tons. by 2020, our production of rebar is estimated to reach 1,500,000 tons.

Watani Steel possesses and runs three core activities and strategic industries as follows: 1 scrap shredder 2 billets 3 Rebar

We conduct our business through our offices in Riyadh while our work sites spread over Riyadh through Kharj Road south to third Industrial City and dammam Highway in Al Maaden City. We endeavor great efforts to increase our investments and achieve the highest possible return through adoption and implementation of quality programs and conformity thereto as employees development, environment protection, application of safety systems, and a commitment to business ethics.

نيعنصملا د��حأ نو��كنل ي��نطو د��يدح ةكر��ش يف ل��معن ةيبرعلا ةكلمملا ىوت��سم ىلع ديدحلا جا��تنإ يف نيي��سيئرلا .طسولأا قرشلاو يبرعلا جيلخلاو ةيدوعسلا اهتقاط ل��ماكب يرا��جتلا جا��تنلإا نم ى��لولأا ة��لحرملا تأد��ب ىلإ ينطو ديدح نم انجاتنإب لصن��سو .نط فلأ 400 ةيجاتنلإا .م 2020 ماع يف كلذو نط 1,500, 000 نم ةعونتم ة��عومجم سرامن ينطو د��يدح ةكر��ش يف اننإ :يه ةيجيتارتسا لامعأ تادحو ثلاث ىلع عزوتت لامعلأا .باركسلا مرفو صق ةعانص -1 . ةيديدحلا لتكلا ةعانص -2 .حيلستلا ديدح ةعانص -3 ةنيدم يف انبتاكم نم انلامعأ ينطو ديدح ةكرش يف ريدنو ضايرلا ةنيدم يف ،ا��نل ةعباتلا لمعلا عقاوم ر��شنتو ،ضايرلا ىلعو ،ة��ثلاثلا ةيعانصلا ة��نيدملا بو��نج جر��خلا قيرط ى��لع .نداعملا ةنيدم يف عيرسلا مامدلا قيرط ىلعأ قيقحتو انتارامثتسا ةيمنتل ينطو ديدح ةكرش يف ىعسنو قيبطتو ةدوجلا جمارب ينبت للاخ نم تارامثتسلاا كلت ىلع دئاع ةئيبلا ةيامحو نيفظوملا ريوطتو ةيمنتو اهب مازتللااو اهريياعم . لمعلا تايقلاخأب مازتللااو ةملاسلا ةمظنأ قيبطتو ةكرشلا نع ةذبن 3
WAtANI stEEl’s vIsIoN Is to bECoME A lEAdING stEEl pRoduCER IN KsA ANd ARAbIAN Gulf.

It is the iron and steel industry of the most important strategic industries which play a key role in the industrial and economic development, and describes the statistical data in many countries and there is a direct correlation between the amount of consumption of steel products and the economic growth of these countries.

We look forward iron and a national company to build working relationships and strategic partnership with our customers and our suppliers and provide high-quality steel products through our employees who are selected and trained carefully to achieve the greatest possible return on their investments by owners.

ةيجيتارتسلاا تاعانصلا مهأ نم بلصلاو ديدحلا ةعانص ربتعت حضوتو ، ةيداصتقلااو ةيعانصلا ةيمنتلا يف يسيئر رودب موقت ثيح نيب ةيدرط ةقلاع دوجو لودلا نم ديدعلا يف ةيئاصحلإا تانايبلا كلتل يداصتقلاا ومنلاو بلصلا تاجتنم نم كلاهتسلاا ةيمك . لودلا ةكار��شو لمع تا��قلاع ءانب ى��لإ ي��نطو ديدح ةكر��ش ع��لطتتو ةيلاع ديدح تا��جتنم ميدقتو انيدرومو ا��نءلامع عم ةيجيتارت��سا ةيانعب مهبيردتو مهرايتخا متي نيذلا انيفظوم للاخ نم ةدوجلا . كلاملا تارامثتسا ىلع نكمم دئاع ربكأ قيقحتو انت�يؤر 5
WE looK foRWARd to build Working relationShipS and Strategic partnerShipS botH loCAlly ANd GlobAlly

Watani Steel is keen to operate as per highest standards of safety, health, and environmental protection considering what iron and steel manufacturing face with regard to dust emissions. our safety, Health, and Environment protection department coordinates with internal departments concerning procedures to be followed according to Environment Management program.

In the context, the most important program in the field of environment focuses on the reduction of dust and smoke emissions through using dust and Gas Collection system in our current facilities and then use it as a raw material to be re-manufactured with concerned authority.

ةحصلاو ةملاسلا ريياعم ىلعأ قفو لمعلا ىلع ينطو ديدح ةكرش صرحت .ةربغلأا ثاعبنا ةلكشم بلصلاو ديدحلا عناصم هجاوت ثيح ، ةئيبلا ةيامحو لامعأ ءار��جإب ةكر��شلاب ة��ئيبلا ة��يامحو ةملا��سلاو ة��حصلا ةرادإ مو��قتو اًقفو كلذو ا��هعابتا مزلالا تاءارجلإا نأ��شب ةيلخادلا تارادلإا ع��م قي��سنتلا .ةئيبلا ةرادإ جمانربل را��شتنا نم دحلا ىلع ز��يكرتلا ة��ئيبلا لاجم ي��ف جماربلا ك��لت م��هأ ن��مو انقفارم ي��ف ةربغلأا ع��مج ما��ظن مادخت��ساب ة��نخدلأاو را��بغلا تا��ثاعبنا نارفلأا رابغو ديدحلا تا��جتنم رابغ نيزخت ىلع لمعلا ير��جي ثيح ة��يلاحلا تاهجلا عم قي��سنتلاب تافلخملا كلت ع��ينصت ةداعإ مث نمو ،ة��يئابرهكلا . ةصصختملا ىرخلأا ةئيبلا ةيامح 7

tHE CoMpANy’s pRoduCts

Scrap Manufacturing: Watani steel owns the biggest shredder machine to cut and sort the scrap in the world outside the united states. this machine provides the company all its needs of steel scrap which is needed to manufacture billets which gives the company a competitive advantage over its competitors.

باركسلا مرفو صق ةعانص تايلاولا جراخ ملاعلا يف بارك��سلل زرفو مرفو صق ةنيكام ربكأ ديدحلل ينطو كلتمت ديدحلا بارك��س نم هجاتحت ام لك ةكر��شلل رفوت ةنيكاملا هذهو ة��يكيرملأا ةد��حتملا .ةيسفانت ةزيم ةكرشلا حنمي اذهو ةيديدحلا لتكلا جاتنلإ مزلالا ةكرشلا تاجتنم 9

tHE CoMpANy’s pRoduCts

Steel Billet Manufacturing: billet is a semi finished blocks of iron steel that has a square intersection and is the main production income in rolling mills which use it to manufacture iron rods sush as rebar, and angle, square, and flat iron, railways, and bridges.

Iron will be produced by recycling and processing iron and steel scraps in magnetic induction furnaces, then pour them in the shape of a billet; a semifinished block of iron with a square intersection.

. )BILLET ( ةيديدحلا لتكلا ةعانص ،عبرم عطقم لكش ىلع نوكتو ةلوغ��شم فصنلا بلصلا ديدحلا نم لتك يه تيليبلا عينصت ىلع موقت يتلاو ةلفردلا عناصم يف ي��ساسلأا جاتنلإا لخدمك مدخت��سي ثيح .روسجلاو ككسلاو طسبملاو عبرملاو اياوزلاو حيلستلا ديدحك هنم ةيديدحلا نابضقلا ثحلا نارفأب ا��هتجلاعمو ديدحلا ةدر��خ ريودت ةداعإ قيرط ن��ع ديدحلا جاتنإ متي ث��يح .عبرم عطقم تاذ ةيديدح لتك لكش ىلع هبص مث نمو يسيطانغملا ةكرشلا تاجتنم 11

WAtANI stEEl pRoduCts

Rebar: Watani steel produces rebar in 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, 16 mm, 18 mm, 20 mm, 22 mm, 25 mm, 28 mm, and 32 mm size. as per high quality specifications and standards that the Company is keen on applying and committing to them in all phases of the production.

:حيلستلا ديدح ،25 ،22 ،20 ،18 ،16 ،14 ،12 ،10 تا��سايقلا ةفاكب ءانبلل حيل��ستلا ديدح ينطو ديدح ةكر��ش جتنت ىلع ةكر��شلا صرحت يتلا ةدوجلا ةيلاع ريياعملاو تافصاوملل اًقفو جاتنلإا متيو ،32 ،28 .جاتنلإا لحارم عيمج يف اهقيبطتو اهب مازتللاا ةكرشلا تاجتنم 13

permissible variations from specified ranges and makings are tabulated.

1- Chemical Composition and Mechanical properties

As per International standard / other chermical composition at options.

2- Size Range

Grosss Section Weight Length 130 mm X 130 mm 132 kg / meter from 4 to 12 Meter

3- Allowable Variation on size

face length

± 3 mm diff. in diagonals < 8 mm Cut length ± 50 mm bending

Not more than 5 mm in 1 meter

Not more than 30 mm in 6 meter

Not more than 40 mm in 12 meter


Angular twist

Any two adjacent faces to be within 2 degree of a right angle

Not more than 1 degree per meter and not more than 6 degree over 12 meter length. (No. twist will be preferable)

Camber 5 mm / meter billet ends billet end to be cut at right angles with surface roughness within 2 - 4 mm surface Quality free from deep crack (not longer than 20 mm and not deeper than 0.5 mm free from surface pin hole ( diameter not more 4 mm and not deeper than 3 mm


free from oscillation mark (no deeper than 0.6 mm) short length

Not more than 5 % of the total order weight.

15 Watani Steel produceS rebar in 10 MM, 12 MM, 14 MM, 16 MM,18 MM, 20 MM, 22MM, 25 MM, 28 MM, ANd 32 MM sIzE.
Size (mm) nominal crossSectional area (mm2) Weight (kg/m) no. of bars/ ton length (m) 10 78.5 0.617 135 12 12 113 0.888 94 12 14 154 1.210 69 12 16 201 1.580 53 12 18 254.5 2.000 42 12 20 314 2.470 34 12 22 380 2.980 28 12 25 491 3.850 22 12 28 616 4.830 17 12 32 804 6.310 13 12 18
ouR pRoduCts Watani Steel rebar SizeS

spECIfICAtIoNs ANd stANdARds

Watani Steel produces iron as per approved American (AstM) saudi and European specifications and standards.

(AstM) ةيكيرملأاو ةيدوعسلا ةدمتعملا سيياقملاو تافصاوملل اًقفو ينطو ديدح عينصت متي .ةيبورولأاو سيياقملاو تافصاوملا 19
:ىلع لاصتلاا ىجري تامولعملا نم ديزمل
+966 (11) 252 4444 +966 (11) 252 4401 sales@watanisteel.sa

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