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contacts paulacicuto@gmail.com t. + 351.966936586 t. + 55.11.45211931


Paula Cicuto

paulacicuto@gmail.com Born in São Paulo - Brazil Lives in Porto - Portugal

Academic qualifications 2008 - 2010

Master in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture from Oporto University – FAUP – Oporto – Portugal. Final degree: 17 (European classification: A)

2002 - 2005

Begining graduation in Architecture and Urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Catholic University of Campinas - PUC-Campinas - São Paulo - Brazil.

Internships 2010 2010 2009 - 2010 2009 2008 - 2009 2008 2008

Academic experiences 2008 2005

2005 - 2005 2003 - 2005

Organization and participation of the Agroecology and Sustainable Architecture Workshop with the presence of Johan Van Lengen and Peter van Lengen. Organization and participation of the Architecture Week 2005 From the plateau to the new building, with the architects João Marcos Lopes, Reginaldo Ronconi, Sylvio Sawaya and João Filgueiras Lima (Lelé). Collaboration and development of the CD-ROM Urban Culture in Classical Treatises - The City in Classical Treatises. Membership on PET Group - Architecture and Urbanism. Tutored by architect Jane Victal Ferreira.

Online portfolio http://issuu.com/paulacicuto/docs/portfolio_en

AICO – Architecture International Congress at Oporto, during Darco Magazine internship. Valerio Olgiati Conference and Exhibition, during Darco Magazine internship. Darco Magazine - Technical Architecture Magazine internship. Responsible Arch. Ana Leal and Luis Palhão. http://www.darcomagazine.com/ Brandão & CostaLima internship. Responsible Arch. Amélia Brandão and Rodrigo da Costa Lima. http://www.brandaocostalima.com/ ICVM - Instututo of Cities and Towns with Mobility internship. Responsible Arch. Álvaro Andrade. http://www.institutodemobilidade.org/ Model of the terrain and surroundings of the Boa Nova Tea House to the Arch. Antonio Madureira and Álvaro Siza. Model and digital contour levels interpolation of a land in the Douro river for the Arch. Ana Costa e Silva.

Contests 2010 2009 2009 2008

Finalist in the AEFAUP Corporate Image contest. Co-authored with designer Bruna Cicuto. Contest Homless 2010 World Cup Legacy Center - Brazil. Coauthored with Ivo Gigante Tiago. Finalist in the PREFAB 20X20 contest with the Turned Icon House project. Co-authored with Ivo Gigante Tiago and Dária Barnas. http://prefab2020.wordpress.com/2009/09/17/ 1st Prize in the GO! ARCHITECTURE logo contest.

General knowledge Autocad 2D and 3D, Adobe Photoshop, FreeHand, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Microsoft Office. Portuguese mother language

English fluent

Italian advanced

Spanish basic

AICO BOOK date . 2010 activity . Organization. Participation responsible . Arch. Ana Leal and Arch. Luis Palhão

In order to celebrate its second year of existence, DARCO Magazine organized, in partnership with JOFEBAR (25th anniversary celebration), the Architecture Congress “AICO - Architecture International Congress at Oporto”. This event intended to join and present the work of 36 Architecture Offices (national and international), showing the work in progress and different ways of planning and “thinking” architecture. This event also aimed to promote and support architecture in its broadest term having been developed, in order to reach such objective, a competition for architects and architecture students, workshops related to architecture, explanatory models and architectural photography exhibitions. In addition to promoting and supporting architecture, “AICO - Architecture International Congress at Oporto” intends to encourage and develop new relationships between architects, architecture students and people in general.

VALERIO OLGIATI date . 2010 activity . Organization. Participation responsible . Arch. Ana Leal and Arch. Luis Palhão

In partnership with the School of Architecture of the Federal Polytechnic School (ETH), in Zurich and the Swiss Embassy, DARCO Magazine had the honor to bring to Portugal the swiss architect, VALERIO OLGIATI in order to present a Conference on 7 PROJECTS and 34 IMAGES of his “ICONIC AUTOBIOGRAPHY” (May 14). The conference took place at LX Factory, in Lisbon, having been introduced by the Portuguese architect, Manuel Aires Mateus.On May 15 the Travelling Exhibition of ETH Zurich was inaugurated at OPO’LAB facilities, at Porto, in the presence of Valerio Olgiati and Professor Laurent Stalder, Assistant Professor of Theory of Architecture at the School of Architecture of the Federal Polytechnic School (ETH), who made the introduction to the inauguration of the exhibition. The exhibition was open until the July 30, 2010. Parallel to these events DARCO Magazine issue 14 was launched, and dedicated, exclusively, to Valerio Olgiati’s work. This was DARCO Magazine’s 2nd monograph, which celebrated the beginning of the magazine’s new format.

date . 2009 . 2010 activity . Editorial Assistant responsible . Arch. Ana Leal and Arch. Luis Palhão www.darcomagazine.com DARCO Magazine / Architecture Technical Magazine, founded in March 2008, by Architects Ana Leal and Luis Palhão. DARCO Magazine aims to be a tool to support the project practice, for architects and architecture students. With bimonthly issues, an average circulation of 5000 copies and published in a bilingual format (Portuguese and English), DARCO Magazine assumes itself as an International magazine that aims to present the work and projects of international offices through floor plans, sections, elevations, construction details and images, trying to maintain a neutral position regarding the presentation of the projects. Its white cover emphasizes such neutrality. Made by architects for architects, DARCO Magazine seeks to present the published projects as if they were seen at the architect’s office.


BRANDテグ & COSTA LIMA date . 2009 activity . Models . Preliminary Study . Start the Execution Project responsible . Arch. Amテゥlia Brandテ」o and Arch. Rodrigo da Costa Lima www.brandaocostalima.com

House at Jews Hill Street

Schneider House

Oporto . Portugal Start the execution project of a single-family residence and development of a plaster model for the Exhibition Architettura Contemporanea in Portogallo - Generazione a Confronto sul Tema della Residenza, in Palermo, Italy.

Matosinhos. Portugal Preliminary study of single-family residence and development of a plaster model for the Exhibition Architettura Contemporanea in Portogallo - Generazione a Confronto sul Tema della Residenza, in Palermo, Italy.

Chapel Tomb Sao Martinho do Campo. Portugal Preliminary study, development of models and execution project.

ICVM date . 2008 - 2009 activity . Preliminary Study . Start the Execution Project responsible . Arch. Ă lvaro Fernandes Andrade www.institutodemobilidade.org The ICVM - Institute of Cities and Towns with Mobility is a private association, of public interest and nonprofit organizations. It aims to raise awareness, inform and train technicians and citizens about the necessity of building Mobility social territories, according to the policy guidelines outlined in the developing strategy of the European space community. At the same time, promoting a new culture of mobility, through the research activity, development studies, projects, plans, consulting and certification in all fields of interest of Planning, Urban Design, Architecture and Mobility Management.

MODELS date . 2008 activity . Models

Douro River Model responsible . Arch. Ana Costa e Silva

Boa Nova Tea House Model responsible . Arch. Ant贸nio Madureira

Update to the digital file, with the interpolation of all level contours and terrain model for study and project development for the area.

Model of the terrain and surroundings of the Boa Nova Tea House to the study and development plan for the area.

image AEFAUP date . 2010 activity . Corporate Image Contest classification . Finalist team . Designer Bruna Cicuto and Arch. Paula Cicuto

The logo for the Students Association of the Faculty of Architecture from Oporto University - AEFAUP - was designed with the aim of creating a better identification of the students at FAUP with the Students Association, valuing it. In this sense, the logo consists of a symbol that stands A and E by its graphic design and its colors. A | represents the stability the Faculty Association already have, the E | features dynamism and liveliness that students carry into these institutions. The symbol also refers to the architectural features, using the building forms itself to create a direct identification with the words A and E with the Faculty. The colors used in the visual identity brand are: Grey (60% black), which represents the color of concrete, bringing the brand strength and structure, and the colors green, orange, red and blue, complementary colors in the color circle that harmonize, carrying dynamism and balance for the brand image.

aefaup aefaup aefaup aefaup


aefaup aefaup aefaup aefaup


legacy center date . 2009 activity . Ideas Contest classification . ----team . Arch. Ivo Gigante Tiago and Arch. Paula Cicuto

The goal of this project is to give a new character on sustainable projects with the intent of helping the country to solve its social priorities, acting as a factor of social transformation. Both training and practise football pitches assume a great importance, being the main one the rotor of development of the main building, together with the ramp crossing the site. On that way, the building with common materials but with a non-common structure display, gets higher visibility, working as an icon for the city and its new steel plant, having as basis not only an environmental sustainability, but also an economical and social, giving visibility to youngsters and women on the community. The ground floor gets free for community spaces and social activities together with sports areas. A mixed program, where multiple activities can occur at the same time, creating multiple challenges in a same site.
















tropico polar

The negative image one can have about prefabricated house does not correspond directly with the improvements it can to the general sense of “house” or “home”. In this sense, we sought a balance between an ideal feeling about the “house” and the largest determinant of the project, the 37.5 m2 footprint limit. The common “icon house”, due to a shift in coverage enables height development, increasing the space volume. Therefore, to minimize the footprint, the smallest dimension was sought, rotating the house icon. The new provision has formally restricted the base area, but the more pronounced angles allow a better use of volumetric inside space and, outside, leads to the exploitation of the surrounding space. The developed concept is completed by the modular association of the “turned icon house”. To the desired area, the space has been optimized in 7 sequential modules with 1.2 m, with development on two floors.


date . 2009 activity . PREFAB 20X20 Contest classification . Finalist team . Arch. Ivo Gigante Tiago, Arch. Dária Barnas and Arch. Paula Cicuto


turned icon house

GO! ARCHITECTURE date . 2008 activity . Logo Contest classification . 1st prize team . Ach. Paula Cicuto

Development and elaboration of a logo proposal for a group called “GO! Architecture�. The group will hold an architectural projects competition with the same name, in partnership with the Students Association of the Architecture Faculty from the Oporto University - AEFAUP.

90’ GENERATION date . 2008 - 2010 activity . MSc Thesis - FAUP responsible . Prof. Rui Jorge Garcia Ramos (FAUP) and Prof. Abilio Guerra (Mackenzie/SP)

The present study sets on the research of contemporary architecture designed by the generation graduated in the 1990’s from Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP) and Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU-USP). The essay attempts to analyze the relationship between these schools’ legacy, the specificities of the academic activity as well as these young architects’ generation professional practice, located between the 1980’s and 1990’s, with a thematic approximation to their professional production trough studying both practical and theoretical production they put forward in their time. From the parallels drawn and this generation’s professional production, allows to outline the reading of their academic courses based on a previous ideology, developed on the diversity of processes in a troubled time and the result of certain coherence which presents to its past as well as its present.

Summary Abstract Introduction PART 1 | IDEOLOGY Porto Renewal spirit Political and architectural revolution The consolidation of an architecture São Paulo “Paulista” Architecture broadcast Architectural insight Disorientation and exhaustion Considerations: About an ideology PART 2 | DIVERSITY Porto Traditional practices confrontation: the “Unit” Willingness of internal criticism São Paulo Traditional practices assumption: the “Caramel” Support of internal criticism Considerations: About Diversity PART 3 | COMPATIBILITY Porto Tradition: continuity versus change Multiplicity of influences Collective responsibility: urban and disciplinary São Paulo Tradition: continuity and transformation Multiplicity of influences Collective responsibility: urban and disciplinary Considerations: On a certain coherence Concluding Remarks References ANNEX | CONVERSATIONS WITH ARCHITECTS Porto José Fernando Gonçalves Francisco de Campos e Cristina Guedes |Guedes + DeCampos Architects Jorge Figueira Nuno Brandão Costa | Nuno Brandão Costa Architect Filipa Guerreiro | Atelier da Bouça André Tavares São Paulo Milton Braga | MMBB Angelo Bucci | SPBR Alvaro Puntoni | GRUPOSP Vinicius Andrade | ANDRADE MORETTIN Architects Fernanda Barbara | UNA Architects Martin Corullon | METRO Associates Architects

agroecologY workshop date . 2008 activity . Organization . Participation Urban Ecology - FAUP responsible . Prof. Jacinto Rodrigues

Agroecology and Sustainable Architecture Workshop guests . Johan Van Lengen (author of “Barefoot Architect’s Manual” and founder of the TIBA Institute) and Peter van Lengen. www.tibarose.com This proposed workshop aims to foster reflection, discussion and understanding of human intervention in the biosphere over the various paradigms of civilization, thus introducing a vision of the landscape ecosystem approach to human activities, dealing with urban issues and perspectives within the territorial organization of an ecologically sustainable development. Were addressed plasto techniques, raw land - adobe, bamboo, Geobiology and Agroecology.

urbanism at Oporto date . 2007 - 2008 activity . Study and project planning Project V . FAUP responsible . Prof. Manuel Fernandes de Sรก and Raquel Paulino

Establishing a strategy for urban intervention for the study area in order to study in depth the current situation and trends in the area, the urban fabric systems, public spaces, landscaping and ecological systems, networks and infrastructure, uses and activities, etc. Development of urban studies, further development of proposals and qualification of urban spaces for the sectors defined in the intervention area. Presentation of draft local action on the foundations developed in the general proposal for the area.

pool and gym date . 2006 - 2007 activity . Study and project planning Project IV . FAUP responsible . Prof. Pedro Ramalho and Nuno Brand達o Costa

Project IV Indoor Pool and Gym in Carcereira Study and implementation analysis of public facilities in urban areas and its relationship to its surroundings. Perception of the building form as one of the elements in the development and drafting. Adequacy tests between form, function and program. Simultaneous articulation of different scales.

Collective housing date . 2005 - 2006 activity . Study and project planning Project III . Construction . FAUP responsible . Prof. Luis Soares Carneiro and Rui Ramos Prof. Antonio Madureira, Ana Silva and Eliseu Vieira Gonรงalves

Project III Collective Housing

Construction Collective Housing

Study and understand the processes and conformation elements of the urban planning and the definition of urban morphology. Definition programs tests and development of space-cells and study the association of these cells. Simultaneous articulation of scales 1/1000 to 1/2.

Understanding of Physics Building issues. The acquisition of communication tools to work and the representation problems. The adequacy of systems and building materials to the architectural methods.

architecture week date . 2005 activity . Organization . Participation responsible . Academic Association (CAFAU) and Habitat Lab (L’Habitat) . PUCCampinas

Architecture Week . From Plateau to the New Building guests . Architects John Mark Lopes Reginaldo Ronconi, Sylvio Sawaya and João Filgueiras Lima (Lelé). Debate about the importance of a construction site on the faculty of architecture, the significance of the plot as a classroom and new ways for an experimental building site. Analysis of teaching in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism relating the importance of a space conducive to the development of this practice. Lecture on architecture and urbanism with an emphasis on industrialization of construction and mortar pre-fab system constructions. Extraordinary meeting to discuss new ways to be followed by the college, opening the preliminary design of the building for discussion between students and teachers.

music city date . 2005 activity . Study and project planning Project E . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. Ant么nio Panizza, Oswaldo Pizzolato and Roberto Leme Project design of a building or buildings together, which it is strategic to achieving an Urban Renewal Plan, already established for the area. Proposes the development of architectural synthesis to the preliminar project study, emphasizing the relationship between architecture and urbanism, as a condition of the solution. Preliminary study design and construction details to scale 1/10.

wine port and armchair date . 2004 activity . Study and project planning Object Design I . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. Nelly Naum, Beatriz Brandão and Luiz Fernando Cabral Objects project development based on the understanding of the material characteristics, its possibilities and technical or plastic limitations and verifying how these design features are incorporated in the resolution of various programs. Design, anticipate problems and design object’s project solutions. Develop research into new materials, technologies and programs. Constructive project design, detailing of parts, details and fittings in the scales 1/5, 1/2 and 1/1.

roque de marco date . 2004 activity . Study and project planning Architecture in Brazil . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. テ「rea Pereira da Silva and Maria Cristina Schichi Study of the architecture history in Brazil between the sixteenth and the early decades of the twentieth century. It stands out in the Brazilian production marks, its affiliations with European culture and its uniqueness, the result of local experiences. Study and analysis of consolidated architectural and historiccultural interest. Preparation of a comprehensive monograph on the study case and its historical context. Study case architectural survey and compiling a file on the building and its architectural evolution and adaptation. Development of the architectural study reconstruction model.

residテェncia original

piso -1

piso 0

piso 1

residテェncia actual

piso -1

piso 0

piso 1

multimedia center date . 2004 activity . Study and project planning Project and Patrimony . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. Araken Martinho, Roberto Leme and DĂŠbora Verde Study, analysis and project design with reference to the consolidated urban environment. Works the development of architectural design for rehabilitation - with the addition of built area - of a recognized historic value building to be preserved. Integration in the design of a program already developed in the city and lacking in the region. Proposes the development of architectural synthesis to the project preliminary study, highlighting the relationship antique / contemporary and the parameters of preserving as strong constraints of the solution.

project and urbanism date . 2003 activity . Study and project planning Project C . Project D . Urbanism II . PUC-Campinas

Project C Social Inclusion Transitional Housing

Project D Campinas Market Area Requalification

responsible . Prof. Debora Verde, Gisela Gordon and Mitie Kumasaka

responsible . Prof. Araken Martinho, Douglas P铆ccolo, Ricardo Badar贸 and Roberto Leme

Development of architecturalspacial proposals in different contexts and with different technological focus.

Project development as a reference for new spatiality in consolidated areas.

Urbanism II VLT (fast light rail) in Campinas responsible . Prof. Denio Bonfatti, Eugenio Queiroga and Wilson Mariana Analysis of structures with emphasis on urban design; Understanding the specificity of Urban Planning and Urban Design, Urban Planner Scope of intervention along with the transformations of the contemporary city.

projeto e geometria date . 2003 activity . Study and project planning Project A . Project B . App Geometry . PUC-Campinas

Project A Housing Module - Single Family House responsible . Prof. Maria Cristina Schichi, Mitie Kumasaka and Nelly Naum Introduction to the project. Elaboration of a minimum module housing. Coordination of the modules in the housing complex.

Project B Project and scale

Applied Geometry Shape, Sculpture and Project

responsible . Prof. Izaak Vaidergorn, Oswaldo Pizzolato, JosĂŠ Roberto Merlin and Joaquim Caetano Filho

responsible . Prof. Sidney Tamay

Introduction to the project. Form, space, order and scale perception exercises and its suitability for the project.

It focuses, through drawing and model in the plane and space, the foundations of geometry as an analytical tool, representation and proposition for architecture.

dispersed urbanization date . 2004 - 2005 activity . Undergraduate Research . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. Jane Victal Ferreira

Condominium Commercial Developments as Flows and Mobilities Inductors Developments inducing new centers and changes in flows and urban mobility in the metropolitan area of Campinas.

Dispersed Urbanization and Changes in the Urban Plan Urban enclaves analysis from the condominiums closing spaces along the axis of the D. Pedro I highway in Campinas.

tratadĂ­stica clĂĄssica date . 2003 - 2004 activity . Undergraduate Research . PUC-Campinas responsible . Prof. Ivone Salgado

Urban and Architectural Typology of the City of Rome

CD-ROM Urban Culture in Classical Treatises

Definition of the main architectural and urbanistic typologies of ancient Roman City: court, temple, theater, basilica, spa, amphitheater, describing a case history of the building and its architectural features.

Teaching support material to the discipline of Urbanism I, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas PUCCampinas.


paulacicuto@gmail.com t. + 351.966936586 t. + 55.11.45211931

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