Subject: AS Critical Thinking
Year: 10
Unit 1: Introduction to Critical Thinking
Delivery period: 1 hour
Lesson title: Question Time
Lesson number: 4
Learning Objectives/Outcomes What: Exploring current affairs via the medium of question time
How: Analysing the responses to one question in detail
Why: Familiarity with the world around you and a variety of its political interpretations is useful in life and for the examination
Teaching, Learning and Assessment activities Engagement activity:
The first question you will be discussing
Main Activities:
Watch one of the arguments in an episode of Question Time. Stop after every answer and discuss the response. This week, you should focus on identifying the reasons and conclusions (if any) of the respondants.
Question Time – you will need to watch ahead of time to identify and choose relevant questions. Question time episodes are stored for a complete year here: Homework:
Bring in a clipping or print-out of a news or magazine article that makes an argument