Christian Festivals – Assessment Guide Name__________________________________________________ Part One – Knowledge
/10 Marks
Part Two - Gives two festivals that are the most important
/2 Marks
Part Three – Justifies importance of two festivals (Knowledge and Understanding) Total
/4 Marks
/16 Grade =________________
Name ________________________ Total______/16__________ Grade____________ Check your grade and look below – Ensure you know what to do next time! Grade F 3-4 Marks
I know of some festivals that Christians celebrate
Grade E-D – 6 – 9 Marks
I can begin to describe the beliefs and teachings of a religion because I know the major festivals that Christians’ celebrate and why they mark them.
Grade C-B10-13 Marks
I can begin to describe the beliefs and teachings of a religion because I know the major festivals that Christians’ celebrate and why they mark them I am beginning to justify my opinion and know why some things are sacred
Grade A-A* 14-16 Marks
I can explain how key beliefs are expressed in practice I can explain how religion can influence the life of an individual I can explain why religions respond to ultimate questions such as life and death