Christianity and Alcohol

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Christianity and Alcohol Target: To look at the Christian position on alcohol. L/O – You will be thinking about whether the Church’s view on alcohol is consistent with its view on drugs. You will produce a GCSE response to a question successfully using a marking scheme

Connection • Should religious people smoke cannabis? (8) • (Evaluation of whether religious people should take cannabis) • Cannabis is discouraged in most religious traditions. There is a strong link between crime and drugs. Sometimes cannabis can act as a gateway drug. Cannabis can cause mental problems in future life. Christians and Jews believe that the body is not being respected . Jews and Christians believe that minds should be influenced by God not drugs. They see the body as a “temple”. Finally, cannabis use is illegal and religious people should obey the law. They are ordered to “obey the state authorities. • However, some religious people such as sadhu’s use cannabis to gain enlightenment. They believe that Shiva gave them this drug to aid them in their quest. Some say that cannabis if far less dangerous than alcohol, and in some cases it can be used to help people with illnesses. Jesus was a healer of the sick, and if the drug can aid people (for example with multiple sclerosis) then it is of benefit as prescription drugs are allowed. • My view is that…………………………………….. • What mark do you give this? • Why? (look at the guidance)

Target: Evaluation of whether religious people should take cannabis

Levels of Response 0 Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation. 0 marks Level 1 Opinion supported by simple reason. 1-2 marks Level 2 Opinion supported by one elaborated reason or two or more simple reasons (for the same or for different points of view). 2-3 marks Level 3 Opinion supported by one well developed reason or two elaborated reasons (for the same or different points of view). 3-4 marks Level 4 Evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view, with reference to religion. 5-6 marks Level 5 A well-argued response, with evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view and clear reference to religion. 6-8 marks

Activation • • • •

YouTube - Are Christians allowed to drink alcohol? YouTube - CHRISTIANS & ALCOHOL PART1 What is the Christian attitude towards drinking? What is the second clip saying about the dangers of alcohol compared to other drugs?

• Now watch the following – Compare the attitudes of the speakers. • YouTube - Frontline: Is drinking a sin?

Overview Part One • Christians were committed to defending prohibition in the 20’s in America Part Two • Pauls letter “do not get drunk with wine – get filled with the spirit” • Obey state authorities – do not break drinking laws • Abstain from alcohol – It could lead to consequences or other drugs… however….. • Be careful – banning alcohol can be going too far like the example of the Pharisees • Evidence of Jesus – turned water to wine…….. • Yet support others – do not make your “weak brothers stumble”

Activation • Christian attitudes towards drugs • The key Christian teaching in relation to the use of drugs is that the physical body is the natural home of the soul, and is therefore precious and sacred. • “Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.” • 1 Corinthians 6:19

• So Christians do not approve of the taking of illegal drugs, including most recreational drugs, especially those which can alter the mind and make people incapable of praying or being alert to God. • Christians will take prescription drugs when appropriate. • Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine are examples of recreational drugs which are not forbidden to Christians.

• Alcohol and tobacco • Alcohol is permitted by most Christians and, of course, is normally used for the celebration of the Eucharist: • after supper he took the cup, saying, • 'This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.

• The Roman Catholic church says:

• “The use of drugs inflicts very grave damage on human health and life. Their use, except on strictly therapeutic grounds, is a grave offence. Clandestine production of and trafficking in drugs are scandalous practices. They constitute direct cooperation in evil, since they encourage people to practices gravely contrary to the moral law.” • 1 Corinthians 11:24

• The Salvation Army and the Methodist Church have always been opposed to the use of alcohol because of the bad effects it can have on people’s behaviour and lifestyle. For this reason some Christians do not permit the use of alcohol at the Eucharist and instead use unfermented grape juice. • Tobacco is not condemned by the churches but many Christians are concerned about the effect which it can have on people’s health, and many Christians would make a positive decision not to smoke.

• Demonstration • Study of biblical quotes – Do we understand what they are saying about the issue of alcohol? Complete tasks on the sheet • Review/Evaluate – • Reflection of marks – refer to mark sheet. What would YOU get when answering ……. • Which is more acceptable to you – the smoking of cannabis or the drinking of alcohol? Ensure you explain your answer giving reasons. Ensure you refer to religious reasons in your answer. (6) • Mark what you have got so far….

Target: Evaluation of whether religious people should take cannabis

Levels of Response 0 Unsupported opinion or no relevant evaluation. 0 marks Level 1 Opinion supported by simple reason. 1-2 marks Level 2 Opinion supported by one elaborated reason or two or more simple reasons (for the same or for different points of view). 2-3 marks Level 3 Opinion supported by one well developed reason or two elaborated reasons (for the same or different points of view). 3-4 marks Level 4 Evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view, with reference to religion. 5-6 marks Level 5 A well-argued response, with evidence of reasoned consideration of two different points of view and clear reference to religion. 6-8 marks

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