Controlled Coursework

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Controlled Assessment Tasks May 2012 1. Select five sources. Explain how useful these sources have been in informing you in your enquiry into the changing and different attitudes towards war in World War 1. (N.B. It is not necessary for both changing attitudes and different attitudes to be considered. Centres may, if they wish, focus on changing attitudes from the enthusiasm for war in 1914 to more critical attitudes as war became prolonged and casualties increased. Alternatively, centres may wish to focus on the different attitudes to war, comparing the general support for war with those groups who opposed it.) (15 marks) 2. ‘The role of women in the two World Wars was very similar. They performed the same duties and took on the same responsibilities.’ How far do the sources you have used support this interpretation of the role of women in the two World Wars? To answer this question, examine the sources you have researched on this topic. You should examine at least 8 sources in explaining your answer. You should also use your own knowledge to comment on the evidence in the sources. (25 marks)

Date 20th October

Lesson Title Introduction to Controlled Assessment.

Length of Time 1 Hour Lesson

Students are shown the first presentation and given their coursework diaries . Introduction to DORA. Students given copy of AQA Text Book “Unit 3” to browse through over half term. 30 Minute presentation discussion. 31st October

Recruitment and Conscription; Enemy Attacks And Home Defence - During World War One.

Week 2

Students given booklet on Zeppelin attacks and sources relating to World War One attacks.

Week 1 of study

30 Minute Diary Work Silent work on coursework diaries. Students to work on their sources relating to recruitment, conscription or home defence. Diaries taken In 1 Hour Lesson

3rd November

Students given Controlled Coursework Question Titles Attitudes Towards War – Censorship and Propaganda Students will look at how people in Britain responded to the call to join in the War effort. Students will be shown a selection of sources and given activities to study how British people felt about World War One. Students will be informed that next lesson they will be given one hour to work on this in their controlled assessment diary.

Students to be given Diaries to work on at home. They are expected to complete 2 hours of preparatory work on question 1

Student Time Student time on coursework diaries relating to attitudes towards War.

5 Minute outline of expectation I hour work on writing up their coursework diaries Diaries taken In

7th November Week 1 Week 2 of study

10th November Week 1 Week 2 of study

Women And Rationing – Teacher presentation on the effectiveness of DORA and the introduction of rationing in 1917. Again, a source booklet will be available showing various attitudes towards the War and the role that women played.

30 Minute Presentation Students given 30 minutes to work on coursework diaries. Diaries taken In

14th November

Recruitment, Conscription and Home Defence During World War Two

Week 2

Teacher Led presentation on World War Two

1 Hour Presentation. Students to complete tasks on Home Defence

Week 3 of Study

1 Hour presentation – Students to complete tasks on evacuation and the blitz during World War Two 17th November

The Blitz Evacuation and the treatment of Evacuees

Week 2 Source Work study Week 3 of Study

21st November Week 1 Week 4 of Study

23rd November Week 1 Week 4 of Study

The Role of Women In World War Two “Women were vital in helping Britain win the Second World War”. Students to be given source work exercise which they can use to contribute to their Controlled Assessment.

The Role of Women In World War Two Students to be given time to collate information and sources. To be done in silence.

1 Hour presentation = Students to do 2 Hours Work at home on Controlled Assessment on the role of women in World War Two

1 Hour Work on Diaries. Either making notes/writing about sources – Planning Essay Diaries taken In

27th November

Week 2 Week 5 of Study

30th November Week 2 Week 5 of Study

Censorship and Propaganda In World War Two Students will look at World War Two propaganda and compare it to that of World War One and consider the role it played.

30 Minute Source Work questions/activities on censorship. 30 Minute Work on Diaries Tuesday 28th November Period 6 Session Academy One Hour given to students to work on diaries Diaries taken In

Student Time Student to be given time to complete diary work in silence.

1 Hour Work on Diaries. Either making notes/writing about sources – Planning Essay Diaries taken In

4th December

Student Time

Week 1 Week 6 of Study

8th December

9.00-10.30 – Controlled Assessment Question 1

Week 1 Week 6 of Study

12th December Week 2 Week 7 of Study

1.00 – 3.00 – Controlled Assessment Question 2

1 Hour given over for students to complete their planning for controlled assessment task next week. Diaries taken In

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