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Exam Preparation 2012 L/O Today To see how I can improve my learning To use examination tips when answering question 2 activities

Part One - Connection • You have two minutes to map out how you answer question 2 on the board

Tough at time? • I Can’t remember!! • I don’t know! • How do I start it?

Solutions – Go to TGI Space • Examination Tips – Make the question easier! • Concentration – It is easy to focus! • Mind Maps – How to remember!

Activation – Concentration and Mind Maps • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc3fqkwHWJA&feature=re lated • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0XzZCd2tPE&feature=rel mfu

Activation Two • Examination Tips – How Can I Improve My Grade? • Answering Questions • Improving Concentration • Mind Maps

Demonstration • Translate four questions from section B into language YOU understand. • Make a mind map about each question – 3 minutes for each map…… • Answer the question now!

Review/Evaluate • Read out some answers – How did we find that activity? • You must continue practising these questions • Recognise gaps in your knowledge… • Refer to your revision booklets - ORGANISATION!!!! • Do NOT USE EXCUSES!

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