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Assessment Feedback Highlight What I Missed

1. What is IVF treatment? (1 mark). Sperm – Eggs – Placed back in womb (1)

2. Explain the difference between AID and AIH. (2 marks). AID is insemination from a Donor (1) AIH is insemination from a Husband (1)

3. Explain the concept of the sanctity of life for religious believers. (2 marks). Life is Sacred (1) Life is God Given (1)

4. Why do some people believe that genetic engineering is an important medical advance? (3 marks) It will save lives (1) It will cure diseases and create cells capable of replacing poor genes (1) Religious Believers see GE as a great thing because Jesus healed the sick and it is an act of love – “love thy neighbour” (1)

5. Why do some religious people believe that embryo research is wrong? (4 marks) To Catholics (1) LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION (1) “Thou shalt not kill” states that it is wrong (1) and that an embryo is a living being. (1)

6. Explain the attitudes of religious believers to the use of artificial methods of conception (fertility treatments). Refer to the beliefs and teachings of one religious tradition in your answer. (4 marks) AIH – Is accepted because it supports the family unit as it is a husband/wife receiving assistance (1) AID – Donor assistance is considered “mechanical adultery” (1) and it encourages not Christian families such as homosexual and single parent units (1) Most Christians reject surrogacy because children are a “gift” from God,(1) and not to be given away. However, some may say this nis the ultimate form of “love” – love thy neighbour (1)

7. Explain the attitudes of religious believers to blood transfusions. Refer to the beliefs and teachings of a different religious tradition in your answer. (4 marks) Most Christians support it – saves lives (1) Jesus was a healer of the sick (1) Jehovah Witnesses oppose it (1) “Do not consume the flesh of another (1)

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