Death Penalty Mark Sheet

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GCSE Mark Sheet

Guidance to answering a GCSE Question on Crime and Punishment

1 6 Name two aims of punishment. (2 marks) 1 7 Give three reasons why some people break the law. (3 marks) 1 8 ‘Crime prevention is a major priority for religious believers.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks) 1 9 Explain the attitudes of religious believers to the death penalty (capital punishment). (4 marks) 2 0 ‘All prisoners should serve their full sentence.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

This was the question given to Year 10 in January 2011 as part of their common assessment. The following sheet was used as a mark sheet and formed part of the guidance sheet to improve their grades. Use it to plan your revision around this unit. Firstly, have a go without using the guidance, and then mark it yourself. Give yourself a target to improve on and focus on this area. Good Luck!


1 6 Name two aims of punishment. (2 marks)

1 mark each for any of the following:

1 7 Give three reasons why some people break the law. (3 marks)

Hard drug users/unemployed/mental illness is all reasons why people commit crime. A great answer would be “status frustration”. Some poor people steal and commit crime to gain status. (Cohen)

1 8 ‘Crime prevention is a major priority for religious believers.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. (3 marks)

Crime has a “wave effect”. It affects whole communities. People are afraid to go out for example. Because most crime is committed by poorer people, seeking to end crime must also involve the eradication of poverty, a main Christian objective.

1 9 Explain the attitudes of religious believers to the death penalty (capital punishment). (4 marks)

“Thou shalt not kill” is an obvious reference to murder being a sin in the eyes of God. In the Old Testament “an eye for an eye” suggests that capital punishment is acceptable. However, the teachings of Jesus override this: “turn the other cheek”. On the cross Jesus seeks forgiveness for the whole of mankind through his death. We should be able to forgive those who trespass against us because all of us are guilty at one stage of our life of sin; “let he without sin cast the first stone”.


2 0 ‘All prisoners should serve their full sentence.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks)

A main purpose of punishment is to protect the public. Therefore the protection of the vulnerable in society is very important. If a prisoner is not reformed, then society needs to be protected. However, if it can be proved that a prisoner is reformed, and then justice has been served. We should find it in our hearts to forgive those who have committed sins. This is not easy. There are some incredible examples, such as the parents of Anthony Walker, and in the case of Gordon Wilson, who forgave the killers of his daughter Marie, in 1987. But it is not easy to live up to these expectations. For example, a priest could not forgive those responsible for killing her daughter in the 7/7 bombings. We need to be careful, because when the public feel that justice has not been served, they may take the law into their own hands. There needs to be deterrent, and if prisoners are let out early, then there is no deterrence. A Christian would argue that reform is essential, but so is protecting the public. The correct balance needs to be met.

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