Humanities SMSC

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Humanities Faculty Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Commitment. What is our commitment? Our commitment is to ensure young learners across the learning and skills sector have exposure to the fullest possible range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues is a critically important one. Over and above the qualifications being studied for, it is vitally important learners are able to function in society and able to take into account the diverse array of beliefs and cultures they will encounter every day. As well as the obvious social and, indirectly, financial benefits that result from equipping young people to be part of a vibrant, cohesive society, awareness of these kinds of issues is also ever more important in securing employment. Increasingly, academic or vocational achievement alone will not be enough to secure a job; successful candidates will be those who can demonstrate they are aware of and sensitive to a range of different spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues.

Every Child Matters It is becoming the norm for learning and skills providers, when undertaking selfassessment, to focus on the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters (ECM) agenda. Here effective SMSC development through curriculum, enrichment and student support services can contribute to ECM outcomes: providing opportunities for   

Young people to develop positive relationships within the institution; Addressing issues around anti-social behaviour, bullying, intolerance and discrimination; Enabling young people to achieve social and personal development.

SMSC development offers opportunities for learners to discuss a variety of sensitive and controversial issues. For example ethics in business and politics, homophobia, global terrorism, the consequences of social disadvantage and inequality, and concerns about fragmented communities. SMSC contributions to the five ECM outcomes for learners could include:        

Enjoy and achieve – develop a positive sense of their own identity; and use their imagination and creativity to develop new ideas Stay safe – identify the dangers in new and different choices in a changing technological world; and develop skills, such as negotiation and assertiveness, to resist unhelpful pressures Be healthy – how to look after their physical, emotional and sexual health; that they can and should make positive choice; and the consequences that some decisions might have on their health and that of others Make a positive contribution – understand the multiple roles individuals play; Develop the skills and strategies to form effective relationships in a variety of roles; The knowledge and skills to have a real voice, to be heard and take part in community activities; Know how to make a difference in a group, community or society; and know how to work effectively with a range of people from diverse cultures and backgrounds and with different access to power and influence Achieve economic well-being – understand the qualities and skills needed for adult and working life; handle uncertainty and respond positively to change; understand about the global economy; and manage their own money.

How Do We Deliver This?

We aim to highlight all the important skills we feel are important in developing a 21st century learner.

Citizenship at Tudor Grange Academy An Overview Of The Citizenship Skills Delivered At Tudor Grange Academy.



Career Self Development Enterprise Risk Financial Capability Personal Identities Healthy Lifestyle Relationships Diversity Critical Reflection Decision Making/Managing Risk Developing relationships and working with others Exploration



Relationships. The Family Unit, including a child’s rights and responsibilities. This skill also requires the need to point to evidence of an understanding of the role of sex in relationships and sex education. Examples of diverse values encountered in society and the clarification of personal values

(1) Understanding that relationships affect everything we do in our lives and that relationship skills have to be learnt and practised (REL) (2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)

Physical and emotional change and puberty Sexual activity, human reproduction, contraception, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections and HIV and how high-risk behaviours affect the health and wellbeing of individuals, families and communities. The features of positive and stable relationships, how to deal with a breakdown in a relationship and the effects of loss and bereavement. Different types of relationships, including those within families and between older and young people, boys and girls, and people of the same sex, including civil partnerships.

The nature and importance of marriage and of stable relationships for family life and bringing up children.

(4) Understanding that identity is affected by a range of factors, including positive sense of self (PI) (5) Recognising that the way in which personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements are evaluated affects confidence and selfesteem (PI) (6) Understanding that self-esteem can change with personal circumstances, such as those associated with family and friendships, achievements and employment (PI) (7) Use social skills to build and maintain a range of positive relationships (DEV) (8) Use the social skill of negotiation within relationships, recognising their rights and responsibilities and that their actions have consequences (DEV)

The roles and responsibilities of parents, carers and children in families. The similarities, differences and diversity among people of different race, culture, ability, disability, gender, age and sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice, bullying, discrimination and racism on individuals and communities.



Acumen. The ability to understand and manipulate money. You need to have a working knowledge and experience of enterprise.

(1) Exploring what it means to be enterprising.(C) (2) Learning how to manage money and personal finances.(C) (3) Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. (C) (4) Understanding the need to manage risk in the context of financial and career choices.(R) (5) Understanding the economic and business environment. (E) (6) Understanding the functions and uses of money with its financial risks and rewards. (E) (7) Explain financial terms and products (FC) (8) Identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations (FC)



Insurance. Ensuring you are safe and know health and safety procedures both around the Academy and in the workplace.


(1) Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R)



Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? Do you understand the pressures that are placed on our natural world and how we can become good stewards? The importance of animals and how/why we should care for them.



Being a member of a community. Work experience, mentoring, careers and Charity work. This skill refers to the helping of others in any way. Meet and work with people from the wider community both in school and through external visits.


How do humans impact on their surrounding environment? How can humans practice good stewardship? Understanding of the natural world around us and evidence of interaction with it.

(1) Developing a sense of personal identity for career progression.(C) (2) Understanding the qualities, attitudes and skills needed for employability in order to enter and thrive in the working world. (C/ENT) (3) Use a variety of information sources to explore options and choices in career and financial contexts (EXP)

Take part in individual and group discussion to consider personal, social and moral dilemmas and the choices and decisions relating to them.

(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP)

Work as members of groups and teams, taking on different roles and responsibilities

(5) Investigate the main trends in employment and relate these to their career plans.(EXP) (6) Assess, undertake and manage risk (ENT) (7) Take action to improve their chances in their career (ENT) (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) (9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) B (11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) (12) Identify and use strategies for setting and meeting personal targets in order to increase motivation (CR)



(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL)

Options. Making the right choices: The law, Police and Crime. (2) Developing the confidence to try new ideas and face challenges safely, individually and in groups (R) (3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) (4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

W Wellbeing Wellbeing: Emotional (including bullying/coping with stress) and Healthy Lifestyle/eating. This skill also involves knowledge about drug abuse, including alcohol and solvents. The knowledge and skills needed for setting realistic targets and personal goals Facts and laws about drug, alcohol and tobacco use and misuse, and the personal and social consequences of misuse for themselves and others How a balanced diet and making choices for being healthy contribute to personal wellbeing, and the importance of balance between work, leisure and exercise Ways of recognising and reducing risk, minimising harm and getting help in emergency and risky situations A knowledge of basic first aid

(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. (R) (2) Taking risks and learning from mistakes.(R) (3) Develop and maintain their self-esteem and envisage a positive future for themselves in work (SD) (4) Identify major life roles and ways of managing the relationships between them (SD) (5) Assess their needs, interests, values, skills, abilities and attitudes in relation to options in learning, work and enterprise (SD) (6) Review their experiences and achievements. (SD) (7) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) (8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL) (9) Dealing with growth and change as normal parts of growing up (HL) (10) Identify and use strategies for setting and meeting personal targets in order to increase motivation (CR)

Religious Studies – Citizenship 20111-2012 – Year 7 Religious Studies Units Studied

Citizenship Themes Covered

Genesis and Science Nature – Recognition of the importance that animals and the environment have in our lives.

Christianity and Religious Change

O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B(10) Appreciating that, in our communities, there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation (DIV)

Persecution B(10) Appreciating that, in our communities, there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation (DIV) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL)

O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV)


R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B(10) Appreciating that, in our communities, there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation (DIV)

B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) Islam R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B(10) Appreciating that, in our communities, there are similarities as well as differences between people of different race, religion, culture, ability or disability, gender, age or sexual orientation (DIV) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV)

Geography– Citizenship 20111-2012 – Year 7 Geography Units Studied

Citizenship Themes Covered

Natural Hazards

N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? I(1) Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Sustaining my earth

Human Hazards

Population and Settlement

W(8) Use the social skill of negotiation within relationships, recognising their rights and responsibilities and that their actions have consequences (DEV) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) O Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)


A(3) Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. (C) A(5) Understanding the economic and business environment. (E) A(6) Understanding the functions and uses of money with its financial risks and rewards. (E) W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

Year 7 – History – Citizenship Skills

History Skills – Becoming an Historian

R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) W(6) Review their experiences and achievements. (SD) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

The Norman Invasion

R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP)

W(6) Review their experiences and achievements. (SD) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Tudors and Religious Change

(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

The English Civil War

(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Religious Studies – Citizenship Themes – Year 8

Religious Studies Units Studied

Citizenship Themes Covered

Religion and Animal Rights


Religion and Early life – Abortion

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) R(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. (R) R(8) Use the social skill of negotiation within relationships, recognising their rights and responsibilities and that their actions have consequences (DEV) R(6) Understanding that self-esteem can change with personal circumstances, such as those associated with family and friendships, achievements and employment (PI)

W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

Black and White – The life of Martin Luther King R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn

about people different from themselves (DEV) O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV)

Buddhism R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) Faith In Action - The Life of Nicky Cruz R(1) Understanding that relationships affect everything we do in our lives and that relationship skills have to be learnt and practised (REL) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL)

Geography– Citizenship 20111-2012 – Year 8 Geography Units Studied

Citizenship Themes Covered

Mapping my Earth

N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you?

Who wants to be a billionaire?

A(1) Exploring what it means to be enterprising.(C) A(2) Learning how to manage money and personal finances.(C) A(3) Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. (C) A(5) Understanding the economic and business environment. (E) A(6) Understanding the functions and uses of money with its financial risks and rewards. (E) A(8) Identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations (FC) B(5) Investigate the main trends in employment and relate these to their career plans.(EXP)

Bridging the development gap

B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) R(8) Use the social skill of negotiation within relationships, recognising their rights and responsibilities and that their actions have consequences (DEV) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

USA and Tourism

R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) N Nature Nature. Do you understand the pressures that are placed on our natural world and how we can become good stewards? The importance of animals and how/why we should care for them.

A(3) Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. (C) Weather and Climate

Flood risk and management

N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? O(2) Developing the confidence to try new ideas and face challenges safely, individually and in groups (R) A(4) Understanding the need to manage risk in the context of financial and career choices.(R) I(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R) B(6) Assess, undertake and manage risk (ENT)

Year 8 – History – Citizenship Skills Jack the Ripper – Victorian London

R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) W(6) Review their experiences and achievements. (SD)

The First World War

O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM) R (3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

The Rise of Hitler/Causes of World War two B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) R(5) Recognising that the way in which personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements are evaluated affects confidence and self-esteem (PI)

O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV)

The Atom Bomb Debate

B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM

B(12) Identify and use strategies for setting and meeting personal targets in order to increase motivation (CR) Study of History’s key events 1945-1980

B (8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(8) Use approaches to working with others, problem-solving and action planning (ENT)

O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM

B(12) Identify and use strategies for setting and meeting personal targets in order to increase motivation (CR)

Religious Studies – Year 9 Citizenship Skills 2011-2012

RS Units Covered Christianity and Animal Rights – Attitudes towards Animals

Christianity And Early Life – Attitudes Towards Abortion


Nature – Attitudes towards treatment of animals and their link to the environment – Simbient cycles

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) R(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. (R) R(8) Use the social skill of negotiation within relationships, recognising their rights and responsibilities and that their actions have consequences (DEV) R(6) Understanding that self-esteem can change with personal circumstances, such as those associated with family and friendships, achievements and employment (PI)

W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

Religion and Planet Earth

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) Nature – Understanding the world around us and our influence on it

Prejudice In Societies

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV)

Christianity, War And Conflict

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) (With reference of pacifism/different groups and perspectives within societies) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)

Geography– Citizenship 20111-2012 – Year 9 Geography Units Studied Unit 1: The Restless earth

Citizenship Themes Covered R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? I(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R) B(6) Assess, undertake and manage risk (ENT) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Unit 7: The Coastal Zone

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? I(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R) B(6) Assess, undertake and manage risk (ENT)

Unit 5: Water on the land

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) N Nature Nature. How much do you know about the natural world around you? I(1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms and understanding that individuals need to manage risk to themselves and others in a range of situations (R) B(6) Assess, undertake and manage risk (ENT)

(W1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. (R)

History Year 9 – Citizenship Skill List Peace Making – The League of Nations R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT)

Hitler/Origins of Wolrd War Two

O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) R(4) Understanding that identity is affected by a range of factors, including positive sense of self (PI) R(5) Recognising that the way in which personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements are evaluated affects confidence and self-esteem (PI)

Origins of the Cold War B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) R(4) Understanding that identity is affected by a range of factors, including positive sense of self (PI)

Crises of the Cold War

O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) R(4) Understanding that identity is affected by a range of factors, including positive sense of self (PI) R(5) Recognising that the way in which personal qualities, attitudes, skills and achievements are evaluated affects confidence and self-esteem (PI)

Year 10 and 11 Religious Studies Religion and Medical Ethics

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM) W(7) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

Religious Perspectives On Poverty

R(1) Understanding that relationships affect everything we do in our lives and that relationship skills have to be learnt and practised (REL) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) A(2) Learning how to manage money and personal finances.(C) (8) Identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations (FC)

Religious Perspectives – The Elderly and Death

R(1) Understanding that relationships affect everything we do in our lives and that relationship skills have to be learnt and practised (REL) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) A(8) Identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations (FC)

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) Religious Perspectives – Crime and Punishment

O(1) Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) O (4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Religion and Drug Use

Wellbeing: Emotional (including bullying/coping with stress) and Healthy Lifestyle/eating. This skill also involves knowledge about drug abuse, including alcohol and solvents. Facts and laws about drug, alcohol and tobacco use and misuse, and the personal and social consequences of misuse for themselves and others

W1)Understanding risk in both positive and negative terms. (R)

Geography– Citizenship 20111-2012 – Year 10 Geography Units Studied Unit 8 Population Change

Citizenship Themes Covered R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) O Recognising that healthy lifestyles, and the wellbeing of self and others, depend on information and making responsible choices (HL) W(8) Understanding that physical, mental, sexual and emotional health affect our ability to lead fulfilling lives, and that there is help and support available when they are threatened (HL)

Unit 11: The Development Gap

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) A(1) Exploring what it means to be enterprising.(C) A(2) Learning how to manage money and personal finances.(C) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) (3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV)

Unit 12: Globalisation

A(3) Becoming critical consumers of goods and services. (C) A(4) Understanding the need to manage risk in the context of financial and career choices.(R) A(5) Understanding the economic and business environment. (E) A(6) Understanding the functions and uses of money with its financial risks and rewards. (E) A(7) Explain financial terms and products (FC) A(8) Identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations (FC)

B(2) Understanding the qualities, attitudes and skills needed for employability in order to enter and thrive in the working world. (C/ENT) B(3) Use a variety of information sources to explore options and choices in career and financial contexts (EXP)

Year 10 and 11 Citizenship List The Roaring Twenties

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV) A(1) Exploring what it means to be enterprising.(C) A(2) Learning how to manage money and personal finances.(C) R(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

Controlled Coursework – Britain and the Home Front

B(3) Use a variety of information sources to explore options and choices in career and financial contexts (EXP) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM)

R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)

The Civil Rights Movement

O(3) Understanding that all forms of prejudice and discrimination must be challenged at every level in our lives (DIV) R(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) B(9) Demonstrate and apply understanding of economic ideas (ENT) B(11) Challenge prejudice and discrimination assertively (DEV) R(2) Understanding that people have multiple roles and responsibilities in society and that making positive relationships and contributing to groups, teams and communities is important (REL) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)

The Vietnam War – America at home/abroad

B(3) Use a variety of information sources to explore options and choices in career and financial contexts (EXP) B(4) Recognise bias and inaccuracies in information about learning pathways, work and enterprise (EXP) O(4) Find information and support from a variety of sources (DM) R(3) Value differences between people and demonstrate empathy and a willingness to learn about people different from themselves (DEV)

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