The Life Boat

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One seat left‌. Who would you choose?

1. 58 year old man 2. 32 year old man 3. 22 year old woman 4. 16 year old girl 5. 2 year old boy 6. 22 year old man

1. 58 year old man – ships captain 2. 32 year old man - doctor 3. 22 year old woman - supermodel 4. 16 year old girl - refugee 5. 2 year old boy - orphan 6. 22 year old man - disabled

1. 58 year old man – ships captain – last cruise before retiring 2. 32 year old man

– doctor -


3. 22 year old woman – supermodel – al quaeda terrorist who blew up ship 4. 16 year old girl – refugee

forced to work as

– orphan

has HIV

6. 22 year old man – disabled

fireman injured

prostitute 5. 2 year old boy

Think about‌ Why did you make your choices? What factors made you change your mind?

What is a stereotype? What is prejudice? What is discrimination?

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