Just War

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Just War What is a Just War? You will know what is meant by the term Justified War.

Starter • When do you think it might be acceptable to fight a War? Make a list in your book.

Watch the following clip and make notes. • YouTube - Christians and War • Make a list of all the conditions required to meet “Justified War”.

Different Types Of War • Just War – A War that is Justified. Some wars are fought because there is no other option and evil has to be defeated. Thomas Aquinas came up with the idea of a Just War. • Example of Just War: World War Two

Conditions of a Just War You can’t just declare a “Just War”! You need to fit the following conditions: • All efforts to avoid war must have failed. • The benefits of defeating evil must clearly be seen. • The loss of innocent life must be kept to an absolute minimum. • The War must be led and organised by an established Government.

Demonstration Formative Assessment • Explain in your own words how the Second World War met the conditions of a Justified War. • Now explain in your own words how the Second World War did not meet the conditions of a Justified War.

Plenary • Recall all conditions of a Justified War.

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