Different Views On Farming Animals

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Why do people have different views on farming animals? Tuesday, 25 October 2011 Learning Objectives: A. What is the difference between free range and factory farming? B. What is a Christian view on factory farming? • factory farming - When animals are used for meat or dairy products, but are kept indoors in very small spaces. • Compassion - A feeling of sympathy that makes one want to help.

Starter: Should animals be slaughtered for food?

When food shopping do you think about what you buy? What is difference between an egg or a chicken that is free range and one that is from factory farming?

Example of chicken that are factory farmed versus free range

Name 3 foods that you buy free range.

Main: The Meatrix Whilst watching the Meatrix Part 1 and answer the 3 questions below.  1. What is factory farming?  2. What are 2 things farmers do to maximise their profits?  3. What are 2 results or outcomes of factory farming?  4. What is the link between factory farming and diseases like BSE and 

Plenary – What is a Christian view on farming? Before you watch this video clip – Give 3 reasons why Christians might be against factory farming?

• • • Eating mercifully clip 2.30 onwards

Plenary – What is a Christian view on farming? Before you watch this video clip – Give 3 reasons why Christians might be against factory farming?

• Animals have rights. (The idea of justice) • God created all animals.

• Humans have a responsibility to look after and have mercy on animals.

In preparation for next lesson – Homework is to research hsus (The Humane Society of the United States) the largest animal rights pressure group. 1. 2.

a) b) c) d) 3.

Type in http://video.hsus.org Watch 4 short videos on Pets Wildlife Animal fighting and cruelty Fur Make 3+ lines of notes on each video and explain in if you agree it.

3 alternative plenary clips 1. Negative effects of factory farming

(Song 3 mins – warning disturbing images of animals cruelty)

2. The negative effects of Factory farming on cows (Documentary - 3 mins) 3. Grocery Wars

(6 mins – Funny creative Star Wars spoof with animation)

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