Alternatives To Abortion

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To understand the alternatives to abortion and the rights of those involved

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from homework  What did you learn about adoption agencies and agencies with a religious origin?  Re – Call – What are the religious responses to abortion?

Alternatives to Abortion

In the past, unmarried pregnant women were looked down upon. In most cases they were expected to give the child up for adoption. Now the social shame of being an unwed mother is not so strong. Single mothers receive help with housing and social security benefits. The father is legally required to pay a contribution to the child’s support, and a young women may receive help from her own help.  000/newsid_7019100/7019175.stm?bw=bb&mp= wm&news=1&nol_storyid=7019175&bbcws=1 

Most adoptions take place within a family, where relatives or step-parents adopt and raise a child as their own. Other adoptions are by people who cannot have a family of their own or who wish to have more children. The law requires the parents’ circumstances to be fully investigated to check they can give the baby the love and care it needs. Adopted children are entitled to their birth certificates and adoption records at age 18, and may try to find out about their birth parents if they have not had contact with them before.  Is it right for Stars to adopt from other countries? 

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religions follow the adoption laws of the country in which the believers live, so customs vary. Some religions restrict adoptions to children of the same religion. Muslims believe blood ties are important. If a Muslim raises a child who is not their own, they do not adopt the child. The child remains a member of its original family, even if it is brought up with all the love and care of a natural son or daughter. This is more like fostering

 Fostering

is when a mother places her child in temporary foster care until she is in a position to look after her child herself. Foster parents are paid by the government to look after a child within their own family. “Looked-after children” may stay a short time or longer if the situation requires. Some are eventually adopted by their foster parents or another family  Shortage of foster parents


nd_video_and_audio/8070126.stm  Is getting an abortion too easy?  If you have no aspirations for your own life are you more likely to keep the baby?


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