Remilitarisation of the Rhineland L/O – Why didn’t Britain or France intervene in the Rhineland?
Refer back to your “steps to War”. 1) Why did the Nazi- Soviet Pact take everybody by surprise? 2) Why do you think Hitler made agreements with the Soviet Union (Russia) and Poland? 3) “I am convinced that Hitler does not want a war….what the Germans are after is a strong army which will enable them to deal with Russia” (Lord Lothian – January 1935.
Look at the quote above. Referring back to your letter stating Hitler’s intentions in Europe, NOW explain why Hitler made a pact with Russia in 1939.
The Rhineland Activation
Page 50-52 – AQA History B – International Relations
Read page 50 and 51, which discusses the return of the Saar an the take over of the Rhineland. Demonstration
Activities 1)
2) 3)
Look at sources A and B on your student sheet. What do these poins suggest about British and French actions in the Rhineland? Look at source C – Label each arrow – What is the cartoonist suggesting? Stick into your book. Could Hitler have been stopped in the Rhineland? Use the text book and make reference to any sources you may have looked at today. What was the impact of the Remilitarisation of the Rhineland?
What were the differences between the occupation of the Saar and the Rhineland?
Who “won” the issue of the Rhineland. Explain your answer.