The Truman Doctrine

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The Truman Doctrine Target: How did American Policy change after 1945? How important was the Truman Doctrine in causing the Cold War?

Connection – 1945 - Potsdam

Why did they fall out? • Truman hated communism and was suspicious of Stalin. • Truman refused to tell Stalin about the atomic bomb. Stalin’s spies had informed him that their allies had built it, and was waiting for Truman to tell him about it. He didn’t. • Stalin did not allow free elections in Eastern Europe. Stalin set up communist governments in these countries to protect them. He went back on his word at Yalta.

What was the Truman Doctrine? • Doctrine – A policy – a method of thinking • Below – Harry Truman – Truman was openly hostile to communism and suspected that the USSR wished to spread communism around the globe. • Events in Poland (1945) and Greece (1947) proved to Truman that the Soviets wanted world domination.

New Words Doctrine: a belief. Congress: the American ‘parliament’. Aggressor: someone who starts a quarrel. Containment: holding something in – stopping Isolationism: Staying away from others, world affairs. Keeping to yourself.

Suspicion!!!!! • Greece and Turkey • By 1946, Greece and Czechoslovakia were the only countries in eastern Europe that weren’t Communist. • Even in Greece, the government, which was being supported by British soldiers, was having to fight a civil war against the Communists. • On March 5th, 1946, Winston Churchill visited Missouri, the USA. • • In February 1947, the British told Truman they could no longer afford to keep their soldiers in Greece. • President Truman stepped in. The USA paid for the British soldiers in Greece. • Truman noted that Turkey too was in danger from Soviet aggression, so Congress voted to give aid to Turkey as well. • Part of the money was given in economic and humanitarian aid, but most was spent on military supplies and weapons.

The Truman Doctrine – March 1947 • “I believe it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. • The free peoples of the world look to us for support in maintaining those freedoms. If we falter in our leadership, we may endanger the peace of the world” 1) What is Truman suggesting the policy of the USA should be post 1945? How is this different to American policy before 1939? 2) Truman is suggesting INTERVENTION in other countries affairs. What do you understand by the term INTERVENTION?

Domino Theory

• Truman was worried about the domino theory – What do you think this means?

• Domino Theory: When one country knocks another over. (the spread of communism)

Greece • The US congress accepted Trumans view and pumped $400 million into Turkey and Greece to prevent them from falling communist. By modernising the countries, it was hoped it would prevent the Communist stepping in. • This had succeeded by 1949. Truman had contained communism from spreading. • The Truman doctrine ended the US policy of Isolationism. It became known as the “policy of containment”. Communism must be contained and not allowed to spread. • Although the Soviet Union were not mentioned in the doctrine, many communists saw this as essentially a declaration of War. Trumans’s doctrine is therefore seen as the beginning of the Cold War. (1947)

What does this source suggest were the reasons for the Truman doctrine? (4) • Russian Cartoon, 1947

How to answer a 6 marker… • State if you agree/disagree with the statement and explain why. • Analyse the source. What is its Nature (what kind of source is it?), Origin (where is it from and is it reliable?) and Purpose (what is the message? What is it trying to suggest?) • Discuss the most important factors (including the one the question gives).

Source A) The Truman Doctrine 1947. An American cartoon showing the Truman Doctrine choking Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union.

• How accurate is the view in Source of the Truman Doctrine? Explain your answer referring to the purpose of the source, as well as using its content and your own knowledge. (6 marks)

Review/Evaluate.. State if you agree/disagree with the statement and explain why. The source suggests that the Truman doctrine caused Stalin to “choke” on the pipe he was smoking. I agree with this because the truman doctrine led to the USA standing their ground in Europe and helping to support Greece and Turkey standing up to the Russians. Analyse the source. What is its Nature (what kind of source is it?), Origin (where is it from and is it reliable?) and Purpose (what is the message? What is it trying to suggest?) It is a cartoon source, which was made in America. It is going to be biased and support the USA. It is trying to show that America’s actions in Europe are stopping Russian “smoke” from spreading. It is causing Stalin to “choke”. The smoke symbolises the spreading of communism, and the Truman Doctrine has helped stop it. Discuss the most important factors (including the one the question gives). America pumped millions of dollars into Greece and Turkey and was successful in halting the spread of communism. The shock that Stalin is suffering from, results from the surprise that America is now getting involved in world affairs and moving away from isolationism.

Why was the Truman Doctrine important? • It stopped the US policy of isolationism • It shows that America was willing to stand up and stop the spread of communism. • It would increase the chance of war with Russia and an arms race. • It would lead to US involvement in far off countries like Korea and Vietnam. • It would lead to American involvement in Greece, Turkey, and the presence of US troops across Europe, especially in West Germany.

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