Breakdown Of Society

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Religion and Morality • Lesson 2 • Target: • To recognise the economic and social difficulties facing Europe. • Target • To be aware of how Christian and Islam see the role of the family.

• Key Words • • • • • •

Demographic Deficit Expenditure Bankruptcy Madrasah Zakah

Starter‌ • Institute for Family Policies (IPF) recently produced a report on the problems facing Europe.

It states…. • “demographic revival requires the development of a climate in society open to family needs and receptive to motherhood, and the creation of conditions for a better balance between work and family life.”

• Statements like this are a clear example of the increasing sensitivity and concern of EU institutions, for the family. • The socio – economic difficulties and challenges, especially the economic and demographic ones of recent decades are causing a rediscovery of the family, as well as the social function it fulfils which are essential for individuals and for society. • Put simply, the role of the family is being seen as essential for the future of the European recovery.

What is the problem? • Europe is plunged in an unprecedented demographic winter and has become an elderly continent, with a: • large birth deficit, • fewer marriages • This is causing tangible effects, both economically and socially. • Economically, there is an: • Increase in public expenditure on pensions and health costs.

Activation • What will have to happen?

Economic and Non Economic Effects 1. A reduction / elimination of social benefits. 2. The bankruptcy of the welfare state. 3. Increasing individualism 4. Loss of the values and norms that enable social cohesion.

Task 1… • Think of two possible solutions for these problems.

The report demanded the… • “...demographic revival requires the development of a climate in society open to family needs and receptive to motherhood, and the creation of conditions for a better balance between work and family life.” [1]

Plan • "The future EU strategy must recognize the important role of family as a key social institution for the survival, protection and development of the child and to encourage member countries to incorporate the family dimension in their economic and social policies"

How does Religion see the role of the family. • Christian • Christian Family life • Islam

Christian Family Life • Parents should set their children good Christian example and go to church and be baptised. • Children should obey and respect their parents. • Children should look after their parents if they can no longer look after themselves.

How does the Church help? • Churches help with family life by baptising children and parents promising to bring them up in a loving Christian home. • Some Churches run schools which teach the National Curriculum in a Christian environment. • Most Churches run Sunday Schools and provide classes for confirmation. • Churches welcome families and have special services to bring families together. • Many churches run uniformed organisations like cubs, brownies and youth clubs. • Ministers and priests act as marriage and family counsellors.

Islamic Family life • • • • • • • •

The father must provide material needs and both parents should ensure children learn all about Islam and become good Muslims. Children must respect and obey their parents and look after them when they become old. The family is important to Islam because: It was created by god to keep society together It is the way God wants children to be brought up It is the place where children learn about Islam Qur’an says children are a gift from God and parents will be judged on how well they have brought up their children. Muhammad married and had a family and Muslims must follow his example.

How the Mosque helps with family life • Mosques run special schools called madrasahs during evenings and weekends to educate children in Islam and teach them to read the Qur’an. • Mosques act as social centred with clubs. • Mosques have a family committee which helps Muslim families with problems and distributes the zakah money • Friday lunchtimes have special services for fathers and sons • Many mosques help with running of Muslim schools which teaches the National Curriculum in a Muslim environment.

Plenary • What common beliefs do Islam and Christianity share about the family unit? • The EU want to focus on strengthening the family unit. IS this aim political or spiritual? Explain your answer.

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