Causes Of World War One

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WW1 Long Term Causes





ACTIVATE (Explicit Teaching)

The Big Picture


DEMONSTRATE (Student Constructs)


In two minutes think of as many words as you can to describe these pictures‌

The Big Picture

Why did so many countries go to war in 1914? LO: • To understand the long term causes of WW1 • To be able to explain how these made war likely in Europe

Algernon the toad lived in a zoo, but he had long dreamed of freedom. His keeper was a man named Frank. Frank had not had a good month. Firstly, his old neighbours had moved out, and some new people had moved in. He missed his friends. The new neighbours played loud music every night of the week, and had cut down his favourite hedge carved like a toad, and he hadn’t had a good nights sleep in ages! In was perhaps because of this that on Monday night, after eating a banana, Frank dropped the skin not in the bin, but on the floor, before heading for home. All of this meant that when Frank turned up on Tuesday morning, yawning his way into the room, he slipped on the banana skin, slid across the floor, banged into the table and knocked Algernon’s cage onto the floor, where the lid sprang open. “At last!” Algernon thought “freedom!” and he hopped into the sunlight and had many strange and wonderful adventures.

ACTIVATE (Explicit Teaching)

Long Term Cause…. Short Term Cause…

Fuse One: Empire

Countries build up empires by conquering and controlling other countries. This gives them wealth and power. In 1900, Britain and France had big empires. Germany and Italy wanted empires, but there wasn’t much land left to conquer.

Fuse Two: Arms Race

Fuse Two: Arms Race

When countries compete to have the biggest and best military equipment, they are having an arms race. In 1900 Britain had the largest navy in the world, but Germany wanted to change this. The two countries competed to build dreadnoughts, a type of ship.

Countries began to spend huge amounts of money on their armies to prepare for war.

Fuse Three: Alliances As countries increased the size of their armies, war seemed more likely. Groups of countries in Europe made agreements to protect each other.

There were two main alliances in Europe: The Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance

DEMONSTRATE (Student Constructs)

Working in pairs, RECALL the knowledge you have learnt and try to fill in the spaces. Write in pencil to begin with.


Vote with your feet Which long term cause do you think was the most important? Be prepared to JUSTIFY!

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