Observation Drawing 1 | Paul Fowler Art Courses

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Observation Drawing

Exhibiters Sue Houseago Anne Lewellen Roma Clark Moira McCarthy Lindsey Dawson Joanna Booth Lynne Woods

Front Cover

Lindsey Dawson Crystal Palace Oil on paper ljdawson10@hotmail.co.uk 07885547747

Fresh in our minds was the studio, the smell of paint and the quiet noise of pencils, brushes, and a multitude of other drawing implements busying away as a background hum. Then everything changed! This “temporary” position we all found ourselves in, included a steep learning curve of downloading Zoom, mute buttons and cameras!

The projects here are a reflection of where we were transported, the world turned up side down and our determination to keep to “normal”. Our weekly classes became a comfort, a routine. We started to explore a multitude of topics, “White on White” in all its variations, reflection, shadow, detail.

Each week a new project, each week a challenge and each week such wonderful work started to arrive on the Sunday evening email in, ready for the following weeks zoom gallery. The work exhibited in this book explores our adventures into Zoom and demonstrates how strong the creative spirit is within extraordinary

circumstances. Last year has taught us that Art and the online experience can peacefully co exist !

Paul Fowler

Anne Lewellen White On White alewellen@btinternet.com 07548952938

Sue Houseago Calm Waters sue.houseago@btinternet.com 07896969272

Paul’s classes were a real help in keeping focussed during lockdown. We had thoroughly researched interesting topics every week and the zoom sessions were fun.

Moira McCarthy What’s In Your Basket? moimcc@picture-conservation.com 07903353730


Roma Clark Through The Looking Glass

Lindsey Dawson Directing The Show Oil on board ljdawson10@hotmail.co.uk 07885547747

I have been a member of Paul’s drawing class for many years so when they suddenly stopped due to the Covid crisis I was at a loss. But never, fear, Paul

came to the rescue with his zoom classes. The zoom classes gave us the opportunity to interact not only with Paul, but also our fellow classmates. These classes were geared more towards painting and he would introduce us to a different artist each week and that would be the source of inspiration for our painting. I decided that I wanted my paintings to be more abstract, to have a freedom of expression which I think I have achieved in the

sample of paintings you see here. It has proved to be both liberating and enjoyable.

Ly n n e Wo o d s Moving Water lynnewoodsartist.co.uk lynnewoodsartist@hotmail.com 07974785405

Joanna Booth Plasticity joannabooth45@gmail.com 07803010079

Sue Houseago Romantic Distance

sue.houseago@btinternet.com 07896969272

Lindsey Dawson Spring Into Action Oil on paper ljdawson10@hotmail.co.uk 07885547747

Joanna Booth W h a t ' s I n Yo u r B a s ke t ? joannabooth45@gmail.com


Anne Lewellen Romantic Distance alewellen@btinternet.com 07548952938

Moira McCarthy Wave moimcc@picture-conservation.com 07903353730

Roma Clark C a l m Wa t e r s

Sue Houseago B o i l e d O r Po a c h e d sue.houseago@btinternet.com 07896969272

Ly n n e Wo o d s Light Sensitive lynnewoodsartist.co.uk lynnewoodsartist@hotmail.com 07974785405

Lindsey Dawson T h e C o l o u r Ve i l Oil on board ljdawson10@hotmail.co.uk 07885547747

The pleasure of painting has lifted my spirits during lockdown. I have enjoyed the weekly Zoom sessions with Paul which have showcased some of the great artists and provided inspiration for my own work. Paul’s mentoring in our regular tutorials has been motivating and helped me to focus my energy during the difficult periods of lockdown.

Joanna Booth A n o t h e r Wo r l d joannabooth45@gmail.com 07803010079

Ly n n e Wo o d s Fields Of Colour lynnewoodsartist.co.uk lynnewoodsartist@hotmail.com 07974785405

Joanna Booth T h e C o l o u r Ve i l joannabooth45@gmail.com 07803010079

Lindsey Dawson T h e Po w e r O f L i g h t Oil on board ljdawson10@hotmail.co.uk 07885547747

Joanna Booth U n e a r t h e d Tr e a s u r e joannabooth45@gmail.com 07803010079

Moira McCarthy Negative And Positive moimcc@picture-conservation.com 07903353730


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