GC:OPINION Living like Joe Rogan for 60 days. After the last GC:OPINION (is your life one big KPI), I thought I would turn things to the positive and see if it is possible to live my life for 60 days according to the edicts of the world’s biggest podcaster Joe Rogan. For those who are unaware, comedian Joe Rogan has achieved global success by having the world’s leading podcast, with such a wealth of different guests ranging from politicians, comedians, to some of the planet’s greatest minds. It’s fair to say that Rogan has usurped the old traditional talk show host, with the ability to have a long form discussion along with not being under the pressure from any network to follow a certain message. By taking on this challenge there were a number of constraints of living in Cyprus, hindering me from taking on the full Rogan lifestyle experience. Sadly I did not have the ability to have access to eat huge amounts of elk/ Moreover, with regards to sauna it is
already incredibly hot here, and jiu Jitsu as I fear I will end up with some form of mild physical disability by getting strangled and twisted on a daily basis. Having watched a huge amount of his shows he seems like a decent person who has not gone down the dark well of celebrity madness. With this in mind, I thought there is no better person to follow for the next habit forming 60 days…. There are several central pillars to Rogans ethos which struck me while researching this. Firstly ‘be the hero of your own movie!’. If you are currently finding yourself in a tough situation, draw a line in the sand and say this is day one of a new future. You can apply this to any aspect of your life, such as being in a rut in your professional or personal life,or you want to change your health. You always have to start somewhere, so design a plan and get to it today. The second law is very important after you have made your plan. Initially you will be excited and pushing ahead in the first week or so based on adrenaline and excitement. However when you start meeting some form of resistance, the voice in your head starts telling you to take it easy or go back to your old non performing ways. This is when it is key to do what Rogan calls ‘quieten your inner bitch’. We have this in all of us, where we have a voice in our heads that maybe tells us not to go to the gym today, or maybe put off that call until tomorrow. This leads to a slow long term decline. You may not see the results of it today, but by giving yourself permission to not operate at 100% it leads to either personal or professional catastrophe. The third iron law of Rogan, and perhaps the most curious, is to get uncomfortable and try new things. Rogan and fellow high performers who have appeared on his podcast have always stressed that it is good to get uncomfortable. By doing this, you are constantly testing yourself and not accepting that this is all there is to life. Like starting any new regime I had to embrace a couple of the Rogan tenets to start the daily exercise regime. At the time of beginning to write this, we were still on the lockdown so I had to quieten my ‘inner bitch’ and get down to it.