GC:FITNESS LUIS RIBEIRO Founder of Club Health www.clubhealth.uk
Remedial Massage Therapy: 5 Tremendous Benefits For Your Health Let’s play the word-association game. We say a word, you tell us the first thing that comes to your mind. Ready? Let’s go.
demands and wants. The words that should be associated with it are health, happiness, flexibility and so many more.
CH: Remedial Massage Therapy
The confusion about what massage therapy can actually offer us comes from the fact that there are numerous massage treatments: Swedish, Thai, hot stone, reflexology, and more.
99.9% of the world: relax, calm, zen Whilst there is nothing wrong with associating those feelings with a massage session, it’s almost unfair to what massage therapy actually does to your body. We want to give massage the credit it deserves and most importantly, help you understand that a massage session is a treatment our body needs,
Each type of massage addresses different needs and has different benefits. What we have the bad habit of doing is put everything under the umbrella of the word ‘massage,’ never taking the time to understand what each type does.
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