Paul Germaine McCoy

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S E L E C T E D WO R K S Pau l Germ a i n e Mc Co y



In Between Giving and Taking at Multiple Scales 02

Active Faรงade Percieving the Invisible 03

Teokset Fazer Visitor Center - The Exhibition 04

Layers Inside Mobile Assistance Abroad 06

Foreign Objects Retail Pavilion for Vivienne Westwood 07

Embedded Living Masterplan for Pickala Golfcourse 08

As Built Drawings Object Redux


01 I N BE T WE E N GIVING & TAKING AT MULTIPLE SCALES 5 Re-Lab BCN / Prof. Miquel Rodriguez Collaboration with Francisco Javier Rivera Barcelona Architecture Center / Fall 2016

The significance of the objects Barcelona has aggregated to create its urban fabric go beyond the formal intentions flattened on each facade. Behind them and in between the slabs resides the floating consciousness of a generation with the desire of immediate gratification and long term impact. We investigate this idea by pushing life and work under one roof. The brief called for residential, laboratory and entertainment spaces that join the conversation of the private versus public. By acknowledging the behavioral aspect of the populous that will reside and circulate through the building, we develop the project through a series of inputs and outputs that discuss the giving and taking of public and private space. To recover the sentimental monumentality that was lost with the consumption of technology in the daily routine, the project presents itself through the gentle outputs that reside between each pragmatic, structural, and formal input.


La Intersección del Barrio Gótico y Ensanche The Intersection of the Gothic Quarter & the Eixample

The previous object acted as a barrier between the edge of the Gothic Quarter, Parc de Ciutadella, and the beginning of the Eixample, leaving only five meters on each side for people to circulate. In order to serve the private program and restore the public interface we offset the mass five meters inward, and minimize the footprint of the new object’s access points. The footprint extrudes upward to create a structural void and allows for the rest of the space to be occupied by program. Just as the object touches the urban fabric, the bottom surface surrenders to create Barcelona’s new public interface.


Reemplazando Obsolescencia Replacing Obsolescence

01 In Between


El VacĂ­o Como Una Interface Void as Interface


Una Nube de Conciencia A Cloud of Conciousness

Inside, we make inflections between visual and physical interactions to orchestrate public and private program. The laboratory and residential are arranged along the length of the building based on contextual behavior and function while the auditorium and library are inserted on opposite widths to melt life and work into one void of activity: the in between.

01 In Between


Sección del Vacío Interior Section of the Inner Void


01 In Between

02 Segunda Planta / Second Floor


01 Primera Planta / First Floor

00 Planta Cubierta / Ground Floor

05 Quinta Planta / Fifth Floor


04 Cuarta Planta / Fourth Floor

03 Tercera Planta / Third Floor

01 In Between


Permanencia Monumental Monumental Permanence

While the current program assumes rigid temporality in its formal configuration, the permanent structure is an open source frame that can adapt to new scenes. Like the stage of a theatre, a permanent “Gran Viga� - Great Beam - suspends each scene that takes place within the building.


Escenas del Futuro Future Scenes

01 In Between


Alzado / Elevation The facade speaks of itself. The lines pull away in response to the curve below to show glimpses of spatial and structural complexity.


01 In Between

02 AC T I VE FAÇADE PERCIEVING THE INVISIBLE 19 Materiality Studio / Prof. Negar Kalantar Texas A&M University / Summer 2015

This fabrication was an experiment by which screens were placed on south facing windows that served as translators of the unseen into the visible. The design provides an enhanced level of control over light and site. As mediators between the outside and the inside, the permeable screens allow people to perceive the outside world as revealed through gentle changes in the light quality of the external environment. In this sense, the design acts as representative and not as barrier between exterior and interior spaces.



Concave & Convex A geometrical duality emerges from the folds that compose each module.






02 Active Faรงade

Design is a loaded word. However, I think that it is about the art of pauses and the science of motion. It orchestrates the complexity of the world into the harmony that directs our lives. Ever since I was young I was fascinated with cars. For years I traced on images from printouts and magazines. Eventually I developed confidence to the point that I drew them on any piece of white paper I could get my hands on. From then forward, a rim of white paper sat on my desk accompanied by black and red pens.


03 TEOKSET FAZER VISITOR CENTRE - THE EXHIBITION 25 Professional / Vantaa, Finland Ateljé Sotamaa / Design Team June 2016

An object for objects; a golden sculpture in a deep blue space. This particular exhibition for the Fazer Visitor Center tells the story of the Fazerin Sininen chocalate: the history of its recipe, the origins of cocoa, the making of chocolate, and sustainable production in collaboration with communities around the Cocoa Belt. The golden sculpture mimics Karl Fazer’s signature and houses the 12 objects representing each chapter of the story. Altogether the sensations produced by the fluidity of the shelf and the detailed artifacts elevate Fazer’s products to an artistic level. This approach resonates with Fazer’s identity and desire to evoke sensory wonder in the hearts of the audience.

Cacao Tree

Ecuadorian Community

Cocoa Pod

Dry Seeds

Fermented Seeds

Doctor’s Glasses


6/12 Sculptures


Finished Product

03 Teokset


04 L AY E R S I N S I DE MOBILE ASSISTANCE ABROAD 29 Voluntary / BUILD Collaboration with Hillary Brown, Shellie Hudspeth, Matthew Leopard & Nick Prewitt Texas A&M University / Spring-Fall 2015

The premise of the Texas Aggie Medical Clinic project is to design and construct a habitable envelope within a conventional shipping container. The flexible interior configuration addresses the diverse destinations of each clinic. The construction stage offered open participation for students and staff across the Texas A&M campus. The clinics currently serve in Haiti, Honduras, Costa Rica and Iraq. At each destination teams of doctors, nurses, and volunteers welcome and operate the clinics. Altogether, they are projected to help over one-hundred thousand people per year. The project came to fruition through interdisciplinary collaboration. This effort prioritizes the opportunity for architects as individuals to contribute their expertise to design problems within a service context over the attempt to propose Architecture’s role in society.


Exploded Axonometric Dissecting structures and systems.


Privacy Gradient Layers of service and an axis of passage.

04 Layers Inside


Construction Details

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

San Jose, Costa Rica 33

Unknown, Honduras

Soran, Iraq

TAMC Destinations

04 Layers Inside

As a scenic and lighting designer in highs school, I became interested in the presence in absence (and vice versa) of the material and the immaterial - set and light. I learned about having the courage to propose new projections to capture beauty and bring it to life on the stage. I look back now and see the connections that exist at every step of my journey and their presence in my work. I constantly reflect on the things I learn and interpret them as elements that work in my mind as a loop. This loop can connect the schematics at macro scale and the technicalities at micro scale. The outputs become consequences of rational analysis and personal intuition. Enthralled with multiple mediums of design, I devote myself to the continued development of the profession. Through my continued learning, I hope to turn architecture’s corners into opportunities for creating alluring sensations and tectonic inventiveness.


05 F O R EI G N O BJE C TS FASHION PAVILION FOR VIVIENNE WESTWOOD 37 Indexicality Studio / Prof. Gabriel Esquivel Texas A&M University / Fall 2015

The process begins by juxtaposing two references: The Rachofsky House by Richard Meier and the Shanghai Dress by Vivienne Westwood. An index of information is extracted from this existing architectural fabric and nonarchitectural fabric. Critical edge, corner and ground conditions emerge from the iterations of both analog and digital drawings, models and images which bring the canonical precedent (Meier) and contemporary fashion (Westwood) under speculation to produce new objects. The buildings produced include show rooms, shops and presentation spaces. When making contact with Houston’s urban fabric, the objects become subject to the it’s flawed infrastructure. The project reflects the fragmented aggregation of objects and highways that populate the city.


Analog Iterations Rachofsky House by Richard Meier


Digital Iterations Shanghai Dress by Vivienne Westwood

05 Foreign Objects


Shopping Centre Rachofsky House by Richard Meier


Designer Gallery Shanghai Dress by Vivienne Westwood

05 Foreign Objects


Tectonic Interstitiality Merging programs through ground fragmentation.


05 Foreign Objects


Coloration Fixed v. Indefinite


Overlap Objects v. Houston

05 Foreign Objects

06 E MB E DDE D LI VI N G MASTERPLAN F OR PICKALA GOLF COURSE 47 Professional / Störsvik, Finland Ateljé Sotamaa / Design Team August 2016

The proposal for Störsvik’s new housing development is a suburban strategy that enables the evolution of community over time instead of the execution of a rigid plan, resulting in a richer, more layered collective in the manner of old villages. The technologies embedded in each house can be networked in order to create a smart collective, which optimizes waste management, energy consumption, and enhances the social sustainability and social life of the community. Seamlessly integrated with the natural landscape, each house is tailored to existing natural conditions with minimum adjustment to the terrain. From the square footage, plan configurations, and roof design to the golf course setbacks every house is unique. Through nature-inspired arrangement, each unit is also given its own sense of privacy without complete isolation from the surrounding community. This master plan is a synthesis between contemporary living and the traditions of a Finnish summer home.


Atelier House



06 Embedded Living



06 Embedded Living

The quote “What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal” by Albert Pike resonates with my ambition to be a part of this conversation. I believe that the things that we invest in for one self can contribute to the world as much as investing in the world can contribute to one self. To be an architect is not just to be the “master-builder”, but to acknowledge the complexity that lies beyond our scene. And I have made a promise to myself to always acknowledge what lies beyond. To acknowledge what lies ahead.


07 AS B UI LT DR AWI N G S OBJECT REDUX 55 T4T Lab / Prof. Adam Fure Collaboration with Cody Clancy, David Forero & Matthew Foster Texas A&M University / Spring 2016

As Built Drawings is an exploration of the manifestation of form through line and figure, utilizing deformation as a set of tools to achieve meta-reality. A characteristic of the post-digital era is the access to the historical cannon as a set of data. We acquired freely accessible drawings and geometries, treated them as raw data, and through the deformation of architectural tools, produced a new geometry. Through the continuous deformations we uncover the resilience of the substance that the operations cannot exhaust. International exploitation of the methods of drawing, such as technique and viewpoint in relation to the directionality of the cut-plane of such drawings (plan-oblique, axonometric cuts etc.) produces the reality of the drawing figure through the forced occurrence of conditions, languages, and parts...

Oblique 56





07 As Built Drawings


Axonometric Section


Oblique Section

07 As Built Drawings



...the produced is a new object; changing the inflection of the qualities in the original geometries to establish new form and spatial configurations. The qualities produced, such as the excess overlap of line and figure (treatment of poché, thickthin, interstitiality, delamination, and corner condition) provoke new realities of architectural language: a visual meta-language. Expressed within each reality is a new architectural syntax that is nevertheless accepted as such. 61 “To operate critically with the instrument of architecture implies a deformation of architecture itself: it has to change from language into meta language, it must speak of itself, it must explore its own code without leaving it, except for very carefully measured experiments.” Manfredo Tafuri

07 As Built Drawings

PAU L G ER M AI N E M cCOY +1.956.588.7146

Education Texas A&M University

Environmental Design Architecture Studies Major / 3.3 GPA


Barcelona Architecture Center Study Abroad Program / Fall 2016

Software + Fabrication AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, T-Splines Grasshopper, Maya, Z-Brush Vray, Keyshot Adobe Creative Cloud Apple iWork, Microsoft Office 3D Printing, CNC Milling, Laser Cutting

Languages Spanish (Native) English (Proficient) French (Learning)

Professional Experience AteljĂŠ Sotamaa Helsinki, Finland / Architectural Intern / 2016.06 - 2016.08 Projects: Fazer Visitor Center, Westwood House, Pickala Masterplan

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas / Student Worker / 2015.08 - Present Resident Advisor, Department of Residence Life College Station, Texas / Student Worker / 2015.05 - 2016.08 Office Associate, Student Services, College of Architecture

All Star Theatre McAllen, Texas / Summer Internship / 2014.05 - 2014.08 Productions: Annie, Pippin

Associations American Institute of Architecture Students Career Fair Co-Chair | 2016.04 - Present Volunteer | 2015.01 - 2016.03

BUILD Design + Construction Team Leader | 2015.02 - 2016.02 Project: Texas Aggie Medical Clinics

Awards Otto D. Grove Scholarship / 2016.07 Most Outstanding Portfolio / 2016.04 Gene D. Burton Scholarship for Integration of Clinical Technology in Healthcare Design / 2016.04 Joe R. Bass Family Scholarship / 2016.04 Joseph Donaldson Award / 2016.04

Online Publications | As Built Drawings / 2016.05 | College Students Creating Health Clinics from Shipping Containers / 2015.11


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