Supernova Newspaper 7A

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December 9, 2014 Volume 1, issue 1

Supernova Newspaper (Cultural and Political Edition)


#UntilWeFindThem Ayotzinapa 43

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Kenya,

43 students of the Ayotzinapa teacher´s training college, or normalists, disappeared on September 26th 2014. The reason that people say is that they were protestants against the government. The government hasn´t said what they did to the 43 students but, there are many theories that the normalists are dead.

Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal,

43 students that were on a teacher training

program took two buses to get to Iguala and on the way Jose Luis Abarca, mayor of Iguala, ordered the police to stop them. There were 6 registered deaths, 25 injured and 43 disappeared. To stop the Ayotzinapa’s problem we had been thinking some solutions for example:  Life imprisonment  Stop the corruption

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Pay policies (adequacy) Fired the murders Found guilty Stop the narks


Netherlands, New Zealand,


Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Seychelles, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, and Venezuela. “I BELIEVE, THAT IT IS A WONDERFUL WAY TO RESEARCH AND TO LEARN FROM YOUR FRIENDS, FROM YOURSELF AND FROM YOUR TEACHERS ” MISS ANABEL

Highland School is planning a week to demonstrate some projects that students are working on. The week is named “Highlands Week” and the dates are from December 5th to December 11th. All the students from fourth grade to ninth grade are working on this project that is about… Supernova: the star of Bethlehem. This project counts as the bimonthly exam, so everybody is really excited.

We went to many classrooms asking what they were doing in the projects and we found that they are really interesting. So we wanted to show them to you. On 4th grade they are doing mock-ups and investigations about how life was when Jesus was alive. On 5th grade Miss Maru is explaining how a Supernova is formed and how it explodes, also they are doing something involving dwarfs. Sixth graders are planning a hotel and making a mockup of it on math.

On junior high seventh graders are making newspapers, displays, videos and debates. But the one they like most is the mock-up they are doing in Biology. On eighth grade we found short stories about the supernova and a time line about Israel´s history. And on ninth grade they are making a newspaper but, they enjoy a lot Chinese project: a video. Everybody I really proud of their projects and can´t wait to show them to their parents


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A CHRISTMAS PROBLEM On the 26 of December, Santa made a meeting with all his workers. The 2 wise men attended the meeting. The meeting was about how Christmas will be next year. Santa told his idea, which was to start working right away, but the wise men didn´t agreed on his idea. They wanted a break. Since Santa was really mad with them, he locked them on a room. The wise men were really

worried because they had a special mission due 6 of January, and they didn´t know how long they would stay locked on that creepy and dirty room. On the other side there was an elf, the least favorite of Santa, which admired the wise men. He thought they didn´t deserved to be locked down, so he had an idea. On midnight he fooled the guard of Santa´s office and entered there. Since Santa was

really asleep, it was easy for the elf to take the keys of the room were the wise men were locked. The wise men were really worried because they needed to start they´re trip right now, but in the blink of an eye, the room opened. The wise men were so thankful with that elf that they made him another part of they´re group. Now they were 3. Since that day, they stopped working Santa and went on the journey to Bethlehem.

THE WISE MEN Long time ago there were three wise man. One went on a flamingo, another in a panda, and the last one on a horse. They were about to go on a mission, they were going to follow the Bethlehem star. While they were preparing, the flamingo was feeling bad, but they still continued. On the trip they faced an awful climate. The rocky mountains made you feel like if you were about to pass through needles.

And besides that, it seemed like the clouds were about to burst into a lighting storm. While they were passing the Rocky Mountains the flamingo slipped and broke its leg. The wise man stared at each other in fear. They couldn´t believe that it broke its leg! The wise men had to put extra weight on the panda since the flamingo now was above it. And the other wise man that was left without an animal rode

above the horse. They went as fast as they could to the veterinarian to cure the flamingo´s leg. Now they had to hurry up since they had one they left to arrive to where the Bethlehem star pointed. When the flamingo´s leg healed, they ran like crazy to get there. At last when they arrived they discovered that Jesus was born. Everybody lived happily ever after.

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THE CURIOUS STAR There once was a boy named Dany that didn´t believe on the wise men. One day at night while playing at the park, he saw the most brilliant star at the sky ever. He decided to follow it. Without anybody noticing, he sneaked into the woods to follow the star. On his way, he saw 2 really suspicious men. He thought they were just cops and decided to ignore them. He continued walking and realized the 2 men were following him.

Dany started to run, but he wasn´t fast enough. The 2 men were actually kidnappers. The kidnappers caught him and locked him on their car. At night while the kidnappers sleep, Dany got a chance to break free. He broke the window of the car and escaped through there. He started to run as fast and quietly as he could. Faraway he saw a barn. Dany ran to the barn and entered there. When he turned his face


LITTLE THIEVES Tim Túh is presenting his new edition named “Little Thieves” this new comedy is about two men who enter to an unknown part of a fantastic story about the wise men. All the book is about their adventures with the wise men to the way of Bethlehem and how they start changing during the trip. Do you want to know more about this amazing story? Buy Tim Túh´s collection in our stores.

he got a big surprise, the 3 wise men were there! Besides that baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph were there too. After that he started believing on the wise men.

THE BAD SUPERNOVA Tim Túh is surprising with his variety of books and one of the main is his new book named “The Bad Supernova “ this scary novel surprise every person that read it . The novel is about how the star we know as the star of Bethlehem wasn’t always good, it was a time where it was the worst thing ever, it used to scare kids and adults and used to do horrible things that no one could describe. What would happen to the bad star? What make it change? What did it used to do? Do you want to know more about this amazing? Buy the book in ours stores and get to know more about this surprising story.

WHERE´S THE LIGHT? Tim Túh is announcing a new book that has been the best seller in the world, this book is about how the star of Bethlehem lost its light and need to get it back. How would it get it back? Do you want to know more about this amazing story, buy it in our store and get to know more about this amazing story.


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Fahrenheit 451 is a book written in the past about the future. Ray Bradbury (the author of this book) thought that all that happens in the book was going to happen in his future or our present, it didn’t happen but he did described the technology that he thought we were going to have. He thought that the cars would fly and that people could talk to T.V’s.

“You don´t burn books to destroy a culture, just get people to stop reading them.” -Ray Bradbury

The society in this book is afraid of the government, and this fear makes everybody work in fear of being punished and in result the society is under control. People are afraid of having secrets and hiding things to the government. If they know that someone is reading a book or doing something against the law they tell the police. Everyone is honest; this is one reason why their society is under control. The laws and the rules are stricter than the ones on our society, you can´t read books and if you do you are taken to jail and all your books are burned. The government makes fireman burn the books because they don’t want people to be creative and for some people to know more than the others, they want equality for everyone, this is another reason why their society is under control. In our society people can do whatever they want without getting punished, there are only some times when people who commit crimes get punished. The government is

corrupted and the society is lazy and doesn’t like to work. There are not a lot of jobs and the economy has decreased. Everyone has more freedom and can express themselves freely, in result there is a lot of insecurity and a lot of criminals. Parents are afraid of letting their kids out alone. We have freedom but it comes with a price: our safety and security. People is not afraid of doing what they want and showing what they feel because they know that they won’t get punished and if they do the punishment won’t be bad. We have a lot of technology but not as much as Ray thought we would have. We have iPods and the phones that we have for communicating are faster than what Ray could have ever imagined. In conclusion both societies have to follow the rules and laws that the government gives. If someone breaks any rule and they are proven guilty they go to jail, and even if the people are lazy they have to work for a living. Both societies have advanced technology and while one has a controlled government with and honest society the other one has a corrupted government full of lazy people and criminals.

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