Supernova Newspaper 8A

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Supernova Newspaper An advanced theory about supernova

“It can be predicted that the studies of supernovas will never end because new types of supernovas will be created and will never stop recreating.”

On November 11, 1572, twenty-six-year-old Trycho Brahe astronomer was about to discover something that would boost the scientific revolution significantly. One day when he was looking to the sky he saw a very unfamiliar star light which was brighter than Venus; first he thought it was a new star but it couldn’t because this star was much brighter than usual.

Tycho believed that anything beyond the sphere of the sphere of the moon cannot change. This convinced him and motivates him to search for the truth. His careful investigations of the things of the planets enabled the discovery of the law of gravity by Kepler and Isaac Newton. Kepler later said that if Tycho’s star did nothing else that shining,

they could not have appreciated that what seemed like a new star was actually an explosion of an amazing and incredible power. Those explosions were crucial for our existence. Eighteen months after his discovery, the NASA observatory saw the supernova and confirm it existence.

Astronomers confirm a new type of supernova

For decades astronomers have suspected the existence of a type of stellar explosions that is bigger than an ordinary supernova “pair-instability supernova”, with 100 times more energy tan a supernova. About 4 years ago two teams of astronomers have finally found it. The astronomers instigate the “pairinstability supernova” and they found that stars bigger tan 100 masses

don`t have photons. With no photons, there`s no out war pressure –and the star being to collapse. The collapse can create more pressure until the star loses enough mass to end its life in an ordinary supernova; astronomers call this case “pulsational pair-instability” If the star is bigger than 130 solar mass, the collapse of the star happens so fast that so much inertia and fusing oxygen can`t stop it.

These gigantic stars in small galaxies slough off much of their mass before dying out, including a “pair-instability supernova”

Cultural Section

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Five Monkeys in the Space

“Sir, the astronomers concluded their mission successfully.” Dr. David Nolan reported to Dr. Malcolm Steward, as he typed in his computer, “Pluto can be considered a planet” “Well then,” Dr. Malcolm said as he stood up from his leather chair and walked towards his most trusted worker. “If it’s a planet then why is it inhabited?” the old man asked raising an eyebrow. “Well…” David was not sure how to reply to that. “Umm-“ “Don’t try David,” Dr. Malcolm sighed, “Give me prove that Pluto can be a “”. planet and then I will approve your conclusion.” And with that he walked out of his own office, leaving a perplexed David Nolan in his office. * “Please, Dr. Jackson, you have to help me” David begged. “David, how do we know that this will work?” Dr. Jackson questioned at David’s petition. “Because this are 5 of our best trained monkeys!” David argued. “Yes, but, send 5 monkeys to Pluto? Just to verify if it’s an actual Planet?” Asked Dr. Jackson, he couldn’t accept the idea of his co-worker David Nolan. Send 5 monkeys to space to check if Pluto could be a planet, by connecting them with wireless modern cameras

and watching what they do on earth. “Exactly.” David Nolan said with a satisfying grin. “David, you are the best coworker I could ever ask for, but I can’t approve this! I mean, why would I? This mission might end the NASA Corporation.” He stated. David could do nothing but sigh, “But if we succeed, this might be the thing that will take NASA to the top.” David tried to convince his coworker. Dr. Jackson sighed, “Fine David, but if I get fired I will blame it on you” David smiled, “Thank you, Dr. Jackson.” And with that he went to take choose the 5 best monkeys, Karlangas, Donna, Sonic, Mayfer, and Alikay. * Once David Nolan made the monkeys enter the spaceship, they were sent off to space. Their trip to Pluto was probably going to last at least 12 years on Earth and approximately 3 years in space. “Wishing you the best of lucks my monkeys.” Dr. David Nolan said for one last time. * -Six years laterThe landing of spaceship N19 has been completed. “Rachel tell me time and location” Dr. Jackson said eagerness in his voice. He had been waiting for this moment a long time ago, and now here was it. Time-3: 17 Location- North Pluto. “Show me an update on the monkeys.” He ordered. Monkeys’ vitals intact. Spaceship intact. Space suits activated. Fuel half full. Preparing monkeys for stepping into atmosphere. “Okay. Suit up the monkeys and take then to the atmosphere” Dr. Jackson

said. “We’re going to do it Nolan, I promised you.” Monkeys stepping into atmosphere. Vitals intact. No signs of life. “Remove helmets.” He ordered. This would be the test that would be prove Pluto was a suitable planet for life. Monkeys’ helmets removed. Breathing normal. Vitals intact. Full mobility. Air is oxygenated. Mission accomplished Dr. Jackson. “Yes, yes, yes!” Dr. Jackson jumped around the room triumphantly. “We did it David, we proved the world wrong!” He has done it, he had accomplished the dream his co-worker had long since been trying to prove right. Life was sustainable in Pluto and he now had proof. ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Debris heading towards spaceship. Monkeys’ vitals in danger by chemicals. Spaceship turbine lost. Connection lost. “No, no, no, no!” Dr. Jackson tried regaining connection to no avail. His proof, his coworker’s proof had been lost. * Meanwhile in space, Donna, Sonic, Karlangas, Mayfer and Alikay waited patiently for the orders from earth. They started getting desperate, even though they’re the best-trained monkeys on earth. Karlangas started making alerting noises, causing the rest of the monkeys to look at her direction, they started imitating Karlangas’ actions and started running towards the spaceship, but they did not make it. An explosion hit them so hard they were sent flying through space, making every monkey to yell and move in an uncomfortable way in pain. They felt every part of their body aching, they felt every movement they made in pain, but that didn’t stop them from shaking.

It had been 13 years since the NASA sent the monkeys to space, and there has been no sign of them, each day Dr. Jackson lost more hopes in his monkeys coming back, the space ship was lost, so was the connection, and so were his monkeys. But the day came, Dr. Jackson checked Rachel for any signs. Unauthorized spaceship landing in NASA headquarters. Dr. Jackson rushed towards the NASA headquarters and there was, indeed, a spaceship. The N19. Dr. Jackson stared at the spaceship in a surprised way, this couldn’t be actually happening. Can it? The gate of the spaceship opened and 5 huge humans came out of it. 5 women. 5 big hairy women. “Human, take us to Dr. David Nolan.” One of them commanded. Dr. Jackson stared at the people in front of him; they looked like the ancient cavemen. But hairier. “What are you?” the doctor asked with a confused expression. “What Dr. Nolan Believed in”

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Cultural Section

1984 passage #1 Cast of characters

Winston: Great advice.

Winston: A serious, and nervous man about the things that will happen to him and also curious about things. He was thirty-nine, and had a varicose above his right ankle.

Narrator: And that´s how Winston lived his life, angry, sad and confused. Unable to do nothing without Big Brother noticing him. Winston: (looking sad at the narrator) Every sound that I make above the level of a very low whisper, would be picked up by the huge telescreen. Why do I have to live this? (Said Winston crying)

Omniscient third person narrator: Even though this narrator knows all the thoughts and feelings of Winston, he also appears like someone that is talking with Winston, he is Winston´s conscience Scene Winston´s place or apartment and Winston´s workplace (the Records Department)

Time In the past Act 1 Scene 1

Narrator: April was just starting. Winston Smith felt the cold, dusty breeze entering from Victory Mansion into his apartment. Winston: (looking angry at Big Brother´s Wall-sized poster) You again. Narrator: Just pass him through, he will not care if you do nothing.

Narrator: Winston worked in the Ministry of Truth, that was a kilometer away from his apartment. Winston: (in a depressed and sad voice) I can´t remember anything of my childhood, except a series of bright-lit tableaux, occurring against no background and mostly unintelligible. Narrator: From where Winston stood, it was just possible to read, picked out on its white face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the party: war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. The thing that he was about to do, was open a diary, but he was not used to write by hand. So he tried. Winston: (in a whisper writing in his diary) April 4th 1984.

Narrator: Winston did not know with any certainty that this was 1984. Suddenly he began writing in sheer panic, but then he stopped. Winston: (angry and with a desperate voice) No, I can´t. I can´t keep suffering from cramp! Narrator: After that, Winston went to the Records Department and he saw a girl whom he often passed in the corridors. Winston: (with a face with disgustation) I had disliked her from the very first moment of seeing her. Narrator: The other person was a man named O´Brien, a member of the Inner Party. Winston: Yes, I had seen him perhaps a dozen times in almost as many years. Narrator: At this moment, O´Brien glanced at his wristwatch, he saw that it was nearly eleven hundred and evidently decided to stay in the Records Department until the two minutes hate was over. Then the hate had started. As usual, the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, the enemy of the people had flashed onto the screen, and everyone was praising Big Brother.

1984 cartoon is available in display.

Cultural Section Letters to the editor

Miss Paulina English class 7°A

About our organization‌ (Special thanks to 8A)

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