Supernova Newspaper 8A

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Supernova Newspaper An advanced theory about supernova

“It can be predicted that the studies of supernovas will never end because new types of supernovas will be created and will never stop recreating.”

On November 11, 1572, twenty-six-year-old Trycho Brahe astronomer was about to discover something that would boost the scientific revolution significantly. One day when he was looking to the sky he saw a very unfamiliar star light which was brighter than Venus; first he thought it was a new star but it couldn’t because this star was much brighter than usual.

Tycho believed that anything beyond the sphere of the sphere of the moon cannot change. This convinced him and motivates him to search for the truth. His careful investigations of the things of the planets enabled the discovery of the law of gravity by Kepler and Isaac Newton. Kepler later said that if Tycho’s star did nothing else that shining,

they could not have appreciated that what seemed like a new star was actually an explosion of an amazing and incredible power. Those explosions were crucial for our existence. Eighteen months after his discovery, the NASA observatory saw the supernova and confirm it existence.

Astronomers confirm a new type of supernova

For decades astronomers have suspected the existence of a type of stellar explosions that is bigger than an ordinary supernova “pair-instability supernova”, with 100 times more energy tan a supernova. About 4 years ago two teams of astronomers have finally found it. The astronomers instigate the “pairinstability supernova” and they found that stars bigger tan 100 masses

don`t have photons. With no photons, there`s no out war pressure –and the star being to collapse. The collapse can create more pressure until the star loses enough mass to end its life in an ordinary supernova; astronomers call this case “pulsational pair-instability” If the star is bigger than 130 solar mass, the collapse of the star happens so fast that so much inertia and fusing oxygen can`t stop it.

These gigantic stars in small galaxies slough off much of their mass before dying out, including a “pair-instability supernova”

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