The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
N EWSLETTER Yale University
May 2013 Issue 36
Research Events at the Paul Mellon Centre
The PMC research seminar of 6 February 2013, in which Professor Caroline Arscott of the Courtauld Institute of Art discussed William Morris’s tapestry The Woodpecker Photograph: Martine La Roche
January 2013 saw the Paul Mellon Centre launching a new series of research seminars and research lunches, respectively taking place on Wednesdays and Fridays, and featuring a mixture of established and emergent scholars. These events are designed to showcase the most interesting and original research on all aspects of the history of British art and architecture. Our next programme of seminars and lunches begins in late April,
and features talks on subjects that include Richard Wilson’s landscape paintings, Kenneth Clark’s art criticism, immigrant photographers, Gilded-Age art collectors, John Sell Cotman in Yorkshire, a Stuart aristocrat, imported cottons, country-house guidebooks, and the very different maritime pictures of de Loutherbourg and Turner. All are welcome; for more details, please see overleaf.
The Paul Mellon Centre Staff Director of Studies: Mark Hallett Deputy Director of Studies: Martin Postle Assistant Director for Finance and Administration: Sarah Ruddick Librarian: Emma Floyd Archivist and Records Manager: Charlotte Brunskill Archives and Library Assistant: Jenny Hill Picture Researcher/ Richard Wilson Online Project Assistant: Maisoon Rehani Events Coordinator and Director’s Assistant: Ella Fleming Yale-in-London Coordinator: Nermin Abdulla IT Officer: Zulqarnain Swaleh Grants Administrator: Mary Peskett Smith Editor Special Projects: Guilland Sutherland Senior Research Fellows, Special Projects: Hugh Belsey, Elizabeth Einberg, Alex Kidson, Eric Shanes, Paul Spencer-Longhurst Advisory Council: Caroline Arscott, Paul Binski, David Peters Corbett, Penelope Curtis, Philippa Glanville, Michael Hatt, Nigel Llewellyn, Andrew Moore, Gavin Stamp, Christine Stevenson, Alison Yarrington Company Registered in England 983028 Registered Charity 313838 16 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3JA
Tel: 020 7580 0311
Fax: 020 7636 6730