The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art
N EWSLETTER Yale University
September 2014 Issue 40
RICHARD WILSON ONLINE The new digital catalogue raisonné of the works of Richard Wilson goes live on Thursday 23 October. Richard Wilson Online is the outcome of intensive research to re-establish the artist’s true status and redefine his output in celebration of the tercentenary of his birth. Richard Wilson Online is launched as a work-in-progress and provides an up-to-date and freely accessible record of Wilson’s autograph paintings and works on paper. It complements and extends public interest in and academic focus on his achievements created by the exhibition, Richard Wilson and the Transformation of European Landscape Painting, open at Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales until 26 October.
Welcome page of Richard W ilso n Online (design by Peter Thomas) with detail from Anton Raphael Mengs, Richard W ilso n, (1752, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, Cardiff)
Richard Wilson Online aims to update and assimilate the canonical catalogue raisonné of Wilson’s paintings by Professor W.G. Constable (1953) and Sir Brinsley Ford’s The Drawings of Richard Wilson (1951). There is also a section devoted to the prints after Wilson’s compositions, which were a crucial instrument in their public reception. Over the last six decades pictures have changed ownership while new works have emerged, especially in the light of the ground-breaking exhibition, Richard Wilson: The Landscape of Reaction, held in 1982-83. As many as possible of these works have been relocated, re-assessed and re-photographed. The range of institutions containing Wilsons in places as diverse as Australia, Japan and South Africa is documented by an interactive world map of works in public collections. Wilson connoisseurship – notoriously tricky – has been simplified
and enriched by the linking of related works and the inclusion of only those deemed authentic. Exhibitions dedicated to or containing works by Wilson have been recorded, allowing the user extensive access to the artist’s display history. Further links unite each picture with related biographies, publications and documents. There is also a direct link to the Centre’s W.G. Constable Archive. Richard Wilson Online is funded by the Paul Mellon Centre and the compiler is Dr Paul Spencer-Longhurst, Senior Research Fellow, with the collaboration of Professor David Solkin, curator of the 1982-83 exhibition, and of Kate Lowry, formerly Chief Conservator of Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales, and with the assistance of Maisoon Rehani and Peter Thomas. To access Richard Wilson Online from 23 October please visit:
The Paul Mellon Centre Staff Director of Studies: Mark Hallett Deputy Director of Studies: Martin Po stle Assistant Director for Finance and Administration: Sarah Ruddick Assistant Director for Research: Sarah Victo ria Turner Events Co-ordinator and Director’s Assistant: Ella Fleming Yale-in-London Coordinator: Nermin A bdulla Librarian: Emma Floyd Archivist and Records Manager: C harlotte Brunskill Archives and Library Assistant: Jenny Hill Archives and Library Assistant: Frankie Drummo nd Picture Research and Online Cataloguing: Maisoon Rehani Administrative Assistant: Lyndsey G herardi Fellowships and Grants Manager: Mar y Peskett Smith Editor Research Projects: G uilland Suther land Senior Research Fellows, Special Projects: Hugh Belsey, Elizabeth Einberg, A lex Kidson, Eric Shanes, Paul Spencer-Longhurst Advisory Council: Iwona Blazwick, A lixe Bovey, David Peters C orbett, Penelope C urtis, A nthony G eraghty, Michael Hatt, Nigel Llewellyn, Richard Marks, A ndrew Moore, A ndrew Saint, Shearer W est, A lison Y arrington Company Registered in England 983028 Registered Charity 313838
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