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Quick wins
with Information Sharing
OneDrive for Business
Recommended approach for information sharing When sharing information with others, it is important to identify how much information you would like to share with an individual or group. Access type
Site access
Applies to
Recommendation To share a collection of folders and documents contained in the one site, access permissions should be given for the whole site. The site level is the easiest way to manage access permissions. However, if you would like to keep certain information in the site private, folder access or document access should be utilised. To share a collection of documents contained in the one folder, access permissions should be given for the whole folder.
Folder access
Document access
However, if you would like to keep certain information in the folder private, we recommend reorganising your documents so that access permissions can be given for the folder. Otherwise, document access should be utilised. To share the one document, access permissions should be given for the document. However, document access permissions should only be used as a last resort when site access and folder access cannot be applied.
Default setting for information sharing When sharing a folder or document, the following is automatically selected for you. • People in Queensland Health with the link can edit • Allow editing Using these automatic selections will override the access permissions applied at a folder access or site access level.