The prophecy of the popes

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The Prophecy of the Popes (Latin: Prophetia Sancte Malachiae Archiepiscopi, de Summis Pontificibus) is a series of of 112 short, cryptic phrases in Latin which purport to predict the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few antipopes), beginning with Pope Celestine II. The alleged prophecies were first published by Benedictine monk Fra Arnold de Wyon in 1595. Wyon attributes the prophecies to Saint Malachy, the 12thcentury Irish Archbishop of Armagh. Given the very accurate description of popes up to 1590 and lack of accuracy after that year, academic historians generally conclude that the alleged prophecies were fabricated, written shortly before they were published. The current Bishop of Rome, Pope Benedict XVI, would correspond to the pope described in the penultimate prophecy. The list ends with a pope identified as "Peter the Roman", whose pontificate will allegedly bring the destruction of the city of Rome, the Catholic Church and usher the beginning of the Apocalypse.[1] The Roman Catholic Church denounces the alleged prophecies as both forgery,[2] shoehorning and manipulated postdiction,[3] noting the Biblical passage from the Parable of the Ten Virgins that no human nor angelic being knows the hour or time of the apocalypse,[4][5] while the topic continues to be a part of papal hysteria and conspiracy theories, often fueled by Anti-Catholic sentiments.[6][not in citation given (See discussion.)]

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1 History 2 Interpretation o 2.1 Petrus Romanus 3 Popes and corresponding mottos o 3.1 Popes and Antipopes 1143–1590 o 3.2 Popes 1590 to present 4 See also 5 Notes 6 References 7 External links

History The alleged prophecies were first published in 1595 by a Benedictine named Arnold de Wyon in his Lignum Vitæ, a history of the Benedictine order. Wyon attributed the

prophecies to Saint Malachy, the 12thcentury Archbishop of Armagh. He explained that the prophecies had not, to his knowledge, ever been printed before, but that many were eager to see them. Wyon includes both the alleged original prophecies, consisting of short, cryptic Latin phrases, as well as an interpretation applying the statements to historical popes up to Urban VII (pope for thirteen days in 1590), which Wyon attributes to Alphonsus Ciacconius.[7] According to the traditional account, Malachy was summoned to Rome in 1139 by Pope Innocent II to receive two wool palliums for the metropolitan sees of Armagh and Cashel. While in Rome, Malachy purportedly experienced a vision of future popes, which he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases. This manuscript was then deposited in the Vatican Secret Archives, and forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590, supposedly just in time for a papal conclave ongoing at the time.[8] Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a contemporary biographer of Malachy who recorded the saint's alleged miracles, makes no mention of the prophecies, nor are they mentioned in any record prior to their 1595 publication.[9] Several historians have concluded that the prophecies are a late 16thcentury forgery.[10] [11] Spanish monk and scholar Benito Jerónimo Feijóo y Montenegro wrote in his Teatro Crítico Universal (1724–1739), in an entry called Purported prophecies, that the high level of accuracy of the alleged prophecies up until the date they were published, compared with their high level of inaccuracy after that date, is evidence that they were created around the time of publication.[12] One theory to explain the creation of the prophecies, put forward by 17th century French priest and encyclopaedist Louis Moréri, among others, is that they were spread by supporters of Cardinal Girolamo Simoncelli in support of his bid to become pope during the 1590 conclave to replace Urban VII. In the prophecies, the pope following Urban VII is given the description "Ex antiquitate Urbis" ("from the old city"), and Simoncelli was from Orvieto, which in Latin is Urbevetanum, old city. The prophecies may, therefore, have been created in an attempt to demonstrate that Simoncelli was destined to be pope.[13] Simoncelli was not elected pope; Urban VII was succeeded by Pope Gregory XIV, born Niccolò Sfondrati.

Interpretation The interpretation of the prophecies for pre-publication popes provided by Wyon involves close correspondences between the mottos and the popes' birthplaces, family names, personal arms, and pre-papal titles. For example, the first motto, Ex castro Tiberis (from a castle on the Tiber), fits Pope Celestine II's birthplace in Città di Castello, on the Tiber. Efforts to connect the prophecies to historical popes who were elected after its publication have been more strained.[14][15][16] For example, Pope Clement XIII is referred to in a prophecy as Rosa Umbriae (the rose of Umbria), but was not from Umbria nor had any but the most marginal connection with the region, having been briefly pontifical governor of Rieti, at the time part of Umbria. Some writers note that among the post-publication (post-1595) predictions there remain 'some surprisingly appropriate phrases', while adding that 'it is of course easy to exagerate the list's accuracy by simply citing its successes', and that 'other tags do not fit so neatly'.[17] Among the reported 'successes' are 'Religion depopulated' for Benedict XV (1914-22) whose papacy included World War One and the atheistic communist Russian Revolution; 'Swift bear' for Clement XIV (1769-74), with a running bear in his coat of arms; 'Light in the sky' for Leo XIII (1878-1903), with a comet in his coat of arms; and 'Flower of flowers' for Paul VI (1963-78), with fleur-de-lys in his coat of arms.[18]

Petrus Romanus In recent times, some interpreters of prophetic literature have drawn attention to the prophecies due to their imminent conclusion; if the list of descriptions is matched on a one-to-one basis to the list of historic popes since the prophecies' publication, the currently retiring pope, Benedict XVI (2005-2013), would correspond to the second last of the papal descriptions, Gloria olivae (the glory of the olive).[19] The last prophecy predicts the Apocalypse. The longest and final motto reads: In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus, quibus transactis civitas septicollis diruetur, & judex tremedus judicabit populum suum. Finis. This may be translated into English as: In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop]. Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [i.e. Rome] will be destroyed, and the terrible judge will judge his people. The End. In the Lignum Vitae, the line In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. forms a separate sentence and paragraph of its own, and it is unclear whether it is grammatically related to Gloria olivae which precedes it, or to Petrus Romanus, which follows it. Several historians and interpreters of the prophecies note that they leave open the possibility of unlisted popes between "the glory of the olive" and the final pope, "Peter the Roman."[20][21]

Popes and corresponding mottos This section has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. This article may contain original research. This article needs additional citations for verification

This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's specific problem is: Too messy. Code needs expert cleaning This article appears to contain unverifiable claims. Information must be verifiable and based on Please remove unverified speculation from the article. The list can be divided into two groups; one of the 74 Popes and Antipopes who reigned prior to the appearance of the prophecies c. 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is consistently clear. The other is of the 38 Popes who have reigned since 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is often strained or totally opaque and could be viewed as shoehorning or postdiction.

Popes and Antipopes 1143–1590 This section may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (February 2013) The text on the silver lines below reproduces the original text (including punctuation and orthography) of the 1595 Lignum Vitae, which consisted of three parallel columns

for the Popes before 1590. The first column contained the motto, the second the name of the Pope or Antipope to whom it was attached (with occasional errors), and the third an attempted explanation or justification of the name. The original list was unnumbered. Pre-appearance Popes (1143–1590) Historical Regnal Pope Motto Reference or Name Name Coat of Arms No. (Translation) Explanation[citation (Reign) needed][original research?] Ex caſtro Tiberis.

Cœleſtinus. ij.

Typhernas. An inhabitant of Tifernum. Celestine Born in Città di 1. From a castle Guido de 165 II (1143– Castello (formerly of the Tiber Castello 1144) called TifernumTiberinum), on the banks of the Tiber.[22] Inimicus expulſus. Lucius. ij. De familia Caccianemica. Of the Caccianemici family. This motto refers to Gherardo Lucius II Gherardo 2. Enemy Caccianemici’s 166 (1144– Caccianemici expelled surname. In Italian, 1145) del Orso “Cacciare” means “to drive out” and “nemici” means “enemies”.[23][24] Patria Ethruſcus oppido Montis Ex magnitudine mõtis. Eugenius. iij. magni. Tuscan by nation, from the town of Eugene III Bernardo dei Montemagno. 3. From the great 167 (1145– Pagnelli di The motto refers to mountain 1153) Montemagno Pope Eugene’s birthplace, “Montemagno.”[25][26] Abbas Suburranus. Anaſtaſius. iiij. De familia Suburra. Anastasius 4. Abbot from Corrado di From the Suburra 168 IV (1153– Subbura Suburra family.[27][28] 1154) De rure albo. Adrianus. iiij. Vilis natus in oppido Sancti Albani. Humbly born in the town of St. Albans. Adrian IV Most likely a 5. From the white Nicholas 169 (1154– reference to his countryside Breakspear 1159) birthplace near St Albans, Hertfordshire.[29][30] Ex tetro carcere. Victor. iiij. Fuit Cardinalis S. Nicolai in carcere

Victor IV, 6. Out of a Antipope Ottaviano loathsome prison. (1159– Monticello 1164)

Tulliano. He was a cardinal of St. Nicholas in the Tullian prison. Victor IV may have held the title San Nicola in Carcere.[31] [32]

Guido Cremenſis Cardinalis S. Mariæ Tranſtiberim. Guido of Crema, Cardinal of St. Mary across the Tiber. Wyon reverses the names and order of Antipopes Callixtus Callixtus III (John of Struma) III, 7. Road across the Giovanni di and Paschal III Antipope Tiber. Strumi (Guido of Crema). (1168– Paschal, not 1178) Callixtus, was born Guido of Crema and held the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere, to which the motto applies.[33][34] Antipapa. Hungarus natione, De Pannonia Thuſciæ. Paſchalis. iij. [sic] Epiſcopus Card. Tuſculanus. Antipope. A Hungarian by birth, Cardinal Bishop of Paschal III, Tusculum. 8. From Tusculan Antipope Guido di As noted above, this Hungary. (1164– Crema motto applies not to 1168) Paschal III, but to Calixtus III, who was Hungarian.[35][36] Ex anſere cuſtode. Alexander. iij. De familia Paparona. Of the Paparoni family. This pope may have been from the Alexander Rolando (or Bandinella family, 9. From the 170 III (1159– Orlando) of which was guardian goose 1181) Siena afterwards known as the Paparona family, which featured a goose on its coat of arms. There is debate Via Tranſtiberina.

Calliſtus. iij. [sic]

Lux in oſtio. 171

10. A light in the door Sus in cribro.

172 11. Pig in a sieve

Enſis Laurentii.


12. The sword of Lawrence

De Schola exiet.[45] 174

13 He will come from school De rure bouenſi.


14. From cattle country Comes Signatus.

whether Alexander III was in fact of that family.[37][38] Lucius. iij. Lucenſis Card. Oſtienſis. A Luccan Cardinal Lucius III of Ostia. Ubaldo (1181– Wordplay on Allucingoli 1185) "Lucius" or "Lucca" and "Ostia".[39][40] Mediolanenſis, familia cribella, quæ Vrbanus. iij. Suem pro armis gerit. A Milanese, of the Cribella (Crivelli) family, which bears a Urban III pig for arms. Umberto (1185– His family name Crivelli 1187) Crivelli means "a sieve" in Italian; his arms included a sieve and two pigs.[41][42] Card. S. Laurentii in Lucina, cuius Gregorius. viij. inſignia enſes falcati. Cardinal of St. Lawrence in Lucina, of whom the arms Gregory were curved swords. Alberto De VIII Gregory VIII was Morra (1187) Cardinal of St. Lawrence and his arms featured crossed swords.[43][44] Clemens. iij. Romanus, domo Scholari. A Roman, of the Clement house of Scolari. III (1187– Paolo Scolari His family name was 1191) Scolari. Cœleſtinus. iij. Familia Bouenſi. Bovensis (Bobone) family. Celestine Giacinto He was from the III (1191– Bobone Bobone family; a 1198) wordplay on cattle (boves). Innocentius. iij. Familia Comitum Signiæ.


15. Designated count

Innocent Lotario dei III (1198– Conti di 1216) Segni

Canonicus de latere.

Honorius. iij.

16. Canon from the side

Honorius Cencio III (1216– Savelli 1227)


Family of the Counts of Signia (Segni) Descendant of the Segni family. Familia Sabella, Canonicus S. Ioannis Lateranensis. Savelli family, canon of St. John Lateran He was a canon for the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, and had served as papal chamberlain in 1188. [46]

Auis Oſtienſis.

Gregorius. ix.

Gregory Ugolino dei 178 17. Bird of Ostia IX (1227– Conti di 1241) Segni

Leo Sabinus.

179 18. Sabine Lion

Comes Laurentius.

Cœleſtinus iiij.

Celestine Goffredo IV (1241) Castiglioni

Innocentius iiij.

Familia Comitum Signiæ Epiſcopus Card. Oſtienſis. Family of the Counts of Segni, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia. Before his election to the papacy, Ugolino dei Conti was the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, and the family coat of arms bear a bird on a gules background.[47] Mediolanenſis, cuius inſignia Leo, Epiſcopus Card. Sabinus. A Milanese, whose arms were a lion, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina. He was Cardinal Bishop of Sabina[48] and his armorial bearing had a lion in it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope's last name, Castiglioni. domo flisca, Comes Lauaniæ, Cardinalis S. Laurentii in Lucina.

Of the house of Flisca (Fieschi), Count of Lavagna, Cardinal of St. Innocent Lawrence in Lucina. 19. Count Sinibaldo 180 IV (1243– He was the CardinalLawrence Fieschi 1254) Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucca,[49] and his father was the Count of Lavagna.[50] De comitibus Signiæ, Epiſcopus Signum Oſtienſe. Alexander iiij. Card. Oſtienſis. Of the counts of Segni, Cardinal Alexander Renaldo dei Bishop of Ostia. 181 20. Sign of Ostia IV (1254– Signori di He was Cardinal 1261) Ienne Bishop of Ostia and member of the ContiSegni family.[51] Gallus, Trecenſis in Campania, Hieruſalem Campanię. Vrbanus iiii. Patriarcha Hieruſalem. A Frenchman, of Trecae (Troyes) in Champagne, Urban IV Patriarch of 21. Jerusalem of Jacques 182 (1261– Jerusalem. Champagne Pantaleon 1264) Native of Troyes, Champagne, later patriarch of Jerusalem.[52] cuius inſignia Aquila vnguibus Draco depreſſus. Clemens iiii. Draconem tenens. Whose badge is an eagle holding a Clement 22. Dragon Guido dragon in his talons. 183 IV (1265– pressed down Fulcodi His coat of arms had 1268) an eagle crushing a dragon. Mediolanenſis, Familia vicecomitum, Anguinus uir. Gregorius. x. quæ anguẽ pro inſigni gerit. A Milanese, of the family of Viscounts (Visconti), which Gregory X Tebaldo bears a snake for 184 23. Snaky man (1271– Visconti arms. 1276) The Visconti coat of arms had a large serpent devouring a

male child feet first. [53]

Concionator Gallus.

Innocentius. v.

Gallus, ordinis Prædicatorum. A Frenchman, of the Order of Preachers. He was born in 24. French Innocent Pierre de 185 south-eastern France Preacher V (1276) Tarentaise and was a member of the order of Preachers.[54] Ottobonus familia Fliſca ex comitibus Bonus Comes. Adrianus. v. Lauaniæ. Ottobono, of the Fieschi family, from the counts of 25. Good Adrian V Ottobono Lavagna. 186 Count/companion (1276) Fieschi He was a count and a wordplay on "good" can be made with his name, Ottobono. antea Ioannes Petrus Epiſcopus Card. Piſcator Thuſcus. Ioannes. xxi. Tuſculanus. Formerly John Peter, Cardinal Bishop of John XXI 26. Tuscan Tusculum. 187 (1276– Pedro Julião Fisherman John XXI had been 1277) the Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.[55] Familia Vrſina, quæ roſam in inſigni Roſa compoſita. Nicolaus. iii. gerit, dictus compoſitus. Of the Ursina (Orsini) family, Nicholas Giovanni which bears a rose 27. Composite 188 III (1277– Gaetano on its arms, called Rose 1280) Orsini 'composite'. He bore a rose in his coat of arms.[56] Ex teloneo liliacei cuius inſignia lilia, canonicus, & Martinus. iiii. Martini. theſaurarius S. Martini Turonen[sis]. Whose arms were lilies, canon and treasurer of St. 28. From the Martin IV Simone de Martin of Tours. 189 tollhouse of lilied (1281– Brion He was Canon and Martin 1285) Treasurer at the Church of St. Martin in Tours, France. Familia Sabella inſignia roſa à Ex roſa leonina. Honorius. iiii. leonibus geſtata.


29. Out of the leonine rose

Picus inter eſcas. 30. Woodpecker 191 between food Ex eremo celſus.

Honorius Giacomo IV (1285– Savelli 1287)

Nicolaus. iiii. Nicholas Girolamo IV (1288– Masci 1292) Cœleſtinus. v.

St. 31. Raised out of Pietro Di 192 Celestine the desert Murrone V (1294)

Bonifacius. viii.

32. From the 193 blessing of the waves

Concionator patereus. [sic]


33. Preacher From Patara

Boniface VIII (1294– 1303)

Benedetto Caetani

Benedictus. xi. Benedict Nicholas XI (1303– Boccasini 1304)

Of the Sabella (Savelli) family, arms were a rose carried by lions. His coat of arms were emblazoned with two lions supporting a rose.[56] Picenus patria Eſculanus.[57] A Picene by nation, of Asculum (Ascoli). He was from Ascoli, now called Ascoli Piceno, in Picene country. Vocatus Petrus de morrone Eremita. Called Peter de Morrone, a hermit. Prior to his election he was a hermit (eremita, literally a dweller in the eremus, or desert). Also a play on words (celsus/Coelestinus), referring to the pope's chosen name Celestine. Vocatus prius Benedictus, Caetanus, cuius inſignia undæ. Previously called Benedict, of Gaeta, whose arms were waves. His coat of arms had a wave through it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope's Christian name, "Benedetto."[56] qui uocabatur Frater Nicolaus, ordinis Prædicatorum. Who was called Brother Nicholas, of the order of Preachers. This Pope belonged to the Order of

De feſſis aquitanicis.

34. From the 195 misfortunes/fesse s of Aquitaine

De ſutore oſſeo.


35. From a bony cobbler

Coruus ſchiſmaticus.

36. Schismatic crow

Preachers. Patara was the hometown of Saint Nicholas, a namesake of this Pope (born Nicholas Boccasini).[58] natione aquitanus, cuius inſignia feſſæ Clemens V. erant. An Aquitanian by birth, whose arms were fesses. He was a native of St. Bertrand de Comminges in Clement V Aquitaine, and Bertrand de (1305– eventually became Got 1314) Archbishop of Bordeaux, also in Aquitaine. His coat of arms displays three horizontal bars, known in heraldry as fesses. Ioannes XXII. Gallus, familia Oſſa, Sutoris filius. A Frenchman, of the Ossa family, son of a cobbler. His family name was Duèze, D'Euze, John XXII D'Euzes, or Euse, the Jacques (1316– last of which might Duese 1334) be back-translated into Latin as Ossa "bones". The popular legend that his father was a cobbler is probably untrue. qui uocabatur F. Petrus de corbario, Nicolaus V. contra Ioannem XXII. Antipapa Minorita. Who was called Brother Peter of Nicholas Corbarium V, Pietro (Corvaro), the Antipope Rainalducci Minorite antipope (1328– di Corvaro opposing John XXII. 1330) The motto is a play on words, referring to Pietro di Corvaro's

last name. Frigidus Abbas. Benedictus XII. Abbas Monaſterii fontis frigidi. Abbot of the monastery of the Benedict cold spring. Jacques 197 37. Cold abbot XII (1334– He was an abbot in Fournier 1342) the monastery of Fontfroide ("cold spring").[59] Epiſcopus Attrebatenſis, cuius De roſa Attrebatenſi. Clemens VI. inſignia Roſæ. Bishop of Arras, whose arms were roses. He was Bishop of Clement 38. From the rose Arras, (Latin: 198 VI (1342– Pierre Roger of Arras Episcopus 1352) Atrebatensis),[60] and his armorial bearings were emblazoned with six roses.[61] Cardinalis SS. Ioannis & Pauli. T. De mõtibus Pãmachii. Innocentius VI. Panmachii, cuius inſignia ſex montes erant. Cardinal of Saints John and Paul, Titulus of Pammachius, whose arms were six mountains. Pope Innocent was born at Mont in the 39. From the Innocent diocese of Limoges, Etienne 199 mountains of VI (1352– France, and he rose Aubert Pammachius 1362) to prominence as the Bishop of Clermont. [62] He had been a cardinal priest with the title of St. Pammachius (i.e., the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome)[63] nuncius Apoſtolicus ad Vicecomites Gallus Vicecomes. Vrbanus V. Mediolanenſes.


40. French viscount

Nouus de uirgine forti.

41. New man 201 from the strong virgin

Decruce Apoſtolica. [sic]

42. From the apostolic cross

Luna Coſmedina.

43. Cosmedine moon.

Urban V (1362– 1370)

Apostolic nuncio to the Viscounts of Guglielmo Milan. De Grimoard He was born of a noble French family.

qui uocabatur Petrus Belfortis, Cardinalis S. Mariæ nouæ. Who was called Peter Belfortis (Beaufort), Cardinal Gregory Pierre Roger of New St. Mary's. XI (1370– de Beaufort From the Beaufort 1378) family and Cardinal of Santa Maria Nuova[64] qui fuit Preſbyter Cardinalis SS. XII. Clemens VII. Apoſtolorũ cuius inſignia Crux. Who was Cardinal Clement Priest of the Twelve VII, Robert, Holy Apostles, whose Antipope Count of arms were a cross. (1378– Geneva His coat of arms 1394) showed a cross, quarterly pierced.[65] antea Petrus de Luna, Diaconus Benedictus XIII. Cardinalis S. Mariæ in Coſmedin. Formerly Peter de Luna, Cardinal Benedict Deacon of St. Mary XIII, in Cosmedin. Antipope Peter de Luna He was the famous (1394– Peter de Luna, 1423) Cardinal of Santa Maria in Cosmedin. Gregorius XI.


Schiſma Barchinoniũ.

Clemens VIII.

Clement VIII, 44. Schism of the Antipope Barcelonas (1423– 1429) De inferno prægnãti.

Antipapa, qui fuit Canonicus Barchinonenſis.

Antipope, who was a Gil Sanchez canon of Barcelona. Muñoz [67]

Vrbanus VI.

Neapolitanus Pregnanus, natus in loco quæ dicitur Infernus.


45. From a pregnant hell.

Cubus de mixtione.


46. Cube from a mixture

Urban VI Bartolomeo (1378– Prignano 1389)

Bonifacius. IX.

Boniface Pietro IX (1389– Tomacelli 1404)

The Neapolitan Prignano, born in a place which is called Inferno. His family name was Prignano or Prignani, and he was native to a place called Inferno near Naples.[68] familia tomacella à Genua Liguriæ orta, cuius inſignia Cubi. Of the Tomacelli family, born in Genoa in Liguria, whose arms were cubes. His coat of arms includes a bend checky — a wide stripe with a checkerboard pattern. [61]

De meliore ſydere.


Innocentius. VII.

Innocent 47. From a better Cosmo VII (1404– star Migliorati 1406)

Nauta de Ponte nigro.

Gregorius XII.

Gregory 48. Sailor from a Angelo 205 XII (1406– black bridge Correr 1415)

uocatus Coſmatus de melioratis Sulmonenſis, cuius inſignia ſydus. Called Cosmato dei Migliorati of Sulmo, whose arms were a star. The prophecy is a play on words, "better" (melior) referring to the pope's last name, Migliorati (Meliorati). There is a shooting star on his coat of arms.[61] Venetus, commendatarius eccleſiæ Nigropontis. A Venetian, commendatary of the church of Negroponte. Was Bishop of Venice and the Bishop of Chalcice, Chalcice being located on the Isle of Negropont

Flagellum ſolis.

49. Whip of the sun

Ceruus Sirenæ.

50. Stag of the siren

Corona ueli aurei.


Alexander. V.

Alexander V, Petros Antipope Philarges (1409– 1410)

Ioannes XXIII.

John XXIII, Antipope (1410– 1415)

Baldassarre Cossa

Martinus V.

Martin V 51. Crown of the Oddone (1417– golden curtain Colonna 1431)

Græcus Archiepiſcopus Mediolanenſis, inſignia Sol. A Greek, Archbishop of Milan, whose arms were a sun. His coat of arms had a large sun on it. Also, a play on words, referring to the pope's last name, "Philarges."[69] Diaconus Cardinalis S. Euſtachii, qui cum ceruo depingitur, Bononiæ legatus, Neapolitanus. Cardinal Deacon of St. Eustace, who is depicted with a stag; legate of Bologna, a Neapolitan. Baldassarre Cossa was a cardinal with the title of St. Eustachius.[70] St. Eustachius converted to Christianity after he saw a stag with a cross between its horns. Baldassarre's family was originally from Naples, which has the emblem of the siren. familia colonna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Georgii ad uelum aureum. Of the Colonna family, Cardinal Deacon of St. George at the golden curtain. Oddone Colonna was the Cardinal Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro.[71] The word "Velabrum" is here interpreted as derived from "velum aureum", or golden veil.[72] His coat of arms had a golden crown resting atop a

column.[73] Venetus, canonicus antea regularis Lupa Cœleſtina, Eugenius. IIII. Cœleſtinus, & Epiſcopus Senẽſis. A Venetian, formerly a regular Celestine canon, and Bishop of Siena. Eugene IV 52. Heavenly sheGabriele He belonged to the 207 (1431– wolf Condulmaro order of the 1447) Celestines and was the Bishop of Siena which bears a shewolf on its arms. qui uocabatur Amadæus Dux Amator Crucis. Felix. V. Sabaudiæ, inſignia Crux. Who was called Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, arms were a cross. He was previously Felix V, the count of Savoy Amadeus 53. Lover of the Antipope and therefore his coat Duke of cross (1439– of arms contained the Savoy 1449) cross of Savoy.[74] Also, the prophecy is a play on words, referring to the antipope's Christian name, "Amadeus." Lunenſis de Sarzana, humilibus De modicitate Lunæ. Nicolaus V. parentibus natus. A Lunese of Sarzana, born to humble parents. Nicholas V 54. From the Tommaso He was born in 208 (1447– meanness of Luna Parentucelli Sarzana in the 1455) diocese of Luni, the ancient name of which was Luna. Bos paſcens. Calliſtus. III. Hiſpanus, cuius inſignia Bos paſcens. A Spaniard, whose arms were a Callixtus Alfonso pasturing ox. 209 55. Pasturing ox III (1455– Borja Alonso Borgia's coat 1458) of arms had a grazing ox.[73] Senenſis, qui fuit à Secretis De Capra & Albergo. Pius. II. Cardinalibus Capranico & Albergato.

56. From a 210 nanny-goat and an inn

Pius II (1458– 1464)

Enea Silvio de Piccolomini

De Ceruo & Leone.


57. From a stag and lion

Piſcator minorita.

58. Minorite 212 fisherman

Præcurſor Siciliæ.

Paulus. II.

Paul II (1464– 1471)

Pietro Barbo

Sixtus. IIII.

Sixtus IV Francesco (1471– Della Rovere 1484)

Innocentius VIII.

Innocent 59. Forerunner of VIII 213 Sicily (1484– 1492)

Giovanni Battista Cibò

A Sienese, who was secretary to Cardinals Capranicus and Albergatus. He had been secretary to Cardinal Domenico Capranica and Cardinal Albergatti before he was elected Pope.[75] Venetus, qui fuit Commendatarius eccleſiæ Ceruienſis, & Cardinalis tituli S. Marci. A Venetian, who was Commendatary of the church of Cervia, and Cardinal of the title of St. Mark. Possibly refers to his Bishopric of Cervia (punning on cervus, "a stag") and his Cardinal title of St. Mark (symbolized by a winged lion).[76] Piſcatoris filius, Franciſcanus. Son of a fisherman, Franciscan. He was born the son of a fisherman and a member of the Franciscans, also known as "Minorites". qui uocabatur Ioãnes Baptiſta, & uixit in curia Alfonſi regis Siciliæ. Who was called John Baptist, and lived in the court of Alfonso, king of Sicily. Giovanni Battista Cibò was named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ. In his early years, Giovanni served as the Bishop of Molfetta in Sicily.


Bos Albanus in portu.


60. Bull of Alba in the harbor

De paruo homine.


61. From a small man

Fructus Iouis iuuabit.


62. The fruit of Jupiter will help

De craticula Politiana.


63. From a Politian gridiron

Epiſcopus Cardinalis Albanus & Portuenſis, cuius inſignia Bos. Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto, whose arms were a bull. In 1456, he was Alexander made a Cardinal and Rodrigo de VI (1492– he held the titles of Borgia 1503) Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto. [78] Also, Pope Alexander had a red bull on his coat of arms[79] Pius. III. Senenſis, familia piccolominea. A Sienese, of the Piccolomini family. Francesco Pius III His family name was Todeschini (1503) Piccolomini, from Piccolomini piccolo "small" and uomo "man". Ligur, eius inſignia Quercus, Iouis Iulius. II. arbor. A Genoese, his arms were an oak, Jupiter's tree. On his arms was an Julius II oak tree, which was Giuliano (1503– sacred to Jupiter.[79] Della Rovere 1513) Pope Julius' family name, "Della Rovere," literally means "of the oak."[80] filius Laurentii medicei, & ſcholaris Leo. X. Angeli Politiani. Son of Lorenzo de' Medici, and student of Angelo Poliziano. His educator and Leo X mentor was the Giovanni de (1513– distinguished Medici 1521) humanist and scholar, Angelo Poliziano. The “Gridiron” is the motto evidently Alexander VI.

refers to St. Lawrence, who was martyred on a gridiron. This is a rather elliptical allusion to Lorenzo the Magnificent, who was Giovanni’s father.[81] Leo Florentius. Adrian. VI. Florẽtii filius, eius inſignia Leo. Son of Florentius, his arms were a lion. His coat of arms had two lions on it,[79] and Adrian VI Adriaen 64. Florentian his name is 218 (1522– Florenszoon lion sometimes given as 1523) Boeyens Adriaan Florens, or other variants, from his father's first name Florens (Florentius). Florentinus de domo medicea, eius Flos pilei ægri. Clemens. VII. inſignia pila, & lilia. A Florentine of the Medicean house, his arms were pill-balls and lilies. The Medici coat of Clement arms were 65. Flower of the Giulio de 219 VII (1523– emblazoned with six sick man's pill[82] Medici 1534) medical balls. One of these balls, the largest of the six, was emblazoned with the Florentine lily.[79] Farneſius, qui lilia pro inſignibus Hiacinthus medicorũ. Paulus. III. geſtat, & Card. fuit SS. Coſme, & Damiani. Farnese, who bore lilies for arms, and was Cardinal of Paul III 66. Hyacinth of Alessandro Saints Cosmas and 220 (1534– the physicians Farnese Damian. 1549) Pope Paul's coat of arms were charged with six hyacinths.[79] antea uocatus Ioannes Maria de De corona montana. Iulius. III. monte.

67. From the 221 mountainous crown

Frumentum flocidum. [sic]

222 68. Trifling grain

De fide Petri.


69. From Peter's faith

Eſculapii pharmacum.


70. Aesculapius' medicine

Angelus nemoroſus.


71. Angel of the grove

Medium corpus pilarũ.

Formerly called Giovanni Maria of the Mountain (de Giovanni Julius III Monte) Maria (1550– His coat of arms Ciocchi del 1555) showed mountains Monte and palm branches laid out in a pattern much like a crown.[79] cuius inſignia ceruus & frumẽtum, Marcellus. II. ideo floccidum, quod pauco tempore uixit in papatu. Whose arms were a stag and grain; 'trifling', because he Marcellus Marcello lived only a short II (1555) Cervini time as pope. His coat of arms showed a stag and ears of wheat.[79] Paulus. IIII. antea uocatus Ioannes Petrus Caraffa. Formerly called John Peter Caraffa. Paul IV Giovanni He is said to have (1555– Pietro Caraffa used his second 1559) Christian name Pietro. Pius. IIII. antea dictus Io. Angelus Medices. Pius IV (1559– 1565)

Giovanni Angelo de Medici Pius. V.

St. Pius V Antonio (1566– Michele 1572) Ghisleri

Gregorius. XIII.

Formerly called Giovanni Angelo Medici. His family name was Medici. Michael uocatus, natus in oppido Boſchi. Called Michael, born in the town of Bosco. He was born in Bosco, (Lombardy); the placename means grove. His name was 'Antonio Michele Ghisleri', and Michele relates to the archangel. cuius inſignia medius Draco, Cardinalis creatus à Pio. IIII. qui pila

in armis geſtabat. Whose arms were a half-dragon; a Cardinal created by Pius IV who bore balls in his arms. Gregory The "balls" in the 72. Half body of XIII Ugo motto refer to Pope 226 the balls (1572– Boncompagni Pius IV, who had 1585) made Gregory a cardinal. Pope Gregory had a dragon on his coat of arms with half a body.[79] qui axem in medio Leonis in armis Axis in medietate ſigni. Sixtus. V. geſtat. Who bears in his arms an axle in the middle of a lion. Sixtus V 73. Axle in the This is a rather 227 (1585– Felice Peretti midst of a sign. straightforward 1590) description of the pope's coat of arms. [79]

De rore cœli.


Vrbanus. VII.

Giovanni 74. From the dew Urban VII Battista of the sky (1590) Castagna

qui fuit Archiepiſcopus Roſſanenſis in Calabria, ubi mãna colligitur. Who was Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria, where manna is collected. He had been Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria where sap called "the dew of heaven" is gathered from trees. [83]

Popes 1590 to present This article may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (February 2013) For this group of Popes, the published text only provides names for the first three (i.e., those who were Popes between the appearance of the text in 1590, and its publication in 1595) and attempts no explanations. Post-appearance Popes (1590–present) Pope Motto Regnal Name Interpretations and Coat of Arms



Ex antiquitate Vrbis.

Name (Reign) Gregorius. XIIII.

Gregory 75 Of the XIV 229 antiquity of the (1590– city 1591) Pia ciuitas in bello.

Niccolo Sfondrati


77 Cross of Romulus

[citation needed]

His father was a senator of the ancient city of Milan. The word "senator" is derived from the Latin senex, meaning old man.[original research?]

Innocentius. IX.

Giovanni 76 Pious Innocent 230 Antonio citizens in war IX (1591) Facchinetti Crux Romulea.

Criticisms[original research?]

He was Patriarch of Jerusalem before succeeding to the Papacy.[original research?]

Clemens. VIII. Clement VIII (1592– 1605)

He had been a cardinal with the title of Saint Ippolito Pancratius, who was a Aldobrandini Roman martyr.[84][85] [original research?]

Vndoſus uir.

232 78 Wavy man

Leo XI (1605)

He had been the Bishop of Palestrina. [86] The ancient Alessandro Romans attributed the Ottaviano De origins of Palestrina to Medici the seafaring hero Ulysses.[87] Also, he had only reigned for 27 days.[original research?]

Gens peruerſa.

79 Corrupted 233 nation

Paul V (1605– 1621)

Camillo Borghese

Pope Paul scandalised the Church when he appointed his nephew to the College of Cardinals. The word "nepotism" may have originated during this pope's reign.[88][original research?]

In tribulatione pacis.

Gregory 80 In the Alessandro 234 XV (1621– trouble of peace Ludovisi 1623)

His reign corresponded with the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War.[original research?]

Lilium et roſa. 81 Lily and 235 rose

Urban VIII (1623– 1644)

Maffeo Barberini

He was a native of Florence, which has a red lily on its coat of arms.[89][original research?]

Iucunditas crucis.

82 Delight of 236 the cross

Innocent Giovanni X (1644– Battista 1655) Pamphili

He was raised to the pontificate around the time of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross after a long and difficult conclave. [original research?]

Montium cuſtos. Alexander 83 Guard of the 237 VII (1655– Fabio Chigi mountains 1667)

His family arms include six hills with a star above them.[90] [original research?]

Sydus olorum.

84 Star of the 238 swans

Clement Giulio IX (1667– Rospigliosi 1669)

The "star" in the legend refers Pope Alexander VII, who had made Clement his personal secretary.[90] The Italian word for swan, cigni, rhymes with Pope Alexander's surname, "Chigi."[original research?]

De flumine magno.


Clement X Pope Clement was a 85 From a great (1670– Emilio Altieri native of Rome.[original river research?] 1676)

Bellua inſatiabilis.

86 Insatiable 240 beast

Innocent Benedetto XI (1676– Odescalchi 1689)

Pope Innocent had a lion on his coat of arms.[90][original research?]

Alexander VIII Pietro (1689– Ottoboni 1691)

His first name was "Pietro", after the apostle Peter who had repented after having denied Christ thrice.

Pœnitentia glorioſa.


87 Glorious penitence

[original research?]

Raſtrum in porta. His full name was Antonio Pignatelli del Innocent Antonio 88 Rake in the Rastrello.[91] 242 XII (1691– Pignatelli del door "Rastrello" in Italian 1700) Rastrello means "rake."[original research?]

Flores circundati. Clement Giovanni 89 Surrounded 243 XI (1700– Francesco flowers 1721) Albani

He had been a cardinal with the title of Santa Maria in Aquiro.[92] [original research?]

De bona religione. Innocent 90 From good XIII 244 religion (1721– 1724)

A play on words, referring to the pope's regnal name. He was Michelangelo from the famous Conti dei Conti family that had produced several Popes.[original research?]

Miles in bello.

91 Soldier in 245 War

Benedict XIII (1724– 1730)

Pietro Francesco Orsini

Before he was pope there was a lot of wars in nearby countries, and it is possible he could have fought in one as a soldier.[original research?]

Columna excelſa.

92 Lofty 246 column

Clement Lorenzo XII (1730– Corsini 1740)

When still a cardinal, he had held the titular church of St Peter in Chains.[93] The name "Peter" is derived from the Greek word "petros," meaning "rock." Clement was a frustrated architect who ordered, and sometimes interfered with, the building of many churches. He managed to salvage two columns of the Parthenon for his chapel at Mantua. [original research?]

Animal rurale.


93 Country animal

Benedict XIV (1740– 1758)

Marcello Lambertini

Might be a play on words because of his famous laws about missions in the two papal bulls'‘.[original research?]

Roſa Vmbriæ.


94 Rose of Umbria

Clement XIII (1758– 1769)

Carlo Rezzonico

He had been a cardinal with the titular church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.[94] In mystical circles, the Virgin Mary is represented by a rose. [original research?]

Vrſus uelox. 95 Swift bear 249

(later misprinted as Clement Cursus velox Swift XIV Course or Visus (1769– velox Swift 1774) Glance)

Lorenzo Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli

The Ganganelli family crest bore a running bear.[95]

Peregrin9 apoſtolic9.[96]


96 Apostolic pilgrim

Pius VI (1775– 1799)

Giovanni Angelico Braschi

Spent the last two years of his life in exile, a prisoner of the French Revolution. [original research?]

Aquila rapax.


97 Rapacious eagle

Pius VII (1800– 1823)

The Pope's pontificate was overshadowed by Barnaba Napoleon, whose Chiaramonti emblem was the eagle. [original research?]

Canis & coluber.

98 Dog and 252 adder

Leo XII (1823– 1829)

Annibale Sermattei della Genga

"Dog" and "snake" are common insults, and Leo was widely hated[citation needed]. The legend could be an allusion to the pope's last name, Sermattei. "Serpente" is the Italian word for snake. [original research?]

Vir religioſus.


99 Religious man

Pius VIII Francesco (1829– Saverio 1830) Castiglioni

Another play on words, referring to the pope's regnal name. [original research?]

De balneis Ethruriæ.

100 From the 254 baths of Tuscany

Gregory XVI (1831– 1846)

Mauro, or Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari

Pope Gregory XVI belonged to the Camaldolese Order, which is said to have begun with two monastic houses. The first of these houses was Campus Maldoli, and the second was Fonte Buono, meaning "good fountain" in Italian.[97][original research?]

Crux de cruce. During his pontificate, the House of Savoy, whose coat of arms is a white cross on a red Bl. Pius IX Giovanni 101 Cross from background, reunited 255 (1846– Maria Mastai cross Italy and stripped the 1878) Ferretti pope of his territorial possessions. Pope Pius XII, commenting on the beatification

process of Pius IX, used the words per crucem ad lucem (through the cross to light). Pius IX was finally beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000.[original research?] Lumen in cœlo. Leo XIII 102 Light in the 256 (1878– sky 1903)

Gioacchino Pecci

His coat of arms had a shooting star.[98]

Ignis ardens.


103 Burning fire

St. Pius X Giuseppe (1903– Sarto 1914)

Pius advocated the codification of Canon law, daily communion and the use of Gregorian chant in the Catholic liturgy, and was an opponent of Modernism. He was the first pope to be declared a saint in over 400 years, the previous one being Pope Pius V.[original research?]

Religio depopulata.


104 Religion destroyed

Fides intrepida.

Reigned during, but had no influence to stop, World War I. This unprecedented period of violence was mainly fought Benedict Giacomo between the Christian XV (1914– Della Chiesa powers of Europe, 1922) destroying empires which had lasted centuries and began the worldwide spread of atheistic Communism.[99]


105 Intrepid faith

Pius XI (1922– 1939)

Established Vatican City as a sovereign Achille Ratti country with the papal office as head of state. [original research?]

Paſtor angelicus.


106 Angelic shepherd

Ven. Pius Eugenio XII (1939– Pacelli 1958)

Reigning during World War II, he is reported to have covertly helped many Jews escape extermination in the Holocaust, though his role continues to be fiercely debated. Said to have received visions,[citation needed] some of which have yet to be revealed. [citation needed][original research?]

Paſtor & nauta.


Bl. John XXIII (1958– 1963)

Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli

Patriarch of Venice, a maritime city (and a fomer naval power), from 1953 until 1958 when he was elected Pope.

Paul VI 108 Flower of (1963– flowers 1978)

Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini

His coat of arms featured three fleursde-lis.[100]

107 Shepherd and sailor

Flos florum.


De medietate lunæ. 109 From the 263 midst of the moon De labore solis.

John Paul Albino I (1978) Luciani

His month-long reign began with the moon half-full.

110 From the 264 labour of the sun

Bl. John Paul II (1978– 2005)

Born (18 May 1920) on the day of a solar eclipse[101][102][103] and entombed (Friday 8 April 2005) on the day of a solar eclipse.[104] Several writers, both skeptics and others,[105] [103] mention that 'labor solis' is also Latin for a solar eclipse. Skeptic Tony Allan doesn't Karol Wojtyła mention the eclipses, but says that attempts to find a connection between 'from the labour of the sun' and John Paul II 'by pointing out that he came from Krakow, the birthplace of Copernicus, who first expounded the Earth's solar orbit, seem forced.' [106]

Gloria olivæ.

111 Glory of 265 the olive.

Benedict XVI (2005– 2013)

Joseph Ratzinger

Chose the regnal name Benedict after Saint Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictine Order. Theorists claim that the Olivetan order, which follow the rule of Saint Benedict alludes to a relationship with Pope Benedict XVI who is personally unaffiliated with the Olivetans. [original research?]

In ꝑſecutione extrema S.R.E. ſedebit. In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.[107] Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus tranſactis ciuitas ſepticollis diruetur, & Iudex tremẽdus iudicabit populum ſuum.[108] Finis. 112 Peter the The Catholic To be Roman, who Encyclopedia, an decided Unknown will nourish the independent American (2013–) sheep in many research company, has

tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end.

said that, even if the prophecy is genuine, which it doubts, there may still be many Popes between Peter the Roman and his predecessor on this list.[109] Common candidates proposed by theorists due to the nature of their names are: Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro Bertone (Italy) and Peter Turkson (Ghana)

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