Gallery russia paul scott summer catalog web

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(cover) Aleksandr Reznichenko • Evening Melody • 35 3/8" x 31 1/2" • oil (above, top left, clockwise) Ruslan Ivashenko • Pines • 24 5/8" x 28 1/4" • oil Ruslan Ivashenko • Autumn by the Sea • 25 1/8" x 29 1/4" • oil Ruslan Ivashenko • Red Umbrellas • 19 5/8" x 27 1/2" • oil Ruslan Ivashenko • Summer in Vilkovo • 39 3/4" x 37 3/4" • oil

Kateryna Poltavskaya • Ballerina • 33 1/2" x 29 1/2" • oil



(top) Tuman Zhumabaev • Sunflowers in the Field • 16" x 27 1/2" • oil (bottom, left to right) France Jodoin • A Print of Vermillion Foot and More I Cannot Tell • 40" x 40" • oil France Jodoin • On the Hill, On the Other Side, a Storm • 36" x 48" • oil

(top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Calm Evening • 8" x 15 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Walking in Rome • 8" x 15 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Evening in the Port • 8" x 15 3/4" • oil



(top to bottom) Igor Shipilin • Lighthouse • 23 5/8" x 31 1/2" • oil Igor Shipilin • Guelder Rose in December • 23 5/8" x 27 1/2" • oil (right page) Aleksandr Reznichenko • Alley • 59" x 45 1/4" • oil



(top to bottom) Sergei Skripitsyn • Portrait of a Woman • 47 1/4" x 35 3/8" • oil Sergei Skripitsyn • Night • 23 5/8" x 31 1/2" • oil

(cover) Courtyard Tunes • 31 1/8" x 28" • oil

(right page, top to bottom) Artem Tolstukhin • Chernigoriya • 37 1/2" x 41 1/4" • oil Artem Tolstukhin • Summer Dream • 39 3/8" x 39 3/8" • oil



(top left, clockwise) Julee M. Hutchison • Well Rehearsed • 12" x 8" • oil Julee M. Hutchison • The Festivities Begin • 12" x 12" • oil Julee M. Hutchison • Patissier • 12" x 7" • oil Julee M. Hutchison • The Wait • 11" x 14" • oil

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(top to bottom) John Maxon • Songbird • 48" x 48" • oil John Maxon • Coastal Fields • 48" x 48" • oil

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(top to bottom) Tatyana Konnocheva • Symphony of Flowers • 39" x 46 3/4" • oil Marina Bodrina • Golden Prague • 39 3/8" x 39 3/8" • oil

(left column, top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Secrets of Scrambled Eggs • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Evening Browsing • 8" x 10" • oil Daniil Volkov • Good Company • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Morning in the Port • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil (right, top to bottom) Denis Sarazhin • Storm Cloud • 30" x 23 5/8" • oil Victoria Kalaichi • Afternoon Tea • 35" x 35" • oil

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Aleksandr Reznichenko • Lullaby • 39 3/8" x 39 3/8" • oil

Aleksandr Reznichenko • Violet Forest • 39 3/8" x 35 1/2" • oil

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(left page, top to bottom) Ruslan Ivashenko • Side Street • 39 1/4" x 31 1/4" • oil Aleksander Britsev • Pangur and Nell • 19 5/8" x 27 1/2" • oil (above, top to bottom) Ruslan Ivashenko • At the Beach • 23 1/2" x 31 1/2" • oil Ruslan Ivashenko • Poppies • 31 3/8" x 39 1/2" • oil

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(top to bottom) Roman Konstantinov • Morning Silence • 27 1/2" x 29 1/2" • oil Roman Konstantinov • Morning in Prague • 37 3/8" x 41 3/8" • oil

(top to bottom) Roman Konstantinov • In Simeiz • 19 5/8" x 21 5/8" • oil Igor Shipilin • Autumn Vineyard • 15 3/4" x 31 1/2" • oil

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(left column, top to bottom) Larisa Aukon • Bedtime Stories • 40" x 40" • oil Larisa Aukon • Tucked In • 24" x 24" • oil (right column, top to bottom) Larisa Aukon • Back East • 18" x 24" • oil Larisa Aukon • City of Gold • 30" x 40" • oil Larisa Aukon • Season of Lights • 18" x 24" • oil (right page) France Jodoin • Like a Blue Thread Loosened from the Sky • 60" x 48" • oil

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(left column, top to bottom) Regina Lyubovnaya • Favorite Chair • 14" x 18" • oil Regina Lyubovnaya • With Grace • 10" x 10" • oil Regina Lyubovnaya • Summer Sun • 12" x 9" • oil (right) Regina Lyubovnaya • Stepping In • 22" x 10" • oil

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(left column, top to bottom) Andrey Inozemtsev • Boats • 11 1/4" x 15" • oil Andrey Inozemtsev • Riverscape • 11 3/4" x 15 5/8" • oil Andrey Inozemtsev • Bright Day • 11 3/4" x 15 1/2" • oil (right column, top to bottom) Andrey Inozemtsev • Poppies • 15 1/4" x 15 1/4" • oil Andrey Inozemtsev • Morning Breakfast • 31 1/8" x 23 3/8" • oil

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Aleksander Britsev • Fruit Trees • 55" x 39 3/8" • oil

(top to bottom) Vladimir Pentjuh • Old Town • 24" x 36" • oil Vladimir Pentjuh • Morning • 24" x 30" • oil

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(left column, top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Winter in Yalta • 8" x 10" • oil Daniil Volkov • So Good • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • On the Fire • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil (right column, top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Let's Drink Beer • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Evening in Rome • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • By the Pier • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil

(left column, top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Southern Shadow • 9 3/4" x 7 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Winter Holidays • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Waiting • 9 3/4" x 7 3/4" • oil (right column, top to bottom) Daniil Volkov • Summer Evening • 7 3/4" x 9 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Walk • 9 3/4" x 7 3/4" • oil Daniil Volkov • Rain • 9 3/4" x 7 3/4" • oil

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(left column, top to bottom) Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze • Still Feel Like You Have a Choice I • 18" x 18" • acrylic Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze • Coins in the Fountain • 40" x 38" • acrylic (right) Cathrine Edlinger-Kunze • Nocturnes in Red • 38" x 20" • acrylic

Aleksandr Reznichenko • Rider • 59" x 32" • oil

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Alina Sharovskaya • In the Garden's Shadow • 37 3/8" x 27 1/2" • oil

Alina Sharovskaya • Shady Garden • 29 1/2" x 27 1/2" • oil

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7103 East Main Street Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 Telephone 480.596.9533

Martin Dimitrov

Past Times II • 28" x 36" • oil

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