Pokfulam History 薄扶林歷史

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Kong Sin Wan Village, Telegraph Bay 1946-47 鋼綫灣村 Credit and copyright statement: From Hong Kong As It Was, published by HKU Press Photo Copyright: The President and Fellows of Harvard College

THE OLD CABLE HOUSE The name Kong Sin Wan or Telegraph Bay dates back to 1871. The China Submarine Telegraph Company, founded by the British entrepreneur John Pender laid the first submarine telegraphic cable connecting Hong Kong and Singapore. In 1873, this cable was linked to a global network of telegraph cables, connecting the continents of Europe, America, Asia, and Australia for the first time. The telegraphic cable network was owned and operated by a number of companies which eventually merged to become Cable & Wireless Limited. What remains is the cable house which acted as the termination point. It can be seen along Kong Sin Wan Road, partially surrounded by The ISF Academy. It is a two-storey structure, hardened with a thick layer of concrete to withstand bombing during the war. Today, only the upper portion of the building is visible.

舊電纜房 鋼 綫 灣 的 命 名 可 追 溯至18 7 1 年。由英國企業家 John Pender 創 立的中國海底電訊公司,鋪設香港首條海底電報電纜,連接香港 及新加坡,該地因此得名「鋼綫灣」。1873年,電纜接通了環球 電報電纜網絡,歷史性與歐洲、美洲、亞洲和澳洲連繫起來。該 電纜網絡曾經由多間公司擁有和營運,其後合併為大東電報局。 當年的電纜房至今仍遺留在鋼綫灣道,三面被弘立書院包圍。兩 層高的電纜房使用厚實的鋼筋混凝土加固,以抵禦戰時炸彈。時 至 今 天 , 從 路 面 望 向電纜房就只能見到頂層。

Credit and copyright statement: From Hong Kong As It Was, published by HKU Press Photo Copyright: The President and Fellows of Harvard College

THE DEVELOPMENT OF POKFULAM Kong Sin Wan or Telegraph Bay has changed dramatically over the years. Picture above was taken by Hedda Morrison in 1946-47. The picture on the right was taken in 2019. Reclamation has replaced the bay. Government started clearing the squatter village in November 1995. Most of the villagers were Hakka people. The population reached over 1,000 at its peak. The ISF Academy campus along Kong Sin Wan Road opened in August 2007.

Photo inset: Housing Department’s sign that clearance of village started – April 1997 內圖: 房屋署1997年4月豎立的通告 - 鋼線灣村清拆已展開。

薄扶林的發展 自香港開埠以來,鋼綫灣的變化相當大,左圖是攝影師 Hedda Morrison 於 1946 - 47 拍攝的,感謝版權持有者哈佛學院同意我們複製此相片。圖 中可見當年的鋼綫灣村以客家人為主,全盛時期人口達1,000人。右圖是 攝於2019年,原有的海灣已因填海工程而消失。政府於1995年11月開始 清拆及安置行動,其後弘立書院於鋼綫灣道興建了現時的校舍,並於 2007年8月開幕。

CHANGING COASTLINE Successive reclamation at Sandy Bay and Telegraph Bay has dramatically changed the coastline of Pokfulam. The map on the left dates back to 1945 (www.hkmaps.hk). And on the right is a 2019 map.

海岸線的變化 於鋼綫灣及大口環的多次填海工程,大幅改變薄扶林的海岸線。 左面的地圖(www.hkmaps.hk)顯示薄扶林於1945年的海岸線, 右 邊 則 是 2 0 1 9 年 的 地圖。

© OpenStreetMap contributors

NEW LAND FORMED Reclamation of Telegraph Bay was completed in the late 80s. Baguio Villa and Chi Fu had a clear view of East Lamma Channel. No sight of Bel-Air yet, which was completed between 2004 and 2008. With the development of Cyberport, Telegraph Bay is back to its communications technology roots. Photo reproduced with the permission from Information Services Department.

填海工程 鋼綫灣填海工程於80年代末完成。當年,碧瑤灣及置富花園仍坐擁無敵 大海景,貝沙灣則要待2004年至2008年才分階段落成。隨著數碼港的 落成,鋼綫灣再次與通訊科技扯上關係。圖片獲政府新聞處同意使用。

Share your old Pokfulam photos 分享薄扶林舊照 If you have historic photos and stories of Pokfulam you wish to share with the community, please contact us at 9096-3070 or email us at info@paulzimmerman.hk 如你希望與其他居民分享你的薄扶林舊照或故事,歡迎 聯絡我們:9096-3070 或 info@paulzimmerman.hk

Entrance at Kong Sin Wan Road 鋼綫灣道入口

Entrance at Victoria Road 域多利道入口

KONG SIN WAN TRAIL RE-OPENED 鋼綫灣徑重開 The old trail through the former Kong Sin Wan village is repaired and open! It runs from Victoria Road, some 200m from the Sassoon Road Roundabout and ends at Kong Sin Wan road near The ISF Academy. Long-time residents approached me on the possibility of repairing this short-cut to Cyberport when I started service as District Councillor for Pokfulam in 2010. Proposals submitted for District Minor Works in March 2011 were endorsed in May 2013 and after many bureaucratic hurdles works started in March 2019. 通往前鋼綫灣村的小徑已修復完畢並重新開放。小徑於域多利道的入 口設於距離沙宣道回旋處200米位置,近明愛胡振中中學下方;另一 端的入口則位於鋼綫灣道的盡頭(近弘立書院中學部)。2010年當選薄 扶林區議員後,有於區內居住多年的居民向我們反映,希望政府能修 復並重開鋼綫灣徑。我們於2011年3月遞交地區小型工程建議書,並 於2013年5月獲得批准。經多次與不同政府部門就樹木、地界及責任 等問題磋商後,修復工程終於2019年3月展開。 Video of an inspection hike of the path in April 2013 2013年4月復修前巡視小徑的短片 https://youtu.be/SYPfflKRLw4

NEW STAIRS TO PIK SHAN PATH 通往碧珊徑的新樓梯 At Pok Fu Lam Road just north of the Queen Mary Hospital new stairs have been built to re-connect with the heritage Pik Shan Path which runs over the old water conduit. You can walk from here to the University of Hong Kong, Hatton Road, and The Peak as well as High West, a climb to 490m. 位於薄扶林道瑪麗醫院以北的樓梯重置工程已經完成。你可由樓梯通 往引水道上面的碧珊徑,再經香港大學克頓道步行至山頂以及西高山 (海拔490米),沿途景色怡人,滿布多個法定古蹟及歷史建築。

行山日 - 鋼綫灣徑 + 碧珊徑 + 西高山


2019年9月7日(星期六) / 早上十時正 集合地點:鋼綫灣道舊電纜房 7 September 2019, Saturday / 10:00 am Assembly: Kong Sin Wan Road outside Old Cable House 可選擇行足全段或部分路段,詳情請見背頁的地圖。 Join us for the whole or part of the trails, see map inside back cover. Stage 1 - 2 : 鋼綫灣道 > 域多利道 (30 mins) Kong Sin Wan Road > Victoria Road Stage 2 - 3 : 域多利道 > 薄扶林道 > 碧珊徑 (30 mins) Victoria Road > Pok Fu Lam Road > Pik Shan Path Stage 3 - 4 : 碧珊徑 > 西高山 (海拔490米) (30 mins) Pik Shan Path > High West (490m) 詳情及報名 For details and registration: 瀏覽 Visit: www.paulzimmerman.hk 致電 Call / whatsapp: 9096-3070 Southern Districk Councillor



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