2018/2019 Pokfulam Report 薄扶林報告

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Southern District Councillor




POKFULAM REPORT www.paulzimmerman.hk


9096 3070

發展項目 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL 華富邨重建計劃 Wah Fu Estate Redevelopment 城市規劃委員會通過華富邨重建的第一期工作,於區內五幅用地興建 8,900個住宅單位以安置現時華富邨的居民。待單位於2025至2027年落 成後,政府將正式拆卸並重建華富邨。超過500名居民向城規會及運房 局就更改土地用途及相關道路基建項目提供意見。我們要求政府改善薄 扶林道/域多利道路口設計、擴闊近華翠街的一段域多利道及提供充足商 業車輛泊位以減少車輛違泊問題。 The Town Planning Board approved 8,900 residential units on five Government sites to be completed by 2025-27. These units will rehouse the existing residents of the crumbling Wah Fu Estate. Once completed, Wah Fu Estate will be redeveloped together with the construction of the South Island Line (West). Over 500 residents made submissions to the Town Planning Board and under the Road Works Ordinance. We are pushing for improvement of the junction of Victoria Road and Pok Fu Lam Road, widening of Victoria Road near Wah Chui Street, and additional goods vehicle parking to get rid of the illegal parking.

Visual impact of new development near the kennels along Cyberport Road 合成照片(近數碼港道狗房位置)

要求盡行分層交匯工程 Request for a grade separated junction

我們發現政府原有的道路設計出現技術錯誤,我們藉此繼續呼籲政府於薄扶林 道/域多利道路口使用分層交匯工程設計。 Our request for a grade separated junction at Pok Fu Lam Road and Victoria Road is still alive after we proved technical errors with the proposed design.

要求將一小段域多利道擴闊至四線 Request for four lanes at a section of Victoria Road

我們要求政府擴闊由聖保羅書院小學至新住宅項目的一段域多利道。如房屋署 繼續用盡地界興建公屋,將會扼殺擴闊或改善道路的空間及機會,未來於早上 時間出現大塞車。 We are petitioning government to widen Victoria Road between the developments just north of St. Pau’s College Primary School. Building right up to the two site boundaries would forever restrict Victoria Road to two lanes and result in unresolvable congestion during the morning peak.

東大嶼都會 Changing views of Lantau

政府早前宣布於大嶼山與港島西之間的中部水域填海1,700公頃以興建人 工島,料供應26萬至40萬個住宅單位,最快2032年會有首批市民入住。 項目包括興建鐵路及道路連接人工島至堅尼地城海傍一帶。我們將繼續 通透過「創建香港」及「民間土地資源專家組」,要求政府先集中善用 及發展新界的閒置土地。 The view from the window will change when the 1,700 hectares of artificial islands east of Lantau accommodating 260,000-400,000 residential and housing units arise from the sea. The first population intake is expected in 2032. Road links will occupy the waterfront in Kennedy Town. Through Designing Hong Kong and the Citizens Taskforce on Land Resources we continue to campaign for prioritizing development of the poorly used land in the New Territories.

模擬圖片 - 人工島如何影響薄扶林的景觀 (假設樓宇最高高度為120米,及當局使用行車橋而非海底隧道型式連接交椅洲至 香港島)。圖片攝於數碼港道近沙灣徑的路口。 Visual showing the impact assuming a maximum building height of 120m and a bridge link across East Lamma Channel (Viewpoint: Junction of Cyberport Road and Sha Wan Drive)

我出席立法會公聽會的發言片段 My speech at Legislative Council Public Hearing youtu.be/SaTWDV_CiMo

新骨灰龕大樓投入服務 New columbarium open for business

香港華人基督教聯會已開始出租域多利道新骨灰龕大樓的部分 龕位。路政署已完成興建避車處及咪錶位,隨後康文署亦將會進場 興建休憩處。 The Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union is leasing the niches at its new columbarium along Victoria Road. Roadworks for parking and funeral corteges has been completed. Works on the small park will start soon. 域多利道近金粟街 咪表泊車位及休憩處 Parking meters and Sitting-out area at Victoria Road near Consort Rise

港大西高山新學生宿舍 New plans for High West (+200.9mPD) (+193.2mPD) 香港大學早前與我們及附近居民 會面,他們計劃將薄扶林道西高 山地段的網球場及物業重新發展 為學生及職員宿舍。港大於聆聽 意見後對項目作出修訂,務求減 少影響居民的景觀。他們會在再次諮詢居民意見後,向城規會遞交修訂 文件。具體時間表將於稍後公布。 Middleton Towers

High West, University Hall

HKU will redevelop their High West site including the existing property and the tennis courts for student and staff accommodation. The plans were discussed between HKU, nearby residents and my office. Proposals were made to minimize the impact and the overall footprint. HKU has taken these on board and will soon present revised plans for Town Planning Board approval. Once approved, HKU will be able to confirm a timetable.

域多利花園翻新計劃 Renovating Victoria Gardens 有居民就域多利花園翻新的傳聞向我們查詢。我們從華懋集團方面得 知他們決定翻新整座大廈,由於他們正在與多個政府部門討論項目的 細節,現在未有確實時間表。他們承諾會根據租約的條款盡早通知租 客。相信有關工程將於2020年上半年展開。 In response to enquiries over rumours of possible redevelopment of Victoria Gardens we reached out to ChinaChem. We learned that it is decided to renovate the entire building. The schedule has yet to be fixed as they are working on the details with various Government departments. They promised to inform the residents in good time in accordance with the terms of their agreements. The current expectation is that the works will start early 2020.

港大沙宣道建新教學大樓 HKU took over the laundry 港大完成與醫管局換地,將沙宣道三號的「被 服供應部」建成九層高的新教學大樓,預計 2022年底落成。若政府部門批准,他們會興建 行人天橋連接對面馬路的學生宿舍,屆時有望 減少學生於馬路上行走的情況。 Following a land swap, HKU is redeveloping the former laundry of the hospital at 3 Sassoon Road into a nine-storey academic building. Completion is expected in late 2022. Pending final approvals, there will be a footbridge link to the student halls across the road. This will hopefully stop students from walking along the flyover.

瑪麗醫院重建項目陸續進行 Upgrading Queen Mary Hospital in phases 瑪麗醫院準備拆卸臨床病理大樓及醫生宿舍,並 於原址興建一座25層高的新大樓,預計2024年落 成。值得關注的地方是地盤的入口正位於薄扶林 道左轉入沙宣道及醫院的小路上,我們已與院方 多次會面,商談道路及出入口的設計。 2019年2月,我們得悉醫管局可能擱置2014年對居民的承諾 - 將殮房及 病理科的設施搬到2023年落成的新大樓。我們其後去信瑪麗醫院及翻查 2018年4月立法會的撥款文件,發現當中未有提及新大樓會否包括殮房 等設施。院方從未就相關改動通知我們、區議會和豪峰及靖林的居民。 我們已要求院方重新審視計劃及與居民多作溝通。 Redevelopment of the former pathology buildings and housemen quarters into a 25-storey medical block has started. Completion is expected in 2024. We have called for regular meetings. The quality of traffic management will be critical. The entrances to the works site are right where traffic turns off Pok Fu Lam Road to go to the hospital and Sassoon Road. In February 2019, we learned that The Hospital Authority may have dropped the plan to relocate the Mortuary facilities and Pathology Departments back to the New Block by 2023, as was promised in 2014. We wrote to Queen Mary Hospital and we went through Legislative Council records to find that the Mortuary did not appear in the funding request for the New Block made in April 2018. Neither the residents of Royalton and Radcliffe, the District Council nor my office were informed of this change. We are asking the Hospital Authority to revisit their plans and improve communications with residents.

沙宣道港大醫學院擴建 HKU Medical Complex Extension at Sassoon Road 港大醫學院將進行擴建工程,包括 一座新的三層高附屬建築物、擴建 蒙民偉樓及天台花園。預計工程會 於2020年底前完成。 Extension works will soon begin at The University of Hong Kong - Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine building. Scope of works include a new three storey annex, an extension of its existing William M W Mong Block and a new green roof garden. The target completion date is set for late 2020.

芝加哥大學布斯商學院香港校舍 Booth is open for business 芝加哥大學布斯商學院位於前白屋及 銀禧炮台的校舍已開幕。大家可進入 校園欣賞宜人的海景及參觀 Heritage Interpretation Centre,中心藏有珍貴 相片以及歷史學家和被拘留者憶述的 資料等。請到他們的網站了解開放時 間及導賞團預約詳情。 The University of Chicago Booth School of Business has opened its new campus combining a new building with the former barracks of the Jubilee Battery 2018年與居民參觀校園 Earlier visit in 2018 and the ex-Victoria Detention Centre along Victoria Road. Do walk in to enjoy the views, the Interpretation Centre in the renovated heritage building, and the photographs and interviews with historians and former detainees. For opening hours and booking of a guided tour, please go to the following website. https://heritage.uchicago.hk/plan-your-visit

數碼港第五期選址為商場前方的公園部份 Cyberport 5 will be built on the waterfront park 11層高


數碼港擴建 - 你有什麼意見?

Proposed Site for Cyberport Expansion

Cyberport Expansion – What is your view?

Proposed Site for Cyberport Expansion

Waterfront Park

財政預算案中宣布預留55億元用作擴建數碼港,11層高的辦公室大樓 將提供約66,000平方米樓面面積,並包括共用工作間及會議場地及等設 施。數碼港五座的選址為商場前方的公園部分,佔地1.6公頃,大約為海 濱公園五分之一。數碼港表示會同時進行一系列工程改善海濱公園的環 境及設施。我們已反映居民關注的問題,如景觀受到影響、休憩空間減 少及交通等,同時要求改善公園環境及海濱長廊,以彌補縮減海濱公園 面積對居民造成的損失。我們現正進行問卷調查收集居民的看法,下方 亦有問卷的初步結果。立即到 www.paulzimmerman.hk 填寫問卷, 發表你對數碼港擴建的意見! About one-fifth of the waterfront park, 1.6 hectare, will be used to expand Cyberport with an 11-storey building providing 66,000 square meter floor area for offices and function rooms. HK$5.5billion has been earmarked for the project in the 2019-2020 budget. Cyberport has promised to spend some of the 支持 money on improving the environment and 需等待詳情 Support facilities of the park. We have submitted Wait for 17.9% more details questions and concerns regarding the visual 26.0% impact, loss of public space, and traffic. We are also calling for compensation for the loss of the 反對 Object park, including improvements to the park and 56.1% promenade. We are conducting a survey to collect input from residents. Below are the responses. Go to www.paulzimmerman.hk to 直至2019年4月28日: 共收到877份意見 877 respondents as of 28 April 2019 join the survey and give your opinion about the planned expansion of Cyberport.

數碼港應在擴建計劃及預算中,加入以下哪些項目? What should Cyberport include in their plans and budget? 改善商場的零售及餐飲種類和選擇 Improve retail and dining experience


海濱公園設施 Waterfront Park facilities improvements


海濱長廊連接公園至大口環 Connecting the Waterfront Park with Sandy Bay


海濱公園管理及保養 Waterfront Park maintenance improvements


預留空間連接以地底走線設計的數碼港站 Provisions for connecting with an underground railway


改善公共交通服務 Improve public transport


改善資料徑道路設計,應付車流 Improvements to Information Crescent to cope with traffic 改善碼頭 - 興建上蓋、提供照明系統及長櫈 Pier enhancement with a roof, lighting and seating

47.2% 44.1%





薄扶林及數碼港最新資訊 Stay informed, connected and up to date 請到我們的網站 www.paulzimmerman.hk 登記 你的電郵地址接收最新資訊,你亦可透過電郵 info@paulzimmerman.hk 發表意見。 Sign up with your email for our e-news to stay up to date and give us your feed-back: info@paulzimmerman.hk and www.paulzimmerman.hk


公共交通及道路工程 TRANSPORT 學校交通延誤巴士服務 School traffic delays bus services 早上7時40分至8時正的上學時段,區內道路嚴重擠塞,導致巴士及小巴 服務延誤,特別是原定早上7時50分由數碼港開出的30X。運輸署已於數 碼港巴士總站外的路口增設了黃格,希望能紓緩上學時段路口堵塞導致 30X及其他公共交通服務延誤的情況。校方解釋實行強制乘搭校巴政策有 難度,原因為校巴服務供應商資源及人手有限、家長們反對以及有機會將 擠塞問題轉移到另一個地點等。由於眾多弘立書院的學生均有兄弟姊妹於 同校就讀,校方不建議實行分段上學時間安排。至於將資訊徑轉為單程路 的建議,運輸署表示需要再作研究,尤其是政府已計劃擴建數碼港。 School traffic between 7:40 and 8:00am impacts public transport specifically the 7:50am 30X departure from Cyberport. New yellow box markings outside the Public Transport Interchange and restrictions on the turns at Kong Sin Wan Road have improved the situation. Converting Information Crescent to a one-way road requires further study, especially now that Cyberport is expanding. The school considers staggered starts difficult because many families have more than one student at the school. The school hesitates implementing a mandatory school bus policy: Uncertainty over contractor’s capacities, potential objections from parents, and risk of shifting congestion to other locations away from school.

請到 www.paulzimmerman.hk 觀看 影片了解早上的道路情況。 Go to www.paulzimmerman.hk for a time lapse video of what happens in the morning

28號小巴 Minibus 28 saga continues 儘管運輸署已於2018年年中正式對路線作出調整,28號小巴的脫班問題 依然持續。我們有繼續觀察小巴的班次及投訴,並在服務班次不足時向署 方遞交報告反映問題。小巴營運商將問題歸咎於司機不足,運輸署則面臨 龐大壓力將服務重新招標。由於擔心缺乏投標者,署方一直未作出決定。 The 28 service continues to be operated poorly despite formal service adjustments mid-2018. We monitor the frequency and complaints. We submit reports to the Transport Department when we find that the operator fails to run adequate number of buses. The operator claims lack of drivers. The Transport Department is under pressure to re-tender the service, but hesitates making changes afraid that no other operator will come forward.

33X巴士 - 數碼港經中環灣仔繞道往西灣河 Bus 33X from Cyberport to Sai Wan Ho (via Central Wanchai Bypass) 33X巴士於2019年4月15日正式投入服務,首 航日早上7時45分由數碼港開出,數分鐘後途 經貝沙灣、8時07分到達港大站、8時15分到 達北角渣華道街市、8時26分到達鰂魚涌太古 坊附近、8時30分到達太古城中心及8時32分 到達尾站西灣河。因部分市民開始放復活節 長假期,當日的道路交通相對暢順。請注意 此早上7時45分的特別班次只於星期一至五提供服務(公眾假期除外)。視 乎乘客滿意程度及載客率,我們會要求巴士公司提供額外班次。 The bus commenced service on 15 April 2019. On its first day, it departed from Cyberport at 07:45 and passed by Bel-Air a few minutes later. The bus arrived at HKU MTR station at 08:07, North Point Java Road at 08:15, Quarry Bay near Taikoo Place at 08:26, Cityplaza at 08:30 and terminus in Sai Wan Ho at 08:32. Traffic was relatively light on that day as it’s the Easter travel period. Note that this 7:45am departure is a Monday to Friday service (except public holidays). We will ask for additional buses upon reviewing its patronage numbers.

颱風山竹的善後工作 Quick recovery from Typhoon Mangkhut 全港有超過46,000棵樹被颱風 山竹吹倒,薄扶林區內亦有 多達28處路面受塌樹影響而封 閉。我們感謝政府部門及義工 協助清理塌樹及道路。康文署 已開始於多個位置補種樹苗。 Over 46,000 trees came down in Hong Kong. Roads were blocked at 28 locations in Pokfulam. Government departments and volunteers helped opening up and cleaning up. Young saplings have been planted to replace the trees lost.

道路安全及超速問題 Speeding and road safety 恆常檢討及改善道路設計、路面標記及路牌指示能令道路更安全。一般而 言,運輸署不會於有公共交通工具行駛的道路上設置路拱或減速平台。好 消息是政府已提出於一些路段引進時速30公里的車速限制,務求減低交通 意外的傷亡。由於大口環及沙灣徑路段有多間安老院舍、學校及學生運動 設施,當局有機會將該路段納入先導計劃的考慮範圍。 Regular reviews and adjustments of road markings and signage help make roads safer. Speed tables are not a standard practice when a road is used by public transport. Government is now studying these measures and will consider 30km/h for selected sections of roads recognizing that this will reduce fatalities. Sandy Bay Road and lower Sha Wan Drive are potential pilot schemes given the number of welfare institutions, schools and sports pitches.

非法賽車 Road racing 我們不時都收到居民就非法賽車的投訴,並一直就此與警方緊密合作。歡 迎大家提供具體資料包括日期、時間及位置等,如有相片或影片則更佳。 警方會根據情報繼續打擊非法賽車活動。 We work with residents and Police on containing road races. To pin-point Police resources, residents and property managers are asked to record the day, time and road section of when a road race is observed. Video and photographs are helpful. In response, the Police can direct their resources, trace racers and confiscated modified vehicles.

薄扶林港鐵服務 南港島線(西段)取決於華富重建進度 Pokfulam MTR depends on Wah Fu 政府去年表示他們會於2018年內邀請港鐵公司就南港島線(西段)提交建議 書。我們早前去信運房局查詢進展,局方表示他們至今仍未邀請港鐵公司 提交建議書,而鐵路項目的進展將視乎華富邨重建計劃進度,意味著南港 島線(西段)項目將會延遲展開。正如大家從媒體報導見到,運房局及港鐵 正在忙於處理「其他事宜」。順帶一提,南港島線(西段)的沿途港鐵站包 括香港大學、瑪麗醫院、數碼港、華富、田灣、香港仔及黃竹坑。如有最 新消息,我們會再向大家匯報。 Plans to start the technical studies for the South Island Line (West) by the end of 2018 have been derailed. Government and the MTR Corporation Limited are preoccupied as we have all seen in the media. The new link will progress together with the redevelopment of Wah Fu. Our best estimate now is 2030 for Cyberport Station to open. Other stations along the South Island Line (West) will include HKU, Queen Mary Hospital, Wah Fu, Tin Wan, Aberdeen and Wong Chuk Hang. We will continue to update the community on progress.

社區環境衞生 ENVIRONMENT 請勿餵飼野豬及將袋裝垃圾放於路上 Do not feed the boars. Do not leave your trash out. 2018年漁農署的「野豬避孕及搬遷先導計劃」於全港捕捉了101隻 野豬,當中有71隻位於南區,捕捉數目遠遠追不上野豬的繁殖率。 我們支持增撥資源予漁農署。下一步焦點應為數碼港海濱公園,因 為該處多次出現野豬因遇到狗隻而作出自衛行為。歡迎大家發表意 見:info@paulzimmerman.hk。 The capture, contraception and relocation rate of wild boars is well below the birth rate. Government caught 101 wild boars in 2018, 71 in the Southern District. We are promoting additional resources for AFCD. Our priority is removal of boars which become territorial in public areas, especially the waterfront park. Report concerns via info@paulzimmerman.hk . 野豬會撞翻垃圾桶並撕開垃圾袋 覓食,繼而引致老鼠出沒。我們 已要求食環署重新設計垃圾站及 垃圾桶,沙宣道及域多利道近碧 荔道的垃圾站亦已安裝了新的 「半閘門」。大家可將垃圾拋入 桶內,並記緊關上閘門,亦請勿 將袋裝家居垃圾棄置於路上或路邊垃圾桶及回收桶內外。如目睹有人 餵飼野豬或將垃圾棄置於路邊,請聯絡我們以便跟進。 Boars knock over bins and rip open bags, and rats enjoy the leftovers. Do not leave waste outside in the street. We are promoting a redesign of refuse collection points and waste bins. Half-height doors prevent boars from entering, while residents can chuck trash over the doors into the bins at Sassoon Road and Bisney Road. Please keep the doors closed. Bins are for recyclables and incidental garbage only. Please report feeding of wild animals and exposed garbage along the streets. My office can advise on waste handling support. Contact us at info@paulzimmerman.hk .

舉報非法棄置廢物 Report flytipping and dumping 去年九月,我們曾目睹有人將車軚 棄置於沙宣道,我們已將影片交給執 法部門。如你們懷疑有人非法棄置廢 物,可以拍下影片(包括車牌號碼)並電 郵到 info@paulzimmerman.hk 以 便我們跟進。

影片 Video link: https://youtu.be/eTariYA9Ego

Illegal dumping? Report flytipping! Take a video which shows the license plate. The vehicle owner will be prosecuted. Send it to info@paulzimmerman.hk . In September we recorded a driver dumping tires at Sassoon Road and handed this over for follow up by the authorities

蚊•蠓 Mosquitoes, flying mites 夏季炎熱潮濕,大家又要面對蚊及蠓的問題。我們會繼續要求食環署加 強區內的滅蚊工作,尤其是大家候車的巴士站及行人路邊的U型渠。請 大家外出時採取防蚊措施。 Humidity and heat will soon bring back mosquitoes and biting midges. Our focus for mosquito control are the places where people need to wait for public transport, and drainage channels along footways. Do take your own prevention measures and apply mosquito repellent when you go outdoors.

檢控排放黑煙船隻 Smoky vessel prosecuted 我們感謝多名薄扶林居民提供一架貨 櫃船「MIRAMARIN」於2018年9月 6日排放黑煙的相片及影片。該船隻 在東博寮海峽持續排放黑煙超過三分 鐘,海事處已掌握足夠證據並向船長 作出檢控。 另外,由2019年1月1日起,所有船隻在香港水域內 (不論正在航行或停 泊),都必須使用低硫 (low sulphur) 燃料。政府預期遠洋船隻排放的二 氧化硫和可吸入懸浮粒子會減少約70%。 Our network of ‘smoky vessel spotters’ is growing. Pictures and videos from our spotters of the emission of dark smoke continuously for over 3 minutes helped the Marine Department initiate prosecutions, including against the ship master of container vessel 'MIRAMARIN' seen in the picture taken on 6 September 2018. New laws came into effect on 1 January 2019 whereby all vessels must use low sulphur fuel when sailing or berthing in Hong Kong waters. It is expected that the emissions of sulphur dioxide and respirable suspended particulates from Ocean Going Vessels will be reduced by 70%.

燒烤場深夜時段的噪音問題 Late night noise from BBQ area 有貝沙灣居民投訴於深夜時段受到瀑布灣燒烤場 的噪音滋擾。我們與康文署於凌晨時份進行了實 地視察,提出了一些針對燒烤場設計及管理問題 的解決方案。署方現正進行研究,亦於早前增聘 了一名夜更管理員。如有任何意見或受到噪音滋 擾,歡迎聯絡我們:info@paulzimmerman.hk 或致電 9096-3070。 Responding to complaints from Bel-Air residents over noise from late night revelers at the Waterfall Bay BBQ area we conducted midnight visits. The responsible government department, LCSD, is now studying proposed design and management measures, and has hired a night shift guard. Report your concerns to us via info@paulzimmerman.hk or 9096 3070.

清理斜坡 Slope cleaning 我們早前與居民實地考察研究 加設行山小徑時,發現薄扶林 道及域多利道之間近上碧瑤的 一個斜坡布滿垃圾,歸根究底 是政府二十多年前清拆寮屋區 時未有進行清理工作。政府的 外判商現已清理斜坡。 Exploring the slopes next to Baguio Villa for a possible trail between Victoria Road and Pok Fu Lam Road together with residents, we found large amount of waste dumped. The waste was left behind when squatter homes were cleared over 20 years ago. Government contractors have now cleared the site.

香港仔避風塘垃圾問題 Fish for trash in Aberdeen Harbour 由於經常收到居民投訴薄扶林對出水域出現海 上垃圾,我們進行調查並發現其中一個主要來 源是香港仔避風塘,更已連同多個社區團體及 熱心居民督促政府進行清理工作並找出垃圾來 源。清理香港仔避風塘已被南區區議會納入為 地區主導行動計劃的其中一項重點工作,我們 會繼續努力改善環境衛生。 In response to streams of trash floating by Pokfulam we determined that these came from Aberdeen Harbour. We worked with community groups and local stakeholders to clean up the harbour, identify the source of trash and work with the various government departments. Keeping the harbour clean is now a priority under the ‘district-led action scheme’. Although the sightings of streams of waste in front of the park are far less frequent, marine waste, especially plastics, is a battle that is far from over.

環保回收@薄扶林 Recycling in Pokfulam


RECYCLE YOUR GLASS BOTTLES www.paulzimmerman.hk

薄扶林的大型屋苑如貝沙灣、碧瑤灣及美景臺均支持垃圾分類及回收塑 膠、廢紙、金屬及玻璃樽,貝沙灣更設有廚餘回收。而數碼港商場、貝沙 灣及碧瑤灣亦有擺放舊衣回收桶。經我們多番要求後,食環署方已於沙宣 道垃圾站及金粟街/碧荔道交界等地方增設了玻璃樽回收桶。如對環保回 收有任何問題或建議,歡迎聯絡我們:info@paulzimmerman.hk。 Facilities and management at major estates including Bel-Air, Baguio Villa and Scenic Villas support separation for recycling of plastics, paper, metal and glass bottles. Bel-Air has also set up food waste recycling. Clothes collection bins can be found at Baguio Villa, Bel-Air and at the Arcade. We have added glass bottle receptacles to the refuse collection point at Sassoon Road, at the junction of Consort Rise/Bisney Road and other locations. We welcome suggestions for new locations and changes to existing waste and recycling bins via info@paulzimerman.hk .





碧瑤灣 Baguio Villa


沙宣道垃圾站 Sassoon Road RCP


金粟街 / 碧荔道交界 Junction of Consort Rise / Bisney Road

4/5. 貝沙灣 Bel-Air 6. 4



美景臺 Scenic Villas

慈善大回收2018 Charity Collection 2018 我謹代表救世軍、愛連心及香港健 康促進學會感謝參與2018年慈善 大回收的居民。我們收到的物資載 滿三架貨車,比前年多出五成。 香港健康促進學會將繼續收集長者 用品並轉贈給有需要的長者或機 構。歡迎致電 9096-3070 聯絡我們或 2682-6878 與他們直接聯絡。 Thanks to all residents who supported the charity collection we delivered 3 trucks full of useful items – 50% more than last year to The Salvation Army, Les Beatitudes and Hong Kong Society For Health. Residents who care for elderly family at home face the inevitable need to clear out bulky care items. These are often expensive and good for re-use. The Hong Kong Society For Health receives these items and places them with families in need. Their services are available throughout the year. Please feel free to contact our office at 9096 3070 or contact the Society for Health directly at 2682 6878.

免「廢」暢飲 Drink without waste 香港每天於堆填區棄置超過五百萬個可回收 膠瓶。2018年起我出任由多個飲料製造商、 零售商、環保團體及回收業界組成的工作 小組主席,尋找可行的減廢方案,當中包括 安裝更多的飲水機、鼓勵市民自備水樽、為 一次性飲料包裝設立按金機制、擴大回收網 絡、增建回收廠房及禁止使用不能回收再造的物料等。如有興趣,請到 www.drinkwithoutwaste.org 了解我們的工作。 In 2018 we chaired a working group and agreed on a strategy among beverage industry, waste industry, retailers, NGOs and government on reducing the 5 million bottles which go to waste every day. Now the hard work starts on the installation of beverage dispensers, encourage people to bring their own bottles, a deposit scheme for single-use packaging, growing a network of collection points, building recycling plants, and a ban on non-recyclable materials. Follow our work via www.drinkwithoutwaste.org.

改善街景 Streetscape enhancement 見微知着,區內景觀過去一直被微小細節的缺憾影響。經我們多年來連番 要求,康文署終於開始將經常破爛的膠籬笆更換為較美觀的款式。去年, 昌麗閣及海日樓的業主亦為改善街景而出一分力:昌麗閣業主自費清理了 位於碧荔道域多利花園後方斜坡的垃圾,並換上新的圍網;而海日樓的業 主亦於沙宣道換上新的圍欄,取代舊有生銹的鐵絲網。在此,我衷心感謝 昌麗閣及海日樓業主的付出,我相信區內居民亦心有同感。

The appearance of the district is impacted by minor details. Responding to our requests LCSD has started replacing plastic trellis with short garden style fences around planters. We also encouraged private owners to replace rusting chain link fences. I thank owners of Cherry Court and Seascape for cleaning up the slope and fence behind Victoria Gardens along Bisney Road, and replacing the fence along Sassoon Road. These efforts dramatically improve the streetscape and are much appreciated by the community.

海濱公園的管理 Management of Cyberport Park 我們與數碼港的新管理層定期會面,反映居民對公園保養的意見,包括旱 季時草地的質素及颱風過後緩慢的善後工作。歡迎電郵我們 info@paulzimmerman.hk 或致電 9096-3070 提供你的意見。 Although grass cutting schedules have improved, watering during the dry season was absent and repairs of the typhoon damage has been extremely slow. These are some of the issues tabled in our regular meetings with Cyberport management and their new team. Report issues and concerns to info@paulzimmmerman.hk or call 9096 3070 when urgent assistance is required.

控制你的狗隻 Control over dogs – Command or leash 2018年牽涉狗隻的意外有所增加,其中一宗意外有狗隻不幸被咬至身亡。請 各位狗主及放狗人士注意,在公眾地方必須用帶牽引或以其他方式控制狗隻。 In 2018, we have dealt with a number of incidents where owners and walkers failed to command and control their dogs, resulting in injuries and tragically the death of a dog. Please ensure to command control and otherwise leash your dog.

巴士站加設座椅 Seats at bus stops 我們的「邊度冇凳坐」活動終於略見成 果,2018年政府撥款八千萬元予巴士公 司於巴士站安裝座椅。 Our “Missing Seats” campaign paid off bus operators supported with government funding installed seats at bus stops. Our campaign included photography of “home made” seating, old office chairs, and plastic furniture people had tied to bus stops around the territory. In response, the Chief Executive allocated HK$80m for seating.

與大口環長者暢遊昂坪 Ngong Ping 360 trip with elderly residents at Sandy Bay

感謝港鐵連續第二年贊助昂坪360的纜車門券。我們邀請了位於大口 環的竹林明堂護理安老院院友於2018年12月8日乘坐纜車暢遊昂坪市 集及參觀天壇大佛和寶蓮禪寺。 For a second year in a row, we thank MTR for sponsoring the cable car tickets where we invited elderly residents at Sandy Bay’s Chuk Lam Ming Tong Care and Attention Home who enjoyed a wonderful day out at Ngong Ping market and the Big Buddha on 8 December 2018.

中環灣仔繞道帶來的煩惱 CENTRAL WANCHAI BYPASS TROUBLES 中環灣仔繞道通車後,由東向西的行車時間的確有所縮短。但是由於移除了 林士街下行斜道,從西區(包括薄扶林)出發前往金鐘、半山、銅鑼灣及跑馬地 的車輛現需途經IFC附近一帶多個設有燈位的繁忙路口。我們於2018年6月去 信運輸署,當局其後稍為修改了中環海濱一帶的道路設計。通車兩個月,交 易廣場一帶經常交通癱瘓,引致巴士及小巴脫班。我們已多次去信政府要求 當局正視問題並提出確實的解決方案,並邀請運房局局長一同實地視察交通 擠塞問題,奈何局長拒絕出席。運房局其後回覆他們正於中環海濱一帶的交 通燈路口收集行車數據以便調較綠燈時間進一步改善交通流。 The Central Wanchai Bypass improved traffic flow from east to the west, but traffic from the west including Pokfulam is not as lucky. With the down ramp at Rumsey Street permanently closed, traffic to Admiralty, Mid-Levels, Causeway Bay and Happy Valley is forced to detour around IFC and several busy junctions with traffic lights. We wrote to the Transport Department mid-2018 and some improvements were made. After the opening of the bypass traffic grid locks occur regularly around Exchange Square and the bus and minibus terminus. We have pressed government repeatedly to solve this. Remedies proposed are not working. We invited the Secretary for Transport and Housing to join us for a site visit to see the trouble for himself. He refused the invitation and explained that the Transport and Housing Bureau are conducting surveys at the signalised junctions and will keep on fine tuning the traffic lights to improve the efficiency and performance of the junctions.

景色怡人的薄扶林行山徑 One of the best hikes in Pokfulam

沿着西高山往上走,一睹無際的薄扶林景觀。整條路段由數碼港起只有 4公里,山頂為海拔490米。如能夠設立一條小徑連接域多利道至薄扶 林道就更為理想。 Hike to High West for a great view of Pokfulam. It is a 4km hike from Cyberport, the peak is at 490m. Our wish list: Improvement to this route with a path connecting Victoria Road and Pok Fu Lam Road.

薄扶林 Pokfulasm e-new

如你想收到有關區內交通、發展 項目及節目等的最新消息,請到 我們的網站登記你的電郵地址。

Register your email address for timely updates on traffic, transport, events, and developments in Pokfulam.



今年選民登記及更新地址的截止日期分別為2019年7月2日及 2019年6月2日。如你是永久居民卻從未登記或更新住址,請 到 www.voterregistration.gov.hk 下載並遞交表格。 This year’s deadline for voter registration is 2 July 2019 and 2 June 2019 for updating your address. Permanent 區 議會 residents and those who recently changed address, 選舉 投票 OF D please download and complete the form at 日 ISTR ICT C O UNC www.voterregistration.gov.hk. IL











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