2017 Pokfulam Report 薄扶林報告

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薄扶林報告 Pokfulam Report 2017


薄扶林導賞團 POKFULAM APPRECIATION WALKS 歡迎參加以下兩個導賞團,請電郵報名: We would like to invite you to join us on the


two walks below. Please RSVP by email:

WATERFALL BAY CLEAN UP WALK 瀑布灣垃圾清理團 Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017 日期: 星期六,2017年11月25日 Meet: 10am at the Southern entrance of Cyberport Waterfront Park 集合: 早上10時,數碼港海濱公園南面的入口 End: 12:00pm at Wah Kwai Estate 結束: 中午12時正 - 華貴邨 我們會先由瀑布頂部前往瀑布下的石灘並協助清理垃圾,請帶備手套及 垃圾袋。隨後參觀華富泳棚及觀音山。請注意有部分路段需要扒欄杆。 We will walk over the top of the waterfall before helping clean up the beach at the bottom. Please bring gloves and garbage bags. We will then visit Wah Fu swimming club and the "Goddess of Mercy" Hill. It involves climbing over railings in a few sections.

MT DAVIS WALK 摩星嶺導賞團 Date: 日期: Meet: 集合: End: 結束:

Saturday, December 9, 2017 星期六,2017年12月9日 10am at the bottom of Mt Davis Path with Victoria Road 早上10時,摩星嶺徑與域多利道交界 12:30pm at the same location 下午12時30分 -解散地點同上

Ronald Taylor於區內居住多年,這位摩星嶺愛好者會沿途為大家講解各 軍事遺跡的背景及故事,包括炮台、營房及通道等。我們亦會到訪青年 旅舍俯瞰東博寮海峽無敵海景,閣下可順道於旅舍購買飲品。 Long time resident and Mt Davis enthusiast Ronald Taylor will be guiding this tour. He will explain to you the history of the various military relics including the command headquarters, arsenal and batteries. We will also visit the youth hostel for refreshments and a top down view of one of the world's busiest shipping channels.

公共交通 PUBLIC TRANSPORT 28號小巴 MINIBUS 28 由於28號小巴服務持續欠佳,我們早前 去信運輸署投訴並提供具體數據包括一 星期內出現70次脫班及共40班車未有 落下碧瑤。我們要求運輸署向營運商發 出最後警告及交出改善服務的方案。基 於過往曾經有其他路線未有新營運商願 意接手營辦以及28號路線改動需得到灣 仔區、中西區及南區的同意,運輸署傾 向督促現有營運商改善服務。署方進行 了班次調查確認脫班情況嚴重後與營運 商最終達成改善方案:加強28M服務及暫停行駛28S並將其資源投放回28號正線 服務服務,由2017年10月3日起試行兩個月。我們已進行了一系列的班次調查並 將會與運輸署商討試行期間遇到的問題。歡迎繼續向我們發表意見: info@paulzimmerman.hk Based on constant reports over the poor service and management of the 28 we convinced the Transport Department with records of over 70 lost trips and 40 buses skipping the Lower Baguio stops that they needed to give the operator a final warning. The Transport Department had been reluctant to do so, as they worry than no other operator will want to pick up this service. Moreover, changing this service is complicated as it covers three districts. Transport Department has subsequently conducted their own surveys and concluded that the problems are serious. Following lengthy discussions with the operator a trial was agreed with adding vehicles to the 28M (Baguio <-> HKU) and dropping the 28S in favour of the 28. The trial commenced on 3 October 2017 and will end in December. We are monitoring the performance and gathering data on the service quality for our review with the Transport Department. Keep us posted with your comments via info@paulzimmerman.hk 服務詳情,請瀏覽 : For its service details, please go to : https://goo.gl/m1ts2X

59號小巴 MINIBUS 59 運輸署建議取消路59號小巴並將其六架小巴調撥到58號及58A,乘客屆時需於香港 仔市中心利用轉乘優惠乘坐59A前往深灣。我們早前就建議諮詢了居民,有部分乘客 希望能最少於早上或下午繁忙時段保留直接往返深灣的服務,以照顧上班或上學人 士的需要。我們已要求運輸署研究收到的意見。 Transport Department proposed to cancel minibus 59 and redeploy the resources for 58 and 58A. Under the proposal, passengers going to/from Wong Chuk Hang/Shum Wan will have to change to 59A at Aberdeen with an interchange discount. After consulting the residents, we identified a group of residents who wish to retain a direct service to Shum Wan, at least during the morning and afternoon peak, for school or work reasons. We have asked the Transport Department to consider these needs before making a change.

69A小巴 MINIBUS 69A 運輸署建議將69A總站由黃竹坑站遷回到香港仔。乘客屆時需乘坐58/69A於香港仔市 中心利用轉乘優惠乘坐4M前往黃竹坑站。於公眾諮詢過程中,有經常使用該服務的 居民向我們表示希望保留直接往返黃竹坑站的服務,運輸署正在研究收到的意見。 Transport Department proposed to revert 69A to the previous route terminating in Aberdeen rather than continue to Wong Chuk Hang. Passengers going to Wong Chuk Hang would have to change to 4M at Aberdeen with an interchange discount. After consulting residents we identified the passengers who actively use the service to Wong Chuk Hang, and their concerns over the service. Transport Department is now reviewing the comments.

43M 運輸署於南港島線(東段)通車後檢討了巴士服務的載客率,並將43M繁忙時段的班 次縮減為每20分鐘一班,雖然班次有所調減,但是巴士公司願意將車隊由原先兩架雙 層五架單層改為四架雙層兩架單層。閣下亦可安裝CitybusNWFB手機程式以查閱 43M的實時到站資訊。 Transport Department decided to reduce the peak hour frequency of this service following a review of bus routes affected by the commissioning of the South Island Line (East). Although the headway interval has been reduced to one bus every 20 minutes, they will increase the deployment of double deckers from 2 out of 7 to 4 out of 6. For real time arrival information, please download the CitybusNWFB phone app.

小巴增至19座 MINIBUS TO ‘GROW’ TO 19 SEATS 增加小巴座位至19座的相關立法已經完成。營 運商會逐步購買新車或於現行「長陣」車隊增加 座位。我們於過往四個月已見到有19座小巴行 走10號、58號及69X路線。 The legislation to increase minibus seats from 16 to 19 has been completed in July 2017. 19 seats is now the maximum number permitted. Upgrading existing vehicles will be implemented gradually. The first 19 seaters have been introduced on the GMB58, 10 and 69X routes.

香港仔隧道間封次數減少 ABERDEEN TUNNEL CONGESTION IMPROVED WITH MTR SOUTH ISLAND LINE (EAST) 南港島線(東段)於2016年12月28日通車,連接金鐘、海洋公園、黃竹坑、利東及 海怡半島。鐵路通車後香港仔隧道的間封次數大幅減少七成。 South Island Line (East) started operating on 28 December 2016 along Admiralty, Ocean Park, Wong Chuk Hang, Lei Tung and South Horizons. As a result, the congestion at the Aberdeen Tunnel has eased. Intermittent closure occurrence has dropped by over 70%.

道路工程 Road Engineering 路面凹凸不平 ROAD SURFACE MAINTENANCE 早前颱風及暴雨過後,部份路面損毀嚴重。我們一直與路政署跟進相關路段的維修進 度。如遇到路面凹凸不平問題,歡迎電郵我們:info@paulzimmerman.hk,請提供 道路名稱、方向及有關路段的位置。 Following the typhoons and weeks of rain the surface of various road sections has deteriorated and potholes have appeared. We have been working with Highways Department on road repairs. Do continue your reports of potholes with clear indication of location via info@paulzimmerman.hk

數碼港道貝沙灣4-6期巴士站 BEL-AIR PHASE 4-6 BUS STOP AT CYBERPORT ROAD 為了改善數碼港道的交通流,我們早前與運 輸署商討如何容許車輛於貝沙灣4-6期上山方 向的巴士站爬頭。 我們建議擴闊實際路面空間容許上山及落山 方向的車輛爬越停站中的巴士,然而政府部 門進行了前期研究工作,得出的結論為方案 所牽涉的斜坡工程太複雜(時間及金錢)。 與貝沙灣業主商討後我們同意繼續要求政府 考慮此方案作為長遠的解決辦法。 我們諮詢居民意見後反對了「落山方向的巴士站向上移,從而提供足夠的路面空間供上 山及落山方向的車輛爬越停站的巴士」的反建議。雖然不少駕駛人士表示支持,但是亦 有很多乘坐公共交通的居民表示位置不方便以及希望能於同一個站等候58M小巴。 運輸署正在收集更多交通流的數據,然後再決定具體方案。由於巴士乘客上車所需時間 普遍比落車時間多,署方正在研究將爬頭線由落山方向改為上山方向的可行性。 To improve traffic flow along Cyberport Road we initiated discussions on allowing vehicles to overtake buses which stop at the (uphill) bus stop near Bel-Air Phase 4-6. We proposed turning the opposite bus stop into a layby, but Government considers the slope works required too complicated (time, money). Following discussions with the Bel-Air Owners’ Committee we agreed to continue to press for this option. We have objected to the counter proposal which involved moving the (downhill) bus stop up the road. While the implementation would have been simple, and drivers supported the move, the location is inconvenient for bus passengers and it can’t be combined with the 58M stop. The Transport Department has decided to collect more data on traffic flow before deciding what to do. The option they are considering is to switch the overtaking lane from the downhill leg to the uphill leg.

改善數碼港道路口效率 CYBERPORT ROAD JUNCTION MORE EFFICIENT 2017年8月中,運輸署於域多利道南行線及 數碼港道上山方向的行車線安裝了電感探 測線圈。這些裝置會於行車線沒有車輛行 駛或等候時將綠燈時間縮短。 Detector loops have been installed under the Victoria Road southbound lanes and Cyberport Road uphill lanes in mid-August 2017. These loops detect traffic and cut the green time when there are no vehicles queuing or passing through.

車速偵測 SPEED CHECKS 由於早前收到有關非法賽車及超速導致交 通意外等投訴,我們借了一支測速槍以收 集薄扶林道、域多利道及數碼港道的車速 數據。我們發現行駛這些路段的車輛確有 超速(趁綠燈時),特別是貨車。我們要 求運輸署安裝快相機及指出當有巴士埋站 及有車輛轉出或轉入屋苑時會出現險象環 生的情況,署方承諾會研究改善道路安全 的措施。 We are pushing for speed cameras following complaints over road races and speeding related traffic accidents. To verify complaints we borrowed a speed gun to measure speeds along Pok Fu Lam Road, Victoria Road and Cyberport Road. We observed excessive speeds when lights are green, especially vans and goods vehicles, along Pok Fu Lam Road. Dangerous situations occur with vehicles stopping intermittently in all lanes for bus stops and to turn in to side roads. Following meetings with the Transport Department we got commitments to study improvement measures for these roads. 影片 Video https://goo.gl/dXDV11

用八達通過隧道 OCTOPUS FOR TUNNELS 我們上年發起聯署行動要求政府加快步伐於 收費隧道安裝電子收費系統(例如八達通)。 7條政府收費隧道於今年起分階段提供電子 收費服務:香港仔隧道及城門隧道已提供服 務;紅隧-11月;東隧-2018年7月。我已向西 隧的營運商要求他們效仿政府做法盡快提供 電子收費服務,但是他們希望觀察效果而暫 時未有計劃安裝。 Following our campaign to implement electronic payment at tunnels, facilities are now being installed at seven government tunnels. Shing Mun and Aberdeen Tunnel have been completed. Cross Harbour Tunnel will be done around November 2017, and the Eastern Harbour Crossing in July 2018. We wrote separately to the private operator of the Western Tunnel Crossing asking them to commit to the provision of e-payment services but they refused to consider it until they have seen it in operation at government tunnels.

違例泊車 ILLEGAL PARKING 針對違例泊車問題,警方對區議會提出的黑點加強執法行動,當中包括數碼港商場和 公園一帶、域多利道及金粟街近墳場一帶和域多利道華富段。 The Police will increase enforcement action at parking black spots identified by District Councils. Included in the list of the Southern District Council are Cyberport area (Park and Arcade), Victoria Road and Consort Rise near the cemetery, and Victoria Road near Wah Fu Estate.

弘立書院-路口及過路處 ISF CROSSING AND JUNCTION 我們一直與校方、數碼港及運輸署研究舒緩返學及放學時間資訊 徑交通擠塞的方案。除了校方改善軟件上的安排外,我們積極要 求運輸署改善道路設計,包括移走近中學部多餘的過路處、增設 雙黃線,以及最近於鋼綫灣道路口增設的「不准右轉」。 We work closely with the school, Cyberport and Transport Department to limit the traffic congestion along Information Crescent during school start and dismissal times. In addition to management we pursue road design changes. We arranged the removal of the redundant traffic island outside the Secondary School entrance, the addition of double yellow restrictions and a ‘no right hand turn’ out of Kong Sin Wan Road.

發展 DEVELOPMENT 華人基督教聯會骨灰龕 HKCCCU COLUMBARIUM 建築物於暑假時平頂,預計會於2018年5月完成內 部裝修及取得牌照。 The building topped out during summer holidays. Fit out and licensing is expected to be completed by May 2018.

碧荔軒 BISNEY CREST 項目接近完成階段,附近一帶的街景將會改善。 Nearing completion. The removal of the hoardings start to show the promised improvement to the streetscape.

協康會慶華中心 HEEP HONG SOCIETY CATHERINE LO CENTRE 慶華中心拆棚後,不少居民覺得建築物的外牆顏色與週邊環境格格不入。值得留意的 是協康會於項目諮詢期間並未有在概念圖展示建築物最終的顏色。而由於協康會資金 有限,所以要更改顏色有一定難度。經歷這次經驗後,我們會緊記問及新建築物外牆 的最終顏色。 When the scaffolding came down the new school building appeared in bright yellow. Residents feel that it was out of character with the surrounding environment. And more importantly, it was not on the original drawings shown to residents. With limited funds, corrective measures are too expensive for Heep Hong. Lesson learned – always ask about final colour scheme for future developments.

航拍機 DRONES 有不少居民問於公園內能否使用航拍機。簡單而言,航拍機系統不得在任何人士、船 隻、車輛或構築物上空或其50米範圍內飛行。航拍機使用者需要遵守以上條例並顧及 其他人士的安全。 We continue to receive enquiries whether drones are permitted in the park. In short, a drone must NOT be flown over or within 50 m of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure. Cyberport Park can be very crowded. I urge drone users to observe the rule and maintain safety standards in the park.

華富邨重建計劃 WAH FU ESTATE REDEVELOPMENT 城市規劃委員會宣佈修訂薄扶林分區計劃大綱圖,今次修訂只針對華富邨重建計劃的相 關變動。 預期新興建的8900伙將於2025-2027年落成。這些單位將用於安置現時華富邨的居民, 以便拆卸及重建華富邨。南區區議會已促請政府要繼續傾聽居民的意見及盡快進行南港 島線(西段)的前期工作。 過往12個月,房屋署多次修改重建計劃以回應各方訴求,包括我們非常關注的薄扶林 道/域多利道路口之負荷能力。同時,署方與我們一同反對動用貝沙灣四至六期對出的 谷地作重建用途。 區內訴求

合成照片(近數碼港道狗房位置) Photomontage from Cyberport Road near the kennels

數百名居民簽署了致城規會的網上聯署信,意見如下: ・ 雖然最近的建築物距離貝沙灣最少300米,但是我們仍 然希望能對最終設計及顏色配搭發表意見,以確保建築 物能融入附近翠綠的景觀。 ・ 為減低對附近居民現有的景觀造成影響,當局應該降低 華富北、華景街、華樂徑及華富邨的樓宇高度。 ・ 將位於域多利道聖保羅書院小學附近的新建築物位置向 後移,確保光線充足及保持開揚感覺。 ・ 當局需為發展項目提供足夠的商用車輛泊車位,避免車 輛沿違域多利道例泊停車泊。 ・ 改善附近一帶的行人網絡,接駁至現有的天然行山徑。 ・ 薄扶林道/域多利道路口需要進行重大改善工程以應付 額外交通流。 ・ 政府需要馬上進行南港島線(西段)及北港島線的前期工 作。

A revised outline zoning plan for Pokfulam has been gazetted by the Town Planning Board to accommodate the redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate by the Housing Authority. Some 8,900 new units will be completed around 2025-2027. These will be used to decant the old estate prior to redevelopment. The Southern District Council has urged the government to consult the community and to speed up planning for South Island Line (West). Over the last 12 months government has adjusted the plans in response to comments we gathered from residents. These include concerns over the junction of Victoria Road and Pokfulam Road, and proposals – which were rejected - to build in the valley directly opposite Bel-Air Phase 4-6.

Concerns raised Several hundreds of residents have signed the online petition letter to The Town Planning Board highlighting the key concerns: • Although the nearest buildings are over 300m away, we want to see the final disposition of the buildings and colour scheme to ensure they blend in with the mountain backdrop. • The height of the buildings at Wah Fu North, Wah King Street and the existing Wah Fu Estate site should be reviewed to reduce the visual impact for nearby residents. • The development along Victoria Road near St. Paul’s College Primary School should be set back to avoid a canyon effect. • The development should include parking for trucks and coaches used by residents – so they are no longer parked on nearby roads. • The footways in the area and connections with nature trails should be enhanced. • The junction of Victoria Road/ Pok Fu Lam Road needs a major upgrade to cope with the additional traffic. • Government needs to commence ASAP the planning of South Island Line (West) and North Island Line.

發展概念圖 Development concept plan

詳情: More information: https://goo.gl/SBtKtS

瑪麗醫院 QUEEN MARY HOSPITAL 今年年初,環保署邀請公眾人士就瑪 麗醫院新大樓天台直升機坪的環境影 響評估報告提供意見。薄扶林居民普 遍支持醫院重建計劃及明白有實際需 要興建直升機坪。當局預計使用率屬 於低水平。政府同意盡量避開民居, 以墳場上空作為建議航段,減低噪音 對居民的滋擾。 Earlier this year, the community was consulted over the environmental impacts of a proposed helipad. The Pokfulam residents generally support the redevelopment and understand the need for an emergency helipad. The utilization is expected to be low as it is on the rooftop. Government has agreed to limit the approach paths to a route over the cemetery to limit noise impacts for residents.

數碼港商場 CYBERPORT ARCADE 數碼港於2016年底委託獨立房地產顧問公司萊坊研究如何改善商場的店舖種類及 吸引力。我們與萊坊合作進行了問卷調查,共收到超過600份回覆。萊坊已向數碼 港提交報告。我們於10月份與數碼港管理層會面,他們的董事局正在研究報告的 多個建議方向。 Late 2016, Cyberport commissioned Knight Frank to study the tenant mix and need for structural changes at the Arcade. Residents took part in the exercise with over 600 responses to our online survey. Knight Frank has provided Cyberport with a final report. We met with the senior management in October. The board of directors are reviewing different options.


居民經常問我們數碼港能否改善公園的維修保養。 路政署正在前卸泥口興建連接公園至數碼港道的行人路,預計今年年底竣工,屆 時公園範圍會稍為擴大。 創新及科技局反對於海濱公園興建球張的計劃,理由為他們希望預留土地擴建數 碼港。居民不希望見到公園或會有一部份被建築物取締,我們已要求創科局及數 碼港澄清其意向。 We regularly have requests for Cyberport to improve the maintenance of the park. And with prodding this happens. Note that the park is being ‘extended’ at the northwest corner later this year with a footpath to Cyberport Road via the former barging point. Plans for a sports pitch have been halted by an objection from the Innovation and Technology Bureau which hopes to develop the park area for new Cyberport facilities. We have asked Cyberport and ITB for clarifications as residents are strongly opposed to buildings taking over the park area.

懷念麥傑夫先生 IN MEMORY OF MARK CLIFT 我對於麥傑夫 (Mark) 於2017年7月16日突然離世的消息感到非常難過 及惋惜。自從2010年成為薄扶林區議員後,我定期與數碼港擔任營運 總監的Mark會面,他處事務實並非常支持於數碼港舉辦社區會議及慈 善活動。我會懷念與Mark共事的日子,並向Mark的太太Susan及其家 人致以慰問。 It was very sad to learn that Mark Clift passed away on 16 July 2017. He was the Chief Operating Officer of Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited. We met regularly since I took office as the Pokfulam District Councillor in 2010. He was a straight forward person who would respond to community requests in a pragmatic way. I enjoyed working with him. My thoughts and prayers go to his wife Susan and his son.

瀑布灣 WATERFALL BAY 2017年6月,一名年輕爸爸由數碼港返回華富 邨時,於瀑布頂懷疑跣腳失足不幸跌落15米下 的瀑布底,最終證實不治。自2006年已有三名 人士從瀑布頂墮崖死亡。我們發起了網上聯署 行動,要求政府加快興建連接瀑布灣公園及數 碼道的行人橋,共收到超過400個簽名。 In June 2017, a young father slipped from the top of the waterfall at Wah Fu after exercising in Cyberport Waterfront Park. He fell down the 15 meter cliff and was killed before fire services arrived. This is the third death at the waterfall since 2006. Following the deadly accident, we collected over 400 signatures online urging the government to speed up the construction of a pedestrian bridge at Waterfall Bay linking Wah Fu and Cyberport.

改善街景 STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT 數碼港道近貝沙灣 - 欄杆取代醜陋的 鐵絲網 Ugly chain link fences replaced with railings at Cyberport Road near Bel-Air

船隻排放黑煙 SMOKEY VESSEL UPDATES 我們感謝薄扶林居民提供船隻排放黑煙的三分鐘 影片。2017年至今,共有6宗成功檢控個案。 We thank Pokfulam’s ‘Smoky Vessel Spotters’ who sent us 3-minute videos of vessels emitting dark smoke continuously at East Lamma Channel. We have had at least 6 successful prosecutions in 2017.

請勿餵飼野豬 DON’T FEED WILD BOARS 我們收到多宗野豬於沙宣道及下碧瑤對落斜坡出沒的投訴。 食環署兩個月前於行動中向一名居民發出定額罰款告票,該位居民將食物放在地上供野豬食用 而影響沙宣道的環境衛生。另外,漁農署正在檢視薄扶林斜坡是否適合進行野豬避孕的試驗計 劃以控制野豬數目。 食環署亦已增加清理沙宣道垃圾站的次數,並會改善垃圾站的設 計以防止野豬進入站內覓食。 我們已要求民政署於下碧瑤通往數碼港的行人路旁邊安裝欄杆及 修補沙宣道的欄杆以防止野豬走出行人路。 We receive an increasing number of reports of wild boars at slopes along Sassoon Road and below Lower Baguio Villa. There are complaints over wild boars wandering on roads and footpaths, and how dogs bark at night when they get near. A couple of months ago, FEHD issued a fixed penalty to a resident leaving food for wild boars affecting the hygiene of the area at Sassoon Road. AFCD is now assessing slopes in Pokfulam to test their "Capture, Contraceptive and Rehome/Release Programme”. It is a pilot scheme to control the population of wild boars. Separately, FEHD has increased the frequency of garbage clearing from the Sassoon Road refuse collection point. They will also improve the design of the RCP to prevent the wild boars from scavenging in the area. We have also asked the Home Affairs Department to install railings along the footpath connecting Lower Baguio to Cyberport Road and to fix the holes in the railings along Sassoon Road.



2017年8月,一名外傭及一隻柴犬於域多 利道遭兩隻流浪狗襲擊。漁農署於過往 數個月已捕捉了6隻流浪狗。我呼籲各位 居民提高警覺。遇到攻擊性強的流浪狗 時請向我們提供資訊以便署方跟進。

流浪貓的繁殖率非常高,如不控制貓隻領域的 數目,引來的衛生問題只會招致更多投訴,最 後漁農署可能會於逼於無奈的情況下將牠們捕 抓捉及人道毀滅。愛護動物協會提供「捕捉、 絕育、放回」服務,我們已成功協助愛協與區 內屋苑合作控制流浪貓數目。

A Shiba Inu and a domestic helper were attacked by two stray dogs at Victoria Road in August 2017. AFCD has caught at least 6 stray dogs along Victoria Road in the past few months. Please stay vigilant and report stray dogs which have turned aggressive.

SPCA has a good programme called ‘Trap-Neuter-Return’ (TNR). For hygiene reasons, it is important to control the size of the cat colonies. Last thing we want is complaints to AFCD who would catch and euthanize. We have successfully connected private estates with SPCA for assistance.

餵飼野生或流浪動物會加速牠們的繁殖率並吸引更多野生或流浪動物聚集,從而令 投訴數字上升,迫使漁農署出動。希望大家明白及避免餵飼野生或流浪動物。 Feeding of feral animals increases their fertility and draws in more animals. This is counter-productive as the increase results in hygiene complaints. And ultimately capture and culling. So please, don’t feed.

慈善大回收 Collection for Charity

11月18日 星期六 November 18, Saturday 10am - 4pm

數碼港商場入口對出 Outside Cyberport Arcade

舊衣物、袋、電器、書籍、玩具、CDs、DVDs Electrical appliances, clothes, bags, books, toys, CDs, DVDs 救世軍會將捐贈物資經分類,於港澳兩地的家品店銷售,收益用於救 世軍推行的社區計劃。請確保衣物為清潔完整、電器為性能良好。 Donated goods are sorted and sold via The Salvation Army Family Stores in Hong Kong and Macau. The net proceeds are used for their community programmes. Please make sure the clothes are clean and the electrical appliances are working. www.salvationarmy.org.hk



領呔及衫鈕 Ties and Buttons 社企「愛連心」的服務對象為香港的基層婦女,她們將回收到的領呔及 衫鈕改造成小手袋,務求自力更新之餘亦可兼顧在家中照顧小朋友。 Les Beatitudes is a social enterprise set up to support low income mothers. Donated ties and buttons are used to make handbags which are sold to fund this meaningful operation. www.lesbeatitudes.com

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