My Conversation

Page 1

My Ideas

Final Idea

My Ideas 1

My Ideas 2

My 1st idea was all about spiders. The reason why I choice this was that there are so many new spiders coming to the UK but also you can get so many different conversations from this, good one and bad ones. The way I wanted to show this was as a poster and have typography spiders coming down the page. The words and sentences I wanted to use, were what people were said about siders and news articles about bits and spider attacks. As I was going though this I was thinking that it would be to much of a joke and wouldn’t really have a meaning to it so I got rid of this idea and started to think of things that could have a meaning behind what I was wanting to show.

My 2st idea I had was all about war. I wanted to make something that was all about what I though about what was happening in the news now. The way I wanted to show this was in a similar that ‘stinks- the death penalty’ ( the-death-penalty/?cat=animation) The reason I wanted to do this is because without using many words you can see what they were trying to say. But as I was going though this I didn’t want to talk about something where I would disrespect someone or start an argument by saying something wrong. So I started to think of something that was opened in the say way as not having to say much.

Spectrogram Sound Waves Sign Language A spectrogram is a visual representation of t he sp e c t r um of f re quenc i es i n a sound or other signal as they vary with time or some other variable. Spectrograms are sometimes called spectral waterfalls, voiceprints, or voice grams. Spectrograms can be used to identify spoken words phonetically, and to analyze the various calls of animals. They are used extensively in the development of the fields of music, sonar, radar, and speech processing, seismology, etc.

I want to use sound waves in my work to try show a conversation in the same way I would want to show braille and sign language. Using the line ‘what do you mean’ but keep in simple. Looking into sound waves I found one ar t ist t hat has d one s ome t hing similar to what I want to create. The artist is called Peter Crawley. He uses sounds and stiches them to make a poster.

Oscilloscope The oscilloscope can be adjusted so that repetitive signals can be observed as a continuous shape on the screen. A storage oscilloscope allows single events to be captured by the instrument and displayed for a relatively long time, allowing human observation of events too fast to be directly perceptible.

I wanted to use my own images for the sign language. I wanted to stick to the sentence ‘what do you mean’ but have different expressions to each poster. So I would make a: happy, sad, angry, confused poster. I wanted to over lay the images using ‘CMYK’.

Peter Crawley Peter studied and continues to work in the field of Product Design. He also creates Stitched Illustrations. The illustrations are created by hand piercing various stocks of paper with a pin and then stitching the paper with a needle and cotton thread. Each line is a 1 minute long sequence allowing for any song up to 6 minutes in length. I find it interesting what songs are conversations look like as a sound wave. I like the way this artist uses this technique with different songs and conversations. This is something I would like to do, The way I would show this is not though stitching but as a poster. I would want to show a normal conversation and see what I would look like as a sound wave.

CMYK I was looking into CMYK, I wanted to use this process on some sing language posters by over laying the image to get that colour change. I tested this on some speech bubbles that you can see on the left. I started off with all 4 colours but I realised that key (black) was over powering so I had to take layer out but as I started to move the bubbles about you could start seeing the key in the middle. I wanted to use my own images for the sign language. I wanted to stick to the sentence ‘what do you mean’ but have different expressions to each poster. So I would make a: happy, sad, angry, confused poster.

Brallie The reason I have choices braille is because it isn’t a conversation that everyone could understand, so I wanted to try show this but trying to make a simple typography poster where I use braille as a overlay. Because I was looking into sign language and sound waves I wanted to keep to the same line ‘What do you mean’ and show this as a question, general and with expression. So I started to make quick 10 minutes posters to see what I could come up with and then I choice 2 that I liked the most. You can see these on the next 2 pages.



My 1st Idea

My 2nd Idea

My 3rd Idea

My 4th Idea

My 5th Idea

My 6th Idea

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