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Book Review: God Revealed - The Revelation of God

GOD REVEALED The Revelation of God is a great book to have if you love studying the Word of God. Scripture admonishes us to study to show thyself approved a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2 Timothy 2:15). God can only be known as He reveals Himself through His Word, and we ask for enlighten and knowledge to know and understand it. This blessed work on “God Revealed” shared with us by Minister Timothy M. Harris, II covers God’s Personified Descriptions such as His face, eyes, pupils, eyelids ears, nose (nostrils) etc. as well as Abilities and Limitations, His Qualities, His Emotions, His Characters, His Names, and so much more. As our relationship with God grows, the more we want to know. The more we want to learn about God, His will and abilities. Our experiences with Him and our testimonies of His goodness towards us allows us to know more about Him. This book purpose is to provide its reader additional insight to who and what God said He is in His Word. God has left on record what He wants us to know about Him and its our job and privilege to learn of Him. Through learning, our faith and love for Him will be increased. While truly understanding God is impossible, but this book would be a great start. TAKE THIS JOURNEY INTO LEARNING MORE ABOUT GOD THROUGH GOD REVEALED THE REVELATION OF GOD. Minister Timothy Harris II serves as Minister of Music at Turning Point Family Worship Center where Pastor Timothy M. Harris and Fist Lad (CO-Pastor ) Evangelist Tanya Harris are his parents. Minster Harris also serves as an instructor in their Christian Education department as well as publisher of the Harris Apostolic Study Bible,and the author of We Are Not Like Them.


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