Project report

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Paul Brough

THOUGHTBUBBLE In response to the September Thought bubble comic book fair I had some of my Dr Strange design previously created earlier in the year, printed on fine quality A5 paper and sold on one of my fellow students tables. With a doctor Strange film now in the works now couldn’t be a beKer Lme to catch the hype. I also created an Iron man helmet using internet plans, this worked as a kind of ice breaker when approaching illustrators at the event. I have recently gained a table for this years upcoming Thought Bubble so I will be preparing work during the summer, I plan to conLnue selling the Dr Strange design possible in new formats, such as sLcker or magnets. I may also make some over Helmet designs as I feel they would make a nice profit, especially if I based them around the up coming Avengers film.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

SAVE THE CHILDREN YCN set brief-­‐ The brief required designers to create a campaign that would gain the aKenLon of fathers and persuade them of the advantages of reading to there children Out of all my briefs during this module this is the one that I feel most disappointed with. The main problem was that is got overshadowed by the collaboraLve pracLce and so became a rushed poster concept, when I had iniLally wanted to expand the design to an accompanying bookmark and web banner. I also felt frustrated with the restricted colours and so I began to steadily be put off working on it. The final outcome isn’t terrible but it’s lacking in content, I feel it’s not to childish for an adult audience but I don’t believe it’s parLcularly interesLng either. In the future for projects such as these I need to beKer plan out what needs to be done in order get the brief over as soon as possible. I plan to enter into future YCN briefs as it’s always possible you may gin the aKenLon of a company of coarse there is sLll risk that the work will be just copied by another illustrator.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

JOHN LEWIS D&AD set brief-­‐ The John Lewis brief required a new design for their home delivery packaging system. My collaboraLve partner and I designed three package designs suitable for reuse. This is the brief that I feel I worked the hardest on, it certainly was the one that I dedicated the most Lme too trying to get the detail down to a t. I think my partner and I created something that could realisLcally be used by John Lewis. There was some trouble however when it came to designing the boards towards the end, as my partner wanted to get them quickly over with whilst I thought it needed more Lme and dedicaLon as I believed not represenLng our work well makes all the hard work previously in the project void.

BURGER ZINE This was a simple enough brief to respond to , all that was required was some illustraLons of burgers to be printed in a zine reviewing the food outlets of Leeds. This allowed me to enter both analogue and digital media, and I got a saLsfied response with the publisher choosing to of my designs to print. I fell these designs could be used for other purposes in the food industry such as menu illustraLons, or perhaps for simple adverLsements. My parLcular favourite is the coloured designed as it shows I’m developing away from only using black outlines and am considering alternaLve colours.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

NEST The latest nest zine brief required an illustraLon with the leKers ‘N’ and ‘E’ at a A5 scale, at the Lme I was exploring Lino cut and so took the opportunity to create something for this brief as well as further develop a new skill. The outcomes rather gothic and sinister in appearance, which reminds me of my past experience in photography where I used to create scenes of horror, this is a possible subject maKer t I should further explore again. The aestheLc gives the piece a really classical feel and I believe this would work well for a book illustraLon brief, perhaps for a book of nursery rhymes. I unfortunately did not get a place in this issue of Nest but a new brief has recently emerged that I plan to enter, this will again give me the opportunity to explore a new medium.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE FILM POSTER COMPOTITION The brief required me to design a film poster for the upcoming showing of ScoK Pilgrim vs .the World at Hyde park picture house My entry managed to achieve runner up and I had my work displayed on their facebook page ( as well as receiving a free Lcket to see the film.) The winner was a lot more abstract in style so I had perhaps misread what the judges were looking out for. I can now see there is some issue with the facial structures of the main characters but for a near enough first Lme try with digital portraiture it’s not terrible. I’m happiest with the choice of colour and typography for this piece as I believe they suit the subject maKer rather well with film’s bright happy-­‐go-­‐lucky video game style. The ‘rainbow’ like colours were also in reference to the colours of the original manga book covers the film is based upon.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐



SECRET 7 The secret seven brief required record covers to be designed for seven songs, you could chose which ones to picks as well as how many designs you wanted to do for them up to a limit, they couldn’t however be labelled with either the song’s Ltle, arLst name and illustrators mark, hence the secret. The proceeds for the records would then go to charity. I rather enjoyed this brief for the range of styles I was able to create in the short Lme I had with it. My Diana Ross cover (1) was very much inspired by the work of MaK Taylor and I learnt how t produce a neon lighLng effect, while my St. Vincent cover (2) allowed my pracLce with photo collage to create a surreal looking cover. My final cover for Peter Gabriel’s Sledgehammer (3) managed to represent the sexual metaphor of the song’s lyrics. I plan to enter this compeLLon again despite not winning a place this year.


Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

COLOURS MAY VARY In preparaLon for the Colours May Vary exhibiLon I wanted to make sure I had business cards ready for any potenLal clients that may have been interested in contacLng me about my work. A printed a run of 64 cards out, with three designs (this would hopefully encourage people to collect them as a set meaning they’d have more cards to remember me by ). Ader the event I only one of each design led, so people must of liked my work enough, sadly I was unable to dell any prints. It turned out what had gained the most interest were my T-­‐shirt displays, however not knowing what potenLal customers sizes would be would prove too expensive if I was to pay to make a range. I hoping to be contacted but so far no responses have been made. As for seeng up the exhibiLon I did my fair share of work, bringing items down from the college and helping with the general layout of everyone's work. The exhibiLon was a posiLve experience, giving me an idea of what it’s like to have work on display to the general public.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

Tiger Print The Lger print brief required designs to be produced used mark making mediums, the designs could then be potenLally be used as wrapping paper stock or even be used in Marks and Spenser's products if deemed appropriate. Returning to using brush and ink I was able to create these swivelling Japanese fighLng fish designs, I think they work well as an outcome and could see them being used. I then went on to experiment in digitally colouring them, giving them a contrasLng red against a blue seeng. These two illustraLons were then ready to be sent. This paKern has potenLal in various products as well as it’s intended use as a wrapping paper. It could easily be adapted into a ceramic bathroom Lle especially with the fish design linking in with a watery surrounding, The coloured variaLon would also work as a paKern for texLle items such as cushions and sofas.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

WrappedCo. The WrappedCo. brief was a simple requirement for wrapping paper designs it could sell on it’s website. The site claimed to be non-­‐profit and gave full credit to the designers. I’m rather proud of my final two entries as I belief my hard work has paid of on these. The work is evidence of improvement in line quality and control. I believe my selecLon of colours could be improved But I was basing them on the actual flowers. This repeLLve paKern could easily be transferred to a fabric material, perhaps as a dress paKern. It could also be used in other types of print for cards. It would make a suitable cover for a photo album or just simply for a book on flowers In terms of my own future use of this design I hope it can be of benefit in my PPP project as the cover of my promoLonal pack.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

Qwertee This brief required me to create artwork that could be possibly voted for and printed onto a T-­‐shirt potenLally making me a profit, the website focuses mainly on pop culture in general. I looked at the recent voLng trends and saw Zelda based work to be geeng a lot of posiLve aKenLon. So I based my illustraLon around both The Zelda Games as well as a cross over with Pokémon another popular Nintendo franchise. The design had a six colour limit and so using haldones was necessary, something I’m gradually becoming more confident in using. I think the outcome is rather true to the design of the characters without being a carbon copy and it was rather enjoyable as a project. The design could be further developed for other uses such as a decal skin covers for the Nintendo 3DS, this could Le in with the launch of the latest Zelda game. The design could even be used for children's sLckers and staLonary.

Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

The failures and the Future Overall my experience with these briefs has been fairly posiLve, there was one brief however that didn’t lead any where, I was approached to illustrate CD covers for a history fesLval and I got quite far into my designs, however contact soon dissolved with emails from me led unanswered, this makes me nervous as to how I can stop this from happening to me as an illustrator in the future. As for future projects I now have a spot saved amongst fellow illustrators with the task of creaLng a small animaLon based around bingo call, I’m excited to be part of it as it may bring me more exposure and with that potenLal clients. Paul Brough pb251725@students.leeds-­‐

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