1 minute read
Ask veteran Miami Heat player Udonis Haslem about power, and he’ll likely have a thing or two to say about the kind of plays a power forward like him needs to execute to put points on the board. Beneath-the-basket skills notwithstanding, he’d probably also tell you this: Real power has little to do with a name on the back of a jersey, the money promised in a player’s contract, or the force of a rebound. That’s why we’re dedicating this issue to all kinds of power—the kind that Haslem hopes will bring home a fourth NBA championship for the Heat in this, his final season as a franchise player, but also the kind of power that transforms and transports us as individuals and as a community.
Consider, for example, the power of poetry. Jess Swanson caught up with P. Scott Cunningham, founder of the O, Miami poetry festival, who aims to help members of the Magic City fully invest in local verse (page 26).

Knowing how to order—or next level: make—a fancy cocktail may just be the ultimate power move. Jump ahead of the curve with your mixology skills by turning to page 78, where Jules Aron invites you to step into the very tasty future of bespoke cocktails.
With so many troubling pieces of news showing up in our feeds lately, it can be easy to feel powerless. Sometimes it’s the smallest choices that give us a chance to be part of the solution. Since Earth Day is upon us this month, we’re sharing three key ways you can go green here in the 305, including options that not only honor the environment but give meaning and power to our daily choices. Flip to page 28 to learn more.
May you find power and peace in our pages this month.
Kristen Desmond LeFevre klefevre@aventuramagazine.com

Shawn David,
Director of Provident Fine Art

Shawn is a 4th generation art dealer that brings decades of experience to our Worth Avenue gallery. He takes pride in helping clients whether they are building their collection or divesting of pieces they no longer desire.

The gallery always has exquisite works for those with diverse and discerning tastes. Pieces include 19th & 20th century French and American Impressionism, Post Impressionism, Modernism and Contemporary works, always vetted for quality and condition.
Shawn embodies Provident Fine Arts’ passion for exemplary customer service and placing beautiful art into our customers lives.
• Hans Hofmann Untitled, 1961 30” x 16” Oil on Board Signed and dated verso Full Page.indd 1 2/28/23 10:10 AM