6 minute read
THE FLI GUIDE North Beach Village
By Melissa Puppo
T u c k e d a w a y j u s t s t e p s f r o m t h e b e a c h l i e s o n e o f F o r t L a u d e r d a l e ’ s m o s t q u i n t e s s e n t i a l n e i g h b o r h o o d s . N o r t h B e a c h V i l l a g e ( N B V ) s p a n s 1 . 5 m i l e s f r o m V i s t a m a r S t r e e t s o u t h t o R i o m a r S t r e e t , s t r e t c h i n g w e s t t o t h e I n t r a c o a s t a l . A n c h o r e d b y B r e a k e r s A v e n u e , N B V f e a t u r e s a c o l l e c t i o n o f m i d - c e n t u r y h o t e l s a n d r e s o r t s p l u s e n d l e s s o p t i o n s f o r s h o p p i n g , r e l a x i n g , a n d g r a b b i n g a b i t e . W h e t h e r y o u p l a n t o v i s i t f o r a d a y o r a w e e k e n d , c h e c k o u t o u r l i s t o f N B V - b a s e d m u s t - d o s a n d c a n ’ t - m i s s e s .
Clockwise from above: The Goodland is NBV’s newest boutique hotel and features an airy, minimalist design and two pools.

Get your bowl on at Grateful Juice Bar.
After soaking in the sunshine, hit up Grateful Juice Bar, which opened in September. Owner Tom McManus says the outpost offers something that was missing in NBV, with a menu focused on organic and fresh offerings— think smoothies, acai bowls, and juices made from scratch, plus bites with a bit more substance like bagels and wraps. “Our place is the best to chill while drinking a smoothie or to sit while using your laptop and enjoying an acai bowl or salmon toast,” says McManus. Even better? Locals are privy to a year-round discount. (gratefuljuice.com)

There are plenty of high-rises and swanky hotels to choose from, but bask in the splendor of boutique bliss at North Beach Village’s latest property: The Kimpton Goodland Hotel Fort Lauderdale Beach. This chic outpost (only 96 rooms) was once home to The Escape and has since received a modern facelift, with coastal touches and an indoor-outdoor floorplan that creates an airy vibe. Guests looking to cool off can choose from two pools—the relaxing courtyard pool or the rooftop pool, where DJs spin, cocktails are aplenty, and views of downtown and the Intracoastal beckon. Prefer a dip in the ocean? Pick up a beach chair before hitting the sand or a bicycle to explore around town. (goodlandhotelftlauderdale.com)
Get your shopping on at The Village Shoppe. Owner Brandi Thostenson originally moved to South Florida to tout her bikini line and settled in NBV, where she opened her shop in 2018. After selling through her own designs, she expanded her offerings to include clothing, accessories, home goods, and gifts from small business owners. “Our shop is very eclectic,” shares Thostenson. “Our brands are sourced from all over the world, and most of our lines are curated by small businesses and designers. We really try to find a lot of one-of-a-kind pieces that people can bring home to their families Peruse boho-chic and friends as gifts and nontrastyles inside The ditional souvenirs.” (instagram.
Village Shoppe. com/villageshoppenbv)

Wine + Garden’s lush greenery sets the scene for a delicious meal.

One of Fort Lauderdale’s most magical hidden gems happens to be in the heart of NBV. Twinkle lights, lush greenery, and a whole lot of deliciousness in the form of wine and pasta (and more) make Wine + Garden not only date-night-approved but fun for any occasion. This restaurant is nestled next to The Market and is a must when in the area. Pro tip: Make a dinner reservation early because this hot spot fi lls up fast. (wineandgarden.com)

Don’t leave NBV without stopping by Archibald’s Village Bakery. Opened in 2021, this quaint Anglo-American spot has garnered a massive following among locals and visitors alike. Married partners Justin Mathys-Archibald and Chris Mathys-Archibald are the brains behind the biz, which taps into Chris’ English roots. “People have responded well to the American-style items, but we have a loyal following of British ex-pats who want a fl avor of home,” shares Justin, who serves as executive chef. Their top sellers range from the Morning Glory loaf (a breakfast carrot cake packed with fruits and veggies) to blueberry scones, which can’t seem to stay in stock. And be sure to try Justin’s mom’s family recipe cinnamon rolls, which are worth a visit alone. (archibaldsvillage bakery.com)
From inset: Scones and cinnamon rolls at Archibald’s Clockwise from inset: Botanic at The Goodland; Dia Soleado and Painkiller cocktails.
Start your day fresh with yoga on the Goodland’s rooftop terrace. Classes for hotel guests start at 8 a.m. during the week and 9 a.m. on weekends. Don’t worry if you didn’t pack a yoga mat; each guest room is equipped with complimentary ones. For those staying off property, check out Yoga on Breakers (at The Market), off ering Hatha yoga forcued on awareness, fl exibility, strength, and relaxation. (northbeachvillageresort.com/village-yoga)
Enjoy a late-night sip at Botanic inside the Goodland Hotel. Its interiors are contemporary, classy, and provide the perfect backdrop for mingling before heading off to bed. Order the iconic Painkiller cocktail (which arrives in a pineapple-shaped glass) or the hotel’s signature Botanic Tonic with gin, cucumber, and mint. The restaurant is also open throughout the day when cravings hit. (botanicfl .com)