Crescent On The Yard - Fall 2023

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Jo r e h t Bro hapter


ff i l t a R shua

ty eta C A l p h a B S t a t e U n i ve r s i J a c ks o n

FALL 2023


SECRET SERVICE The U.S. Secret Service is seeking qualified individuals with diverse skills and background and a desire to serve.


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Message from the International President and International 2nd Vice President.


ON THE COVER Brother Joshua Ratliff Alpha Beta Chapter Jackson State University

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10 Ways to Support the Mental and Emotional WelL-Being of BlackMen READY FOR THE WORLD Annual Graduation Gallery

The 2023 Education Scholarship Winners





Bro. Steve E. Ballard

Bro. Jared Benjamin Bro. Dr. Kent Poindexter


Brother Smith joins Phi Beta Sigma collegiate leaders and regional participants during Fraternity Days on Capitol Hill.

Marvin B. Manigault Jr

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity INC. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington , DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434

THE GREATEST GIFT Greetings Brothers, It’s been said for years and still stands true today that the greatest gift a collegiate brother can give to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is a college degree. On behalf of the entire Brotherhood, I proudly thank you for the greatest gift. This is an all too significant time for you. For some, this is the first major achievement in your journey of higher education and career success. For others, you’ve attained the next level on your educational trajectory. To all of you, we say congratulations! With education being a programmatic focus of Phi Beta Sigma, it’s rewarding to view this cadre of achievers each year in one collective piece. The Annual Graduation issue never ceases to showcase the pride we have in our collegiate members and those Sigma Brothers whose aspiration it is to achieve higher education in his field of expertise. Keep putting your degrees to good use and parlay that expertise to your service in Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity. There’s always a space for your talent on every level.

Hon. Chris V. Rey, JD International President


INTERNATIONAL SECOND VICE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE To our collegiate graduates, I want to extend a huge congratulations. Your graduation is not only a personal achievement; it is a milestone for the entire brotherhood. It represents the investment made by countless individuals who believed in your potential. It’s a testament to your drive, intelligence, and the countless hours of study and sacrifice that have brought you here today. As you embark on this new chapter in your lives, equipped with the knowledge and skills you’ve acquired during your college years, remember that the world is waiting for your unique contributions. I would like to encourage you to uphold the values taught to you by the Fraternity. Brotherhood: Remember the bonds you’ve formed with brothers during your time in college. These relationships will always be there for unyielding support and camaraderie. Scholarship: Continue your pursuit of knowledge, as learning is a lifelong journey. Continue to ask questions and use your education to foster positive change. SERVICE: Whether through volunteer work, your chosen profession, or acts of kindness in your daily life, make a commitment to give back to society. Your skills and talents that you gained during your time as an undergraduate can make an impact on so many lives. These values have been instilled in you

throughout your collegiate journey as a Sigma, and they will continue to guide you as you navigate the future. In addition to celebrating our college graduates we also want to express our gratitude to everyone who attended Conclave in Houston. Your participation and contributions were key in making this event a huge success. The conference was a platform for exchanging ideas, fostering collaboration, and gaining insights into what the future of the Fraternity holds. I want to extend a thank you to all collegiates for your active engagement, your willingness to participate in the business of Sigma, and your effort in uplifting the collegiate voice. As we celebrate our graduates and reflect on the success of the 2023 Conclave, we look forward to witnessing the great things that the future holds, and are excited to see the role you all play in making the world a better place. GOMAB! Best Wishes, Ethan McLean SUMMER 2022 • 5




Brother Smith joins Phi Beta Sigma collegiate leaders and regional participants during Fraternity Days on Capitol Hill.

Brother Drake Smith spent this past summer amongst the political elite of Washington D.C. He was selected as a D.C. Summer Intern for Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, D-PA 6th District. Bro. Smith completed his sophomore year at Lincoln University, PA, and is majoring in political science with a minor in international relations. A Spring 2023 initiate of Mu Chapter, he had just started his term as chapter secretary when he was granted the internship. Additionally, he was finishing up his historymaking term as the first sophomore to serve as Lincoln University’s Student Government Association President. Bro. Smith interviews D.C. government official during a Fraternity Days on Capitol Hill Town Hall session.

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We’re dedicated to building a more equitable future for the Black community. To create stronger pathways toward economic success, we’re: • Committing $30 billion over five years to help close the racial wealth gap • Providing educational business programs and on-demand resources for entrepreneurs • Expanding wealth-building programs, tools and resources • Deepening our relationships with HBCUs, and expanding student development programs To learn more, visit

10 Ways to Support the Mental and Emotional Well-Being of Black Men Last year I penned a few of my thoughts on the battles Black men are facing mentally and emotionally. As we approach a new year, I want to dig deeper into how we support our Black men, students, faculty, and staff. It’s no secret that we face unique challenges in the collegiate setting. However, I believe that part of the support and solution comes through engaging in thoughtful, pragmatic conversations about the mental well-being of Black men. I won’t dig into all the factors impacting Black male mental health. Instead, I want to lay out specific ways that we can offer support toward their overall well-being. I want us to get down to what many are missing, the how-to of support. Here are ten ways to support the emotional and mental wellbeing of Black men on college campuses.

1.Provide safe and supportive spaces.

Creatzng a safe, judgment-free space for Black males to express their thoughts and feelings is critical. This could be anything from a weekly gathering at a local park to a safe online forum for them to share and process their emotions. Having a safe place to discuss their experiences and build a support system can be incredibly helpful in fostering mental and emotional well-being.

2.Challenge negative stereotypes and racism.

Something as simple as reevaluating the images and language used on campus can challenge negative stereotypes and racism. Black men should see themselves represented positively all over campus. Just as widely as other individuals, the model should include highlights and promotion of positive self-image for Black males.

3.Promote cultural identity, pride, and

Black male success. It’s okay to be a Black man. Black men are strong, intelligent, and successful. This fact should not be a threat 12 • THE CRESCENT ON THE YARD

to others. But instead, it should be promoted to build the positive self-image of Black men. Knowing who they are, having pride in the knowledge, and being hopeful toward success should be encouraged, not diminished.

4.Intentionally focus on mental health

throughout the entire college journey. Mental health is not a matter just for freshman-year adjustments or senior-year transitions. It does not begin with one and suddenly stops with another. Instead, mental health should be emphasized throughout the collegiate journey for Black men.

5.Promote positive activities such as sports,

music, art, and mentorship programs. Sometimes our young men just need encouragement. Encouraging them to engage in positive activities can help build relationships, strengthen involvements, and explore talents and hobbies.

6.Encourage physical activity and healthy

eating habits. It’s no secret that Black men are at higher risk for specific ailments and

ByBrotherJarrodBenjamin diseases. Sometimes, the physical symptoms are a result of emotional and mental factors. Whatever the cause, encouraging physical activity and healthy eating habits is an effective way to support the emotional and mental health of Black males. Remind them to move their bodies. Remind them to fuel their bodies with nutrient and vitamin-rich foods.

7.Encourage open dialog and communication.

Talking about what’s going on doesn’t always happen willingly. Our young Black men must be reminded of safe spaces and encouraged to express their vulnerabilities. The more we talk, the more things feel like a secret, less lonely, and less detrimental to our well-being.

8.Provide access to the development of

positive relationships with Black role models and mentors. I am an advocate for mentorship. Black men need to be mentored by responsible, compassionate other Black men. We know the journey and have likely had similar encounters in our travels. If there are no Black men in leadership on your campus (reevaluate the commitment to DEI, but that’s another discussion), then research partnerships that will make mentorship accessible to the young Black men on your campus.

9.Provide access to mental health services and counseling. Yes, campuses have mental health services and resources available. However,

they need to be welcoming spaces for Black men. The unique challenges faced deserve mental health services that align with those needs.

10.Help Black men prepare for life after

college. I cannot stress this enough! Being a Black man does not stop with the receipt of a degree. We have to do a better job of preparing our young Black men for life after college. Do they possess financial literacy skills? Are they equipped with career-readiness knowledge? What about their soft skills and conflict resolution abilities? In my opinion, this is one of the most effective ways to support the mental and emotional well-being of Black men. Prepare them for the real world. Mental and emotional well-being is essential for everyone, but it can be tough for Black men to come by. The challenges of racism, discrimination, poverty, violence, and bias have been a reality for Black men in the United States for generations. These systematic issues and effects can be devastating to Black men’s health. Fortunately, some steps can be taken to support the mental and emotional well-being of Black men. From providing a safe and supportive environment to establishing resources and networks, there are many ways to encourage and promote a healthier emotional state. With the proper support, Black men can live healthier, happier lives. FALL 2023 • 11


D L R O W The proudful stride across a prestigious stage to receive one’s certificate of educational achievement is an experience forever embedded in the memory of every college graduate. For some, it is the first in a series of milestones on one’s academic journey toward a prosperous future. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity is proud to recognize our members who’ve reached the academic milestone that will propel them to the next level of their career.

Brother David Turner


As International First Vice President, through our membership initiatives, I have the privilege to work with Sigma Brothers throughout our seven regions of the fraternity. It’s my honor to present the 2023 gallery of Sigma graduates who’ve received their bachelor, master and doctorate degrees.

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Dr. Daryl A. Anderson, Jr.

Dr. Kerry Brackett

Dr. Xavier Bradley

Dr. Lonnie D. Graham, Jr.

Dr. Corey Demond Greathouse

Dr. Karle A. Hearne

Dr. Dennis R. Hill, II

Dr. Walter P. Parrish, III

Doctor of Education in Applied Linguistics University of Memphis Tau Iota Sigma Memphis, TN Southwestern Region

Doctorm of Organizational Leadership in Christian Ministry Grand Canyon University Alpha Epsilon Sigma Phoenix, AZ Western Region

Dr. Dominique Jerome Hector

Doctor of Philosophy in Health Education/ Promotion University of Alabama at Birmingham Tau Sigma Birmingham, AL Southern Region


Doctor of Education in Higher Education Administration Liberty University Tau Sigma Birmingham, AL Southern Region

Doctor in English Literature University of Texas San Antonio Sigma Kappa Sigma Round Rock, TX Gulf Coast Region

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership Southern New Hampshire University Omicron Chi Sigma Eastern Region

Doctor of Education in Educational Innovation Augusta University Rho Beta Sigma Atlanta, GA Southern Region

Doctorate of Philosophy Houston Theological Institute Eta Rho Sigma Houston,TX Gulf Coast Region

Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis, Higher/Post Secondary Education University of Wisconsin-Madison Nu Sigma Philadelphia, PA Eastern Region

Dr. Ashton Pemberton

Ph.D. in Higher Education and Organizational Change Dissertation Topic Title: The Color of Accusal: Black Men’s Perceptions of Intraracial Sexual Violence Allegations UCLA

Dr. Eric Pulley

Doctorate of Education University of New England Alpha Sigma Washington, DC Eastern Region

Dr. Carlton Simien, Jr. Doctor of Philosophy in Leadership Development University of Florida Theta Gamma Sigma Sacramento, CA Western Region

Dr. Corwin Smith

Doctor of Ministry in Military Chaplaincy Wesley Theological Seminary Omicron Delta Sigma Southern Maryland/Charles County Eastern Region

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Mark Allmon

Alexander Almonor

Shakir Omatayo Blackett

Carlton Burke

Kevin Chan

Leonard Collins

James M. Dennis

Henry D. Green

Rickie Howard

Master in Ethnics and Leadership Johnson University Phi Sigma Knoxville, TN Southeastern Region

Master of Business Administration Kennesaw State University Rho Beta Sigma Gwinnett County, GA Southern Region

Master of Arts in Psychology Eta Beta Sigma Nashville, TN Southwestern Region


Master in Education in Foundation of Applied Behavior Analysis University of Cincinnati Iota Rho Orlando, FL Southern Region

Master of Arts in Educational Psychology and Quantitative Methods SUNY University at Buffalo Kappa Beta Sigma Brooklyn, NY Eastern Region

Master of Business Administration American Military University Omicron Zeta Sigma Prince William County, VA Eastern Region

Master of Business Administration Bowling Green State University Epsilon Phi Bowling Green, OH Great Lakes Region

Master of Fine Arts in Film Theta Tau Sigma Fairfax, VA Eastern Region

Master of Business Administration Webster University Alpha Epsilon Sigma Phoenix, AZ Western Region

Ivan Johnson

Victor Joseph Louis, Jr.

Emonty Means

Nigel Jamal Payne

Melvin R. Rascoe

Matthew Robertson

Amani Tolin

Jason White

Maurice Alonzo White

Master of Education in Learning Design and Technology Post University Alpha Eta Sigma Montgomery, AL Southern Region

Master of Science in Criminal Justice Bethel University Tau Iota Sigma Memphis, TN Southwestern Region

Master of Science in Environment and Sustainability University of Michigan Nu Alpha Sigma Detroit, MI Great Lakes Region

Master of Business Administration University of Central Florida Gamma Delta Sigma Orlando, FL Southern Region

Master of Divinity Lancaster Bible College Lancaster,PA Zeta Sigma Baltimore, MD Eastern Region

MBA in Information Technology Management Webster University Tau Zeta Sigma Frisco, TX Gulf Coast Region

Master in Public Administration Texas A&M University Alpha Zeta Sigma Tyler, TX Gulf Coast Region

Master of Science in Healthcare Administration Liberty University Beta Rho Sigma Charlotte, NC Southeastern Region

Master of Business Administration Arizona State University Gamma Phi Sigma San Francisco, CA Western Region

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Devin Williams

Master of Equity and Diversity in Education University of Nevada-Reno Epsilon Psi Sigma Las Vegas, NV Western Region


Jon Philip Yee

Master in Healthcare Management Yale University Epsilon Epsilon Sigma Seattle, WA Western Region


Adonijah Ali Allsup

Justin Coelho

Lamarrius K. Danley

Nate Haile

Joshua Kankam

Alexander Eugene Kelly

Vinze Patrice Laurden

Kyrin Lee

Claude Roc

Bachelor of Science in Robotics Engineering Widener University Gamma Delta Gamma Chester, PA

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Rho Tau George Mason University Fairfax, VA

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Delta Zeta Norfolk State University Norfolk, VA

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Gamma Chapter Morgan State University Baltimore, MD

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Delta Upsilon Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Mu Pi Kean University Union, NJ

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science Alpha Howard University Washington, DC

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Beta Gamma Hampton University Hampton, VA

Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Beta Alpha Northeastern University Boston, MA

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Kadin Smith

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Film Communication Alpha Howard University Washington, DC

Eric D. Walker

Bachelor of Arts in English Beta Alpha Tufts University Boston, MA


Carl Durden, Jr.

Jared D. Martin

Xavier Martin

Christopher Scott

Damon Turner

DeShaun Van Cleave

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Nu Nu Lawrence Technical University Southfield, MI

Bachelor of Science in Architecture Delta Omicron The Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Bachelor of Science in Social Work Lambda Beta Ball State University Muncie, IN

Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Epsilon Chi Illinois State University Normal, IL

Bachelor of Science in Health Services Administration Rho Nu University of Detroit-Mercy Detroit, MI

Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting & Bachelor of Science in Sports Management Epsilon Theta Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, KY


Jordan Booker

Panha Chea

Alex Guyton

Jabari C. Smith-Perry

Bachelor of Science in Technology Leadership Innovation Management Zeta Zeta University of Houston Houston, TX

Bachelor of Arts in Media Production Zeta Zeta University of Houston Houston, TX

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Management & Marketing Zeta Zeta University of Houston Houston, TX

Dana Gilmore

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology Zeta Zeta University of Houston Houston, TX

Bachelor of Science in Sociology University of West Georgia Alpha Beta Sigma Houston, TX

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Kenneth Arrington

Shane Bell

Bruce Benjamin, Jr.

Mark Billups

Gregory Christian

Delon Cooper

Jalon Cooper

Darius Dotson

Gregory Fong-Wilson

Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership/Human Resource Management North Carolina Wesleyan University Omicron Gamma Sigma Greenville, NC

Bachelor of Arts in Communications Alpha Epsilon Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art Pi Alpha Georgia State University Atlanta, GA


Bachelor of Science in Physical Education Alpha Tau Alpha Erskine College Due West, SC

Bachelor of Arts in Popular Culture & Media Production Gamma Rho Pi High Point University High Point, NC

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Alpha Tau Alpha Erskine College Due West, SC

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Beta Mu Sigma Southern New Hampshire University Charleston, SC

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Alpha Tau Alpha Lander University Greenwood, SC

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science Alpha Epsilon Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC.

Cameron Jones

Paul Jarret (PJ) Odom

Kyseem Powell

Avery L. Shorts

Mondale D. Smiley

Rafik Tarbari

Rashaun Tobias

Roddrick Tooles

Darren Williams

Bachelor of Science in History Alpha Tau Alpha Lander University Greenwood, SC

Bachelor of Arts in English Educational Studies Beta Beta Iota Coastal Carolina University Conway, SC

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Alpha Tau Alpha Lander University Greenwood, SC

Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering Kappa Chi University of Tennessee-Knoxville Knoxville, TN

Bachelor of Arts in Entrepreneurial Leadership Mu Gamma American Baptist College Nashville, TN

Bachelor of Science in Information Sciences Kappa Chi University of Tennessee-Knoxville Knoxville,TN

Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Alpha Epsilon Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte, NC

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Cyber Security Gamma Rho Pi High Point University High Point, NC

Bachelor in Social Work Gamma Lambda Gamma Benedict College Columbia, SC

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Leo Williams

Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration Alpha Xi Alpha East Tennessee State University Johnson City, TN

Amos C. Wise, III

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Beta Chi Sigma Strayer University Columbia, SC

Derek Young

Bachelor of Science in Media and Communication Alpha Tau Alpha Lander University Greenwood, SC


Malik E. Alexander

Joshua Dwayne Babineaux

Kingwood Colin

Abner Devallon

James Glenn

Brandyn Holmes

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Beta Pi Florida Memorial University Miami Gardens, FL

Bachelor of Science in Integrated Business Iota Rho University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership Sigma Eta Sigma Atlanta Metropolitan State College McDonough, GA

Bachelor of Science in Biology Eta Epsilon University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies Iota Rho University of Central Florida Orlando FL

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Iota Rho University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Keldric Holmes

Tyler Huckleberry

Ladetres Dunsha Kirkland, Jr.

Dylan Leemok

Justin Michel

Joshua Ratliff

Tyler Richardson

JaVonde Robinson

Isaiah Scott

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance Education Theta Eta University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, MS

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry Iota Rho University of Central Florida Orlando, FL

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Nu Phi University of West Georgia Carrollton, GA

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Marketing Alpha Beta Jackson State University Jackson, MS

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies Beta Upsilon Bethune Cookman University Daytona Beach, FL

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism Gamma Chi Stillman College Tuscaloosa, AL

Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology Theta Iota Mississippi State University Starkville, MS

Bachelor of Arts in Music Education Alpha Beta Jackson State University Jackson, MS

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Gamma Alpha Delta Nova Southeastern University Davie, FL

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Da’Jon M. Stoudemire Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Gamma Chi Stillman College

Shomari K. Smith

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Alpha Beta Jackson State University Jackson, MS

Marcus A. Winston, II Bachelor of Arts in Marketing Alpha Beta Jackson State University Jackson, MS


Courtney E. Collins

Bachelor of Science in Multidisciplinary Studies Alpha Alpha Delta University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, NE


Andre Tharp,III

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineer Rho Upsilon Sigma University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE


Elijah Henderson

Bachelor of Arts in Music Business Delta Delta Sigma University of Northern Colorado Denver, CO

Amari Jackson

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology Lambda Iota San Diego State University San Diego, CA

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20EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS 23 We’re thrilled to announce our 2023 Education Scholarship

Recipients! The hard work and dedication to education have

truly paid off for these 120 recipients. This scholarship is a welldeserved recognition of their potential to achieve great things and the fraternity’s dedication to reinvesting in our members. The celebration doesn’t stop there! We’re also very proud to recognize our Super Scholar: Brother Adediwura with a perfect 4.0 GPA from the Theta Chapter at Huston-Tillotson University. We want to thank all of the applicants from across the nation for their submissions and outstanding achievements. A special shout-out to our Regional Directors of Education for their incredible dedication and hard work in facilitating the evaluation of hundreds of applications. Their efforts have paved the way for all of our amazing scholars to shine. As we celebrate these remarkable achievements, we also look forward to the bright academic journeys of our scholars and the impact they will make in the future. 30 • THE CRESCENT ON THE YARD 28

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