The Crescent On The Yard - Spring 2020 Edition

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READY FOR THE WORLD The Class of 2020



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4 7 12


GREETINGS Messages from the International President and International 2nd Vice President



Collegiate Brothers excelling in unique interests on and off the campus

WINNING COLLEGIATE CHAPTERS Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter and Delta Omicon Chapter ended the 2019-2020 academic year with great wins!

READY FOR THE WORLD A Pictorial Gallery of Sigma Graduates of 2020

SIX PRIORITIES FOR RISING COLLEGE GRADUATES Preparing for you senior year? Six major action items to help you successfully navigate your final academic year. ON THE COVER Bro. Benjamin J. Jackson, Phi Chapter, 2nd Vice Director, Southwestern Region and 2020 Graduate

ABOVE PHOTO Bro. Deion Davis of Gamma Iota Gamma Chapter and 2020 Graduate



Steve E. Ballard

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. 145 Kennedy Street, NW Washington, DC 20011-5294 (202) 726-5434

EDITORIAL STAFF Dr. Kent Poindexter

LAYOUT & DESIGN Steve E. Ballard

Spring 2020


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Congratulations! To all my Conscious Sigma Brothers moving into the next phase of your lives, we celebrate and salute each of you on this notable achievement. Over the past few years, you’ve toiled on your campuses in the relentless pursuit of one day becoming attorneys, accountants, physicians, educators, corporate executives, professional athletes, scientists and more. Today, you’ve taken a major step in making your career dreams a reality.

room. Hopefully, Phi Beta Sigma has played an integral part in the development of your well-rounded education experience. I encourage you to remember the Trilogy of Change and continue your Brotherhood experience by transferring to an alumni chapter in the community wherever your career takes you. Your time and talents are needed to advance your local chapter and network, and to provide guidance to our future leaders in the Sigma Beta Club.

This is it! You’ve overcome a pathway filled with challenges and hurdles, and now you are crossing the finish line, with visions of what the future holds. You’ve succeeded in capturing a portion of one of life’s perpetual achievements: knowledge. Now that you’ve graduated, it’s now up to you to take what you’ve learned so far and do great things with it. Knowledge is Power!

The Summer issue of the Crescent on The Yard also shines spotlights collegiate brothers who’re excelling in non-traditional arenas. Some chapters continue to represent the Phi Beta Sigma brand in the most impressive ways--we highlight two of those chapters.

We dedicate this issue of The Crescent on The Yard to you, the high-achieving Class of 2020. Even though your celebration plans may have been altered by the coronavirus pandemic and the current social distancing guidelines, we join your families, friends, and fellow students in honoring you. Brothers, take some time to think about what you’ve learned outside of the class-


The Crescent: On The Yard

Hopefully (and God willing!) we are moving toward an enjoyable summer. In the meantime, please enjoy this issue. Brotherhood First! Brotherhood First!

HON. MICHEAL E. CRISTAL, International President

GREETINGS BROTHERS! You did it! As we come to a successful conclusion of the semester, I take this opportunity to congratulate all our graduating seniors. Your hard work has paid off and now it is time for you to share your talents within your respective communities. As we each celebrate moving forward in our education, it is important that we remember to uplift each other during these times. We are continuing to work through fighting COVID-19 together; remember, your safety matters most. Your ICAC team understands how the virus has changed your everyday lives and is dedicated to adjusting our platform in a way that allows you to implement the CDC’s best practices. Remember that everything happens for a reason. Utilize this time as a chance for self-reflection. As collegians we are often stressed by factors that are out of our control. Remember that the goal is to graduate. So as long as you are moving forward you are going in the right direction. “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Brotherhood First! BRO. DANE D. NORVELL, II International Second Vice President

Spring 2020



TRAVELED BROTHER DeANDRE SMITH UNLEASHES HIS INNER CHEF AND WINS! ALSO KNOWN AS “Chef Cool Dre”, Brother DeAndre Smith is a two-time award- winning chef and personal chef hailing from Denver, Colorado. His portfolio of culinary competitions includes: The Chew (ABC), The James Beard Foundation Competition, HMS-Host, and Chefsroll. Currently a senior at the University of Northern Colorado, Brother Smith was initiated in Spring 2016. He will graduate in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications. He’s currently a member of Delta Delta Sigma Chapter in Denver, CO.

Spring 2020



The Crescent: On The Yard

BROTHER BRYCE LANDERS WINS AT LACROSSE “I’M PROUD TO REP OUR SPORT AND OUR WONDROUS BAND”, says Brother Bryce Landers of the Kappa Iota Chapter at the University of South Carolina. A senior, Landers play the Attack position for the university’s National Championship winning Gamecocks LaCrosse Team.

Spring 2020


Spring 2020



Priorities for Rising College Graduates

In conversation with my fellow alumni, we discussed priorities that were not the focal point of our matriculation and holistic collegiate experience. Knowing and understanding the value of these priorities can change the trajectory of individuals. Our goal is to ensure that these priorities reach students as they prepare to graduate; positioning them for success and workforce entry. As collegiates prepare for their final year, there are six priorities for rising college graduates.


Establish credit while in college and maintain credit health as you prepare to graduate.

Good credit can help you qualify for lower interest rates on a student loan refinance, pass an employment background check or get approved for an apartment lease. But when it comes to building credit, students' options may be limited due to their age and the length of their credit history. Once you've laid a good foundation with your budget, savings and income, you’re on the right path to building credit. Here’s a few steps to show you how: • Borrow only what you can afford • Use student loans to your advantage • Use a credit card • Become an authorized user • Have rent payments reported to the credit bureaus • Monitor your credit reports

12 The Crescent: On The Yard



Leave a good and lasting impression with faculty and peers.

They are your top references. While others might seek references from family members and friends, a faculty/staff from an accredited university is a much more professional source. Whether students are applying to a national honor society, graduate school, or a potential position in their field, utilizing a faculty/staff as a reference is always a move in the right direction. Brother Jarrod D. Bengamin, MBA is CEO of The LEAD Firm and Cyber Apprenticeship Program Director at Florida International University. He’s also a Past International Second Vice President of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated.

However, if students do not make the effort to build a professional, personal relationship with faculty/staff, they might deny this request. Usually professors have several classes a semester—after a few semesters or school years fly by, they might not even remember students that did not leave an impression on them. Help them put a face to your name by pursuing a professional relationship with them from the start.


Seek an internship and apprenticeship opportunity in your field.

Participating in internships and apprenticeships can be a great way to get a taste of the actual professional experience in a particular field before you fully commit yourself. Internships and apprenticeships can serve as a way to get your foot in the door with a potential employer and build creditable experience on your resume. Internships and apprenticeships also allow you to 'test drive' a career. These opportunities offer a low-pressure entry into your field; through internship experiences you can decide whether to pursue the career field or not. Investing the time and commitment during an apprenticeship solidifies career entry post graduation. Apprenticeship programs have high retention rates; 91% of apprentices retain employment after the program ends. [1]

Spring 2020 13


Do NOT get unneeded money from financial aid.

Abusing financial aid may provide a short-term solution to survive and meet the desires of your collegiate experience. However, when it is time to enter the workforce, this slippery slope of abuse impacts your net income and/or your credit score. This accumulated debt reduces your borrowing potential due to the loan payments being calculated in your debt to income ratio. This shortterm solution now affects your long-term goals; such as home purchase, car purchase, and credit card edibility. In lieu of abusing financial aid, here are some suggestions to meet the desires of your collegiate experience: • Earn supplemental income by tutoring your peers • Establish a scholarship application goal per week • Prepare a budget and discuss financial gaps with mentor and scholarship office


Find a Mentor.

While the benefits of having a sounding board and accountability partner directly benefit the mentee, there are benefits for the mentor as well. This is why it is imperative that you find a mentor that is prepared to give and receive. The mentor and mentee will put in positions that sharpen soft skills. Soft skill are transferable skills and 21st century skills. [2] The soft skills that will be enhanced with your mentor are: • • • •

Communication Empathy Collaboration Networking

14 The Crescent: On The Yard


Establish a 3 - 5 Year Plan

A leader is only as strong as their plan. The most qualified and experienced leaders have failed before. Their failure was centered around poor decisions. These decisions were formed off of emotions. When emotional intelligence is compromised, the benefit of a 3-5 year plan is most needed. Establishing a plan allows you to build a strategy while emotional intelligence is at its peak. It is vital that you review the 3-5 year plan regularly. This regular review serves as reminder and becomes a learned thought process. “Emotional tagging is the process in which emotional information attach itself to thoughts and experiences”. [3] It is wise to ensure this is what you use to reaffirm the longevity of your career, financial, and educational goals.

[1] U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. (n.d.). Retrieved from itfaq.htm [2] Abbot, S. (Ed.). (2014). 21st century skills. The Glossary of Education Reform. Retrieved from [3] Harvard Business Review Press. (2015). HBRs 10 must reads on emotional intelligence. Boston, MA.

TRI-ALPHA Ends The Year on a Victorious Note By Brother Tijuan Davis and Brother Sam Sarkodie

16 The Crescent: On The Yard

Spring 2020 17

Brothers of Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter in step formation at the University of Mary Washington. Giving the crowd an unforgettable experience. Photo by Bro. Will Bass.

The Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter from Virginia State University celebrated a stellar academic year, which included award-winning community service programs and academic achievements, balanced with crowd-winning step performances. The chapter competed in and won two step show competitions in Florida and Virginia in the same weekend. The trip was affectionately called the “Championship Tour” by many of the chapter brothers, due to the distance traveled in such a short time span to meet their commitment to the events. Alpha Alpha Alpha continued the great stepping tradition that has been associated with our fraternity for many years. Eight-

een members of the chapter drove ten hours to the University of Florida to participate in the Florida Invitational Step Show. Upon arriving in Gainesville, FL, the brothers were able to network with members of the Zeta Kappa Chapter from the University of Florida, the host chapter, and the Mu Epsilon Chapter of Florida State University, also in attendance. The Zeta Kappa brothers were very hospitable and gave the brothers a tour of the Black Student Union Center, the sports complex (which houses the Heisman Trophies), and the beautiful campus which was rich with lots of

Brothers of Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter pose with Mr. Desibanks, popular Social Media comedian and host of the Florida Invitational Stepshow. Photo by Bro. Will Bass.

Brothers of Tri-Alpha pose with the First Place trophy at the University of Mary Washington. Photo by Bro. Will Bass.

history. Tri-Alpha Chapter President and International Collegiate Member At-Large Sam Sarkodie, stated, “We were very thankful to the brothers of Zeta Kappa for hosting us and we look forward to maintaining our bond with the brothers in Florida because that’s what brotherhood is all about.” That evening at the Florida Invitational Step Show, a competition of four teams ensued, but the Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter was victorious, winning First Place honors. After the brothers delivered such a momentous win for the chapter, left Gainesville for a 12-hour trip to the University of Mary Washington’s

Black History Step Show in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The brothers traveled this long distance in order defend the title they won in 2019. In a display of precision, passion, power, and perfection, the brothers emerged victorious again. The Step Master Maurice Grant Jr. said, “We all worked really hard for this, from the steppers to the production crew and it felt amazing to see all of our efforts pay off. If there’s one thing I took away from the tour, it is that blood makes you related but loyalty makes you family. Going on the trip made us realize just how much we truly love the bond that we have as brothers. We have a true brotherhood!” Spring 2020 19


NAMED NPHC CHAPTER OF THE YEAR 2020 20 The Crescent: On The Yard

AT THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Congratulations to Delta Omicron Chapter at The Ohio State University for winning a number of awards, including the NPHC Outstanding University Engagement Award, the Outstanding Academic Development Award and the Chapter of the Year Award. Individual awards were presented to Brother Valdeoso Patterson (Chapter President) for NPHC Member of the Year Award. Outstanding Greek Involvement Award went to Brother Jahzeer Hibbert and Outstanding Citizen Award to Brother Jonathan Graham The chapter remained focused and open to learning from setbacks, utilizing the skills of the members to improve programming, striving for scholastic success, and consistently helping the OSU community by responding to the needs of others. The advising alumni chapter is Beta Omicron Sigma. “Our chapter is very proud of the successes of Delta Omicron,� shared Bro. John Merriweather, President, Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter. Spring 2020 21 21


BENJAMIN J. JACKSON Phi Chapter Philander Smith College Criminal Justice

YURIK BETHUNE Gamma Epsilon Chapter Alabama A & M University


Spring 2020 23


Albert Bailey, Jr. Delta Theta Sigma Chapter Cincinnati, OH Ministry

Reginald Belizaire Zeta Iota Sigma Chapter Boca Raton, FL Education - Leadership & Innovation

Raymond Berry, III Pi Nu Sigma Chapter Las Cruces, NM Biology

Kevin M. Bush, Jr. Zeta Sigma Chapter Baltimore, MD Education – Leadership & Performance Improvement

Ian Lamar Courts Rho Beta Chapter University of North Carolina Juris Doctor

Nolan Fontaine Sigma Omicron Sigma Chapter Toronto, Canada Sociology, Equity Studies & Education

LaSella L. Hall Omicron Chi Sigma Chapter Suffolk County, MA Education – Humanities and African American Studies

Linden J. Houston Sigma Sigma Sigma Chapter Montgomery County, MD Public Administration

24 The Crescent: On The Yard


Maurice R. Jones Sigma Alpha Sigma Chapter Bucks County, PA Education – K-12 Instructional Leadership

Jason H. Lester Delta Delta Sigma Chapter Denver, CO Social Work

Derrick Lloyd Xi Chi Sigma Chapter Atlanta, GA Leadership

Chukunwike Okafor Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter Trenton, NJ Medicine

Aaron Patterson Nu Nu Sigma Chapter Albuquerque, NM Nursing Anesthesia

Donald Gregory Pier, II Eta Rho Sigma Chapter Houston, TX Philosophy

Justin V. Seay, Sr. Beta Xi Sigma Chapter Dayton, OH Education – Educational Administration & Leadership

Carl Spikes, Jr. Theta Delta Sigma Chapter Kileen-Ft. Hood, TX Business Administration

Spring 2020 25


Terry Andrews Theta Sigma Sigma Chapter Valdosta, GA Music Performance

Andrew Archie Epsilon Chi Sigma Chapter Chicago, IL Public Administration

Jairon Castellanos Rho Pi Sigma Chapter Reno, NV Social Work

Halbert Clark Lambda Lambda Sigma Chapter Trenton, NJ Religious Leadership & Administration

Romell Clemons, Sr. Kappa Sigma Chapter St. Louis, MO Information Technology

Cleodis Colbert Mu Beta Sigma Chapter Little Rock, AR Education

Jeremy Cook Eta Lambda Sigma Chapter East St. Louis, IL Criminal Justice

Jovan Crocker Epsilon Nu Sigma Chapter Baltimore, MD Family Nurse Practitioner

26 The Crescent: On The Yard


Carnelius Dantzier Delta Alpha Sigma Chapter Hattiesburg, MS Social Work

Damon T. Drayton Beta Mu Sigma Chapter Charleston, SC Business Administration

Michael Facey Iota Sigma Chapter Richmond, VA Education – Higher Education Administration

Brian Felix Mu Gamma Chapter American Baptist College Theology

Bryant T. Floyd Beta Lambda Sigma Chapter Tallahassee, FL Social Work – Management and Supervision

Christopher Foster Nu Phi Chapter University of West Georgia Professional Counseling

Jamar Gilyard Alpha Pi Chapter Fort Valley State University Mental Health Counseling

Darrion C. Goudy Theta Eta Chapter Louisiana State University Architecture

Spring 2020 27


Greg Gantt Epsilon Phi Chapter Bowling Green State University Sports Coaching

Talib Andre Hester Beta Psi Sigma Chapter Bronx, NY Education – Educational Leadership, Admin & Policy

James Hodges Delta Delta Sigma Chapter Denver, CO Applied Statistics & Research Methods

Ernest Jackson Beta Sigma Chapter Norfolk, VA Professional School Counseling

Russell Bernard Jackson, Jr. Lambda Sigma Chapter East Point, GA Social Work

Jeffrey Johnson Beta Sigma Chapter Norfolk, VA Education – School Counseling K-12

Marcelous Jones Sigma Alpha Sigma Chapter Bucks County, PA Business Administration

Michael W. Keyes Alpha Alpha Eta Sigma Chapter Virginia Beach,VA Divinity

28 The Crescent: On The Yard


Destin Lewis Alpha Beta Chapter Jackson State University Business Administration

Kevin A. Liburd, Sr. Epsilon Psi Sigma Chapter Las Vegas, NV Information Technology

Kenneth Love Sigma Delta Sigma Chapter Woodstock, GA Urban Ministry

Derek Mallow Tau Beta Sigma Chapter Savannah, GA Public Administration

Damone Means, II Xi Sigma Chapter Indianapolis, IN Information Systems

Lamario Moore Omicron Eta Sigma Chapter Bowling Green, KY Higher Education

Paul Parker Zeta Alpha Sigma Chapter Columbia, MD Education Technology

Desmond E. Peacock, Sr. Alpha Phi Sigma Chapter Columbus, GA Human Services Counseling

Spring 2020 29


Chris Porter Pi Alpha Sigma Chapter Southaven, MS Information Systems and Technology Management

Lee A. Senet Alpha Beta Sigma Chapter Houston, TX Education – Counseling and Development

Hermann Smith, III Zeta Psi Chapter Indiana State University Business Administration

Rev. Reginald W. Steele Eta Phi Sigma Chapter New Jersey Religion

Shaka Strong Gamma Iota Sigma Chapter Lake Charles-West Lake, LA Athletic Administration

Anthony J.P. Thompson Beta Iota Chapter Columbia University Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Cecil Tiller, Jr. Eta Beta Sigma Chapter Nashville, TN Special Education

Cornell Turner Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter Petersburg, VA Sports Management & Sports Administration

30 The Crescent: On The Yard


Edmond T. Walker Pi Psi Sigma Chapter Chicago, IL Education – Special Education

Jason Ware Beta Theta Chapter University of Arkansas Engineering & Technology Management

Stephen Whitley Information Science

Mark C. White, II Kappa Eta Chapter University of Delaware Mechanical Engineering

Cyrus J. Williams Pho Psi Sigma Chapter Okinawa, Japan Business Administration

Spring 2020 31

THE BACHELORS Eastern Region

Willie Allen Alpha Chapter Howard University Political Science

Kevin Bracey Epsilon Sigma Chapter Harlem, New York Liberal Arts

Hector Cime Alpha Mu Chapter Univ. of Maryland-Eastern Shore Exercise Science

Shaw A. Coles Lambda Chapter Virginia Union University Business AdministrationEntreprenuer Management

Leonard Collins Rho Tau Chapter George Mason University Film and Video Studies

Zaire Cone Gamma Nu Gamma Chapter Rider University Organizational Psychology

Corey Crawford, Jr. Rho Zeta Chapter Radford University Public Relations

Joseph Darby Lambda Chi Chapter Bloomfield College 3-D Animation

32 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Eastern Region

Marcus Dickey Omicron Theta Chapter Connecticut State University Interdisciplinary Studies

Janaj Francis Kappa Eta Chapter University of Delaware Economics

Kristian Gardner Gamma Nu Gamma Chapter Rider University Business Administration

K’yon Giles Theta Kappa Chapter Salisbury University Communications Arts

Derrick Green Alpha Mu Chapter Univ. of Maryland-Eastern Shore Sociology

Erick Hodge Gamma Nu Gamma Chapter Rider University Human Resource Management

Musaabir Laiyemo Alpha Chapter Howard University Health, Human Performance, Leisure Studies

Richard Lamontagne Alpha Chapter Howard University Political Science

Spring 2020 33

THE BACHELORS Eastern Region

Caleb Latham Delta Zeta Chapter Norfolk State University Music

Malcolm Lott Beta Gamma Chapter Hampton University Journalism

Rashon Lusane Rho Eta Chapter University of Oregon Human Communication

Mario Murray Gamma Chapter Morgan State University Multi-Platform Production

Samuel Sarkodie Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter Virginia State University Political Science & Public Administration

Darius I. Smith Omicron Iota Chapter Old Dominion University Management

Alexander Stephens Alpha Chapter Howard University Political Science

Dijon Stokes Alpha Chapter Howard University Political Science & Economics

34 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Eastern Region

Daveon Turner Alpha Chapter Howard University Computer Information Systems

Dondre Walker Delta Zeta Chapter Norfolk State University Multi-Interdisciplinary Studies

Karl Wallace Lambda Upsilon Chapter West Chester University Criminal Justice

Alex Watts Rho Lambda Sigma Chapter Watertown, NY Business Management & Economics

Boynton R. Weeks, Jr. Gamma Nu Gamma Chapter Rider University Business Administration

Preston White Theta Kappa Chapter Salisbury University Business Management

Kevin Williams, Jr. Alpha Chapter Howard University Political Science

Myles Youngblood Alpha Chapter Howard University Finance

Spring 2020 35

THE BACHELORS Great Lakes Region

Demarco Brownlee Gamma Rho Eta Chapter McKendree University Biopsychology

Elijah J. Caldwell Mu Theta Chapter University of Kentucky Integrated Strategic Communications

Christopher James Chambliss, III Epsilon Phi Chapter Bowling Green State University Individualized Studies

Chandler ClaudĂŠ Zeta Zeta Sigma Chapter Monmouth College Accounting

Melvin Coleman Pi Eta Chapter University of Minnesota Biology, Society & Environment

Marlon Collins Epsilon Gamma Chapter Northern Illinois University Manufacturing Engineering Technology

Antonio Cornelius Xi Sigma Chapter Indiana State University Financial Service

Treveris Cottle Lambda Beta Chapter Ball State University Human Resource Management

36 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Great Lakes Region

Emajh Donaldson Lambda Beta Chapter Ball State University Sociology

Damien Duncan Epsilon Theta Chapter Western Kentucky University Recreation Administration

Alex Drumm Beta Omicron Chapter Denison University Cinematography/Sociology

Stanford Ellis Gamma Pi Gamma Chapter Lake Forest College Mathematics

Nick Franks Lambda Gamma Chapter Central Michigan University Product Design Engineering

Blake Harris Epsilon Theta Chapter Western Kentucky University Criminal Justice

Justin Hayes Omicron Omicron Chapter Oakland University Communications

Devante Jackson Nu Chapter Central State University Education

Spring 2020 37

THE BACHELORS Great Lakes Region

Jalen Jones Lambda Beta Chapter Ball State University Computer Information Systems

Keenan Killingsworth Lambda Epsilon Chapter University of Toledo Nutrition & Dietetics

Benjamin Lane Omicron Omicron Chapter Oakland University Communications

Kolan M. Livingston Xi Lambda Chapter Kentucky State University Agriculture & Environmental Science

Clifton Lovaloy Pi Eta Chapter University of Minnesota Architecture & Afro Studies

Rahmon Mallard Epsilon Iota Chapter Indiana University Liberal Studies

Tyrell Jeirmal McGowan Epsilon Chi Chapter Illinois State University Public Relations

Kyle McKinney Delta Omicron Chapter The Ohio State University Business Administration

38 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Great Lakes Region

Daniel McNatt Delta Omicron Chapter The Ohio State University Public Affairs/Journalism

Valdeoso Patterson, Jr. Delta Omicron Chapter The Ohio State University Biology/Pre-Medicine

Eric H. Morris Omicron Alpha Sigma Chapter Matteson, IL Elementary Education

Andre Reed Delta Kappa Chapter Michigan State University Creative Advertising

Mykael Tartt Alpha Alpha Chapter Wilberforce University Business Administration

Kristopher Nelson Xi Lambda Chapter Kentucky State University Agriculture & Environmental Science

Osaretinmwen Onaiwu Epsilon Phi Chapter Bowling Green State University Individualized Studies

Anthony Riley Mu Theta Chapter University of Kentucky Community & Leadership Development

Nadim A. Sammur Zeta Phi Chapter Purdue University Industrial Engineering

Joshua Williams Theta Beta Chapter Univ. of Wisconsin-Whitewater Business Administration

Tyler T. Willis Alpha Beta Mu Chapter Wright State University Marketing

Spring 2020 39

THE BACHELORS Gulf Coast Region

Ty’Ron Baker Delta Theta Chapter Prairie View A&M University Computer Science

Patrick Chatman Beta Phi Chapter Texas College Social Work

Connor Dailey Epsilon Alpha Chapter Dillard University Urban Studies & Public Policy

Tyrell Gaines Delta Theta Chapter Prairie View A&M University Business Administration

Timothy Garner Epsilon Zeta Chapter Jarvis Christian College History

Derek Garrett Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter Prairie View Texas Accounting

Joshua Harper Zeta Beta Chapter University of North Texas Integrative Studies

Nicolas Harris-Hopkins Zeta Beta Chapter University of North Texas Real Estate

40 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Gulf Coast Region

Troy Hughes Omicron Nu Chapter Southeastern Louisiana Univ. Business Administration & Economics

Dekyn Peters Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter Fort Worth, TX History

Adrien Lee Delta Theta Chapter Prairie View A&M University Business Management

Dominique Penton Kappa Kappa Chapter Univ. of Louisiana at Monroe Marketing

Treivion Sheppard Theta Chi Chapter University of Texas @ Arlington Biology

Octavian Lewis Beta Phi Chapter Texas College Music

Xavier Parnell Zeta Beta Chapter University of North Texas Operations & Supply Chain Management

Saul Quirino Delta Theta Chapter Prairie View A&M University Early Childhood Education

Dwayne A. Ramsey Eta Rho Sigma Chapter Huntsville, TX Health Administration

Robert Taylor Epsilon Zeta Chapter Jarvis Christian College Criminal Justice

Le’Vante Williams Delta Theta Chapter Prairie View A&M University Biology

Spring 2020 41

THE BACHELORS Southeastern Region

Brian Barber Pi Chapter Fayetteville State University Communications

Antwan Brown Eta Alpha Chapter South Carolina State University Physical Education/Physical Activity Management

George Crawley, IV Alpha Alpha Chi Chapter Duke University Psychology

Deion Davis Gamma Iota Gamma Chapter Mercer University Computer Engineering

Jovan Embry Upsilon Chapter Livingstone College English

Dylan Marshall Fields Alpha Xi Alpha Chapter East Tennessee State University Public Health

Darius Foggy Eta Chapter North Carolina A&T State Univ. Mass Communications

Zackerman R. Heard Nu Chi Chapter Winthrop University Digital Information Design

42 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Southeastern Region

KamonĂŠ Hyman Rho Beta Chapter University of North CarolinaGreensboro African American & African Diaspora Studies

Darrell Izard Delta Alpha Chapter Winston-Salem State Univ. Business Administration

Jarvelle Lee Iota Zeta Chapter Morris College Mass Communications

Quincy Mather Iota Rho Chapter University of Central Florida Health Services Administration

Yavel Morris Nu Iota Chapter University of North CarolinaPembroke Psychology

Robert Nisby Kappa Chi Chapter University of Tennessee -Knoxville Business Admin & Psychology

Maurice Owens Rho Gamma Chapter University of North CarolinaCharlotte History

Corvonn Peebles Eta Chapter North Carolina A&T State University Sports Science/Kinesiology

Spring 2020 43

THE BACHELORS Southeastern Region

Brian Pridgen Nu Iota Chapter University of North CarolinaPembroke Criminal Justice

Jessie Redd, Jr. Gamma Gamma Chapter North Carolina Central University Visual Communications

Shaun Roberts, Jr. Alpha Epsilon Chapter Johnson C. Smith University Sports Management

Malinski Russell Alpha Xi Alpha Chapter East Tennessee State University Psychology

44 The Crescent: On The Yard

James Richardson, II Eta Chapter North Carolina A&T State University Information Technology

Justin Saunders Gamma Rho Chapter Elizabeth City State University Criminal Jusice

THE BACHELORS Southeastern Region

Moustapha Thiam Beta Kappa Chapter Tuskegee University Aerospace Engineering

William Isaac Webb Iota Zeta Chapter Morris College Pastoral Ministry

Samuel L. Williams Kappa Chi Chapter University of Tennessee-Knoxville Communications & Advertising

Corey Williams Kappa Chi Chapter University of Tennessee-Knoxville Industrial Engineering

Joseph Winston Alpha Epsilon Chapter Johnson C. Smith University Criminology

Spring 2020 45

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Brian Alexander Epsilon Zeta Chapter Jarvis Christian College Biology

Jett Angel Mu Epsilon Chapter Florida State University Interdisciplinary Social Science

Willie Bates, III Alpha Zeta Chapter Tennessee State University Biomedical Engineering

Zeronte Bates Beta Rho Chapter Tougaloo College Sociology

LaDarius Beason Theta Iota Chapter Mississippi State University Civil Engineering

Antonio Bell, Jr. Alpha Beta Iota Chapter Florida Atlantic University Business Administration

Marquette Bend Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Criminal Justice

Keon N. Berry Chi Chapter Morehouse College Sociology

46 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Juwan Bracey Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Pre-Physical Therapy

Eric Carter Beta Rho Chapter Tougaloo College Psychology

Shadrick Clark Delta Phi Chapter Mississippi Valley State University Criminal Justice

Totiro Clark Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Nursing

J’Remy Dean Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Criminal Justice

Derione De Leon Iota Rho Chapter University of Central Florida Health Science Pre-Clinical

Demitri De’Trayon Chi Chapter Morehouse College Psychology

DaRon Fanniel Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Criminal Justice

Spring 2020 47

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Crenel Francis, Jr. Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Agriculture & Business

Keyshawn Grimmage Mu Epsilon Chapter Florida State University Family & Child Sciencee

Tavonta Hadley Theta Iota Chapter Mississippi State University Exercise Science

Stefan Imbert Gamma Alpha Chi Chapter Florida Gulf Coast University Integrated Studies/Entrepreneurial

Curtis Jamerson Pi Rho Chapter Georgia Southern University Kinesiology

D’Shaun Patrick James Beta Psi Chapter Albany State University Forensic Science

Stanley Johnson Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Criminal Justice

Christain Jones Theta Iota Chapter Mississippi State University Interdisciplinary Studies

48 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Deshawn Montreal Kinnard Gamma Psi Chapter Rust College Sociology – Criminal Justice

Derrick E. McKinney, Jr. Eta Epsilon Chapter University of Alabama at Birmingham Social Work

Ted Michel Gamma Alpha Chi Chapter Florida Gulf Coast University Civil Engineering

Keyshawn Morehead Beta Psi Chapter Albany State University Political Science

Carlos Owens Gamma Epsilon Chapter Alabama A&M University Political Science

Markel Patterson Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter Troy University Criminal Justice

Trevonte Peterson Epsilon Theta Sigma Chapter Selma, AL Biblical Studies

Adrian Pitt Alpha Alpha Lambda Chapter Troy University Rehabilitation Therapy

Spring 2020 49

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Dan Pritchett, IV Gamma Epsilon Chapter Alabama A&M University Biology

Timothy D. Richmond, Jr. Gamma Beta Gamma Chapter Emory University Psychology

Darius Rogers Alpha Beta Chapter Jackson State University Healthcare Administration

Haven Searcy Alpha Pi Chapter Fort Valley State University Chemistry

Jaylen Simpkins Psi Chapter Clark Atlanta University Criminal Justice

Wayne Sinclair Gamma Alpha Chi Chapter Florida Gulf Coast University Health Science/Hospital Administration

Thomas Smith Gamma Rho Delta Chapter Middle Georgia State University Interdisciplinary Studies

Tavarez Stewart Alpha Beta Chapter Jackson State University Computer Engineering

50 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Southern Region

Carl Tart Eta Beta Chapter University of Mississippi Allied Health Studies

Joshua Thomas Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Accounting

Marco Toney Gamma Psi Chapter Rust College Social Science Education

Rodarious Kei’Juandre Turner Delta Phi Chapter Mississippi Valley State Univ. Pre-Law/Government & Politics

Corrie Watt Alpha Eta Chapter Florida A&M University Health Sciences

Delandrion Woods Beta Epsilon Sigma Chapter Huntsville, AL Business Administration

James Wyrick Gamma Beta Chapter Alabama State University Music

Troy Anthony Thomas, Jr. Beta Kappa Chapter Tuskegee University Aerospace Science Engineering

Te’Von Thompson Gamma Alpha Chi Chapter Florida Gulf Coast University Integrated Studies

Malique Williams Zeta Xi Chapter University of South Florida Health Science

Spring 2020 51

THE BACHELORS Southwestern Region

Mark A. Adams, Jr. Xi Mu Chapter Oklahoma State University Landscape Architecture

Darrielle D. Garrison Zeta Alpha Chapter Tennessee State University Business Administration

Donte Holiday Gamma Alpha Chapter Belmont University Exercise Science

Benjamin J. Jackson Phi Chapter Philander Smith College Criminal Justice

Brandon Hunter Iota Mu Chapter Middle Tennessee State University Computer Science

John Lee Alpha Gamma Alpha Chapter Vanderbilt University Biomedical Engineering & Global Health

Julius Mays Kappa Upsilon Chapter Fayetteville, AR Communications

Samuel Mucker Zeta Alpha Chapter Tennessee State University Social Work

52 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Southwestern Region

Dane D. Norvell, II Delta Nu Chapter University of Memphis Political Science

William Sexton Iota Mu Chapter Middle Tennessee State University Leisure and Sport Tourism

Will Smith Gamma Alpha Eta Chapter Belmont University Exercise Science

Christian Young Rho Upsilon Sigma Chapter Lincoln, NE Computer Science

Spring 2020 53

THE BACHELORS Western Region

Tyrell Brown Delta Beta Chapter California State University Business Administration

Mar’quis Bryant Morgan Gamma Upsilon Gamma Chapter Oregon State University Bioengineering

Cameron Hayforth Lambda Iota Chapter San Diego State University Sociology

Acquaah Ivan Alpha Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter Inland Empire, CA Environmental Engineering

Cameron Jackson Alpha Upsilon Chapter California State University Computer Technology

Ian Kirk Kappa Lambda Chapter University of Washington Communications

Terrance Kirkland, Jr. Pi Xi Sigma Chapter Manama, Bahrain Forensic Pyschology

Romaine Kirton-Smith Gamma Epsilon Gamma Chapter American Military University Transportation & Logistics Management

54 The Crescent: On The Yard

THE BACHELORS Western Region

Irvin Mason, Jr. Nu Delta Chapter Univ. of California-Los Angeles Theater Directing

Christopher Pribilo Lambda Kappa Chapter University of California-Davis Aerospace Science & Engineering

Michel Mugisha Kappa Lambda Chapter University of Washington Computer Engineering

Giacomo Poggi Lambda Xi Chapter Arizona State University Exercise and Wellness

Jason Palmer Kappa Lambda Chapter University of Washington Sociology

Caleb Richards Gamma Xi Chapter California State University-Fresno Criminology

Spring 2020 55

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